Correlation between Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Achievement
Motivation on Pencak Silat Achievement
Hilda Ilmawati¹, Adang Suherman², Lasrina Lasrina², Stephani Stephani², and Friskawati Friskawati³
¹SMAN 1 BATUJAYA, Jalan Raya Kuta Ampel, Batujaya. Kabupaten Karawang. 41354. Jawa Barat. Indonesia.
²Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No 229. Bandung. 40132. Jawa Barat. Indonesia.
³STKIP Pasundan Cimahi, jalan Permana NO.32 B, Citeureup, Cimahi Utara, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Keywords: Emotional Quotient, Achievemet Motivation.
Abstract: The aim of this research is to find out the correlation between emotional quotient (EQ) and achievement
motivation on West Java PPLP Pencak silat athlete's achievement. The sample of the research was 16
PPLP Pencak silat athletes of West Java which was taken as total sampling. The research uses a
correlational descriptive method. Emotional quotient and achievement motivation measured by
questionnaire with realiabilty 0,623 and 0,712. Data were analyzed and the result showed (1) t count =3,68
and t table = 2,14, t count> t table which means Ho rejected. (2) t count = 2,40 and t table = 2,14. Which
means Ho rejected. (3) F count = 8,636 and F table =3,80, which means Ho rejected. The finding showed
that (1) emotional quotient (EQ) has significant correlation with West Java PPLP athlete achievement, (2)
achievement motivation has significant correlation with West Java PPLP athlete's achievement. (3) there
was a positive and significant correlation between emotional quotient (EQ) and achievement motivation on
West Java PPLP Athlete's achievement. Based on results, it can be concluded that mental training regarding
emotional quotient and motivation should be implemented on athletes training phase to strengthen their
emotional aspect in order to gain a better achievement.
The psychological aspect is an important part of the
athlete's training process. Emotional quotient (EQ)
and achievement motivation are the mental aspects
that are very influential on the achievement of
athletes achievement. A long process of exercise will
bring up many mental problems like saturation and
problems. So the athlete is expected to have the
ability to overcome all mental problems quickly so
that problems that arise will not disturbing quality
athletes practice. It has been known that mastery of
emotional intelligence was manifested in the ability
to control emotions, to empathize with the feelings of
others, and to use emotions effectively in solving
problems, to help children in confronting with the
demands and challenges of real life, as well as to
improve their learning results (Eisenberg, 2006).
Emotional intelligence facilitates the thinking
process, thus it contributes to the improvement of
learning results. Emotional intelligence is more
related to psychological and emotional factors, such
as the absence of anxiety, so it does not interfere with
a person's thinking process, and it brings benefits to
learning (Leasa et al, 2017) Individual learn to finish
various tasks, obey the rules and have the
responsibilities over the class, learn how to interact
with others, receive commands from a teacher, as
well as negotiate in the interaction within the social
group (Misailidi and Hadjimattheou, 2014). The
concept of emotional intelligence reflects the ability
of a person to distinguish and manage his/her and
others emotions in interpersonal relationships
(Harahsheh, 2017). Emotional intelligence consists of
the adaptive understanding of emotions and using
them to enhance decision making and to regulate the
emotions (Balogun et al, 2017). Approximately 90%
of very successful individuals have a high degree of
emotional intelligence (Dandona, 2016). People with
high emotional abilities also have better social
capabilities, longer relationships and improved
competency in solving conflicts (Herianto, 2017). The
direct relationship between emotional intelligence
and a healthy life demonstrates that using emotional
intelligence capabilities can bring success in life
(Omidi et al, 2012).
Achievement motivation examines why, or why
not, people may be motivated to achieve success,
improve performance, master tasks and be good at
their sport (Mouloud and Elkader, 2016). Achievement
Ilmawati, H., Suherman, A., Lasrina, L., Stephani, S. and Friskawati, F.
Correlation between Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Achievement Motivation on Pencak Silat Achievement.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 289-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
motivation associated with learning and represents a
feeling of joy after the completion of a particular task
by a distinctive manner, and its importance lies in a
sustained effort to succeed in the study and the work
and reflects the desire for performance superiorly
(Harahsheh, 2017). A person who has the motivation
to achieve high accomplishment and he/she is
supported by cooperation among others will have the
motivation to accomplish complex tasks (Herianto,
2017). Achievement motivation has been considered
as an extended person- intrinsic motivation showing
a pattern of actions, planning, and feelings connected
with striving to achieve some internalized standards
of excellence. Need for achievement has been
regarded as an individual's personality affective
person's behavior (Dandona, 2016). Individuals with
high achievement motivation take reasonable risks,
prefer tasks that are challenging, reach inner
satisfaction stemming from their successes (Balogun,
2017). In sport achievement motivation, the
immediate vicinity of the athletes usually plays a
decisive role in his or her expectation level. The
athlete who can pass on to the athletes who are
shown competitor to him/her would not satisfied if he
could not choose the standards of his/her success and
could not put them because she/he can not develop a
feeling beyond whose vicinity wants (Yalcin, et al,
The sample of the research was 16 PPLP Pencak
Silat athletes of West Java which was taken as total
sampling. This study was a descriptive study. The
clear mapping about the design can be seen in figure
Figure 1: research design
X1: Emotional Quotient (EQ)
X2: Achievement Motivation
Y: West Java PPLP Pencak Silat Achievement
Table 1: Calculation of Correaltion Coefficient.
Variabel emotinal
Coefficient (r)
Emotional Quotient with Athlete’s
Achievement (X1Y)
Achievement Motivation with
Athlete’s Achievement (X2Y)
Emotional Quotient and
Achievement Motivation towards
Athlete’s Achievement (X1X2Y)
Based on the calculation in Table 1, it can be
seen that there is the correlation between emotional
quotient and athlete's achievement, achievement
motivation and athlete's achievement and emotional
quotient and achievement motivation towards
athlete's achievement. Furthermore, the correlation
coefficient will be used in the significance test of
Table 2: Calculation of Significance Correlation
Based on table 2. It can be concluded that
emotional quotient and athlete's achievement (X1Y)
and Achievement and athlete's achievement (X2Y)
has significant correlation towards athlete's
achievement of West Java PPLP.
Table 3: Multiple Correlation significance calculation of
Based on the result, it is known that F-count is
higher than F-table, so Ho rejected. From the data, it
can be concluded that emotional quotient and
achievement motivation has string significance
towards athlete's achievement.
Hypothesis test results showed that: 1. emotional
quotient (EQ) has significant correlation toward
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
athlete's achievement. An athlete who has high
emotional EQ able to tackle mentally problems
during a training period. Hence, to strengthen the
achievement, a coach must be focused on emotional
quotient aspect. 2. Achievement motivation has
significant correlation toward athlete's achievement.
Besides EQ, achievement motivation also gives a
strong impact to the athlete in order to strengthen
their motivation during a training period. An athlete
who has high motivation will able to work harder,
impose a strong routine to discipline, creative and
responsible to the training program.
Based on calculation result and data analysis it can
be concluded that: 1. Emotional quotient (EQ) has a
significant correlation to the West Java PPLP Pencak
Silat athlete's achievement. 2 Achievement
motivation has a strong correlation to the West Java
PPLP Pencak Silat athlete's achievement. And 3.
Emotional quotient (EQ) and Achievement
Motivation has also a significant correlation to the
West Java PPLP Pencak Silat athlete's achievement.
Special thanks are extended to Prof. Dr. Adang
Suherman, MA as my supervisor for advice on
aspects of the research, Gita Febria Friskawati, Mesa
Rahmi Stephani, Odilia lasrina and West Java PPLP
to work together with me on this research.
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Correlation between Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Achievement Motivation on Pencak Silat Achievement