The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Outbound for Kids in
Developing Child Character
Wahjoedi Wahjoedi, I Putu Panca Adi, and I Putu Darmayasa
Jurusan Penjaskesrek, Fakultas Olah Raga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
Keywords: Outbound for Kids, Character Development.
Abstract: This classroom action research was aimed at finding out the effectiveness of the implementation of Outbound
for Kids in developing child character. The subjects were children of play group at kindergarten at PAUD
ABC Singaraja with the total number of 37 children. The data were collected by using observation technique
with child’s character observation sheet done by 3 observers. The child’s character observation sheet contains
12 aspects, namely, responsibility, discipline, honesty, love and compassion, concern, bravery, autonomy,
hard work, mutual work/cooperation, politeness, justice and self-control which were then analyzed by using
descriptive statistical analysis technique. The results of data analysis showed that the mean score of the
children in Cycle 1 was 81, falling into the range of scores 75≤M<100 with the Appear (A) category and the
mean score of the children in Cycle 2 was 116, falling into the range of scores M 100 in Consistent (C)
category. The results showed that there was an improvement in children’s character at PAUD ABC Singaraja
from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 by 35. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion of the results, than it can
be concluded that the implementation of Outbound for Kids can improve the children’s character at PAUD
ABC Singaraja in the academic year 2016/2017 with the class mean score of the children’s character of 116,
falling into the range of scores M 100 in Consistent (C) category, and 1person (2.70%) in Appear (A)
Children of early age (from birth to 8 years) who are
physically healthy are active and do a lot of
movements. When awake, almost all of the child’s
time is used to move by using most of the parts of his
or her body such as for running, climbing, hopping,
throwing or movements that only involve a small part
of the body such as pushing car toys, cutting, patching
paper, dressing a toy’s clothes or drawing. The first
movement is called gross motor skill and the second,
fine motor skill. Both movements of the children
enable them to play all the time, that is why this
period is called play period. At the early ages (from
birth to 3 years), the physical coordination of every
part of the body of the child is not yet perfect.
Rapid progress will be achieved by the child, both
in gross and fine motor skills, so that the child’s motor
development becomes matured at the ages 4-5 years.
At the ages 6-8 years the child can use his or her
physical body well. Eyes and arms coordination and
between each part of the body have run well. The
child has the ability to maintain body balance and
uses his or her muscles effectively.
Motor development has a strong effect on other
aspects of development. The child with a trained
physical condition will have more opportunities in
exploring the environment so that can recognize and
understand the environment better. This shows why
physical development (motor) is related with the
child’s intellectual and mental development.
The child’s socio-emotional development is also
influenced by his or her physical development. A
physically weak child will have low self-confidence,
especially when compared with other children of the
same age. Failure to control motor skill will make the
child have low self esteem. Hence, for the child to be
able to achieve and pass his or her optimal
development, we need to pay attention to the child’s
motor development stages by an appropriate
stimulation according to his or her age development.
In addition, there is a need to evaluate the child’s
physical development to be able to detect the child’s
development process early to see if there is a
deviation or problem that disturbs his or her optimal
Ages 4-8 years (called critical period) are the
period when the formation all aspects of the child’s
take place. According to Campbell (1996) at these
Wahjoedi, W., Adi, I. and Darmayasa, I.
The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Outbound for Kids in Developing Child Character.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 305-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ages the child is experiencing rapid growth and
development. It means that the child can easily
acquire knowledge by seeing and listening to his or
her surroundings. Thus, teachers should be able to
insert good character education during the course of
Educators and teachers play an important role in
character education, designing, implementing
teaching and at the same time inserting character
loaded education in the course of teaching. Not less
in importance is the parents or family as the model in
the nation’s character building. So far, education in
the family environment has not given significant
contribution to the achievement of competences and
character formation. The parents’ relatively tight
schedule, their limited knowledge about child
education, the effects of socialization in the
environment and electronic media have negative
effects on the child’s development. One alternative
way to overcome the problem his through play.
Play for children is a meaningful, active, joyful,
voluntary, symbolic activity which is restricted by
rules and is episodic in nature. Thus through play by
using Outbound method teachers can develop child’s
character education in an integrated way, that is by
integrating and optimizing family environment
informal education activity with formal education at
school, in this case, learning at school and learning
out of school need to be optimized to obtain a high
quality learning outcome, that is dignified human
resources. This is in line with Act No.20 of 2003 on
National Educational System, Article 3 that states that
National Education has the function to develop and
form dignified character and civilization of the nation
in the frame of intellectualizing the life of the nation.
Character education can be integrated in teaching
at every stage of development of children of early age
through Outbound for Kids activity. Through
Outbound for Kids activity, the educators and
teachers at PAUD are required to be able to create
conducive environment in the course of teaching
which is child centered, active, innovative, creative,
effective and joyful so that teaching becomes
meaningful and capable of developing children’s
character. It is through this way that the teaching is
implemented at PAUD ABC Singaraja as the model
of education service based on nature and character in
Singaraja City that has integrated outbound activity
which is better known as Outbound for Kids for
developing children’s character.
In an effort to analyze the effectiveness of
Outbound for Kids (OfK) to develop the character of
children at PAUD ABC Singaraja, then the
researchers made a preliminary observation on
Saturday, 19 March 2016. Based on the result of the
preliminary observation, the following data were
obtained: a) OfK was done in the Health Zone &
Outbound Zone of PAUD ABC Singaraja, b) the
activity started at 07.30 Central Indonesia Time,
joined by 37 children of PAUD ABC Singaraja, and
ended at 09.00 Central Indonesia Time, c) the activity
was directly led by the educator and teachers at
PAUD ABC Singaraja who have special skill
qualification in outdoor activities and OfK, d) the
infrastructure and facilities used for OfK activity
were the properties of PAUD ABC Singaraja under
the supervision of SIGMA Adventure & Recreation
Operator (SIGMARO) , and all of them meet the
standard of child’s safety, and e ) the preliminary
observation was done by using an observation sheet
with the following results:
Individually, the number of children with the
character which fell into Does Not Appear category
(DNA) was 2 (5.41%) , Start To Appear (STA)
category 18 (46.65%) Appear (A) category 17
(45.95%) and none of the children showed character
consistently (C). While classically, the mean score of
the children’s character at PAUD ABC Singaraja was
70.649 (70.65) and fell into the range of scores 54
M < 75 just in Start to Appear (STA) category.
With the mean scores above, then it can be stated
that classically, the children’s character fell into Start
to Appear (STA) category. It means that the children
to show the expected behavior although it still needs
help from others. This indicates the need to improve
the effectiveness of the implementation of outbound
activity for developing the children’s character at
PAUD ABC Singaraja.
Based on the initial reflection done by the
researchers together with the educators and teachers
at PAUD ABC Singaraja, then the problems faced
at the time of OfK activity were: a) the
management of the outbound had not been done
in an integrated way which covered a whole unit
from ice breaking , game and reflection, b) the
outbound instaructors tended to lack in the
preparation of the infrastructure and facilities as a
whole and complete according to the number of
participants and activity of outbound to be done, c)
the portion of outbound activity at ice breaking and
reflection was limited and even rare, d) there was a
tendency to stress the outbound activity by using
individual games such as short distance flying fox
that does not optimally encourage interactions among
the children, e) limited opportunities for the
participants to repeat various outbound activities
because they were for single groups so that the
queueing was rather long.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Based on the various problems, then there needed
to be an appropriate solution to make it joyful, and
optimal in using all the infrastructure and facilities of
the outbound and able to develop the children’s
character optimally. One of the innovative models, in
the form of a variety of games, done outdoor (outdoor
activities), and able to attract the children’s interest
and joyful is through the implementation of Outbound
for Kids Activity.
2.1 Theoretical Review
2.1.1 Movement Learning
Motor is everything that is related to body
movements. Generally, motor movement is divided
into two types, namely gross motor skill and fine
motor skill.
Gross motor skill is the movement that is done by
involving most parts of the body. Gross motor skill
needs enough energy and is done by large muscles.
The examples of gross motor movements are
walking, running, jumping, etc. while fine motor
movements are movements that only invovle certain
parts of the body only and are done by small muscles.
Thus, fine motor movements do not need much
energy but they need a careful coordination and
precision. The examples of fine motor movements
are the movement in picking up an object by using
the thumb and pointing finger, cutting, driving a car,
writing, sewing, drawing.
Motor development means the development in
the aspects of maturity and body movement control.
In child’s development process, gross motor develops
earlier than fine motor. This is proven by the fact
that children have been able to use their leg
muscles to walk before they are able to control their
arms and fingers to draw or cut an object. At 3 years
old according to the stages of development, children
generally have been in the control of most of the gross
motor skills. While fine motor skills just start to
develop, which is preceded by the simplest activities
such as holding a pencil, holding a spoon, and
stirring. Fine motor skills take a longer time to be
acquired than gross motor skills since fine motor
skills need more difficult abilities such as
concentration, control, carefulness, and coordination
of one body muscle and others. At the same time as
the development of a child’s age, his or her fine motor
ability will be increasingly more developed and
progress rapidly.
Child’s motor ability at ages 4- 6 years is
different from that of the adult, in: a) the way of
holding something, b) the way of walking, and c) the
way of kicking. The children hold something at
random, while the adults hold something in a special
way in order the thing held can be used optimally.
When an adult walks, he or she only uses the muscles
needed to do it, while the child walks as if all of his
or her body joins in the movement. In kicking a ball,
the child kicks a ball followed with both of his or her
arms which also move forward profusely.
Daily activities, both the simple and complex
ones are always related to movements. Such activities
like winking eyes, walking, running, pouring water,
arranging puzzle chips are activities that are related to
movements. The word “movement” is sometimes
combined with the word “motor”, thus we have the
phrase “motor movement.” Gallahue (1998) states
that “motor” itself actually refers to the biological and
mechanical factor that influences the actual change
that occurs in the part of the body that can be
observed. Thus, motor is the physical ability that an
individual has to change the body posture into various
Changes that occur in children when they get
taller,when their nervous system becomes more
complex, and the increasingly growth of bones and
muscles in principle refer to motor development. The
term motor development refers to physical
development. Physical development means that the
children have achieved a number of abilities for
controlling themselves. The attainment of gross and
fine motor abilities in children of early age is the goal
of the children’s physical development. The
attainment of gross motor control consists of: moving
big muscles in the body, especially in arms and legs
consciously and carefully. While the attainment of
fine motor control covers the use and coordination of
small muscles in arms, wrist with agility. Gallahue
explains that motor development is a change in motor
behavior that occurs continuously along the life cycle.
Motor behavior can be interpreted as change in motor
learning and development in manifesting learning
factor and maturity process that is related to motor
performance. A study about motor behavior will
focus on motor learning, motor control and motor
development. Motor development process follows a
general pattern consisting of three main directions,
namely: a) development from large muscle toward
small muscle, b) growth from head toward toes,
called cephalocaudal development, c) growth from
body axle outward called proximoditsal.
Development from large muscle to small muscle
refers to the use of muscle in the body. The
development of large muscle consists of the
development in the neck, body, arms and legs. While
the development of small muscles consists of the
development of muscles of fingers, arms and wrist.
This can be seen in the condition in which a baby is
The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Outbound for Kids in Developing Child Character
able to walk better first before it can pick up small
Chepalocaudal comes from Latin, which means
from head to tail. In cephaloclaudal development
pattern, the development of body structure and
function starts from head, then continues to body and
finally spreads towards legs. Proximoditsal also
comes from Latin which means from near to far
which shows that the development of movement is
from near toward outside of the body axle and spread
toward its ends. This can be observed in a baby who
is able to turn its body before its arms are ready to
support its body weight. This process occurs since the
muscles in the body axle develop earlier so that a baby
can turn its body upside down before it can sit.
Motor development is a way how the body
increases its ability so that its performance becomes
more complex. Motor development consists of two
classes, namely a) gross motor skill and b) fine motor
Gross motor skill is the ability to use large
muscles in the body to walk, run and climb. Fine
motor skill consists of gross manipulative skills that
involve one movement of body parat such as in
throwing and fine manipulative skills that involve the
use of arms and fingers with precision, such as in
writing and drawing activities.
There as three types of basic movement that need
to be developed in children, namely stability
movement, locomotor, and manipulative movement.
Stability movement consists of swinging, rolling,
turning the body and walking on a board. Locomotor
movement consists of walking, running, throwing,
hopping, climbing. Manipulative movement consists
of throwing, catching, kicking and inserting.
2.2 Child Character Development
Character education should be given to children since
early ages, through various teaching materials by
developing the early child educational materials.
Thus, when they are adult later, when they have a
position they will be able to do good deeds. All the
decisions made will be based on the noble characters.
As we know character education that has been learned
since early ages, in the family environment, at school
and the society have crystallized in the children.
There are some views about character education.
Character marks and focuses how to apply good
values in the form of behavior, show that dishonest,
cruel, greedy people and people with other negative
behaviors are said to be people with bad characters.
The essence of the character education is the system
of values for students at school that consists of the
components of knowledge, awareness or willingness,
and actions to practices of the values. Character
education does not only consist of cognitive domain
but the more important is the awareness of a child to
apply the existing values in his or her life as a good
and responsible member of the society.
Character education is the education that develops
cultural values and the nation’s characters in the
children so that they have and apply the values in their
life as family and society members and citizens who
are religious, nationalistic , productive, creative and
innovative (Depdiknas 2010). Based on the opinion
above, through character education a child is
expected to become religious and can judge which is
correct and which is wrong and does what he or she
believes to be true.
According to Musfiroh (2008), character refers to
a series of attitude, behaviour, motivation and skill. In
daily life people who behave according to moral norm
are called people with noble character. People with
noble character have knowledge about their potential,
marked by values such as self confident, diciplined,
creative, positive thinking, autonomous, enthusiastic,
brave, initiative, diligent, persistent, hardworking,
self-control/careful, patient,resolute/orderly,
responsible, cooperative, willing to
sacrifice/solidaristic, humble, simple, ashamed to
make mistakes, forgiveful, friendly, love
beauty/environment, leading a healthy life, sportive
and open minded (
pendidikan -konsep-pendidikan. html, accessed on 25
April 2015).
Character education is a conscious effort to help
people to understand, to take care of and act based on
main ethical values.When we think about the type of
character that we want for the children, it is clear that
we want them to be able to judge what is correct, to
be very concerned about what is correct and then do
what they believe to be true, even in facing pressure
or temptation those from inside or outside. According
to Megawangi (2007) character education is aimed at
developing character through the process knowing
the good, loving the good, acting the good which is
the process of education that involves cognitive,
emotion, and physical aspects so that the student can
make the character the habit of the mind, heart, and
hands. Yaumi (2014) states that character is morality,
truth, virtue, strengths and attitude of a person as
shown to other people through actions.
Character education as developed by the Ministry
of Education and Culture is developed based on four
pillars that refer to the processing of values in the
domains of cognition, emotion, body and the
management of heart that becomes the unity of spirit
in driving mind, emotion, desire or what are better
known as mind management, emotional
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
management, heart management, and physical body
management. Related to the period of child
development, the joyful learning paradigm and the
world of children as the world of play, then in the
context of the teaching of movements, then sports
domain will be explained in more detail as follows.
Some terms in the teaching of movements include
sports, kinesthetics and kinesthetic learning. Sport is
planned and structured physical activity that involves
body movements. Sport is an activity to train the
body, not only the physical but also the psychological
aspects. Kinethetic is often related to the style or
preference in learning. Kinesthetic learning basically
contains the meaning that the students have to be
active in learning by doing.
Kinesthetic teaching encourages the occurrence of
the involment of physical movements in the effort to
teach the students, such as simulation, demonstration
and role play. Thus, educators have to adopt and
apply physical movement activity and play in
teaching. The philosophy of active teaching is
characterized by: a) I listen and I forget, b) I see and
I remember, and c) I do and I understand (Yaumi,
2012). This philosophy means that by doing or
practicing directly, or in reality, then everything can
be learned, remembered, understood better. In
addition to referring to kinesthetic, the concept of
sports is often mentioned in psychomotor or teaching
that is oriented to motor aspects (psychomotor).
Psychomotor refers to the movements of the body
or the activity of body muscles movement .that is
closely related to mental aspects. It is related to
mental aspects because psychomotor aspects is
actually a union of cognitive and affective aspects.
Thus a whole teaching should integrate the three
aspects continuously according to the child’s level of
In the teaching at the level of early child education
with the theme: “learning while playing and playing
while learning”, then character development that
becomes the focus in this study is sport activity that
streses playing activity in the form of Outbound for
Kids that is manifested in the indicators of character:
disciplined, sportive, persistent, reliable, enduring,
cheerful, hard working and cooperative (Yaumi,
As we know the appropriate time to start
incalculating character is at the early age
(kindergarten or playgroup). At the early age (from
birth to 8 years) children easily receive stimuli and
this is the golden age in the human life. At this range
of ages, children are easy to receive various stimuli
that will have an effect on their brain functions, since
this age is proven to be very critical in determining
the children’s ability in developing all of their
potentials, including character development.
According to Beck (2006) at age 4 children have
reached 50% of their intelligence development, at 8
years they have reached 80%, regardless of the form
and kind of education received. The intelligence is
only changed 20%. Thus, character education should
start from family as what is stated by Woolfolk (1983)
family is a better place to motivate children to have a
high achievement. If succes in initiative and
competition is developed and given reinforcement at
home, by letting children to solve their own problems,
then the children will be able to develop their needs
In addition, many parents fail in educating their
children’ character, weather they are busy or because
they put more attention to the students cognitive
aspects. Character education at school is very
important although the basis of character education is
in the family. If a child receives good character from
the family, the child will have a better education
letter. Many parents focus more attention to the
intelligence than character education. Based on this
fact it turns out that character education is more
important, both at home and in educational institution
(Goleman in
terhadap akademi-anak/diaccess 25 April 2012).
It is here that the family plays the role in educating
children character, since in the family children are
taught good things so that when they grow up the
education is still effective. However, for some
families, the systematic character education process
above is very difficult, especially for some parents
who are busy or have routine activities. Thus, it is
better that character education needs also to be given
when children enter the school environment,
especially from the play group and kindergarten. It is
here that teachers have an important role, in Javanese
philosophy it called digugu lan ditiru (trusted and
emulated)” as at stake. Similar to what is expressed
by Read and Patterson (1980) teachers will become
children favorite when they love children, pay
attention to them, are patient and help children in
learning. Thus teaches should be able to lead the class
well and do not cause a stress. Similarly, Moon and
Mayes (1994) state that a class that is led by a good
teacher will make the class more enthusiastic,
concerned, positive and will achieve a high standard
score. In the class there is only a little stress, and there
will be much coorporation and tolerance.
Since a teacher is a sparehead at school who
directly faces the students, he or she is regarded as an
The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Outbound for Kids in Developing Child Character
idol for the children, whatever the teacher says the
children will follow well. The results of studies in this
past decade, Bredekamp & also some educators of
constructivistic school, Caine & Caine Jansen state
that a learning environment that is not threatening is
very important and children should feel comfortable
to recieve, explore and stimulate new ideas.
While learning when children in a comfortable,
low stress condition, an appropriate learning
environment, children will be able to learn and be
active and enjoy learning. .Joyful teaching according
to the result of the study done by Indrawati and
Setiawan (2009) shows a high concentration that can
improve the student’s learning achievement. A study
on brain and teaching shows the fact that is suprising,
that is when something is learned seriously, in which
a high attention is paid to the subject , then the
person’s chemical nervous system internal structure
will change. The person will create new things such
as new nervous networks, new electrical links, new
associations and new connections. Thus in the
teaching that will be done through play activity, in
this case outbound one will find pleasure, comfort and
cheerfulnes for the children, and in this case the
teacher’s role is very important. As what is stated by
Hidayatullah (2010) there are three indicators of
comfortable condition for learning, namely a) joyful
and making the students happy, b) conducive
environment, both physically and nonphysically, and
c) good service and performance. From the indicators
above the teacher has to be able to create a
comfortable condition so that the children can learn
the lesson given.
Teacher’s suggestion is very influential for
children’s character education. Thus, parents and
teachers at school should follow the same steps in
how to educate character of the children since an early
age through some activities done at school. OfK
activity program that is done regularly at PAUD ABC
Singaraja is a real breakthrough in developing
children‘s character. Regularly twice a month
children join outing and OfK program both in the
school environment and outside of the school
environment and accompanied by educators and
teachers who have special skills in outbound. Thus,
outbound activity can be held optimally according to
the children’s development and children’s character
development can occur in a comfortable, joyful
2.2.1 Outbound For Kids
Play for children is very joyful, without causing any
burden and they are happy, laughing and moving
together. Play occurs because of an excess of energy.
It means that children are seen running and do not
want to be silent because of the axcess of energy that
has to be channeled through play. Furthermore it is
stated by Borsetelmann in Bronson (1995) that
“children’s desire and need to play has been
recognized throughout history, but it is not only
children who explore and experiment, imagine and
play with symbols and enjoy manipulating the social
and physical environment”.
From the explanation above we can conclude that
children always want to play and this fact has been
recognized throughout history. Through play the
children do not only explore and experiment and
imagine and play using symbols and manipulate the
physical environment. Based on this children need
more portions for playing and most of their time is
spent for playing.
Based on some opinions above play is an activity
done by children with pleasure, excess of energy will
be channeled by involving all senses of perception so
that the children can explore and experiment , which
will stimulate their body development better. In the
context of play, now a play activity known as
outbound is developing rapidly. Outbound has
developed widely, penetrating all boundaries and
ages including an outbound that is adopted and
becomes children’s favorite which is known better as
Outbound for Kids.
Viewed from the word formation, outbound comes
from out of boundary which means away from the
scope, boundaries, habits or routine (Susanta, 2010).
It means that outbound is a self-development method
in the form of the combination of a series of activities
in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains
with the experiential learning approach.
Outbound is a method to develop the participants
themselves, essentially the same as the currilulum
used to make the students smarter, more competitive
and have noble characters. Today, this phenomenon
of nature school is one of the breakthroughs of nature-
based formal education whose superiority is
increasingly recognized.
With a good management it turns out that the
nature school with various outdoor activities has an
equal quality with or even better quality than the
conventional schools in general. No wonder nature
schools have been built in almost all big cities in
Indonesia with a significant market share in the
society. On a closer observation, one of the
outstanding characteristics of the nature schools is the
rendering of service of education through the
outbound method for developing children’s character.
However, one needs to remember that the outbound
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
method can be effective if it is managed by facilitators
(educators or teachers) who have good appearance,
charismatic, creative, innovative, good at various play
activities, adept, well versed in psychology,
management, good at communication skill, and
conforming to child development.
One needs long and intensive education, training
and experience to become a reliable outbound
facilitator. The lowest level of readiness is how much
one experiences in capacity building and interaction
in various outbound activities in the field. The basic
solution to meeting the challenge is the possession of
the basic expertise, cooperation and communication
ability that are appropriate for all participants.
The basic solution is in keeping with the scenario
and use of outbound activities for all the participants.
In this study Outbound for Kids was used as a method
for developing children’s character. The reason for
the use of this method is that a) Outbound for Kids
method is a simulation of life and the development of
complex character into simpler one, b) it uses learning
through experience approach, and c) it is done in the
form of play which is full of chearfulness. The model
of the outbound method in this study was developed
by using the pattern ice breaking, game, and
Ice breaking is the opening of activity in the form
of various activities or simple games to break the
frozen relation among the students to create
closeness, both among the participants and the
paticipants and facilitator. Ice breaking is done after
a briefing. After ice breaking the activity is continued
with game and closure.
Game is done in the form of play in small groups
and in a variety of games to sharpen the potential of
movement and child character development. The
variety of games consists of a) bamboo bridge, b)
double bridge, c) unstable bridge, d) unstable single
bridge, e) double hole, f) net climbing, and g) flying
fox. At the end of each game, there must be a
reflection activity with the aim of exploring and
finding together the uses of the game that has just
been played. The essence of each game designed is to
focus on the development of the children’s character.
To end al,l the outbound activities a closing activity
is done in the form of gathering, recovery, final
briefing and praying together. All of the series of
games are designed by considering the aspect of
children’s development, safety, availability of
infrastructure and facilities, faciliitor’s ability, active,
innovative, creative and joyful learning.
This study used classroom action research design
with stages in every cycle which consists of
observation, preliminary reflection, planning,
implementation, observation and reflection with two
The first meeting in Cycle 1 was held on Saturday,
14 May, 2016 and the second in Cyle 1 on Saturday,
21 May, 2016. The first meeting in Cycle 2 was on
Saturday, 28 May, 2016 and second on Saturday, 4
June, 2016. The study was conducted at Area
Outbound for Kinds PAUD ABC Singaraja, from
07.30 to 09.00 Central Indonesia Time.
The data were primary data collected through
nontest technique by using observation method which
was done by using child character observation sheet
which contains 12 aspects, namely responsibility,
discipline, honesty, love and compassion, concern,
bravery, autonomy, hard work, mutual help /
cooperation, politeness, justice, and self-control. The
data collected were then analyzed using descriptive
statistical analysis of mean (M, ideal mean (Mi), ideal
standard deviation (SDi)
4.1 Results of Data Analysis for Cycle 1
The criterion for children’s character classification
was done based on Table 1 as follows.
Table 1: Results of Data Analysis for Cycle 1 with the
Focus on Individuals.
M ≥ 100
75 ≤ M
54 ≤ M
Starts to
M <54
Not Yet
Based on Table 1 it can be explained that in Cycle
1 with the focus on individuals, the children fell into
consistent category or the children consistently (C)
have been able to show character behavior without
being reminded by other people with the total of 3
children (8.11%). Appear (A) category or the children
The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Outbound for Kids in Developing Child Character
have shown character behavior but someteimes they
needed to be reminded by other people with the total
of 21 childREN (56.76%), Start to Appear (STA)
category or the children have started to show
character behavior with the help from other people
with the total of 13 children (35.14%), and Not Yet
Appear (NYA) category or children have not yet
shown the expected character behavior with the total
of 0 child (0%).
Based on the result of analysis of data for Cycle 1,
although classically, the mean score for the charater
of the children has fallen into Appear (A) category,
individually there were 13 children (35.14%) still fell
iinto Start to Appear category. Hence, by referring to
the criterion for implementing outbound activity in
which an outbound is effective or has reached a full
mastery when individully, the character of all
children at least falls into Appear (A) and classically
the mean score of the children at least falls into
Appear (A) category, then the implementation of the
action in Cycle 1 can be said to have not yer reached
the full mastery, thus the study was continued to
Cycle 2.
The problems faced in Cycle 1 were: a) the
children were not free to play, since they focused on
the activity of game being done according to their
concentration and thinking ability, b) the interaction /
cooperation among the children was still limited since
the game activity was done individually and in pair,
and c) some children were brave to join the short track
(track 1) flying fox since it is not started with a series
of games which are more interesting and require
Based on the problems, in Cycle 2 there was a
correction made, especially in the game stages as
follows; a) designing the form of games that are
simpler and do not require children’s concentration
and intelligence, b) inserting group games by
involving more than 2 children in every group, and c)
designing a series of games which are more
interesting and challenging the children’s bravery
before joining the last game or long track flying fox
(track 2).
Through the corrections, especially the stages of
activities for games in Cycle 2 was done done as
follows: a) organizing the children into 2 groups
which were smaller, and b) doing game activities
according to the interest of the children. They were
(1) walking in group of 3 together, (2) playing carpet
folding, (3) preparing a series of games:
bamboobridge, double bridge, unstable bridge,
unstable single bridge, double hole, net climbing, the
game which is more interesting and requires bravery
before joining long track flying fox (track 2).
4.2 Results of Data Analysis for Cycle 2
The criterion for classifying characters of the children
was as shown in Table 2 as follows.
Table 2: Results of Data Analysis for Cycle 2 with the
Focus on Individuals.
M ≥ 100
75 ≤ M
54 ≤ M
Starts to
M <54
Not Yet
Based on the result of data analysis for Cycle 2,
with the focus on individuals, there were 36 children
(97.30%) fell into Consistent (C) category, and 1
child (2.70%) fell into Appear (A) category. While
classically, the mean score of the character of the
children fell into Consistent (C) category. Hence, by
referring to the criterion for implementing outbound
activity it can be stated that an outbound is effective
when individually the character of all children at least
fall into Appear (A) category, then the
implementation of action in Cycle 2 can be stated to
have reached a full mastery so that there was no need
to continue with the next cycle.
4.3 Interpretation of Data of Study
The improvement of the character of the children in
Cycle 1 and Cycle 2, then it can be presented in table
and graph as follows.
Table 3: Results of Data Analysis of the Increase in
Children’s Character.
M ≥ 100
75 ≤ M
54 ≤ M
Starts to
M <54
Not Yet
Based on Table 3 above, it can be stated that the
mean score of character of the children in Cycle 1 was
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
81, falling into the range of scores 75 M < 100 with
Appear (A) category. While the mean score of
character of the children in Cycle 2 was 116, falling
into the range of scores M 100 with Consistent (C)
category. Based on the class mean, then there had
occurred an increase in character of the children of
PAUD ABC Singaraja from Cycle 1 to Cycle 1 by 35.
The increase in character of the children can be shown
in graph as follows.
Figure 1: Increase in Character of the Children from Cycle
1 to Cycle 2.
Based on the results of the analysis of the data from
the two cycles of the implementation of Outbound
for Kids to develop children’s character, in Cycle 1
the class mean was 81, falling into the range of scores
75≤ M < 100 with Appear (A) category with the
details for the individuals as follows: the children in
Consistent Category or children who consistently
have shown character behavior without the need of
being reminded by other people was 3 persons
(8.11%), those in Appear category or those who have
shown to have been able to show character behavior
but sometimes still need to be reminded by other
people was 21 persons (56.76%), Start to Appear
category or children who have started to show
character behavior with the help of other people was
13 persons (35.14%), and Not Yet Appear (NYA)
category or children have not shown the expected
character behavior was 0 person (0%0. While in
Cycle 2 the class mean was 116, falling into the range
of scores M100 with Consistent (C) category with
the details for the individuals as follows; the children
in consistent category or those who consistently (C)
have been able to show character behavior without
the need of being reminded by other people was 36
persons (97.30%), Appear (A) or those who need to
be reminded by other people was 1 person ( 2.70%),
Start to Appear category or those who start to show
character behavior with the help of other people was
0 (0 %).
Based on the class mean score of the character of
the children from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2, there was an
increase of 35 (116 81). The significant increase
also occurred in character of the individual children,
in which the number of those who have achieved a
full mastery in Cycle 1 was 24 persons (64.86%), and
in Cycle 2 was 37 persons (100%). Thus,
individually, there was an increase in character of the
children from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 by 35.14%. This
increase shows that the implementation of Outbound
for Kids done efficiently and effectively with the
correction in teaching based on the weaknesses,
hindrance or problems that were faced in Cycle 1.
Based on the result of the analysis of data above,
it can be described further that the increase or
development of the children’s character through the
implementation of Outbound occurred because: a) the
activities of Outbound for Kids were done in an
integrated way which consisted of a whole unit of
stages of ice breaking, game and reflection, b) the
researchers together with the instructor of Outbound
for Kids prepared complete infrastructure and
facilities according to the number of the children and
the activities of Outbound for Kids that were going
to be done, c) the portion of the activities of Outbound
for Kids at the stage of ice breaking and reflection was
increased , d) the activities of Outbound for Kids were
done in combination, both in game infrastructure and
facilities for individuals and in those for groups so
that this could encourage optimal interactions among
the children, e) the opportunities for the children to
repeat various Outbound for Kids activities were
more open since they were divided into 2 - 4 groups
so that the time of queueing was shorter, and f) the
children paid more attention to the instructor of the
Outbound for Kids and felt more interested in various
forms of games, more varied infrastructures and
facilities, and the existence of a combination of games
in the field, on the surface of the pool water and
floating in the air.
The results of this study conform to
Borsetelmann’s theory (in Bronson, 1995) that states
that children state that they always want to play,
which has been recognized throughout history.
Susanta (2010) who states that the essence of
outbound which comes from the words out of
boundary contains the meaning ‘going outside of the
scope, boundary, habit or routinity. In the sense that
outbound is a method of self development in the form
of a combination of a series of activities in the
domains of knowledge, attitude, and skill with the
learning through experience approach.
The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Outbound for Kids in Developing Child Character
Outbound for Kids is a method for developing the
parrticipants which is essentially the same as the
curriculum used to make the student more intelligent,
more competitive, and have noble character. Now, the
phenomenon of a nature school as one of the
breakthroughs in the formal education based on
nature gets more recognition for its superiority.
With a good management, it turns out that a nature
school with various kinds of outdoor activities has a
better quality than the conventional school in general.
Now wonder that almost all big cities in Indonesia
have nature schools that have a significant market
share in the society. On a close observation, one of
the outstanding characteristics of the nature school is
an educational service through Outbound for Kids
method for developing children’s character.
Based on the result of analysis of the data and
based on the relevant theories, generally, this study
has been able to help PAUD ABC Singaraja to
improve the children’s character. It could optimize
the the quality of PAUD ABC as a model school in
developing children of early ages based on characterr
Based on the result of the analysis of the data and the
discussion of the reults of this study, it can be
concluded that the implementation of Outbound for
Kids could improve the character of children at
PAUD ABC Singaraja in the academic year
1016/2017 with the mean score of 116, falling into the
range of scores M ≥ 100 with Consistent (C) category
and individually the character of 36 children fell into
Consistent IC) category and one child (2.70%) in
Appear (A) category.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education