Development of Instructional Model Enterprise-based Problem
Based Learning in Sport Science Program of Faculty of Sport Science
Gusril Gusril and Apri Agus
Department of Health and Recreation, Sports Science Faculty, State University of Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Instructional Model, Entrepreneur learning models, problem based learning.
Abstract: The purpose of this study to obtain based Enterprise Learning Model Problem Based Learning valid, practical,
and effective. This type of research are: Research and Development (R & D). The sample were 168 students
of IKOR. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. T test was used to test the effectiveness.
Based on data analysis and discussion it can be concluded that: The process of development of entrepreneurial
learning model based on Problem Based Learning is done by analyzing the curriculum, uncover perceptions
and attitudes of students towards entrepreneurship, design models, develop, implement and evaluate the
advantages and disadvantages of models produced is practical and effective.
The impact of all these problems, there is no graduate
department of IKOR UNP to become entrepreneurs.
"Entrepreneurship Learning Model-based
Development of Problem Based Learning in UNP
IKOR Studies Program. Given this research will
certainly be able to overcome the problems of
entrepreneurship lectures and also improve the
quality of lectures in the future full of challenges.
1.1 Problem-Based Learning Model
Based on Entrepreneurship
Learning model is an abstraction of an object under
study. Changes in teaching methods that do of course
leads to corrections or improvements of previous
models which would aim to improve the quality of
learning should be done by educators and improve
learning outcomes obtained by learners. The
development is also defined as the systematic
application of knowledge and understanding that is
directed to the production of useful materials,
devices, systems or methods, including design,
development and improvement priorities and new
processes to meet specific requirements. In this case,
the research is the development of activities that
describe the activities associated with the creation or
invention, methods / products and use new found
knowledge to meet the needs (Son, 2011).
Development of learning models not an easy task and
can be done at will. Learning model development
process was through systematic stages. Ded that the
process of developing a model of learning done
carefully and engage people and experts to evaluate a
new model. Before testing the product, necessary to
test the design of a model created beforehand. Once
the design is designed tested, it needs to be applied
first, then be revaluated to see the advantages and
disadvantages of the development is done. After an
assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of
the model development by experts, will be produced
or applied mass and into the findings. The material of
entrepreneurship that has been given today consists
of: basic concepts of entrepreneurship, introduction
of entrepreneurial potential, factors driving
entrepreneurship, business planning and practice of
entrepreneurship, forms of entrepreneurial,
management and marketing, tips the success of
entrepreneurship, partnership in entrepreneurship,
capital business and financial management,
entrepreneurship success tips. According to the type
of research developed conducted by ADDIE models.
Instructional design principles, applied in the
framework of values Lebow (1993), can cause a
variety of learning models. Diverse learning model
that reflects these principles are described Duffy and
Jonassen (1992) and Duffy, Lowyck, and Jonassen
Gusril, G. and Agus, A.
Development of Instructional Model Enterprise-based Problem Based Learning in Sport Science Program of Faculty of Sport Science.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 315-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(1993). Elaboration and implementation of these
principles in the specific context described (Brooks &
Brooks, 1993; Fosnot, 1989; & Duffy, 1994). PBL
model is effectively used in the learning process
Howard Barrows (1985; 1992). Implementation of
the education program, there are two policies relating
to the matter of entrepreneurship, namely: 1)
entrepreneurship as a subject in secondary education,
and as a subject in higher education, as well as 2)
entrepreneurship as a skill that is based on standards
of competence (MONE 2010). The last few years, a
lot of research on entrepreneurship worldwide
(Kuratko, 2003). It seems that the entrepreneurial
engine that drives the economy and society most
countries (Brock and Evans, 1989; Acs, 1992; Carree
and Thurik, 2002). Although entrepreneurship is not
a new concept, but the attention of research during the
past 15 years, entrepreneurship is now considered
essential to cope with the new competitive measures
(Hitt and Reed, 2000). This arises for a number of
reasons, such as the fact that entrepreneurship is felt
to benefit both at the macro level of economic
development (Birch, 1979) and also at the micro level
of satisfaction and personal achievement (Anderson,
Kirkwood and Jack, 1998).
According to Binks (2005), the pedagogical
process involved in impulse behavior and mindset of
entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship education
is functionally able to create and increase awareness
and promote entrepreneurship as a career option
among young people (Clayton, 1989; Fleming 1996).
Therefore the role of entrepreneurship education,
especially for building a culture of entrepreneurship
among young people, which in turn will improve the
career choice to become entrepreneurs (Deakins,
Glancey et al., 2005). The purpose of
entrepreneurship education is directed to change the
state of the behavior and intentions of students to
understand entrepreneurship, becoming self-
employed and become entrepreneurs which
eventually resulted in the formation of new
businesses and new jobs. Opportunity (Fayolle and
Gailly 2005; Hannon 2005; Venkatachalam and
Waqif 2005) in achieving this, the design of the
curriculum in entrepreneurship education need to be
creative, innovative and imaginative and the most
important thing is 'academic learning to real world'
(Robinson and Haynes, 1991).
Universities and higher education institutions play
a major role in instilling entrepreneurial knowledge
and skills students are useful for a future career
(Nurmi and Paasio 2007). Entrepreneurship
education is recognized as one of the determining
factors can influence the career decisions of students
(Kolvereid and Moen 1997; Peterman and Kennedy
2003). Entrepreneurship education can affect the
tendency of students to entrepreneurship. The field of
entrepreneurship education (Wang and Wong, 2004;
Wong and Lena 2005; Menziesand Tatroff 2006),
studies that specifically investigated the relationship
between entrepreneurship education at the University
Malaysia student.
In line with the evolution of the field of
entrepreneurship there is increased interest in the
development of educational programs to encourage
and develop entrepreneurship (Solomon et al., 2002).
Recent studies (Finkle and Deeds, 2001) shows that
the demand for entrepreneurship material in each
faculty has increased rapidly over the last decade. In
addition, the deployment of "corporate culture"
(Keats and Abercrombie, 1991) aroused interest
among the students academically. Peter Drucker as
one of the leading management thinkers stated that
entrepreneurship is not magic, no mystery, and this
has nothing to do with genes. Small Business
Research Trust (1998) showed that only 13% of the
survey sample who believe that entrepreneurial skills
can not be obtained through the learning process.
Broad notion that entrepreneurship education will
produce more entrepreneurs and better than in the
past (Ronstadt, 1985) and that education will increase
the chances for success of entrepreneurship (Kirby,
1.2 Problem Based Learning
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is defined problem-
based learning designed for graduate programs in the
health field. PBL confirmed it be set in the form of
learning that begins with a problem that is used by the
instructor as metacognitive training and ends with the
presentation and analysis of student work. PBL is
expected to stimulate students to gain important
knowledge, so that students are adept at solving
problems and has a self-learning strategies and have
the skills to participate in the group. PBL uses a
systemic approach to solve a problem or face a
challenge that is later required in real life. PBL also
be regarded as a model of learning that challenges
students to learn how to learn, to work in groups to
seek solutions to real-world problems. The given
problem used to bind learners curiosity towards
learning in question.
Problem based learning (PBL) is the most
innovative teaching methods are understood and
applied in education. It aims to improve the
application of knowledge, problem solving skills of
learners, higher order thinking, and self-learning
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
ability. Its implementation started in medical
education (Barrows &Tamblyn, 1980).
Fifty years after PBL was first implemented, its
effectiveness as a learning method has been a
question open to debate. This method is more
effective than conventional methods to reduce the
problem of students' knowledge and also improve
problem-solving skills of learners and the ability of
independent learning (Barrows, 1996; Dods, 1997;
Dolmans & Schmidt, 1994), while according to
another opinion, PBL was expensive and ineffective
because it requires more time for students and
educators to obtain a similar learning outcomes
(Farnsworth, 1997; Kamin, O'Sullivan, Younger, and
Deterding, 2001; Norman & Schmidt, 1992), 1994).
Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark (2006) continue to
argue that PBL is less effective than conventional
methods because the approach is less improve
cognitive abilities of learners.
PBL is one of several methods that have been
developed to overcome the problem of learners in
understanding the material. PBL uses a different
approach to facilitate the learning of students. The
learning process begins by presenting the learning
content for learners to memorize and understand,
PBL mimic natural human learning process. That is,
learning begins when there is a problem. In searching
for solutions to those problems, the person is to learn
the skills and knowledge that revolves around the
issues and the environment (contextual knowledge) in
which these problems occur.
Hoffman and Ritchie (1997) defines PBL as
"pedagogical strategies centered learning leading to a
situation of contractual, contextual, real,
unstructured, guidance, instruction, and opportunities
of learners in developing their knowledge and skills.
The curriculum is organized to teach about issues
learners will face in your personal life or career. The
ultimate goal is to guide the model PBL learners in
gathering facts "(Rhem, 1998), and also become
independent learners (Torp& Sage, 2002).
1.3 Characteristics of Problem Based
The most distinct characteristics that make PBL
different from other learning methods is the structure
of content focused on the issue. Moreover, Barrow
(1986) has four goals PBL, i.e. contextualization, the
reasoning process, independent learning skills, and
motivation to learn. The learning process starts with
solving the problem, not the content. Barrows and
Tamblyn (1980) explains that the PBL learning
resulting from the process leading to an
understanding or resolution of a problem. PBL
learning model, learners do not accept the learning
content of educators in a logical sequence "textbook".
Instead, it is structured as a problem or set of
problems. The knowledge needed to solve problems
and related information to formulate the problem
evolved from content coverage in PBL.
Savery and Duffy (1996) asserts that in PBL,
students should develop their own learning skills and
strategies to complete the task of learning. The
learning activities in the learning process encourage
and promote self-regulation and metacognitive
learners during and / or after the learning process.
Mayo, Donnelly, Nash, and Schwartz (1993) suggests
that educators should act as a "guide metacognitive".
Keller (1987) PBL is an instructional approach that is
inherently challenging and motivating. The desire to
conquer obstacles and solve the problem is human
nature. Components of intrinsic motivation have
helped increase the willingness of students to learn
and retain an interest in learning. Creating a sense of
belonging is a motivational factor of PBL. Dunlap
and Grabinger (1996), involves students in learning
activities with a set of problems and responsibilities
of making decisions about the learning process. To
successfully solve the problem, students should see
the problem as the problem itself (von Glasersfeld,
1995). As a result, learners take responsibility to
overcome these obstacles.
Based on the above explanation about the model-
based entrepreneurial development problem based
learning that is relevant previous research; 1) The
PBL approach practiced in the Republic Polytechnic
in Singapore can be an effective pedagogical
approach to entrepreneurship material (Siok & Frank,
2006), 2) the PBL approach can achieve
entrepreneurial innovation in material of civil
engineering students (Kong, 2005).
The type of this research is research and development
(research and development), the which aims to
produce a valid learning tool, practical, effective as
needed. The learning models is used as a reference in
the development of this research is the model of
ADDIE models at the start of the analysis, design,
development, and evaluation implementation.
Conduct an analysis of the curriculum IKOR,
synopsis, syllabi, lecture destination, the lecture
material. Designing an Enterprise Learning Model-
based problem based learning Develop Model
Implement Model-Based Enterprise Model to
Development of Instructional Model Enterprise-based Problem Based Learning in Sport Science Program of Faculty of Sport Science
Evaluate the Implementation of Problem Based
Subject to limited field testing using IKOR
students numbering 168 people. The research sample
of randomly assigned two classes to be used as the
experimental group and the control group. The
research instrument used in this study comprised:
analysis instruments syllabus, handouts, modules,
instrument validity, interview with faculty and
students, observation sheets, sheet practicalities,
instruments and test the effectiveness of learning
outcomes. Data analysis techniques were used:
descriptive statistics, to measure the effectiveness of
using the t formula.
3.1 Data Analysis and Results
3.1.1 Stage Analysis
At this stage, an analysis of the curriculum of Sport
Science Study Program as follows: analysis of the
Vision, Mission and Objectives of Sport Science
Study Program. In addition, this research also
conducted analysis of Entrepreneurship Course
Syllabus Sport Science Study Program are less
qualified a course syllabus, among others: Synopsis
subjects which is still general not lead to
entrepreneurship in Sport Science. It is recognized
that entrepreneurship in Sports Science requires
substantial capital. But the opportunity was still there
when the prospective entrepreneur has a high spirit.
Likewise on course materials have not been any
material that provides sports science to the students to
look at the opportunities that exist in Sport Science.
For material each meeting has not been specified
clearly and reference books are used as material for
understanding the material being studied. For the
evaluation and determination of the value has not
been loaded explicitly in syllabus.
3.2 Analysis of Attitudes and
Perceptions of Students against
Program of Sport Science Enterprise
The data of Attitudes and Perceptions toward Student
Entrepreneurship Education Course at the
Department of Health and Recreation Sport Science
Study Program. The research data were as follows:
Descriptive Analysis of Attitudes survey
respondents obtained arithmetic average (mean)=
125.1, standard deviation = 10.59, minimum value =
88, and the maximum value = 148. Student attitudes
to enterprise is good:
Figure 1: Descriptive Analysis of Attitudes survey
3.3 Perception Analysis of Sport Science
Program Students against the
Students' perceptions of Data entrepreneurship
arithmetic average (mean) = 95.78, standard
deviation = 9.86, minimum value = 77, and the
maximum value = 125. Can be concluded student
perception to enterprise is good.
3.3.1 Design
In designing the learning model Enterprise made the
development steps as follows: especially more
developed synopsis of Sport Sciences and lead to still
consider other opportunities. Furthermore, the
syllabus developed with attention-indicator indicator
development. Material obtained 16 sessions.
Purwacaraka further developed with attention to
syntax has put forward in theory that is referenced. In
the final stage developed an evaluation of the ability
of students to discuss any material covered by using
model Problem Based Learning.
3.3.2 Develop
Model development done on the learning device in
accordance with the program syllabus has been
developed using Problem Based Learning approach.
The device developed syllabus, purwacaraka,
entrepreneurship course modules and book models as
the basis for applying the generated model. In the
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
development of the theory still refers to the
3.3.3 Implementation
Implementation of the model is done by asking the
experts' models produced in accordance with his
expertise. Expert opinion concluded from the
resulting models already meet the requirements.
Furthermore, the model test with a test against the
resulting learning device. From the test results
concluded the resulting model is effective in
improving student learning outcomes
Entrepreneurship Sport Science Study Program.
3.3.4 Evaluation
Evaluation was conducted on the learning model that
has been generated. From the results of the evaluation
of the resulting model obtained a good learning model
in accordance with its advantages and disadvantages.
From the evaluation results concluded the resulting
model is valid, practical and effective in improving
student learning outcomes entrepreneurial Sport
Science Study Program.
Based on the findings of the research the model of
entrepreneurial learning based problem based
learning, practical and effective in improving the
quality of learning. Students are given a concrete
experience in dealing with the problems inherent in
entrepreneurship. When observed perceptions and
attitudes of students towards entrepreneurship is quite
good and this is the basic capital as fundamental for
students in developing entrepreneur in life. The
results of the research-based entrepreneurial
development model confirms the problem based
learning;(1) The PBL approach practiced in the
Republic Polytechnic in Singapore can be an effective
pedagogical approach to entrepreneurship material
(Siok & Frank, 2006); (2) the PBL approach can
achieve entrepreneurial innovation in material of civil
engineering students (Kong, 2005).
Based on data analysis and discussion can be
concluded the following: The process of development
of entrepreneurial learning model based on Problem
Based Learning is done by analyzing the curriculum,
uncover perceptions and attitudes of students towards
entrepreneurship, design models, develop, implement
and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of
models produced is valid, practical and effective.
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Development of Instructional Model Enterprise-based Problem Based Learning in Sport Science Program of Faculty of Sport Science