6.5 Program Content
The programs emphasized on dealing with the
academic and athletic performance enhancement of
freshmen-athletes and specifically concentrate on
dealing with poor study habits, difficulty in managing
time, tardiness/frequent absences and difficulty in
making better grades, sustaining practice motivation,
maintaining competitive level, maintaining sports
6.6 Human Resources
An advisory team is comprised of at least one person
from every event/sport that the freshmen-athletes
might touch–faculty, coaches or athletic trainers.
This profile has presented the following picture of
freshmen athletes in the Special Program for Sports
of the Philippine Normal University, AY 2013–2014:
1. The freshmen-athletes, in general, were largely
male, majority were 19 years of age for both male and
female and single and predominant in volleyball and
basketball events. 2. More than half of the
respondents belonged to middle–class–family, living
with their parents with an average number of five (5)
children in a family. 3. More than half of the
respondents had parents who were able to go to
college. More male parents earned a college degree
and earned more than women. 4. The freshmen-
athletes were involved in eight (8) different sports,
classified into individual-dual sports and team sports.
5. Ten (10) bronze medals were received by the
student–athletes and majority of the respondents did
not receive awards in the SCUAA. On the team
standing, most of the respondents were on the 4th
runner up. 6. Almost all of the freshmen-athletes
allotted seven (7) to nine (9) hours of training. 7.
More than half of the respondents obtained averages
ranging from 80 to 84 with one (1) to two (2) hours
allotted for studying. 8. The factors that affect the
athletic performance of the freshmen athletes were
the lack of time for training; lack of tune-up games
played before the actual games and time
management. 9. The factors that affect the academic
performance of the freshmen athletes were the lack of
extra time to study, poor study habits and lack of
ability to understand lessons. 10. Problems and
difficulties can be a comprehensive basis for the
development of intervention program.
After analyzing the profile that presented the picture
of freshmen athletes in the Special Program for Sports
of the Philippine Normal University, AY 2013–2014,
particularly on the academic and athletic
performances, results showed that there were
comprehensive problems and difficulties in
enhancing their sports skills, likewise in maintaining
certain academic standard. With this, it can be
concluded that the Special Program for Sports of the
Philippine Normal University, AY 2013–2014, can
be retained but change or revision must be done in
order to further enhance the athletic and academic
performance of freshmen athletes and also develop
the desirable social traits needed for social life.
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Academic Achievement and Athletic Performance of Freshmen Athletes in the Special Program for Sports of the Philippine Normal
University Academic Year 2013–2014