Correlation of Ph
sical Activit
and Social Media Use of Students
Jonar T. Martin, Elizabeth M. Acampad,
Regina A. Baligad,
Anatalia E. Larce
and Michael E. Santos
Physical Education Department, College of Education, Angeles University Foundation Mc Arthur Hi-way, Angeles City,
Keywords: Physical activity, Social Media Use, Physical Education, Exercise.
The purpose of the study was to examine the association between physical activity participation and social
media use among college students. A convenience sample of college students (N = 58) from a private
university voluntarily participated in this study. Participants self-reported their daily physical activity for two
weeks and completed the Use of Social Media Questionnaire. Descriptive and correlation statistical analyses
were conducted to describe the physical activity participation and social media use of students. Results of the
study indicated that majority of the students who participated in the study have a sedentary physical activity
level. It was indicated that the participants had very high internet use in terms of hours per day and moderately
high social media use in terms of days per month. Moreover, data revealed that the students’ social media use
was not associated with physical activity participation. This means that the extent of social media use was
not a determining factor on the students’ participation level in physical activity. However, due to the low
level of physical activity it is recommended that students increase their physical activity in order to maintain
a healthy and active lifestyle.
Physical fitness nowadays is considered a powerful
marker of health status (Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin,
2006; Owen et al., 2010) which can be achieved by
being physically active (Heron & Bradshaw, 2010;
Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006; WHO, 2011).
Physical activity promotion is viewed to address the
problem of obesity, which the world is facing in
epidemic rates (James, 2004; WHO, 2011). Yet, a
large percentage of the population does not meet the
minimum activity guidelines necessary for good
health (Guthold et al., 2008; Haskell et al., 2007). In
particular, researchers have reported a considerable
decrease in the levels of physical activity in young
people (Sue et al., 2002; Tomkinson, 2007), which is
also true in the Philippines (Tanchoco et al., 2005).
As stated by Tudor-Locke, Bassett, Swartz, et al.,
(2004), the most famous and practical type of
physical activity that people are engaged in a regular
basis is walking, which people do in many activities
of daily living such as recreational, transportation and
occupational (Bassett, et al., 2000). Yet, people do not
reach the recommended amount of steps for either
health or fitness.
One factor contributing to young people’s
physical inactivity is internet use. Previous research
has illustrated that decreased in physical activity is
associated with more time spent on the internet (Ross
et al., 2009; Zimmerman-Sloutskis et al., 2010). A
vast majority of students have internet access and
own smartphones that allow access to social
networking sites (Buffardi & Campbell, 2008; Ross
et al., 2009). It has been suggested that time spent on
social networking sites comes at the expense of other
activities. Moreover, social media has made it easy
for many to become lethargic and less inclined to go
outdoors just for some exercise or even working out
at home. In contrast, in a study conducted by Zach
and Lissitsa, (2010), they found out that long hours
spent in front of a computer screen doesn't generally
take time away from physical activity, which
contradicts the widespread assumption that time spent
on surfing the web comes at the expense of an active
lifestyle. The contrasting result of the studies needed
further research to make a significant conclusion on
the relationship between social media use and
physical activity. Likewise, studies have investigated
the effect of internet use to health and physical
activity but few on the use of social networking.
In a time when it is increasingly likely for students
to become physically inactive, it is important to
understand the relationship between students’ social
media use and their physical activity level. The
purpose of the study, therefore, is to investigate the
students’ social media use in relation to their physical
Martin, J., Acampad, E., Baligad, R., Larce, A. and Santos, M.
Correlation of Physical Activity and Social Media Use of Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 370-374
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
activity levels. The study sought to answer the
following questions:
1. What is the physical activity participation
level of the college students?
2. What is the extent of usage of social media
among college students in terms of?
2.1. Hours per day
2.2. Days per week
3. Is there a significant relationship between
the students’ physical activity participation
level and social media use?
2.1 Research Design and Participants
A convenience sample of college students (N = 65)
from a private university voluntarily participated in
this study. Participants included both males (n = 28)
and females (n = 37). Of the 65 participants who
began the study, 58 completed the research. Two (2)
Male and 5 female participants did not complete the
study due to non-compliance to protocol. Participants
completed the research by wearing the pedometer for
the two-week period and provided both step and
survey data. Age range of the participants was 15 to
19 years with a mean age of 17 with a mean age of
17. No age restriction was placed on the college
participants. Participants were of varying activity
levels, since the convenience sample was physical
education classes. However, current involvement in
exercise was neither a requirement nor an
exclusionary factor for participation in this study.
2.2 Instruments
2.2.1 Walking Activity Recording Log
A walking activity-recording log was created for
participants to record step data per day generated
from the pedometer. Data were submitted to the
researchers at the end of two weeks. According to
Tudor-Locke et al., (2004), minimum of three days is
considered to offer reliable information for
determining average daily steps, as long as Sunday is
included as one of the three days. At the orientation,
participants were given instructions and practiced
correct placement of the pedometer and were
constantly reminded through their social media
accounts. Pedometers according to researchers are
easy to use and less expensive (Haines, et al., 2007;
Tudor-Locke & Myers, 2001) and can quantitatively
measure the amount of physical activity throughout a
given time period (Behrens & Dinger, 2003; Behrens,
et al., 2005), and can practically be used with large
population (Tudor-Locke & Meyers, 2001).
2.2.2 The Use of Social Media Questionnaire
This written questionnaire was adopted from Pew
Internet and American Life Project’s “Social
Networking Websites and Teens Survey” by Lenhart,
Purcell, Smith, and Zickuhr, (2010). Only the time
spent per day and per week questions in the survey
was included to gather information on the
participants’ usage of social media. The questions on
the instrument were designed to satisfy the research
questions as set forth in the introduction of this study.
2.3 Procedure
Prior to the onset of the study and any data collection,
approval was given by the authorities concerned of a
private university in Angeles City, Pampanga,
Philippines. The convenience sampling was chosen
due to time limitations and researcher accessibility to
participants. The opportunity to be a participant in the
research study was announced in several sophomore
college physical education classes in a voluntary basis
without any exchange of course credit. The
researchers provided an overview of the research
design, along with its purpose. The respondents were
given verbal and written assurance of their anonymity
and that all information exchange will be
All participants were instructed to self-report their
walking activity for two weeks with the use of the
walking activity recording log. Participants were
instructed to record their pedometer data logs each
day. During this period, participants were instructed
not to purposefully increase their amount of daily
physical activity and social media use, but rather to
simply perform their normal, everyday activities. At
the end of two weeks, the researchers met with
participants to collect the walking activity log and to
complete the research surveys – 1) Walking activity
recording log and 2) The Use of Social Media
2.4 Data Analysis
The statistical analysis was conducted in the
following order: descriptive statistics and Pearson
correlation. Prior to statistical analyses, the normality
and missing values were examined. For the
descriptive statistics, the mean and standard deviation
were computed. Furthermore, Spearman rho
Correlation of Physical Activity and Social Media Use of Students
correlation was done to examine relationships
between physical activity level and social media use.
Statistical analysis was completed with the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences software (2008),
version 17.0.
3.1 Physical Activity Level and Social
Media Use
Table 1 shows the mean and standard deviation of the
study variables. As shown in the table, the
participants’ average walk per day (N=58, M=4,284+
291) indicated that they were way below the
recommended number of steps per day of 10,000
steps/day which is a popular guideline by which
minimum activity levels for good health can be
achieved (Tudor-Locke & Myers, 2001). This finding
is similar to that of Hackman and Mintah, (2010) and
Martin and Santos, (2015) where likewise identified
the same findings that participants failed to meet the
minimum recommended guidelines on number of
steps per day.
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation of physical activity
and internet use (N=58).
Variable M SD
Internet Use-Hours/Day 4.896 .55
Internet Use-Hours/Day 3.431 1.39
PA 4294 291
Figure 1 shows that a big number of respondents can
be classified as ‘sedentary’; whereas, only a small number
of participants are highly active. The walking activity level
of the participants was described based on the proposed
activity level indices relative to average daily steps by
Tudor-Locke et al., (2004). This finding is consistent with
the researches of Hackman and Mintah, (2010) and Martin
and Santos, (2015) which revealed that college participants
were below the ideal physical activity level.
For the participants’ social media use, the participants’
have very high Internet Usage in terms of hours per day
(M=4.896 + .55) and moderately high internet usage in
terms of days per month (M=3.431 + 1.39).
Figure 1: Participants’ average walk per day (N=58).
3.2 Relationship between PA and Social
Media Use
A Spearman rho correlation was conducted to test the
relationship between physical activity participation
and social media use (Table 2). As shown in the table,
physical activity participation was not associated with
social media use in terms of hours per day (rho=.256,
p-value> .05) and day per month (rho=-.114, p-
value> .05). Result confirmed the findings of Zach
and Lissitsa, (2010) that long hours spent in social
media doesn't generally take time away from physical
activity, which contradicts the popular notion that
active lifestyle is taken for granted due to too much
exposure to the internet or social media.
Table 2: Correlation between Social Media Use and
Physical Activity.
Variable Spearman
Use- Hrs/
Use- Day
/Month PA
Internet Use-
1 -.199 .256
Sig. (2-
.134 .053
Internet Use-
-.199 1 -.114
Sig. (2-
.134 .393
PA Correlation
.256 -.114 1
Sig. (2-
.053 .393
This study found out that majority of the students who
participated in the study belongs to the sedentary
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
walking activity level. It was indicated that the
participants had very high internet use in terms of
hours per day and moderately high social media use
in terms of days per month. Moreover, data revealed
that the students’ social media use was not associated
with physical activity participation. This means that
the extent of social media use was not a determining
factor on the students’ participation level in physical
activity. Although it is a relief to know that physical
activity participation was not related to the social
media use of students, it is alarming to know that
majority of the respondents belong to the sedentary
lifestyle level. This finding emphasizes the need for
the physical educators to intervene and promote an
active lifestyle. Likewise, students should also be
educated on how to manage their social media use
because of possible other detrimental effects.
Through the process of teaching, physical educators
should employ various strategies that encourage a
physically active lifestyle.
More research is needed on walking as a physical
activity so that factors that affect walking activity
level can be thoroughly explored. Likewise, future
research may look into intervention strategy that
would increase physical activity with the use of social
media since the participants have a very high extent
of usage in terms of hours per day. It is recommended
that college students increase their walking activity in
order to maintain an active lifestyle.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education