2012, Wang et al., 2002). In a study by Grannero-
Gallegos et al. (2012), students who are task
oriented are more self-determined and practice
physical activity more outside of school PE while
those who are ego-oriented exhibit otherwise. This
habit may be attributed to the teaching practices in
the Philippines. Similarly, in other countries, the
mastery of a task is given emphasis rather than
comparing performance with others. More so, most
of the time, students are graded individually based
on competency rather than the manner of competing
with others.
Congruent to other studies, students have high
levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with the
earlier scoring higher than the later (Grannero-
Gallegos et al., 2012, Grasten et al., 2012). This
result indicates that Filipino students prefer to enjoy
and have fun in their PE class more than to reap the
rewards from the activity. This finding suggests that
teachers should structure the PE class in such a way
that enjoyment is an integral component while
targeting necessary competency.
In the correlation analyses of variables, it was
revealed that both ego and task orientation were
associated with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Similarly, in the study of Granerro-Gallegos et al.
(2012), a stronger link existed between ego and
extrinsic motivation while a stronger positive
relationship existed between task orientation and
intrinsic motivation. According to Vallerand (2001),
those who have high scores in intrinsic motivation
associated positively with a number of desirable
psychological consequences which include
enjoyment, satisfaction, interest, effort, and
adherence to exercise, and negatively with anxiety
and boredom. However, according to Wang et al.
(2002) those who have high levels of extrinsic
motivation are partly motivated by avoidance of
guilt or might be feeling pressured to be
participating in school PE and leisure activities.
In the studies of Granerro-Gallegos et al. (2012)
and Wang et al. (2002), they found out that students
who have high task-orientation and intrinsic
motivation participate more in physical activity
outside of the PE class. This result suggests that PE
teachers should modify the lessons so that that the
climate is more on the achievement of the task rather
than performing in comparison with others to
develop and maintain more self-determined students
in the PE class and leisure activities.
The Filipino college students scored higher in task-
orientation than ego-orientation. The ego-orientation
of the students was found to be moderate while their
task-orientation was found to be high. In terms of
self-determination, the intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation of the students were found to be
moderately high, with intrinsic motivation scoring
higher, indicating more self-determined motivation.
Both ego-orientation and task-orientation are
associated with extrinsic and intrinsic motivation,
but a stronger relationship existed between ego-
orientation and extrinsic motivation while a stronger
relationship existed between task-orientation and
intrinsic motivation. This study may provide
baseline data that authorities in PE may use in
identifying relevant curricular programs and
teaching approaches to assist efforts in fostering
motivation to participate in lifelong physical
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