Fundamental Movement Skills and Game Performance in Invasion
Game Activities
Ricky Wibowo, Eka Nugraha and Kuston Sultoni
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln Dr. Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Fundamental Movement Skills, Game Performance, Invansion Games.
Abstract: Many studies showed that fundamental movement skills (FMS) proficiency have positive effect on regular
physical activities. As a consequence, researchers compete on creating games activities to improve FMS.
However, relationship between FMS and games performance at games activities are still unexplored. The
purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between fundamental movement skills and games
performance of elementary students in the modified invasion game activities. Correlational approach was
used to analyze the results of this study. Third grade elementary school students (n=40) were enrolled in this
study. FMS was measured by Gross Motor Development-Second Edition (TGMD-2) Test consisting of
locomotor and control object skills. Student’s games performance were evaluated through a modified invasion
game, where the technical and rules were minimized and adjusted to the developmental characteristics of the
participants. Game performance consisted of games involvement (GI) and games performance (GP), and it
was measured using the observation format of Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). This was
achieved by selecting three components that were adjusted to the research needs of decision making
component, skill execution and support on invasion game activities in the form of modified handball and
soccer games. The results indicated that all correlation between FMS toward GI and GP in both games were
statistically significant. Student who have better FMS will perform better. When viewed from the type of
invasion game, the dominant game of the leg (soccer games) tend to be more difficult to be performed by
students. Therefore simple invasion games are more suitable for students of this age especially for girl’s
Fundamental movement skills (FMS) could be
divided into three aspects, namely object control
skills, such as throwing and catching; locomotor
skills such as running and leaping; and stability skills
like bending and twisting (Gallahue, Ozmun, and
Goodway 2012). One of the strategies to develop
FMS learning is through playing, which can facilitate
children’s motoric learning ability because it is a core
part of a child’s world. Children's play is the primary
means by which they learn about their bodies and
movement (Gallahue (2006:29). Games approaches
are developed as a result of dissatisfaction with the
emphasis on technique-based approaches especially
for children (1). Many studies have investigated the
role of games or gaming console activity to increase
children’s FMS (Barnett 2015a; Papastergiou 2015;
Akbari et al. 2009; Johnson et al. 2016; Barnett
2015b) and motor skill or physical activity
programme (Brian et al. 2016) (Bryant and Duncan
2016). In order to increase a child’s interest and
physical activity behavior, intervention programs
such as manipulative skills are developed in physical
education (Mazzardo et al. 2008). Game-focused
teaching strategies appear to promote a mastery
oriented motivational climate and, therefore, have the
potential to increase pupils’ motivation in PE (Gray
et al. 2009) and possibility to increase school
performance (Ericsson and Karlsson 2012).
Proficiency in FMS and early motor skills
positively contribute to enrolment in regular physical
activities (Iivonen et al. 2013; Barela 2013) and body
mass index (De Meester et al. 2016; Okely 2012). It
is also beneficial in sport activities during
adolescence and may have implications for talent
identification purposes as well as potential health-
Wibowo, R., Nugraha, E. and Sultoni, K.
Fundamental Movement Skills and Game Performance in Invasion Game Activities.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 390-395
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
related benefits (Vandorpe et al. 2012). However,
getting used to and involved in physical activities is a
long process (Barela 2013). Therefore interesting
activities are possibly required to make children want
to remain in physical activities; for example by
humor-presented activities when playing the games
(Aggerholm and Ronglan 2012). Better motor skills
development is correlated with higher physical
activity in children (Cliff, Okely, Smith, and
McKeen, 2009). Moreover FMS proficiency can also
improve physical self-confidence (Mcgrane et al.
2016). To get the children involved and stay active in
longer periods, the teacher needs to set physical
activities to games-like situation. Teachers must be
aware that children require free play to develop their
motor skills. Through games activites, FMS are
mastered by the children as they play along.
Additionally, objects and manipulative skills which
also have big impact to physical activity can be
achieved (Carl 2015). Therefore, physical educators
at primary school should reinforce learning of object
manipulation skills in the PE curriculum (Barnett et
al. 2016).
In opposite to the opinion above, some studies
suggested that FMS could be acquired by specific
activities, and hence this could improve physical
activity (Bryant and Duncan 2016; Ericsson and
Karlsson 2012; Anon 2013; Lander et al. 2017). To
achieve competence in sport, FMS must be mastered
prior to doing sport activities, and there is evidence
that FMS is related to physical activity level (Barnett,
Ridgers and Salmon 2015). In other words, children
who have better FMS tend to be more active and
involved in physical activity. There have been many
reasons for little attention being paid for FMS,
including that, again, children acquire these FMS
without specific requirement activity. This study aims
to investigate the contribution of FMS (locomotor and
object control) to invasion games activities and
explore how FMS contribute to games performance
and games involvement in modified invasion games
(football and handball) among elementary school
children, ranging from 9-11 years old.
2.1 Participants
Forty 3
grade students from a state elementary
school in Bandung who were studying physical
education (21 female; 19 male) participated in this
correlational study. Student’s physical characteristics
(mean ± standard deviation) were: age = 9,1±0.54
years; height = 1,25±0,3; and weight = 27,4±0,3).
2.2 Procedure
The first test to be conducted was The Test of Gross
Motor Development (TGMD-2), which measures
Fundamental movement skills (FMS) of children
from 3 - 10 years (Mazzardo et al. 2008; Bardid,
Huyben, et al. 2016). Among the primary goals of the
TGMD-2 is to serve as a measurement tool in
research involving gross motor development.
Locomotors (Loc) skills were defined as running,
galloping, hopping on one foot, jumping with both
legs, and jumping side-wise. Object control skills
(OC) were defined as hitting, bouncing, catching,
kicking, throwing and rolling ball. According to
Ulrich and Wouter, (De Meester et al. 2016; Barnett,
Ridgers, Zask, et al. 2015) each child was given two
trials for each skill assessment, where scores of both
trials were then summed up to obtain a raw score. The
raw scores of the locomotor and object-control skills
were added to provide an overall score which was
then converted to a percentile score, standardized for
age and sex. The construct validity of the TGMD-2
test for locomotors component is r = .68 - 78 and for
manipulative component r = .66 - .87. The overall
value of Cronbach Alpha test TGMD-2 for each test
item range between .82 to .83. The TGMD2 was
conducted one week prior to the game performance
One week later, games performance was assessed
in invasion games activities. The design of the
modified invasion game for novices was adapted
from those used in similar research in educational
contexts (20). Subjects were evaluated through small-
side games 4 vs 4 invasion games without goal keeper
(del Campo et al. 2011; Gutiérrez et al. 2014). Before
games, student followed a standard 10-minutes
warming-up consisting of juggling, passing and
passing-intercepting. All students participated in the
invasion games for 8 minutes, which was divided into
two rounds, each round lasts for 4 minutes. Fields and
rules were modified in order to adapt with the
students’ games skills and hence, high-skilled and
less-skilled children could be differentiated. This
small-sided game can improve students’ involvement
in the game, either they control the ball or not
(Mitchell et al., 2003). The objective of the game was
to score goals by throwing the ball into the modified
goal post. In this game, each team has 2 goal posts,
where goalkeeper were not present. Moving with the
ball was possible just by bouncing; and stealing from
an opponent and physical contact were not permitted.
Fundamental Movement Skills and Game Performance in Invasion Game Activities
In case of foul play, the game will be restarted from
the place where the infraction took place. In order to
evaluate the overall performance, the games were
recorded with a video (Gray and Sproule 2011)
camera located behind and above the court. (García
López et al., 2013) (Gutiérrez et al. 2014).
To characterize game play performance in
invasion games, it is necessary to identify nonspecific
observable components of game performance
(Memmert, 2004, 2005; Mitchell et al., 2006)
(Memmert and Harvey 2008) Mitchell et al. (2006).
The tally scoring method was applied in this modified
invasion game and were assessed from components
from videotapes, which consisted of decision-
making, skill execution, and support that were
adjusted with students’ abilities (Memmert and
Harvey 2008). Tally systems can also be used in peer
assessment procedures (Memmert and Harvey 2008).
Among “decision-making” and “skill-execution”
components, one or several elements were selected to
evaluate the performance of individuals, reflecting
their ability. The “support” component could be
assessed when children tried to acquire the ball from
their opponents, both during attack or defence. All of
the 3 components could be adapted to various sports
and game activities, and they did not only depend on
on-the-ball skills, but also off-the-ball skills (both
offensive and defensive; Mitchell et al., 2006) (Gray
et al. 2017; Memmert and Harvey 2008). More detail
about decision making, skill execution and support
see table 1.
Table 1: Decision-making and skill execution categories.
No point
On-the ball
- Pass the ball
when team
mates is open.
- Attempt to shoot
on goal
- Pass the ball when
team mate covered.
- Blocked
while trying
to shoot
- Moving into a
position to
receive a pass
- No movement
when needed
Skill Execution
No point
Team mate receive
ball easily
Team mates hard to
get passed
On the target
No target
Go forward and open space to receive ball
or shoot
Try to cover opposite team
Testing results for the subject (n=40) r was used to
examine the correlation between FMS (TGMD-2)
and games performance (GPAI ) which are reported
in mean ± SD and shown in table 1. The correlation
between variables were determined using Pearson’s
correlation coefficients (for parametric data), and
Spearman’s correlation coefficients (for non-
parametric data). SPSS software (version 22.0, IBM)
was used in all the above calculations. To determine
data normality, Kolmogorov-Smirnov on each
correlational calculation was used.
Table 2: Mean values (± SD) for all tests in modified
handball games.
Mean ± SD
14.22 ± 13.2
15.25 ± 18.1
0.64 ± 0.014
15.07 ± 25.8
0.633 ± 0.005
7.7 ± 2.87
6.5 ± 7.17
3.1 Correlation between FMS toward
GP and GI in Modified Handball
(HB) and Soccer (S) Games
Table 3: Correlation between FMS, GP and GI.
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 3 showed Spearman’s Rho correlations,
calculated to investigate relationship between
fundamental movement skills (FMS) towards game
performance (GP) and games involvement (GI). All
correlations were statistically significant between
FMS and GI (P < .01; r = .434) and between FMS and
GP (P < .05; r = .337). In modified soccer games,
showed Spearman’s Rho correlations, that was
calculated to investigate relationship between
fundamental movement skills (FMS), game
performance (GP) and games involvement (GI). All
correlations were statistically significant between
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
FMS and GI (P < .01; r = .674) and GP (P < .05; r =
3.2 Correlation between Subdominant
FMS (Locomotor and Object
Control) towards GP and GI in
Modified Handball and Soccer
Table 4: Correlation between locomotor and object control
toward games performance and games involment.
Sig. (2-
Sig. (2-
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 4 showed Spearman’s Rho correlations,
calculated to investigate relationship between
Locomotor (Loc) and Object control (OC) skills
towards game performance (GP) and games
involvement (GI) in modified handball games.
Correlations between Loc and GP were statistically
significant (P < .05; r = .320). The difference between
Loc and GI was that the Correlations were
statistically not significant (P < .05; r = .219).
Furthermore, all correlations were statistically
significant between OC and GP (P < .01; r = .356) and
between OC and GI (P < .05; r = .495). In modified
soccer games showed Spearman’s Rho correlations,
calculated to investigated relationship between
Locomotor (Loc) and Object control (OC) skills
towards game performance (GP) and games
involvement (GI) in modified soccer games. All
correlations were statistically significant between
Loc and GP (P < .05; r = .397) and between Loc and
GI (P < .01; r = .494). Furthermore correlations
between OC and GP were statistically not significant
(P < .01; r = .231) and contrast between OC and GI
had significant correlation (P < .01; r = .660).
3.3 Correlation between FMS towards
GI and GP based on Gender
Table 5: Correlation FMS toward GP and GI based on
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 5 showed Pearson Correlation, calculated to
investigate relationship between fundamental
movement skills toward game performance (GP) and
games involvement (GI) in both games based on
gender. In boys sample, the correlations between
FMS and GP were statistically significant (P < .01; r
= .642), for modified handball contrast with modified
soccer games that is not significantly correlational
with GP (P < .05; r = .160). Otherwise, all correlations
were statistically significant between FMS and GI in
handball and soccer games (P < .01; r = .659) and (P
< .01; r = .530). While in the girls, showed
relationship between FMS and GP were statistically
insignificant (P < .05; r = .200) for modified handball
and soccer games (P < .05; r = .161). Similarly
between FMS and GI, correlations were no
statistically significant in handball and soccer games
(P < .05; r = .066) but significant in modified soccer
games (P < .01; r = .541).
All correlation between FMS toward GI and GP in
both games were statistically significant. Student who
have better FMS will perform better. When viewed
from the type of invasion game, the dominant game
of the leg (soccer games) tend to be more difficult to
be performed by students. So that the GP of play was
better shown when playing dominant hand (handball
games). However, in soccer games children are more
likely to be more involved in the game than handball
games. The better students’ object control ability, the
better their games performance is, but overall 9-year-
old elementary school students have not been able to
perform well at the leg dominant game (soccer).
Therefore simple invasion games are more suitable
for students of this age especially for female students.
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