Effort to Improve Student Fundamental Locomotor and
Manipulative Skills through the Application of Movement Education
Wulan Purnamasari and Suherman Slamet
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154,
Keywords: Fundamental skills, Locomotor, Manipulative, Movement Education.
Abstract: This research was motivated by several problems, student fundamental locomotor and manipulative skills in
elementary school is still not perfect and good enough, that need to be guided and rehearsed by the physical
education teacher , that the essence of the motion is well developed. This research is aimed to know the
effort to improve student fundamental locomotor and manipulative skills through the application of
movement education research of grade V/A Merdeka 5 elementary school student. In this research, have a
problem formulations is, How to improve student fundamental locomotor and manipulative skills by
applying a movement education in grade V elementary school student?. This research used a classroom
action research method of grade V Merdeka 5 elementary school student. The data are collected by
observation, documentation and field notes that further data analysis. The results of this study is movement
education method suitable applied to grade V elementary school student, because the learning material of
the movement education method itself is a games, match with the characteristics of the grade V students
who have the desire to play more. By using movement education method, student fundamental locomotor
and manipulative skills can be guided and clearly visible to improve their skills be better than before. The
increase is seen from the increase of percentage of each action research conducted by researchers until the
last research action has a fairly high percentage, the average percentage of student skills among 80% -90%,
the percentages include good skill groups.
We already know physical education is a subject in
elementary school that is as important as other
lessons. Physical education in elementary school
aims to train the physical freshness of each learners,
physical education also provides movement learning
that can develop the skills of coarse motion and
smooth motion skills of students. Teaches motion is
" The process that is attached to the exercise or
experience that leads to changes that are relatively
permanent in a person's ability to display skilled
movements" (Mahendra and Ma'mun 1998,
p.122).There is also a need for guidance and training
by the teacher of physical education itself .
According to (Cliff, Okely, Smith and McKeen,
2009; Fisher et al., 2005; Williams Et al.,
2008) "adequate physical activity may be Viewed as
providing a basis for developing the
motor skills" (Iivonen and äkslahti, 2013) so the
students' rough motor skills really need to be
Gross motor development, including the essential
components for pre-schoolers and elementary
school. Physical education, usually divided into
discrete phases. "Fundamentals of motor skills are
significant because (1) they form the basis for
success in specialized or sport skills during
adolescence and adulthood, (2) young children enjoy
learning them, and (3) once learned, are retained for
a lifetime" (Derri, dkk. 2006)
"If children fail to develop Reviews These
crucial skills during the preschool and elementary
school years, they Often experience failure in the
domain motors during childhood
and adolescence"(Rickard, 1996; Hands,
2003) (Derri, dkk. 2006) Children will feel
embarrassed when the motion is not good and he
will have a feeling of fear of being ridiculed
Purnamasari, W. and Slamet, S.
Effort to Improve Student Fundamental Locomotor and Manipulative Skills through the Application of Movement Education.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 401-408
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by his peer tEman that contribute to the difficulty in
learning skills later in life. By developing a
motor ink skills children will fulfill their desire to
move, and floating their bodies. A good outcome
must start with a good fundamental too, then the role
of primary school teacher in helping to guide
students in developing students' crude motor skills is
Teaching physical education involves physical
activity that is capable of inducing ability, physical
fitness and at the same time is the formation of the
mastery of movement skills itself" as such these
quotations we can know that the learning process
physical education is very influential in assisting the
development of skills child's basic motion
(Mahendra, 2009; Frostig and Maslow, 1970).
Most primary school teachers do simple learning,
so it is enough to get the children to go to the field,
then provide the ball for students and teachers to
stay on the side-lines. This is what causes the low
quality of learning outcomes and the low level of
physical fitness of elementary school
students. Physical education teacher is responsible
for all this, physical education teachers have to
figure out how to deliver teaching physical
education in schools to inculcate and develop basic
forms of motion that has been held every student, in
order to do better and right.
Many learning model used by teachers physical
education in schools such as the model of
learning cooperative model tactical approach,
teaching model of inquiry and learning models
more, there are still a few teachers physical
education implementing educational model
motion (movement education), whereas, the
educational model of motion is one educational
models that are able to help develop basic movement
movements for elementary school students. In
accordance with Mahendra's opinion (2015, p. 6):
"The motion education model is a learning stage that
is adapted to all stages of age and child
development. This model provides an intact tangle
of motion experiences that run through all types of
movement in all situations”.
Based on the experience of researchers who had
conducted observation in class V students in some
schools, when teaching physical education lasts
some kids motor skills basic locomotor running and
jumping, as well as basic motion manipulative
kicking, and throwing is still not perfect and still
needed guidance again for the ability basic motion
develops well. What should the teacher do to solve
the above problem?
The educational model of motion
or movement education, curriculum emphasizes the
mastery of the concept of motion. In the United
States, motion education programs began to develop
since the 1960s, whose implementation is based on
the work of Rudolph Laban. The framework of this
program includes the concept of body awareness
(what the body does), the concept of effort (how the
body moves), the concept of space (where the body
moves), and the concept of connectedness (what
relationship happens). Each of these concepts is a
guide to be used when the child has to move, so that
the child's movement is meaningful in the whole
From each aspect of the motion above, the
objectives and learning activities are designed by
utilizing the problem-solving style teaching
approach, guided discovery, and exploratory. In the
development of a motion education curriculum, the
whole concept is utilized and elaborated, as well as a
vehicle for children to explore their motion
abilities. Including, if into the curriculum is included
some orientation sports such as gymnastics or
games, even dance though. Below we will describe
the scope of educational curriculum oriented through
educational games and educational
gymnastics. Jewet and Bain stated that:
The motion education model has been criticized
in the absence of claims about the transfer of
learning and also resulted in a decrease in active
mobile time due to excessive emphasis on the
teaching of the concept of motion. Other critics have
proposed weak empirical evidence to support the
practice of using discovery teaching styles to teach
sports skills (Pangrazi and Dauer, 1992; Siedentop,
The learning in the motion education model is
more to the form of the game. The learning fits with
the character of elementary school children who
always want to play. Through play activities, it is
appropriate to develop basic motion skills of
children in elementary school, because on the basis
of children's world is playing.
Physical activity that children do either
individually or in groups in the form of play done by
children because they are happy and driven by the
desire to move. Healthy children are constantly on
the move or doing things and are almost never
silent. Physical game-game presented in accordance
with the child's development so that will provide
many opportunities for children to channel the
With us, the gamelan teacher who channelled the
child's wishes to a learning activity in game play will
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
help the development of locomotor and child
manipulative motion without them knowing it. This
laid a solid and strong foundation for their
future. Childhood is a period of infinite physical-
motor activity, the drive to move and the desire to
play overwhelmingly. An education expert said that
"education will be managed through movement and
through movement education realization" .From the
description of the background and observations
from the author decided to do some research efforts
to improve the basic locomotor movement skills to
run and jump as well as basic motion throwing and
kicking manipulative grade IV in Primary School.
Research conducted by researchers in this thesis is a
class action research (PTK). The research design
used is the design proposed by Arikunto,
Suhardjono, and Supardi, 2015; Mertler, 2008 that
the PTK is characterized by the action. The action is
not only done once. However, repeatedly until the
goal of PTK is achieved. Each action consists of a
series of four activities as follows.
Planning (planning) is a detailed designing
activities about what and how the action will be
done. PTK for professional development of
teachers, this activity in the form of preparing
teaching materials, preparing a teaching plan,
planning materials for learning, and prepare
other things necessary in the learning process.
Implementation of action (action) is this
activity in PTK. For teachers, this action is a
new teaching / modeling. In the PTK for
teacher professional development, action is
performed at least in two cycles, and each cycle
consists of 3 meetings.
Observation (observation) is an action to
collect information that will be cursed to find
out whether the action has been done as
planned. Observations can be data collection
through observation, tests, questionnaires, and
Further reflection is based on the results of the
reflection evaluation, to find out what is
lacking in the implementation of the action that
has been done. The reflection results are used
to make improvements to the planning in the
next stage (cycle).
2.1 Sample
Student cgrade V SD N 001 MERDEKA, Bandung
City. Number of students 33 children, 14 boys and
19 female students in the academic year 2016/2017.
The consideration of the researcher taking the
subject of this research is because at the time of
implementing the PPL and teaching in the school, so
the researcher know the condition of the student.
2.2 Instrumen
2.2.1 Observation Sheet
The observation sheet is an instrument of data
collection used to record observations made by
collaborators on several aspects. Assessment of the
psychomotor abilities of children is performed by
performance tests or demonstrations, which include
observation of the prefix movement, the main
movements, and the final motion of the assessed
skill. Each test test has its own weight according to
its diversity. Assessment of practice using a scale of
1 -5, with details as follows:
1 = Movement made is not in accordance with the
2 = Movements made in small part according to the
3 = Movements made partly in accordance with the
4 = Movements performed largely according to the
5 = Movement made in accordance with the concept
2.2.2 Documentation
This documentation contains a list of documents to
be studied, it is expected that this document will
complement and strengthen the data obtained from
observations, and field notes. The list of documents
required in this study is the image images during the
process of learning process takes place for fourth
graders in SD N 001 Merdeka, Bandung.
2.2.3 Field Notes
Field notes are some notes obtained by researchers
on observations at the time of the research to get
data as detailed as possible, so that the research
process can run effectively and efficiently in every
action during the learning process takes place. Thus,
field notes in this study are used to summarize
changes in basic student movement by observers in
the learning process that are not contained in the
Effort to Improve Student Fundamental Locomotor and Manipulative Skills through the Application of Movement Education
observation sheet guidelines, so the field notes are
only a complement to the data.
Research procedure:
Planning phase of action, including:
Determination of school for research
Work with other teachers to become
Mengobsrvasi characteristics of children
Prepare the RPP in accordance with
predetermined indicators
Formulate a learning model that will be done
when research takes place
Preparing learning media to be used when the
learning process takes place
Develop an evaluation tool and provide a
wide field record for the observer.
Implementation phase of action
In the implementation stage, the researcher
uses two cycles, namely in February. In the
first cycle on the date of X february 2017, and
the second cycle on the date of X february
2017. At this stage the researchers do penlitian
on each cycle by mengadakn observation,
evaluation and reflection of activities to be
improved in cycle II.
Stage of observation
Observation is one of the data collection tools
used in this study. Observations are used by
researchers to assess the development of
students' basic movements during the course of
action. Observation activities carried out
simultaneously with the implementation of
action in research. Can be known through
observation activities researchers can find out
the basic locomotor motion movement and
student manipulative when the learning process
takes place.
Stages of data analysis and reflection
The data analysis and reflection stage is the
stage where the researcher examines all the
information that has been collected at the
observation stage and field notes. The collected
information should then be parsed, tested, and
compared with previous experience, then
linked to a particular theory or relevant
research result. Through a deep reflection
process can be drawn in-depth conclusions.
Stages of data analysis and reflection in
classroom action research conducted by
researchers do this is an important part because
through reflection researchers can understand
and get a clear picture of the process and
results that occur as a result of actions that
have been done on the subject development of
basic locomotor motion and Manipulative
students through the application of motion
education models (Hopkins, Joyce, and
Calhoun, 2002). The results of reflection
activities are a source for the implementation
of subsequent actions.
2.2.4 Data Analysis
Data reduction
Sugiyono (2016, pp. 92) points out that:
The data obtained from the field amount is
quite a lot, for that it should be noted carefully
and detailed. Reducing data means
summarizing, choosing the essentials, focusing
on the things that matter, looking for the theme
and pattern. Thus the reduced data will give a
clearer picture, and make it easier for the
author to do further data collection, and look
for it when necessary. Data reduction can be
assisted with electronic equipment such as a
mini computer, by providing code to certain
Data reduction is the process of selection,
focusing on simplification and transformation
of 'rough' data arising from written records in
the field. Data reduction continues throughout
the qualitative-oriented project.
Presentation of data
Presentation is a set of organized information
that gives the possibility of drawing
conclusions and taking action. By looking at
the presentations we will be able to understand
what is going on and what to do.
Withdrawal of data
The analysis activity is the conclusion and
verification. From data collection, an analyzer
starts searching for meanings, patterns, causal
paths, propositions and so on. The conclusion
is part of a complete configuration.
Conclusions were also verified during the
study. The verification may be as short as the
thought back to the mind.
Conclusion and verification
Researchers began searching for the meaning
of games and socialization, taking notes of
regularity, patterns, explanations, possible
configurations, causal paths and proportions.
The researcher will deal with the conclusions
openly, skeptically, but the conclusions are
prepared and the results become more detailed
and clear. The final results of the conclusions
depend on the researcher's ability, data storage,
retrieval method and dependent on the amount
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
of data records in the field and the result of
processing the observation sheet of basic
motion practice values with the following
(NP 1 + NP 2 + NP4 + NP ...... NP15) / 15 = 4
So the final value of practice (NAP) = NP X
100 = 4 X 100 = 805
5 Category Achievement Level:
90% -100% = Very good
80% -90% = Good
70% -80% = Medium
-70% = Less
In the final stages of this study can make a
tentative conclusion through the results that have
been or has not been satisfactory, to proceed on the
next action.
3.1 Result
3.1.1 Comparison of Motion Student
Lokomotor Skills in Each Action
From the results of research using observation there
is preliminary data pre-observation of 60% then the
result of action 1 has increased to 67%. So also on
the next action is the result of the action 2 data
obtained from observations keteranpilan basic
motion locomotor students through the application
of motion education model has increased to 75% it
dikarnakan students begin to understand and
accustomed to the material given. In the next action
is the action of 3 observations of observation of the
basic motion of students locomotor through the
application of motion education model of 84%, in
each action the researchers improve and renew the
learning materials so that the comparison of the
results of each action gradually rise, Actions that
have been done by students more understanding and
understand about learning materials when the
learning process takes place.
Here the authors include a graph about the
comparison of basic locomotor motion skills
students in each action as below:
Comparison of Motion Student
Lokomotor Skills
Figure 1: Comparison of observation result of motion
student lokomotor skills.
Based on the result of observer data, it is
concluded that the basic movement skill of class
grade V / A in SDN 001 Merdeka is said to be low,
because the percentage of average result obtained by
students is 60% and included into low skill group
because less than 70% Learning physical education
by applying the movement education model as a tool
to improve basic locomotor and student
manipulative skills.
In cycle 1 the researcher performs 2 actions, in
the first action the researcher gives the material
obstacle, in the second action the material still give
material obstacle but movement of each post
developed again. In the second cycle, the researcher
performs one action by giving the material another
obstacle that the movement of each post has been
changed and modified again become more
interesting and challenging.
In the pre-observation result it was seen that the
students 'locomotor basic movement skills were 60%
and in the last action that the students' locomotor
base motion skills had increased quite high to 84%.
These results have reached the expectations of
researchers, namely to improve basic locomotor
skills of students who entered the group with good
skill percentage among 80% - 90%. It shows that the
learning given is quite enjoyable and effectively
given to the students so that the students' basic
locomotor base skills are improved.
3.1.2 Comparison of Motion Student
Manpulative Skills in Each Action
From the results of research using observation there
is preliminary data pre-observation of 61% and the
result of action 1 has increased to 67%. So also in
the next action is the result of action 2 results
Effort to Improve Student Fundamental Locomotor and Manipulative Skills through the Application of Movement Education
obtained from the observation of manipulative basic
manipulation motion of students through the
application of motion education model increased to
74% it dikarnakan students began to understand and
accustomed material given. In the next action that is
action 3 observation observation of manipulative
basic motion motion of students through the
application of motion education model of 83%, in
each action the researchers improve and renew the
learning materials so that the comparison of the
results of each action gradually rise, Actions that
have been done by students more understand and
understand about learning materials when the
learning process takes place.
Here the authors include a graph about the
comparison of basic manipulative motion skills of
students in each action as below:
Comparison of Motion Student
Manpulative Skills
Figure 2: Comparison of observation result of motion
student manpulative skills.
Based on the result of observer data, it is
concluded that the basic movement skill of class
grade V / A in SDN 001 Merdeka is said to be low,
because the percentage of average result obtained by
students is 61% and included into low skill group
because less than 70% Learning physical education
by applying the movement education model as a tool
to improve basic locomotor and student
manipulative skills.
In cycle 1 the researcher performs 2 actions, in
the first action the researcher gives the material
obstacle, in the second action the material still give
material obstacle but movement of each post
developed again. In the second cycle the researcher
performs one action by giving the material another
obstacle that the movement of each post has been
changed and modified again becomes more
interesting and challenging.
In the pre-observation result it was seen that the
students' basic manipulative basic skills were 61%
and in the last act that the basic manipulative student
motion skills had increased significantly to 83%.
These results have reached the expectations of
researchers, namely to improve basic locomotor
skills of students who entered the group with good
skill percentage among 80% - 90%. This shows that
the learning given is quite enjoyable and effective
given to the students so that the students' basic
manipulative skills are improved.
3.2 Discussion
From the observations in pre-observation until the
first and second cycles, researchers found some
things that need to be reviewed in relation to the
application of motion education model, among
others, as follows:
Excess of research results each cycle
There are several advantages of the results of
the implementation of motion education model
(movement education) on the actions that have
been done by researchers, namely:
The learning material of the motion
education model is suitable for
elementary students because the material
form of the motion education model is the
game, and the game is a new game for the
students so the students look enthusiastic
in learning what they have just learned.
Provision of learning materials by
applying the game of the educational
model in learning pemas is good enough,
this is evident from the increased
percentage of basic locomotor and student
manipulative skills, from pre-observation
to cycle II.
The motion education materials or models
provided are generally easy games and
less attached to the rules of the game, so
students continue to move actively during
the learning process. Although there are
still some students who are less active
also at the time of learning takes place.
In learning activities, students are given
the opportunity to convey their ideas or
opinions about the movements they are
performing. An interesting input from
students about the material can be carried
out in the learning directly.
Of the several advantages that have been
mentioned above, researchers still find some
problems that need to be considered by the teacher
associated with deficiencies or weaknesses in the
learning process.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
The shortcomings of the implementation of the
action of each cycle as described below:
The material of the implementation of the
motion education model is a new game
that is known by the students so that the
delivery of material about obstacle course
must be clearly explained and
fundamentally so that it is enough to
spend time studying.
There are several movements in the
obstacle game activity that students judge
too easily so that students look easy and
bored in playing the game.
The ability of teachers to identify
problems must be followed by the ability
to explain them, so that problems are easy
to solve or find solutions by students.
Researchers only pay attention to students
who are active when the learning process
takes place, sedangka teachers pay less
attention to students who are waiting
gilirann, so the class atmosphere is less
There are some students who are still
annoying other friends who cause a little
rowdy atmosphere.
Discussion of Discovery
Based on the findings of research and
reflection on cycles I and II, it is necessary to
improve some of the deficiencies in the
application of motion education model, so that
the next implementation is better.
Repairs to be done are as follows:
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher
should be able to attract students
'attention to arise students' curiosity and
arise question and answer between the
student and the teacher, and begin the
learning more readily.
During the lesson, teachers will try to
build a democratic classroom situation by
giving the students the opportunity to ask
questions and express their opinions.
The teacher will provide a complete
explanation of the compulsory
movements in the game of obstacles in
the implementation of learning, so that
students understand learning by applying
a motion education model that uses the
game obstacle course.
The use of media and props in the game is
further enhanced and by utilizing the
existing media around the school as well,
especially the preparation of backup tools
when tools that should be used suddenly
can not be used.
Students have started to speak up, give
opinions and propose their opinions.
The given material has been mastered by
researchers and arranged in such a way
according to the needs of research.
Students move actively as instructed by
the teacher and also freely make other
movements. This is seen with the learning
that goes very interesting and the child
moves unrestricted by the teacher.
Teachers should be able to identify
problems quickly while learning takes
place so that learning can be conducive
The teacher has done a good job as a
facilitator, the teacher has been able to
build a democratic classroom atmosphere
and create an active classroom
Based on the results of research on cycles I and
II, the researchers consider that the implementation
of Classroom Action Research (PTK) in class V / A
SD N 001 Merdeka Bandung, has achieved results in
accordance with the expected goals. This is evident
from the increase in student skill groups that had
been included in the less-prone group because the
percentage that was less than 70% in the 3rd
percentage action rose to a well-skilled group whose
percentage was between 80% -90% increasing from
previous action so that Researchers assume no
longer necessary to cycle and the next action.
The conclusions of this study are "Efforts to
Improve Motivation Skills of Lokomotor and
Student Manipulative Grounds through the
application of Motion Education Model (classroom
action research on students of grade V SD N 001
Merdeka)". As for some conclusions that writers can
convey is as follows:
Motion education model is suitable applied by
physical education teacher in learning process
in elementary, because learning material from
motion education model in the form of game.
Basically elementary school children still have
the desire to play very high, by applying the
motion education model students can learn
with pleasure and active as they want.
Successful implementation of efforts to
improve basic locomotor and student
Effort to Improve Student Fundamental Locomotor and Manipulative Skills through the Application of Movement Education
manipulative skills through the implementation
of motion education model in elementary
school is evident with improved locomotor
base and student manipulative skills. The
increase is evident from the increased
percentage of each research action conducted
by the researcher until the last research action
has a high enough percentage, the percentage
of student skill to be between 80% -90%, the
percentage is good skill group.
The obstacles faced by the application of the
motion education model in elementary school
is the knowledge of the children about the
learning materials given when the learning
process takes place, the students are happy and
active when doing the game but they are less
understood by what they do because the game
material in motion education model is a game
New done students who make teachers must
explain the material with a long time.
Solutions undertaken by teachers in an effort to
cope with obstacles when the learning process takes
place when applying the motion education model,
among others by: 1) Teachers should create a
democratic class possible so that students dare to
argue and ask about the material they will learn; 2)
Teachers should create classroom situations as
interesting as possible so that when the students'
learning process is vibrant and active; 3) Teachers
should provide a complete explanation of the
material so that they understand what they are doing
during the learning process; 4) And the teacher
should be able to identify the problem quickly
during the lesson so that the learning can run
conducive again.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education