by his peer tEman that contribute to the difficulty in
learning skills later in life. By developing a
motor ink skills children will fulfill their desire to
move, and floating their bodies. A good outcome
must start with a good fundamental too, then the role
of primary school teacher in helping to guide
students in developing students' crude motor skills is
Teaching physical education involves physical
activity that is capable of inducing ability, physical
fitness and at the same time is the formation of the
mastery of movement skills itself" as such these
quotations we can know that the learning process
physical education is very influential in assisting the
development of skills child's basic motion
(Mahendra, 2009; Frostig and Maslow, 1970).
Most primary school teachers do simple learning,
so it is enough to get the children to go to the field,
then provide the ball for students and teachers to
stay on the side-lines. This is what causes the low
quality of learning outcomes and the low level of
physical fitness of elementary school
students. Physical education teacher is responsible
for all this, physical education teachers have to
figure out how to deliver teaching physical
education in schools to inculcate and develop basic
forms of motion that has been held every student, in
order to do better and right.
Many learning model used by teachers physical
education in schools such as the model of
learning cooperative model tactical approach,
teaching model of inquiry and learning models
more, there are still a few teachers physical
education implementing educational model
motion (movement education), whereas, the
educational model of motion is one educational
models that are able to help develop basic movement
movements for elementary school students. In
accordance with Mahendra's opinion (2015, p. 6):
"The motion education model is a learning stage that
is adapted to all stages of age and child
development. This model provides an intact tangle
of motion experiences that run through all types of
movement in all situations”.
Based on the experience of researchers who had
conducted observation in class V students in some
schools, when teaching physical education lasts
some kids motor skills basic locomotor running and
jumping, as well as basic motion manipulative
kicking, and throwing is still not perfect and still
needed guidance again for the ability basic motion
develops well. What should the teacher do to solve
the above problem?
The educational model of motion
or movement education, curriculum emphasizes the
mastery of the concept of motion. In the United
States, motion education programs began to develop
since the 1960s, whose implementation is based on
the work of Rudolph Laban. The framework of this
program includes the concept of body awareness
(what the body does), the concept of effort (how the
body moves), the concept of space (where the body
moves), and the concept of connectedness (what
relationship happens). Each of these concepts is a
guide to be used when the child has to move, so that
the child's movement is meaningful in the whole
From each aspect of the motion above, the
objectives and learning activities are designed by
utilizing the problem-solving style teaching
approach, guided discovery, and exploratory. In the
development of a motion education curriculum, the
whole concept is utilized and elaborated, as well as a
vehicle for children to explore their motion
abilities. Including, if into the curriculum is included
some orientation sports such as gymnastics or
games, even dance though. Below we will describe
the scope of educational curriculum oriented through
educational games and educational
gymnastics. Jewet and Bain stated that:
The motion education model has been criticized
in the absence of claims about the transfer of
learning and also resulted in a decrease in active
mobile time due to excessive emphasis on the
teaching of the concept of motion. Other critics have
proposed weak empirical evidence to support the
practice of using discovery teaching styles to teach
sports skills (Pangrazi and Dauer, 1992; Siedentop,
The learning in the motion education model is
more to the form of the game. The learning fits with
the character of elementary school children who
always want to play. Through play activities, it is
appropriate to develop basic motion skills of
children in elementary school, because on the basis
of children's world is playing.
Physical activity that children do either
individually or in groups in the form of play done by
children because they are happy and driven by the
desire to move. Healthy children are constantly on
the move or doing things and are almost never
silent. Physical game-game presented in accordance
with the child's development so that will provide
many opportunities for children to channel the
With us, the gamelan teacher who channelled the
child's wishes to a learning activity in game play will
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education