Application of Modified Basketball Game Against Understanding
Playing Basketball
Lukmannul Haqim Lubay and Destri Hardiyani
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Keywords: Basketball Game, Game Modifications.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to see how the application of a modified basketball game to the understanding
of play basketball in class X of SMAN 1 Baleendah (Experimental Research in SMAN 1 Baleendah). This
research used experimental method research conducted in 12 times meeting. Population in this research is
class X SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah, the sample of 50 students, divided into two groups, namely experiment
and control. The sampling technique is using simple random sampling. The instrument used was GPAI. Based
on the results of processing and analysis of obtained data of experimental group was an average pretest score
4.92 with s (Standard Deviation) 1.15 and post-test score 7.84, with s (Standard Deviation) 1.21, the control
group with an average pretest score 4.92, with s (Standard Deviation) 1.15 and post-test score 5.20, with s
(Standard Deviation) 1.19, and t
19.226 <t
0.284 results are not significant to the control group, while
the experimental group obtained t
4,056> t
0.284 and there is an significant increased score because t
is greater than t
. Based on these achievements, it can be concluded that, on learning basketball through
game modifications affect the increased understanding of playing basketball in class X SMA Negeri 1
Game of basketball is known as the sport of the
second-fastest in the world after the ice hockey, game
of basketball is an activity that is done by bouncing
the ball (dribbling), passes the ball (passing), and
shot the ball (shooting), the activity was aimed at
scored to ring opponents. In the world of education is
no less interesting basketball game with a variety of
championships both national and international level
are contested, which distinguishes them is the
purpose and goals to be achieved. In the Unit Level
Curriculum (KTSP), especially at the high school
(SMA) basketball game is one activity that is used as
a learning activity in physical educational subjects.
And to date learning materials basketball game
activity has become part of the curriculum for
teaching physical education (Penjas) planned
systematically aims to improve individual organic,
neuromuscular, perceptual, cognitive, emotional and
physical education within the framework of the
Teaching materials in a learning activity,
especially in the big ball game of basketball teaching
materials in schools often be used as teaching
materials are provided to students in the learning
process. However, in its application in the field, the
form of media or learning tool used is less suitable
given or applied in learning activities, games of
basketball that are hard too often make students afraid
and are not confident that adversely affects the
enthusiasm and participation of students that cause
students inactive for move. Limited facilities and
infrastructure owned by the school is one of the
problems that are often found in the implementation
of teaching physical education, so they could not meet
the equipment needed by teachers in implementing
the learning (Turner and Patrick, 2004).
In addition to the equipment less, the Rules of
basketball complex makes students confused to play,
such as when students dribbled other students must
have swarmed students who carry the ball and tried to
pick it up, or it is not uncommon students dribble
exceeding two steps after switching off the ball,
students are less precise in the motion passing, the
students do not understand the space where they had
to stand up, students have not been nimble in taking
the decision to print the numbers, students have not
Lubay, L. and Hardiyani, D.
Application of Modified Basketball Game Against Understanding Playing Basketball.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 409-413
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
been able to create a space to be freed from custody
opponent and students too individualistic when play
basketball in progress, this is seen when students do
not pass the ball to other friends when these students
are at a disadvantage. But in reality in schools with
the state of the student as described above educators
(teachers) still forced students to be able to carry out
the movement technique was perfect and required to
be scored, but in the realm of physical education, a
technique in a game and exercise is not a departure
which can be used as a measuring learning success,
or the output from the learning itself (Papaioannou,
Based on the explanation above, we can look at
that in a process of learning the necessary
infrastructure in order to achieve a complete
education goals can improve individual quality both
in terms of physical, social, and emotional. In
addition, one of the things that must be done by the
teacher in the classroom learning implementation is
to make the learning plan. With lesson plans will help
teachers to facilitate learning that are expected to
minimize the deficiencies that will happen (Fay, et al.,
2005; lawless, K.A. and Pellegrino, J.W. 2007).
On the other hand, in making a planning need for
a method of learning because learning method is one
part that can not be separated to create a plan. The
learning method that can be used by teachers today
very widely. A teacher will be able to do their job
properly when he controlled and able to perform the
skills to teach using methods appropriate to the
characteristics of the subject, purpose, and subject to
be taught. Often encountered in schools that a teacher
to conduct classes with a variety of methods, such as,
the overall method, the method section, the whole-
part method, progressive method, and a solid training
methods and distributed.
The method used to support this research is
experimental method, because in the process of the
study, researchers gave treatment. Thus the
experimental research method can be interpreted as
the research methods used to find a specific treatment
effect against the other in uncontrolled conditions.
2.1 Subject
The subjects were students of class X SMAN I
Baleendah, totalling 500 students, then take 10% of
500 is 50, and the methods used to determine the 50
students through the process of drawing. Then after a
determined 50 students, researchers divided into two
groups: the experimental group and the control group,
each of which amounted to 25 people.
2.2 Instrument
The instrument used in this study is the Game
Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI).
Indonesian in the form of tests to make decisions and
implementation tactics of playing skills. To determine
the success of students in the learning needs
assessment is through tests. The test consists of two
tests, namely one-group pretest-posttest design.
2.3 Data Analysis
The steps that must be taken in data processing are as
Calculate the average value of the sample group
had been in Standardize using the formula:
= Mean average
X = Score obtained
N = Number of people
= “sigma” which means the amount
Source: Abduljabar, B., Darajat, J. (2012, hlm. 76)
Look for the standard deviation of the scores
that were not grouped using the following
statistical formula :
S = Standard deviation sought
n = Number of sample
x = Score obtained
= Mean average
Source: Abduljabar, B., Darajat, J. (2012, hlm. 84)
The measures taken are:
a. Determining the value of the average
b. Looking for x by subtracting scores obtained
by the average value.
c. Price x squared, then summed
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Attractive square root once divided by the
number of respondents.
Normal Curve
Tabel 1: Use of normal curve with 5 category value (a-e).
Border in curve
M + 1.8 or more
Very good
Between M+0.6 and M + 1.8 S
Between M+0.6 and M + 0.6 S
Between M+1.8 and M + 0.6 S
Unless from 0.6 S
So poor
Normality Test
Normality test is intended to determine whether
the data from the measurement results are
normal or not. Normality test used by the author
in this study in this research is Liliefors
normality test, this test using the steps as
a. Standardize any number of observation,
, X
, . . . X
by making the raw numbers
, Z
, . . . , Z
using the formula :
Zi =
Z = raw number to-i
= Data from observation to-i
= Average sample group
S = Standard deviation of the sample
Source: Riduwan. (2015, Page. 189)
1. For each raw numbers using the standard
normal distribution list, and then
calculates the probability F (z
) = P ( z
2. The calculate the proportion of Z
, Z
, . .
. , Z
less than or equal to Zi. If the
proportion is expressed by
S (Z
) : S (Z
) =
,...,, Zbanyaknya
21 in
3. Calculate the difference F (Z
) = - S (Z
and determining the absolute price
4. Take the greatest absolute value among
the absolute prices, call the biggest price
normality test lilifors L
criteria, is :
1) The hypothesis is accepted when L
< L
, the conclusion normal
distribution of data
2) The hypothesis is rejected when L
> L
the conclusion is not normal
distribution of data
b. Homogeneity test. The formula is as
follows :
arianceSmallest vThe
rienceLargest vaThe
Source: Riduwan. (2015, Page. 186)
Testing criteria are: accept the hypothesis
if F-count is smaller than F-table
distribution with degrees of freedom =
(V1, V2) with significance level (a) = 0,05.
c. The next step calculates an increase in
exercise results with significance testing,
using the t test with the formula :
t : t value sought
: The average value obtained from the
data collecting
: The average value of difference
SB : standard deviation
n : number of sample
Source: Riduwan. (2015, Page. 207)
3.1 Result
Hypothesis Test Results Summary Play Skills
Basketball in the control group and the experimental.
Tabel 2: Test results summary play skills basketball in the
control group and the experimental.
4.92 ±
5.20 ±
4.92 ±
5.20 ±
Application of Modified Basketball Game Against Understanding Playing Basketball
From the table above it is known that the t value
obtained is smaller than the control group of t table
i.e. -19 226 t <t table 0.284. The significance of
playing basketball skills in the experimental group
was 000. Because the t value obtained is smaller than
t table then Ho is rejected and H1 accepted. The
conclusion was that there is no real influence on
increasing understanding of playing basketball with
no modifications to the learning basketball exerts
given. Thus the hypothesis is not tested and can not
be accepted. While for the experimental group known
that the t value that is greater than t table i.e. 4,056 t>
t table 0.284. The significance of playing basketball
skills in the experimental group was .070. Because
the value of t is greater than t table then Ho is rejected
and H1 accepted. The conclusion can be drawn then
there is a real impact on improving the understanding
of playing basketball with modifications exerts on
learning basketball game used. Thus the hypothesis
has been tested and accepted.
3.2 Discussion
Based on observations when the research took place,
calculation and data processing statistically, the
results of this study provide answers to research
problems raised writer for twelve (12) meetings, it is
known that the effect of modification of the game
basketball surveyed have a real impact on an
increased understanding of play basketball in class X
SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah.
During treatment carried 12 times meeting, found
the facts of the field that looks the development of
students' understanding of the game of basketball
marked with students will position where he should
stand, where he had to run, the right to take a decision
in which he had to do dribble, passing or penetration,
make a decision whether he should ask for the ball or
clearing a friend who is being guarded by the
opponent, and be able to look for space to create
chances to score. This is evidenced also by the results
of the data analysis of the comparison between the
control groups with an experimental group where
there is a significant proportion of the understanding
of the game of basketball. This change is the result of
the treatment (treatment) done to the students during
the learning process, with programs being developed
at each meeting is done, in line with Agustan, B.
(2015) argued that : “Based on research, the treatment
group basketball instructional modifications after
being given pre-test to post-test increased
significantly. Time treatment lasts for one month with
12 meetings, but the difference score pre-test and
post-test increased significantly. Unlike the physical
education learning through conventional learning.
Based on the research findings that scores at pre-test
and post-test control group did not increase
significantly. The reason for the difference in
treatment at the time of physical education learning
takes place. Differences in treatment had on the
provision of material that is so appealing is rarely
given to each student. This is what makes the
difference score pre-test and post-test on any model
of learning is presented differently. (Page. 28)
However, modification of learning is not the main
focus in the learning process; it's just a way to
simplify, facilitate, and guiding students into the
learning situation. Applying modifications to
enhancing the understanding of student learning,
especially in learning the game of basketball should
be packaged differently and certainly creative,
innovative and to develop cognitive abilities,
psychomotor, and affective so that students continue
to be motivated to do a series of interactive learning
process (Li and Lam, 2013). In line with Vygotsky's
theory about the role of social interaction and the
development of the nearby area (zone of proximum
development) has some implications for the teaching
of physical education. Implications of Vygotsky's
theory is reinforced by the position of social
constructivism philosophy that believes that
knowledge of physical education a shape
(construction) socially (Berk and Winsler, 1995).
According to Murray and Arroyo (In Shabani, K.
2010) suggests that Indicate that the zone of
proximal development can be characterized from
both cognitive and affective perspectives. From the
affective perspective the learner should avoid the
extremes of being bored and being confused and
frustrated. From the cognitive perspective we say that
material should not be too difficult or easy. Both
boredom and confusion can lead to distraction,
frustration, and lack of motivation. Of course the
optimal conditions differ for each learner and differ
for the same learner in different contexts. (page.
Can be interpreted according to Murray and
Arroyo indicated that the zone of proximal
development can be characterized from both the
perspective of the cognitive and affective. From the
perspective of affective learner must avoid the
extremes become bored and become confused too
frustrated. From a cognitive perspective we say
material that should not be too difficult or easy. Both
boredom and confusion can cause disruption,
frustration, and lack of motivation. Of course, the
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
optimal conditions are different for each student and
different to fellow students in a different context.
Students in the ZPD (DPT) respectively, so that
they each can reach the level of potential abilities.
The situation in the field is empirically not simple.
Not every student has mastered the material
prerequisites properly, or the students to master but
with the quality of mastering diverse. So there are
students who have not reached the level of the actual
capabilities or actual achieved level of ability of each
student is not the same. This means, ZPD (DPT) they
are different, which implies the need for variations
guidance and interactive learning environment.
Based on the research, processing and analysis of data
that has been elaborated at Chapter IV, on the effect
of modification of the game basketball towards the
understanding of playing basketball, the authors
conclude that: Modification of the game of basketball
have a significant influence on the results of
understanding to play basketball in class X SMAN 1
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Application of Modified Basketball Game Against Understanding Playing Basketball