From the table above it is known that the t value
obtained is smaller than the control group of t table
i.e. -19 226 t <t table 0.284. The significance of
playing basketball skills in the experimental group
was 000. Because the t value obtained is smaller than
t table then Ho is rejected and H1 accepted. The
conclusion was that there is no real influence on
increasing understanding of playing basketball with
no modifications to the learning basketball exerts
given. Thus the hypothesis is not tested and can not
be accepted. While for the experimental group known
that the t value that is greater than t table i.e. 4,056 t>
t table 0.284. The significance of playing basketball
skills in the experimental group was .070. Because
the value of t is greater than t table then Ho is rejected
and H1 accepted. The conclusion can be drawn then
there is a real impact on improving the understanding
of playing basketball with modifications exerts on
learning basketball game used. Thus the hypothesis
has been tested and accepted.
3.2 Discussion
Based on observations when the research took place,
calculation and data processing statistically, the
results of this study provide answers to research
problems raised writer for twelve (12) meetings, it is
known that the effect of modification of the game
basketball surveyed have a real impact on an
increased understanding of play basketball in class X
SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah.
During treatment carried 12 times meeting, found
the facts of the field that looks the development of
students' understanding of the game of basketball
marked with students will position where he should
stand, where he had to run, the right to take a decision
in which he had to do dribble, passing or penetration,
make a decision whether he should ask for the ball or
clearing a friend who is being guarded by the
opponent, and be able to look for space to create
chances to score. This is evidenced also by the results
of the data analysis of the comparison between the
control groups with an experimental group where
there is a significant proportion of the understanding
of the game of basketball. This change is the result of
the treatment (treatment) done to the students during
the learning process, with programs being developed
at each meeting is done, in line with Agustan, B.
(2015) argued that : “Based on research, the treatment
group basketball instructional modifications after
being given pre-test to post-test increased
significantly. Time treatment lasts for one month with
12 meetings, but the difference score pre-test and
post-test increased significantly. Unlike the physical
education learning through conventional learning.
Based on the research findings that scores at pre-test
and post-test control group did not increase
significantly. The reason for the difference in
treatment at the time of physical education learning
takes place. Differences in treatment had on the
provision of material that is so appealing is rarely
given to each student. This is what makes the
difference score pre-test and post-test on any model
of learning is presented differently. “(Page. 28)
However, modification of learning is not the main
focus in the learning process; it's just a way to
simplify, facilitate, and guiding students into the
learning situation. Applying modifications to
enhancing the understanding of student learning,
especially in learning the game of basketball should
be packaged differently and certainly creative,
innovative and to develop cognitive abilities,
psychomotor, and affective so that students continue
to be motivated to do a series of interactive learning
process (Li and Lam, 2013). In line with Vygotsky's
theory about the role of social interaction and the
development of the nearby area (zone of proximum
development) has some implications for the teaching
of physical education. Implications of Vygotsky's
theory is reinforced by the position of social
constructivism philosophy that believes that
knowledge of physical education a shape
(construction) socially (Berk and Winsler, 1995).
According to Murray and Arroyo (In Shabani, K.
2010) suggests that “Indicate that the zone of
proximal development can be characterized from
both cognitive and affective perspectives. From the
affective perspective the learner should avoid the
extremes of being bored and being confused and
frustrated. From the cognitive perspective we say that
material should not be too difficult or easy. Both
boredom and confusion can lead to distraction,
frustration, and lack of motivation. Of course the
optimal conditions differ for each learner and differ
for the same learner in different contexts. “(page.
Can be interpreted according to Murray and
Arroyo indicated that the zone of proximal
development can be characterized from both the
perspective of the cognitive and affective. From the
perspective of affective learner must avoid the
extremes become bored and become confused too
frustrated. From a cognitive perspective we say
material that should not be too difficult or easy. Both
boredom and confusion can cause disruption,
frustration, and lack of motivation. Of course, the
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education