the same time in recovery. The HIIT training protocol
is popular with this type of program, the athletes
perform about 30 seconds 'sprint or near full out
effort', followed by 4 to 4.5 minutes of recovery. The
combination of these exercises can be repeated 3 to 5
times. This high intensity work effort is usually
shorter (30 seconds with sprint interval training).
In research on HIIT can be increased by using 4
weeks on trained athletes (Matthew, et al., 2009). The
study found that HIIT can increase aerobic capacity
to the same extent as moderate intensity training
sustainability, but also produce 28% anaerobic
capacity increase. Other findings led to the
development of various HIIT programs. Although
there are many different ways to perform HIIT, all
programs marked with high intensity combined with
rest or brief recovery intensity. This is consistent with
research that resulted in training with HIIT method
for 6 weeks of moderate intensity exercise did not
give effect to anaerobic capacity but 6 weeks of
moderate exercise with high intensity (20 seconds of
exercise, 10 seconds rest with intensity of 170%
VO2max) anaerobic capacity and VO2max
simultaneously (tabata, et al., 1996). But there is
research showing that HIIT training has no effect on
anaerobic ability in relatively adult-trained adult
population, the results show no benefit to the HIIT
exercise method as it has been done in tabata research
even in this study the tabata protocol is less favorable
(Foster, et al., 2015). While the practice with relative
intensity and physiological response to steady state
exercises are well documented. Therefore, the
purpose of this study was to determine the impact of
the use of the Tabata protocol exercise method on
enhancing the dynamic capacity of anaerobic and
aerobic capacity.
HIIT training has been shown to increase aerobic
and anaerobic fitness, maintain blood pressure, heart
health, insulin sensitivity (which helps muscles
exercise more easily using glucose for fuel to
generate energy), cholesterol profiles and belly fat
and weight while maintaining muscle mass according
to studies showing that HIIT exercises can be used for
body fat loss (Trapp, dkk. 2008), and even lower six
skinfolds (Tremblay and Simoneau, 1994) and weight
loss (Jan Helgerud, dkk., 2007).
Aerobic capacity is the ability to maintain long-
term high-performance output, HIIT training
performed 4-5 times per week for 5 weeks, resulting
in increased uptake oxygen inhale, 2,000 m and peak
performance (Sperlich, dkk., 2010) while anaerobic
capacity is ability to perform very high workload
repeatedly. This is important, because by providing
exercise to people who have high aerobic ability, it
will be more capable to withstand fatigue and have a
rapid recovery process (Cochram, 2006; Smith,
2012). Aerobic capacity is often termed as VO2max
(Torrance, 2013, Phil, 2013), as an indicator of
aerobic capacity then passes VO2max measurements.
The focus of research is directed to the impact of
protocol tabata method exercises on anaerobic
dynamic enhancement capabilities comprising the
physical capabilities included in an anaerobic work
system ability of speed of motion, both in the form of
Speed, Agility, and Quickness.
Many sports that require these components either
alone need only Speed, or Agility only, but many
sports require a combination of these abilities. In
addition to the ability of the speed of motion, other
capabilities that the system works based on anaerobic
energy sources are the ability of fast power or power
(Seagrave, 1992), power maintained in long duration
or in the number of repetitions that many are also
called Power Endurance, or Speed which is
maintained in a relatively long duration or speed
endurance (Seagrave, 1992).
Given the results of the above studies, researchers
feel interested in deeper reviews of HIIT, through
research studies on the impact of HIIT training
methods on anerobic and aerobic capacity building.
2.1 Subject
Students who are members of University Futsal Puteri
student activity unit consisting of 14 people. After
receiving a detailed explanation of the objectives,
potential benefits, and risks associated with
participating in this study, each student gave her
written approval.
2.2 Protocol
In the execution, the researcher perform the testing
and the initial measurement and then give the exercise
treatment with HIIT training method, after finishing
the treatment then testing and final stage
measurement were done. The steps taken for data
collection is to prepare the test instrument carry out
testing and measurement according to the test
procedure by a number of personnel testers (4 people
who are experts in data retrieval). The collected data
is a type of quantitative data. The data collection
schedule consists of two stages, the first stage is a
preliminary test to determine the initial condition of
Impact of HIIT Exercise Methods on Improving the Ability of Anaerobic and Aerobic Capacities of Female Futsal