Students Knowledge about Handling Sport Injuries
Suci Tuty Putri, Sri Sumartini, Afianti Sulastri and Lulu Nurfatin
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Health Sport Education, Handling Injuries; Knowledge of Sport Student; Sport Injuries.
Abstract: Sport students are at risk of injury during physical activity such as physical education, sports achievement
and fitness sports. According to the data of U.S., the number of sports injuries reached 1.5 million times per
year. Each student is expected to have the ability to prevent and deal with injuries that occur. The purpose of
this research is to know how the knowledge’s of students of Faculty of Sport about handling sports injuries.
The design of the research is descriptive quantitative. The number of samples is 115 student using purposive
sampling technique with certain criteria. Based on the analysis research shows that mean of student’s
knowledge about handling sports injuries is 61.8. The mean of internal handling sports injuries of knowledge
is 56.14 and external handling sports injuries of knowledge is 64.91. It is mean that the knowledge of student
have not been optimize, so it can be effect to their ability handling sports injuries as during their activity.
Sports has great benefits in terms of physical, mental
and psychosocial. It is known that students who
participate in sports have good emotional and
intellectual abilities throughout their academic and
life processes. But exercise is also at risk in health
The major negative consequences of participation
in sport is the risk of injury. Sport injuries represent a
substantial burden on society and constitute a major
public health problem among student in high school
and college age (Weaver, 2002). The high incidence
of sport injuries applies particularly to the physical
education at Universities, an examples about 750 of
7,000 students of Germany Sport University Cologne
make use of medical care due to an injury every year
(Kleinert, 2002). Research at Massachusetts
University for ages 13-19, shows that sport injury is
the most common cause in emergency room and
hospitalization referrals (Weaver, 2002)
Injuries in the world of sports that is damaged
body tissues (soft or hard) either muscles, bones or
joints caused by a collision or activity that exceeds
the limit of training (overtraining), overload, so
muscles and joints are no longer in anatomical state
(dislocation) (G.La Cava, 1995). Factors that cause
sport injury can be due to intrinsic factors; age, injury
history, body size, local anatomy and biomechanics,
aerobic fitness, muscle strength, imbalance and
tightness, ligamentous laxility, central motor control,
psychological and psychosocial, mental abilities
(Taimela, 2016; Bahr, 2005), extrinsic factors;
accidents, poor practice, unsuitable equipment, lack
of preparation, physical condition and inadequate
heating and stretching (Dunkin, 2004, Bahr, 2005)
Research on the impact of sports injury on sports
students in the Netherlands shows that the impact of
sport injury during lectures, among others, difficulties
during sport (23%), reduced sport activity (21%) and
reduced sport performance (24%) (Goossens, 2014).
In addition, Abernethy's (2017) study explains that
deficiencies in sports injury care in schools in all
aspects studied: immediate care, first aid training
staff, and injury scenario performance.
In the implementation of learning and games
students are very vulnerable to experience accidents
or injuries. Therefore, injuries that occur at the time
of exercise should get more attention, to provide
appropriate treatment and appropriate injuries
experienced. Various studies show how to prevent
from sports injuries. The preventive act that covers:
Primary prevention; the target is the pre-injury phase
that includes the requirements of the physical
preseason and the effort to properly train the trainer
and athlete. (2). Secondary strategies aim to reduce
the effects of injury events. Encourage early research
that noted the ability to perform, for example athletes
Putri, S., Sumartini, S., Sulastri, A. and Nurfatin, L.
Students Knowledge about Handling Sport Injuries.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 446-449
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can practice conditioning drills that incorporate
proprioception to teach them how to recover from
fall. (3). Post injury phase or tertiary prevention, the
goal is to minimize the long term detrimental effects
of an injury event. Using medical services, adherence
to rehabilitation is a strategy in post-injury (Weaver,
In addition, according to Andun Sudijandoko
(2000) one of the prevention of injury is skill
prevention; in the prevention of injury because
preparations and risks are thought out earlier. In
improving skills is not enough skills about physical
ability alone but including the ability of mind power,
reading the situation, know the dangers that can occur
and reduce the risk. Adequate knowledge can assist in
the realization of appropriate rehabilitation and
becomes very important to improve recovery and
prevent further injury. But in practice, not all sports
participants with injuries actually adhere to the
treatment prescribed by the doctor. Various cases
have been reported in the form of bad behavior and
non-adherence to treatment protocols among sports
participants undergoing clinical or home based
physical therapy due to inadequate knowledge. Some
research results suggest that improving training is
basic life support training for sports students can
reduce the incidence of sports injury, but no
systematic review results show the results
(Albernethy, 2017).
The results of the curriculum data obtained by
sixth semester students at the Faculty of Sport and
Health Education have received a sports fitness
course which includes learning about sports injuries.
We explore issues related to how sports students
handle sport injury that occurs in their daily sporting
activities. There is no significant action they take
when they get sport injury. Sports students tend to
rely on coaches or healthcare workers to cope with
sport injury, whereas the speed, precision of first
handling of injuries in sports injury becomes
important in the process of subsequent sports injury
Therefore it is important to know how the
knowledge of sports students in handling injuries.
This will be the basis for the development of health
education for sports athletes and advanced research
on the needs of health education especially the
handling of injuries.
The research design was descriptive analytic. Sample
of this study consist 115 sport student from Indonesia
University of Education. The technique sampling
using purposive sampling with certain criteria. The
criteria cover such aspects as the sixth semester
students and has taken sport health subject. Data were
collected using questionnaires in April 2017
respectively. Students obtain a questionnaire after the
course and they must directly complete it. They were
given 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The
questionnaire was then rechecked to prevent data
missing. From 161 questionnaires distributed to 3rd
graders, 115 questionnaires were eligible for data
analysis process.
The data obtained was analyzed in univariate
analysis to explain descriptively how the average
knowledge of sports students about handling injuries.
The data was further analyzed based on the
knowledge on the causal factors of injury resulting
from contact based on Arikunto (2013)
categorization; Good (76-100%), Moderate (56-75%)
and bad (lower than 55%).
The research was conducted to 115 sports students of
Indonesia University of Education. The sample
consists of 36 female, 79 male; mean of age = 20.4
yo. The result of descriptive analysis shows that most
of the students' knowledge level is still in the medium
category, with the average knowledge of sports
students is 61.8 (min-max: 56.14- 64.91). In addition,
students’ knowledge on the types of injury is
illustrated in table 1.
Table 1: Frequency distribution of students’ knowledge
based on the cause and the treatment of injury.
It was discovered that the students’ knowledge on
injury treatment or handling is insufficient. FPOK
students generally receive training in the treatment of
sports injuries in one sport fitness course with 2
credits for a semester through classroom learning,
without any field practice. The minimal learning
credit and the lack of field practice learning can be
expected to be one of the factors affecting the low
level of knowledge in the students
This research specifically indicated that the
students’ knowledge on the cause of sports injury is
Contact Injury
Students Knowledge about Handling Sport Injuries
sufficient. The same thing about the knowledge
handling of injury due to the contact of some
respondents in the category “enough”.
These have proven that the learning objectives
were not achieved optimally. 2 credit in curriculum
must be increased because to form someone attitude
needs sufficient knowledge to change their attitude
and behavior. (Sulastri, 2015) Sufficient knowledge
is expected to be a provision in anticipating the
incidence of sports injuries
Integrative learning together with other courses in
the form of field practice related to each branch of
sport may be an alternative solution that can
accommodate the lack of credits to achieve the
expected competencies. As explained by learning
theories that learning process may occur as a result of
conditioning through stimulus and or habituation. In
this case, the factor of exercise or habituation and
provision of positive stimulus and continuous and
consistent control system is one of the keys that can
lead to the formation of attitudes and behaviors
Griffin (2011) argues that the perception of
knowledge about safety and motivation to perform
safely can affect individual safety performance and
also mediate the relationship between safety and
safety climate (Griffin and Neal, 2000)
The injury prevention study has been described by
van Mechelen et al in four stages. First, identifying
the incidents and severuty of the injury that might
happen. Second, identifying the injury risk factors
and mechanism. The third step is for the second step
And lastly is to evaluate each stage to study the
pattern of injury based on time trends (Bahr, 2005).
Although injury events themselves may arise as a
result of unexpected things, injuries can also result
from complex interactions between internal and
external risk factors. Internal factors such as age, sex,
and body composition as an athlete predisposing
factor for injury that may affect the risk of continuing
injury. In addition, external environmental factors
such as shoe traction and floor friction can alter the
risk of injury, even making athletes more vulnerable
to injury(Bahr, 2005).
Ignorance knowledge of handling injuries can
lead to improper handling of injuries. If this is true,
then it will not only cause an athlete to stop, but also
increase the likelihood of re-injury (Knowles et al.,
2006). Adequate knowledge can assist in the
realization of appropriate rehabilitation and becomes
very important to improve recovery and prevent
further injury. But in practice, not all sports
participants with injuries actually adhere to the
treatment prescribed by the doctor. Various cases
have been reported in the form of bad behavior and
non-adherence to treatment protocols among exercise
participants who undergo clinical or home based
physical therapy due to inadequate knowledge.
Therefore, knowledge of motivation to heal also
become one of the influential factors in the
rehabilitation process.
On the other hand, the recovery process of injury
is also influenced by the internal factors of the
individual (knowledge, physical condition, age,
emotion, gender etc.) and external factors
(environment, trainers, and health workers involved
in care). Differences of these factors provide different
processes and outcomes for each individual. In
athletes with long-term injuries recovery is needed
not only physically, but also requiring psychological
recovery. Johnson's research suggests that cognitive
models should be individually tailored to speed up the
recovery process, especially psychically in the event
of an injury (Johnson, 1997) Chan proposed a
concept of rehabilitation in the form of a Trans-
Contextual Model (TCM) which is a social cognitive
and integrated motivational theory that explains the
transfer of motivation from one context (e.g., physical
education context) to other related contexts such as
physical activity recreation. This is based on
contemporary motivational theory, self-
determination theory (SDT) which suggests that a
behavior is influenced by the individual's reason for
setting or motives, or rules of conduct. When an
action is executed because it is perceived to be
personally important as self-initiated and coherent
with deeply-rooted values the SDT-related action is
governed by self-determined autonomous motivation.
The motivation to recover can be influenced by the
factors of the trainer as well as the health care
workers. Chan's study found that in injured athletes,
the role of trainers dominates only in terms of
achievement motivation to return to competition,
while the motivation for compliance during
rehabilitation is greatly influenced by the educational
role of medical personnel. The positive relationship
between achievement motivation and medication
motivation demonstrates the importance of an
integrated collaboration of both parties, both from the
coach's side as well as the caregivers in shaping
behavior and motivation to recover from injury
(Chan, Hagger, and Spray, 2011
The importance of the role of knowledge and
practice is also expressed by Ettlinger through his
studies of professional ski athletes (ski patrollers and
ski instructors) and Mandellbaum on female soccer
athletes. They divide their professional athletes into
two groups where one group follows the training
program while the other does not. The results show
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
that the risk of an ACL injury (anterior cruciate
ligament) among experienced ski professionals can
be reduced through training programs held (Ettlinger,
Johnson, and Shealy, 1995; Mandelbaum et al.,
2005). This suggests that education can be one of the
most cost-effective means of helping to reduce the
risk of injury to athletes, especially about Basic Life
Support for students and the entire sports community
(athletes, coaches and managers).
Based on this, rehabilitation efforts are not only
physically required but also psychologically and
cognitively through systematic and specific education
in this field and information about injured, emotional
and behavioral response during recovery, and
appropriate intervention strategies to improve
program compliance and rehabilitative performance
that will assist in providing the most effective and
holistic treatment (Gordon, Potter, and Ford, 1998).
Based on the above description, it can be concluded
that the level of knowledge about handling student
sports injuries is still not sufficient. This knowledge
becomes important because it is proven to reduce the
risk and severity of sports injuries. In addition, the
provision of knowledge and field practice obtained
also can foster motivation to recover which will be
very helpful in the rehabilitation process.
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2003. Immediate care of school sport injury. Injury
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component of preventing injuries in sport. British
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Students Knowledge about Handling Sport Injuries