The Influence of Ideas Exercise Model and Physical Fitness on
Badminton Playing Skills
Herman Subarjah
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung,Indonesia
Keywords: Badminton Playing Skills, Physical Fitness, IDEAS Exercise Model.
Abstract: The study aims to determine the effect of IDEAS exercise model and physical fitness on badminton playing
skills at athletes Association of Badminton SGS PLN Bandung West Java Province using experimental
methods. The population is all athletes of badminton club members of SGS PLN Bandung, and random
sample was used to the athletes aged between 11 to 15 years as many as 40 athletes. Based on result of
research analysis, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Overall result of badminton playing skills at beginners
follows the learning model of higher-than-minded ideas that follow the conventional learning model
approach. 2) There is a difference in playing badminton skills of athletes who have high physical fitness, the
result of playing skills using Ideas model than those learning with conventional approach learning model. 3)
For athletes who have low physical fitness, the badminton playing skill with the learning model of ideas
approach do not differ significantly with athletes who learn by using conventional models. 4) There is a
positive interaction between the learning models with physical fitness on the badminton playing skills.
Thus, in an effort to improve the training process in improving badminton skills should be able to use the
exercise model of Ideas as a more organized, systematic and meaningful learning alternative.
Sport coaching at an early age is the first step to
create successful athletes. With the aim of achieving
optimum performance, it is better to start coaching,
giving planned, regular, programmed, systematic,
and continuous training at the early age (Adam,
1991). Thus, it is desirable to not only train the
outstanding athletes, but also it is important to foster
and develop young talented athletes as early as
possible, so that at their "golden age" the athletes are
able to outshine as much as possible. To attain the
optimal badminton achievement, it is required that
the process of learning and training are done
carefully, systematically, and continuously from the
early age (Singer, 1980 and Schmidt, 1991). Hence,
the coaches need the learning method and training
that can be used as a guide for badminton coaches in
Indonesia, in order to control the learning and
training process to achieve the goal effectively and
From the observation of the implementation of
the learning process and the badminton game
training in several organizations, it was found
various issues on the learning models which were
often done by the coaches that made varied training
results (Grice, 1994). On the other hand, it was
found the existence of different systems between
coaching at one club with other clubs. Consequently,
those issues encourage the researcher to find one
training model especially on the training system
aspect, which is considered as the standard model
that internationally and nationally well known
(Harsono, 1988).
In badminton learning, athletes often perform
service moves, overhead strokes, drop shots, and
smash by concentrating on more specific and
separate elements of the skill, regardless of learning
system. Although this conventional approach model
of learning is supposedly able to improve basic
technique skills, it has been widely criticized
(Fischman, 1993). One of the critiques was stated by
Griffin (1997): The result of skills that are taught
Subarjah, H.
The Influence of Ideas Exercise Model and Physical Fitness on Badminton Playing Skills.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 460-465
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
before the athletes can understand the connection
with the actual badminton situation can eliminate the
essence of badminton game itself.
The Ideas approach is intended to encourage
athletes to learn the skills of playing badminton
coherently, planned, from the easy to the difficult
level, from simple to complex, and from slow to fast
(Dick, 1989). Accordingly, the learning will be more
meaningful and the young athletes gain the
improvement from every time they join badminton
skills training (Bompa, 2000).
Based on the description that has been presented
on the background issues, there were several
questions that could be identified related to the
learning model and factors that may affect
badminton playing skills of the athletes, such as:
whether the learning approach can affect badminton
playing skills on the novice athletes, whether the
approach of the ideas model can affect Badminton
playing skills on the novice athletes, whether the
learning approach can affect badminton playing
skills on the novice athletes, whether the different
characteristics of development and athletes’ physical
fitness can affect badminton playing skills on the
novice athletes, is the physical fitness differences
can affect badminton playing skills on the novice
athletes, whether the learning model of the ideas
approach can affect badminton playing skills on the
novice athletes, whether the conventional learning
model approach can affect badminton playing skills
on the novice athletes (Bucher, 1995 and Davis,
1998). Based on the identification of those issues
that have been raised, the formulations of the
proposed research issues were, as follows:
Are there any differences of badminton playing
skills between the athletes who used the idea
approach model with a conventional approach
model on the novice athlete?
On the athletes who have high physical fitness,
are there any differences of badminton skills in
the using of idea approach model and a
conventional approach model?
On the athletes who have low physical fitness,
are there any differences of badminton skills in
the using of idea approach model and a
conventional approach model?
Are there any interaction effects between the
learning model and physical fitness on athletes’
badminton playing skills?
The research was carried out in 2016 to 2017. The
research is generally intended to find information
about the influence of ideas learning models and
fitness approach on the athletes’ skill of playing
badminton at "Badminton Club SGS PLN
2.1 Research Site and Time
This study was conducted on the novice athletes
who were members of Badminton Club SGS PLN
Bandung. The research was conducted at Buahbatu
Regency Sport hall, in Terusan Buahbatu for two
months (8 weeks), started from Wednesday 1
October 2014 to 30 November 2014, with the
frequency of training 5 times a week, namely
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
The total numbers of meetings were 28 treatments.
The first meeting was used for briefing, coach
introductions, and group divisions, 26 experimental
treatments, and one final meeting for badminton
skills tests.
2.2 Research Method
The experiment method was used for this research.
This was because the experimental method is a
research method that can correctly test the
hypothesis about causality. While the research
design used factorial design 2 x 2. Researchers
deliberately and systematically used the treatments
to observe the effect of the treatments. The research
design can be seen in the following table:
Tabel 1: The plan of factorial design 2X2.
Learning Model
Physical fitness
high (B
Low (B
The study involved two manipulated free
variables, two independently controlled variables,
and one dependent variable. The manipulated free
variables consisted of (a) the approach of ideas, and
(b) the conventional approach. The controlled free
variable was high and low physical fitness (Burden,
1999). Whereas the dependent variable was the
badminton playing skills. Subsequently, 2 x 2
factorial design was applied as a research design.
The experimental units were grouped into cells in
The Influence of Ideas Exercise Model and Physical Fitness on Badminton Playing Skills
such a way that the experimental units were
relatively homogeneous. The sampling technique
was done by using simple random sampling.
Data collection technique. In this study there
were two instruments that were used for data
collection, namely: (1) Physical fitness test, to
measure high and low physical fitness, and (2)
Measurement instruments in the form of badminton
skill test, to measure badminton playing skills.
2.3 Research Instrument
Physical fitness. Physical fitness is the capacity of a
person's movement skills to perform a variety of
motor skills and overall physical activity. Based on
that definition, the Physical Fitness was measured by
a Physical Fitness Test in form of a 12 minute run
(Burden, 1999).
Badminton Playing Skills. Badminton playing
skills is the ability to produce some movement to the
maximum state with little exertion of time and
energy in playing badminton games. Based on this
conceptual definition, the following operational
definitions can be put forward: Badminton playing
skills is the ability of a badminton player to display
his/her movement skills effectively and efficiently in
badminton games that can be observed through
his/her performance of playing badminton skills that
include the dimensions of position of the foot
placement and movements, as well as the skills of
hitting the feather ball. Those dimensions were used
as the criteria. Each criterion had three categories to
observe: Well (B) given score 3, Fair (C) given
score 2, and Unfavorable (K) given score 1.
Table 2: Dimensions frameworks and skills of playing
badminton indicators.
The tests were done for three times. Every
movements and strokes of the feather ball was
observed by three judges and recorded on the
provided format. It was, done by giving a check
mark (v) on the available column. The check marks
were used to determine which player performs the
movement and technique of hitting the feather ball
well, fair, or unfavorable. Tally measurements were
expected to make it easier to observe the
simultaneously exhibited performances.
Instrument Validity and Reliability. The validity
instrument test which was used in this study was the
content validity. Substantially, measuring
instruments of physical fitness and playing
badminton skills had fulfilled the requirements as a
valid instrument. Instrument reliability testing was
done by using internal consistency, through
repetition of test (Retest Test). The way to see
consistency of judges' judgment was done with inter-
observer agreement. Referring to the notion of
instrument reliability, the test of the reliability used
equality between three independent judges or
observers. From result of data processing, it was
obtained the reliability coefficient of physical fitness
test equal to 0.82. While for badminton playing
skills test, it was obtained the reliability coefficient
of badminton play skills test equal to 0.68. It can be
stated that physical fitness tests and playing
badminton skills tests had adequate levels of
reliability. The instruments used have met the valid
and reliable test requirements.
Data Analysis Techniques. The collected data of
badminton playing skills was analyzed using
variance analysis techniques (ANAVA) for the
design of the factorial experiment, followed by
further tests using the Tukey test. In line with Kirk,
if the result of variance analysis shows the main
effect between the independent variable to the
dependent variable and the interaction (interaction
effect) between the independent variables in relation
to the dependent variable, the analysis is continued
with Tukkey's HSD (honestly significant difference)
test to assess the hypothesis for further research.
3.1 Results
Hypothesis Testing Research. The research
hypothesis testing was conducted by using two way
variance analyses (ANAVA). The data that have
been collected before the first analysis was tested,
which included normality test using Liliefors test,
and homogeneity test by using Bartlett test.
Furthermore, the difference of badminton playing
skill among four groups of novice athletes, which
were treated differently, was analyzed by Tukey test.
The reason for the advanced test was to use the
Skills Test
Feet Position
Feather Ball
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Tukey test because the data amount that each group
held was equal. Analysis of two way variance was
used to test the main effect of learning model and
attribute variable of the novice athlete’s physical
fitness (simple effect) towards the dependent
variable, which was badminton playing skills.
Furthermore, the results of data analysis were
conducted by using ANAVA.
Difference of Badminton Playing Skills Athletes
who followed the Ideas Approach Model and who
followed the Conventional Approach Model
Based on the calculation of variance analysis, it
was obtained the value of Fh between column A is
5.48, which was larger than Ft of 4.11 at the level of
significance α = 0.05 (Fh = 5.48> Ft = 4.11) with dk
numerator V1 (a-1) (b-1) = 1, dk denominator V2 ab
(n-1) = 2 x 2 (10-1) = 36. This means that the null
hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It can be stated that
there is a difference in badminton playing skills
between athletes who followed the learning model of
the ideas and athletes that followed the conventional
learning model approach. It turned out that the
athletes badminton playing skills that followed the
learning model approach was higher (good) than the
athletes who followed the conventional learning
model approach.
This means that the overall research hypothesis
states that there are any differences between the
learning model of the ideas approach and the
conventional approach to learning models of
badminton playmaker skills which had been tested.
Because, generally, both of the learning models
proved that badminton playing skills test result of
ideas learning model of approach is higher than the
result of conventional learning model approach.
To know the difference level, a further test was
done by using Tukey test. Based on the further test
conducted by using Tukey test, the value of q = 3.41
is greater than q table (qt) = 2.86 or q> qt at
significance level α = 0.05, with dk 2:36 (closest
40), so H0 is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that
there is a significant difference between the learning
model of the ideas approach and the conventional
learning model approach.
3.1.1 Differences of Playing Badminton
Skills on Athletes Groups which Have
a High Physical Fitness between Model
Learning Ideas Approach and Model
Conventional Approach
Based on the calculation of variance analysis, it was
obtained the value of q = 5.23 that is greater than qt
= 3.79 or q = 5.23> qt = 3.79. Consequently, the null
hypothesis (H
) is rejected. This means that the
result of badminton playing skill athletes who have
high physical fitness that followed the ideas learning
model approach is higher (well) to than those who
followed the conventional approach learning model
= 161.9 >X
= 150.3).
3.1.2 Differences of Playing Badminton
Skills on Athletes Groups which Have
a Low Physical Fitness between Model
Learning Ideas Approach and Model
Conventional Approach
Based on the calculation of variance analysis, it was
obtained that the value of q = 1.32 is smaller than qt
= 3.79 or q = 1.32 <qt = 3.79, it means the null
hypothesis (H
) is accepted. Therefore, the result of
badminton athletes playing skills which have low
physical fitness who followed the learning model of
ideas approach were not better than those who
followed the conventional approach learning model
= 136.2 <X
= 136.7). From the result of
analysis of research data to test this hypothesis, it
was obtained the average value of badminton
playing skills of athletes who have low physical
fitness which followed the learning model of the
approach of ideas and conventional learning model
approach does not differ significantly.
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of the analysis of research data,
it was stated that the research hypothesis about the
difference of influence between the learning model
of ideas and conventional approaches failed to be
rejected. This means that the ideas learning model
approaches was higher in achieving the goal of
learning badminton play skills of the novice athletes
compared to the conventional approach learning
The results of the analysis were in line with the
theories that suggest that the ideas learning model
approach was directed to improve badminton
playing skills by combining the comprehension of
playing skills and to encourage athletes to appreciate
skill values in the game contexts (Don, 2010).
Learning model of ideas approach, among others,
had advantages such as the form of badminton
playing practice skills that were presented with a
priority on the playing patterns and its
implementation was similar or resemble to the real
badminton situation. In addition, the practice
environment situation was always changing, so the
ability of athletes to anticipate the movement of the
feather ball and the direction of the punch were
The Influence of Ideas Exercise Model and Physical Fitness on Badminton Playing Skills
trained. Thus, it would certainly affect the mastery
of badminton playing skills, because skill tests were
conducted in the form of tests that resemble
badminton games. As for its form of the test was
rallying continuously as much as six strokes to the
opponent field and conducted as many as three times
trial and which had a certain value.
The ideas learning model the approach
emphasized more on the function of badminton
playing skills in badminton situations. It means, the
productivity of playing skills took precedence over
the process of doing the technique. With more
emphasis on the function of playing skills, the
athletes were required to be always creative and
sensitive in the badminton games (Dick, 1989 and
Magill, 1993).
In the conventional approach learning model, the
form of badminton playing practice that was
presented did not resemble the real badminton game
situation. In addition, the exercise environment
situation was relatively stable, so the athletes did not
need to anticipate the feather ball and the direction
of the strokes. Because, the direction of the feather
ball, which was fed by the coach, was already
known and in a fixed place. The practice situation
was different from the actual badminton games
situation, so it was certainly difficult for athletes in
the mastery of badminton skills. In learning of
badminton playing skills, athletes who had low
physical fitness turned out did not differ
significantly, both through the approach of ideas and
conventional approach the results (Gay, 1981).
Based on the results of hypothesis testing and the
discussion of research results, it can be concluded as
The overall result of badminton playing skill of
the novice athletes who followed the ideas
learning model of was higher than the athletes
that followed the conventional learning model
There was a difference of the playing
badminton skills. The athletes groups which
had high physical fitness badminton playing
skills that used ideas learning models had
higher result than those who followed the
conventional approach learning models.
For athletes who had low physical fitness, the
athletes’ skills of badminton playing who
trained with the ideas learning model approach
did not differ significantly with athletes who
trained by using conventional approach model.
There was a positive interaction between the
learning model and physical fitness of
badminton skills.
Suggestion. The below statements are
suggestions for badminton playing skills
improvements in early childhood:
Advice to badminton sport practitioners. It is
recommended that physical education teachers and
novice badminton trainers to determine the learning
model which needs to adjust to the characteristics
and conditions of the athletes ability. Furthermore,
it is necessary to pay attention to other factors such
as physical fitness as a support of playing skills.
Suggestions to experts and policy makers in the
field of physical education and sports. It is suggested
to create various models of learning for children of
primary school age. The ideas learning model
approach is only one of many learning models.
Therefore, there is no single best model that can be
used to achieve learning objectives. Combining
several models that are tailored to the conditions and
characteristics of children at the early age would be
the best way to solve the problem of motor skills
Suggestions to researchers in the field of
physical education and sports. The researchers who
intend to continue or replicate the research with the
aim to assure the findings and develop it further, it is
advisable to have a tighter control throughout the
series of experimental processes. Control of
independent variables out of the variables that are
studied should be strict and thorough, so that the
threat of internal and external validity can be
avoided maximally.
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The Influence of Ideas Exercise Model and Physical Fitness on Badminton Playing Skills