empirical evidence of that, through an in-depth
assessment of what exactly happens when one learns
pencak silat. Why someone who mastered the science
of pencak silat is identical with role models who have
good morals and inherit the characteristics of a
It is a big challenge in this era, where there is a
drastic decline in moral values in the community
either children, adolescents, youth, adults, even
elderly people as though it is easily ignited by a lack
of emotion. Therefore, there must be a systematic
effort to improve this condition. The effort is
improving the five pillars of character education in
pencak silat. The five pillars are increasing the value
of piety to God Almighty, Responsive, Tough,
Tanggon, and Trengginas which are the characteristic
of a fighter (Mulyana, 2013). Simply, the formulation
of the value is proposed by Notosoejitno, (1997)
namely: Takwa means being faithful to God
Almighty by carrying out all His commands, and stay
away from his prohibitions. Responsive is caring,
sensitive, anticipatory, proactive and ready for
change and development of the era. Tough means
having a tenacious nature and being able to develop
the ability in facing and responding to challenges and
being able to overcome various obstacles that
occurred. Tanggon means being able to uphold truth,
justice, and honesty and also being consistent in
holding the principle. Trengginas means energetic
and vigorous, creative, innovative and being able to
think far ahead to create noble desires.
The main study in this research focused on the
value of mental toughness, which is the main pillar
for the fighter. Why so, it can be seen from the
meaning of tough in the context of pencak silat itself
that is closely related to the personal nature of fighter
who must have toughness in living life. A fighter who
does not have a strong character in himself will easily
fall down when he is exposed to something that
threatens his soul and body, while people who have a
strong character will always be able to face all
obstacles and trials that come without having to
endanger him and others.
Mental toughness based on Kremer dkk. (2012:
113) is: “mental toughness is a multidimensional
personality construct that defines the ability to
preserve towards goal accomplishment through the
display of resilience and hardiness, and irrespective
of circumstance success or failure”. One must have a
strong mental toughness as a multi-dimensional
personality concept that encourages him to persevere
in reaching his goal. A fighter can show the mental
strength with the characteristics of not wanting to
give up and keep trying to get out of a difficult
situation with the main goal of winning the game.
In the context of pencak silat, fighters as
individual creatures or personal beings must improve
and develop quality of personality which is valuable,
high quality and ideal according to the views of
society and religion. The moral values contained in
pencak silat, in addition to being able to secure
themselves from the adverse effects of the
environment, also can broadly secure the successive
generations of the invasion of foreign cultures that are
not necessarily compatible with the existing local
Trace the shifting configurations of the body
and its modes of construction. The organization
and training of the body in pencak silat, via body
techniques and the social institutions through which
they are transmitted, reflects a politics of the body
and the powers ascribed to it by Wilson, I.D.,
Aziz, A.R., Tan, B. and Teh, K.C., (2002).The
present investigation describes the physiological
attributes of exponents and match responses during
actual competitive duels of an emerging martial art
sport, pencak silat. It appears that a silat match is
characterized by high anaerobic and aerobic
metabolic responses, although conclusions
concerning the contribution of the various metabolic
pathways requires a more detailed investigation. In
comparison with elite judo and taekwondo athletes,
the elite silat exponents have better explosive leg
power and comparable ability to perform short
duration high-intensity exercise in the lower body;
but possessed a lower grip strength, aerobic fitness,
and anaerobic upper body capability.
Successful implementation of disaster
management requires a high degree of adaptability to
the local conditions. The success or failure of disaster
management depends on the involvement of culture,
traditions and customs. In other words, it is pivotal to
take into account the cultural context of affected
localities and regions. The custom, traditions, local
practices and ethnic composition of an area should all
be factored in when devising an appropriate user‐
friendly package for effective and easy
implementation (Gopalakrishnan and Okada, 2007).
Based on the above explanation, it can be
concluded that pencak silat has a purpose to give
moral teachings, about the values of local wisdom
associated with virtue for everyone who learns
pencak silat. The mental coaching that is owned and
taught by each pencak silat school is expected to be
the right medium to create a new generation with
dignity. The members of pencak silat school are not
Revealing the Mental Toughness of the Fighter of Paguron Manderaga