Quality of Life of West Java Paralympic Athletes
Sufyar Mudjianto
, Eka Nugraha
, Arif Wahyudi
and Muhammad Ihsan
Paralympic, National Paralympic Committe Indonesia , Pajajaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Quality of life, Athlete Paralympic, Gender and Background Education.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the quality of life of Paralympic athletes who are members in West Java
Paralympic 2016. The research method is a method of cross-sectional descriptive analytical. The population
of all the people who have disabilities, the sample is athletes at the Paralympic West Java with saturated
sampling technique. The instrument used questionnaire WHOQOL-BREF. The results of the analysis and
calculation of the data obtained, the four domains: physical health, psychological well-being, social
relationships and the relationship with the environment is a good average range. Conclusion of the study
that the quality of life for Paralympic athletes belonging from gender male better Paralympic West Java.
Compared to female. And background education elementary school better Paralympic West Java. Compared
to junior and senior high school.
Quality of life is "Individual perception of Reviews
their position in life in the context of the culture's
value systems in the which they live and in relation
to Reviews their goals, expectations, standards, and
concerns. Quality of life related to the achievement
of the ideal of human life that is acceptable in
general, can also be subjective feelings, regarding
the well-being based on the important choices in life
(Snyder, 2004).
According WHOQOL quality of life has six
domains: (1) physical health, (2) psychological well-
being, (3) the degree of independence, (4) social
relationships, (5) the relationship with the
environment and (6) spiritual state. WHOQOL was
later remade into instrument WHOQOL-BREF
where six dimensions were then narrowed again into
four domains: (1) physical health, (2) psychological
well-being, (3) social relationships, (4) the
relationship with the environment. (WHO, 1996).
Physical activity contribute to the quality of life,
psychological health, and the ability to keep pace
with the demands of physical labor. The impact of
physical activity itself, among others, the impact of
physical, mental and social. There is a tendency of
better quality of life could not have been obtained
without physical activity or sport. (Abduljabar,
A form of physical activity can include activities
as simple as basic movements routine daily
activities, such as walking, stepping, running,
jumping, and move from one side to the other,
throwing an easy movement performed by a normal
human being, but for our fellow colleagues who are
not lucky, (the disability) or with special needs, by
definition is the lost of limitation of opportunities to
take the part in normal life in the community on an
equal level with other due to physical or social
barriers: Children with special need, may have
physical disabilities(Physical), Mental or
Intellectual, with various types inability (Adams,
2009).The things mentioned above is a problem with
a particular difficulty that different, but on the other
hand there are individuals who respite from their
environment is to appear through physical activity,
be athletes selected to Paralympic faced 2016.
The disability is physical activities such as
football is not just a team to win the game alone, but
football can be used as a tool change to the quality
of life of the marginalized from public life. FIFA
through its program that is football for hope
expressed that football is more than just a game.
Through its unique power and universality, football
Mudjianto, S., Nugraha, E., Wahyudi, A. and Ihsan, M.
Quality of Life of West Java Paralympic Athletes.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 482-485
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can bring people together, transform lives and
inspire entire communities (FIFA, 2014).
In Indonesia often face social problems for
people who are not fortunate often in marginal by
the surrounding community. The word "marginal" is
construed as a limitation. According to the terms,
marginal are the ones who can not adapt and engage
in the development process, lack of support and
attention can affect the marginalized itself difficult
to socialize with the environment and society, even
difficult to get fair treatment so psychologically was
not prosperous, it impacts on the quality of life of
disabled people.
Paralympic/Special Olympics disabled people
open up their opportunities to be able to demonstrate
teak, so they have the opportunity prosperous
plenary, the idea is based on the need for a study
related to the quality of life of disabled people both
athletes based on gender and background education,
Paralympic athletes represented by athletes West
Java in 2016.
This study uses a descriptive cross-sectional
analysis, with the main objective to systematically
describe the facts and characteristics of the subjects
studied properly. Therefore, this research is research
in which the data collection process to determine the
status or position of something related to state and
current events.
In this study participant, as object of research is
the whole Handicapped/ disabled people which is
located in Bandung, Indonesia, while the participant
of athletes are all athletes Paralympic West Java
prepared to Paralympic 2016.
Instrument or measuring instrument using a
questionnaire that is standard, the World Health
Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQOL -
BREF) is used as a data collector. Number of items
on this measure as many as 26 items, the item in
question WHOQOL-BREF consists of two items of
generic (overall QOL and general health), and 24
items in elaboration of the four dimensions, namely
physical health (7 items), psychological well-being
(6 items), social relationships (3 items) and
relationships with the environment (8 items) (WHO,
Based on the results of calculation of the percentage
score for each domain that has been transformed into
a measuring instrument WHOQOL-100, the
obtained data such as the bar chart figure 1 and 2, as
Figure 1: Environment domain score with gender.
Can be seen from figure 1. male environment
domain score is score with highest percentage of
women for Paralympic athletes 2016while the
relationship with physical health scores higher than
men's men and includes the second highest domain,
while the psychological welfare domain of men is
higher than women and occupies the third position
but because of the domain score of social relations
between men and women balanced is the lowest
level of all domains that exist as well as physical
health domain is the most prominent distinction
between men and women athletes Paralympic West
Java 2016 , as for the fourth domain is Psychological
Welfare difference is not too flashy.
Figure 2: Environmental domain score with school
education background.
Can be seen from Figure 2. Environmental
domain score with elementary school education
Quality of Life of West Java Paralympic Athletes
background is the highest percentage score from
senior high school and junior high school for
Paralympic athletes 2016, whereas the relationship
with physical health scores with a higher elementary
school education background, between junior and
senior secondary schools is balanced and includes
the second highest domain. The psychological
welfare domain score with higher primary school
education background, high scores of both high
school and lowest junior high score and occupying
the position the third but because the social relations
domain score with a high school education
background is higher than high school and primary
school that is the lowest level of all domains that
exist as well as the environment domain is a
differentiator the most striking with the educational
background between elementary, junior and senior
high school athletes paralympic West Java 2016, as
for the fourth domain of physical health is not too
striking difference.
Based on the research, processing and analysis of
data shows that the quality of life for Paralympic
athletes belonging from gender male better
Paralympic West Java. Compared to female. And
background education elementary school better
Paralympic West Java. Compared to junior and
senior high school.
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