Measuring Learning Outcomes and Softball Skills with Cooperative
Learning Model
Yogi Firmansyah
, Arifin Arifin
, Mustaqim Mustaqim
and Fitri Fitri
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
SMK Islam Panglima Besar Soedirman 2, Jln Raya Bogor KM 24 Cijantung, Jakarta Timur
Keywords: Softball, cooperative, learning, learning model.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to measure the softball learning outcomes and skills using cooperative learning
model. The research design used in this study is one group pretest-posttest design on softball extracurricular
members that were determined based on the saturated sampling. Data were collected from the Game
Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) test and The O'Donnell Softball Test, pre and post-test and
processed by using t-tests. In the hypothesis, the tests found a significant difference and better at 34.11% for
the improvement of learning outcomes and there were significant differences amounted to 19.82% for the
improvement of softball skills. This proves that there is significance of cooperative learning model for
learning outcomes and softball skills.
Physical education has very strategic (reaching all
aspects of behavior such as physical domain, social,
affective, and cognitive) and unique (have
contributions like no other subjects, such as physical
fitness, motor skills, and active lifestyle) roles. The
existence of physical education within the national
education system cannot be separated from a belief in
the values of physical education contained therein,
which, if maintained in conducive education
circumstances, will contribute significantly on the
overall achievement of educational goals (Alzetta,
Gozzini, Moi and Orriols, 1976). The result of a
learning process is one of the achievements of
educational goals (Bailey, Armour, Kirk, Jess,
Pickup, Sandford and Education, 2009). The learning
result is an ability that is obtained by the students after
going through the learning activities (Blaine and
Crocker, 1993) and is also part of the evaluation
(Bailey, Armour, Kirk, Jess, Pickup, Sandford and
Education, 2009).
One of the subjects taught in high school is
learning the game of small ball on the subject of
physical education and health sports (Penjasorkes) in
accordance with the basic competence curriculum in
2013 (p. 88). There are several types of games and
sports that are included in the small ball games,
namely softball, baseball, rounders, badminton and
table tennis. Learning in school, especially small ball
of softball game, is still very far from expectations
due to a small ball learning in schools is more to
baseball games. So many softball games held in
extracurricular under softball clubs that are located in
major cities. For the selection of methods, strategies,
approaches, or models of learning must be really fit,
so that possible problems that may arise can be
minimized and addressed.
There are several models of learning that are often
used in physical education, including direct
instruction, personalized system for instruction,
cooperative learning, sport education, peer teaching,
inquiry teaching, tactical games and teaching for
personal and social responsibility (Fitts, 1954)
Cooperative learning model (cooperative learning) is
a model with emphasis on students learning in groups,
with the assumption that all students can contribute to
the learning process. Cooperative learning is a set of
teaching strategies where the key is sharing. The most
important thing is the grouping of students into
learning teams for specific amount of time or a
specific task, with the expectation that all students
contribute to the learning process and outcomes
(Fitts, 1954). Cooperative learning model will be able
Firmansyah, Y., Arifin, A., Mustaqim, M. and Fitri, F.
Measuring Learning Outcomes and Softball Skills with Cooperative Learning Model.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 511-514
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to provide broad opportunities to students, conducive
learning atmosphere, and ability to develop
knowledge, attitudes, values and social skills for
students (Fraenkel, Wellen, and Hyun, 2012).
Theoretically, several studies have shown that
cooperative learning model affect the results of the
floor gymnastics learning (Johnson and Johnson,
1987). Later, models of direct instruction and inquiry
teaching contribute to the enhancement of softball
skills (Li and Lam, 2013) and learning outcomes of
softball games (Metzler, 2005). Indirectly, these two
studies looked at two aspects (softball learning
outcomes and skills) with the same model but done
separately. Thus, on the basis of those reasons,
cooperative learning model allows obtaining a better
result, however, this model has not been empirically
tested. Conducting research with a different learning
model to both these aspects turn into a novelty idea.
This study is intended to answer some questions
1) How much influence does cooperative learning
model have on softball learning outcomes? 2) How
much influence does cooperative learning model have
on softball skills?
2.1 Participants
The paper size must be set to A4 (210x297 mm). The
sample set based on saturated sampling because the
population was small, as many as 28 people. Samples
were new members of the Foundation Board of
College’s Softball Extracurricular, SMA BPI 1
Bandung, West Java Province. Based on the
information obtained and surveys conducted, the
samples were still lacking softball skills and
understanding to play softball, though there were
some that have understood. The samples bias is called
2.2 Procedures
Method used is experimental method with pretest-
posttest design experimental design (Nashar, 2004).
The study was conducted within 12 meetings and
through the provision of learning tasks that must be
accomplished, with details of 3 times per week with a
duration of 60-90 minutes/meeting (Alzetta, Gozzini,
Moi and Orriols, 1976).
2.3 Instruments
Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI)
test was first used (Fitts, 1954) to observe and record
the behavior of players during the game, progress of
appearance. The second was The O'Donnell Softball
Test (Oslin, Mitchell, and Griffin, 1998) to measure
the tested items’ softball skills. Processing is done by
using statistical t-test.
3.1 Calculation of Learning Outcomes
Table 1: Softball learning outcomes (GPAI).
Experiment Group
± sd
ment (%)
1.73 ±
Table 1 shows the calculation results to measure
softball learning outcomes with GPAI test (Oslin,
Mitchell, and Griffin, 1998). Under the first
hypothesis, which tested that tilapia P-value of 0.000
0.05, the first hypothesis has been tested and
accepted, which means there are significant
differences between pretest and posttest of softball
learning outcomes from cooperative learning model
(Li and Lam, 2013). Measurement result of this study
is an assessment that reflects the behaviour of a
player's ability to solve problems by taking the
game’s tactical decisions, the movement of the body
in accordance with the demands of the game situation,
carry out the types of skills they choose. There are
three aspects of the focus in assessing the
performance of the play, namely decision-making,
implementing skills (efficient or inefficient), and
support. In this case, the model of cooperative
learning was instrumental in the improvement of
softball learning outcomes (Werner, Jones, Guido and
Brunet, 2006).
This implies that the interaction in cooperative
learning have various positive effects on children's
development including improving learning outcomes,
higher memory and reasoning level (Johnson and
Johnson, 1987). This shows that the influence of
cooperative learning model improves softball
learning outcomes.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
3.1.1 Game Performance Assessment
Instrument (GPAI) Test
Figure 1: The difference in pretest and post-test.
3.1.2 The O'Donnell Softball Test
Figure 2: The difference in pretest and post-test value
3.2 Calculations of Softball Skills
Table 2: Softball skills (the O’Donnell softball test).
± sd
nt (%)
107, 08
128.30 ±
Table 2 shows the calculation results to measure
results softball skills with the O'Donnell softball test.
In the second hypothesis, the value of P-value was
0.000 0.05. The second hypothesis was tested and
accepted, which means there are significant
differences between pretest and posttest softball skills
with cooperative learning model. There are a number
of test items for softball skills such as speed throw,
fielding fly balls, throw and catch, throw repeated,
fungo batting, and hand over throw accuracy. In this
case, the cooperative learning model also plays a role
in improving skills of softball.
3.3 Differences between the Means of
Scoring on the Implementation of
Character Value between Pre and
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the development of the
average value between pretest and posttest, both types
of tests. There are differences in average of pretest
and posttest. From these images, the difference is
more visible than softball skills tests compared with
the results of learning, but if presented, the softball
learning outcome (GPAI) showed the number of
34.11%, while the percentage increased in softball
skills (The O'Donnell Softball Test) showed the
number of 19.82%.
This means that implementation of cooperative
learning model, one of which, aims to improve
learning outcomes, improve intergroup relations,
accept a friend who experience academic problems
and increase self-esteem (Fraenkel, Wellen, and
Hyun, 2012; Werner, Jones, Guido and Brunet, 2006;
Blaine and Crocker, 1993). As for the results of
softball skills, increase was not too large. This is a
skill that is based on the basic techniques in the sport.
Mastery of proper and perfect techniques can be
earned through specific exercises to shape and
improve motor (movement) or neuromuscular
development (Fitts, 1954).
There is a positive change in the results of student
learning and softball skills after being given treatment
in the form of cooperative learning model which
illustrates the compatibility between existing theories
with research results. The game of softball is one of
difficult and complex learning concepts, which
require quick and precise thinking in taking decisions.
Therefore, this model gives effect to increase learning
outcomes and softball skills. This provides clarity and
evidence that the theory was the result of an
assessment of empirical data through a proving
ground. By that, it can be stated that the results of this
study are in accordance with the theories and research
data which can be proven scientifically. This model
has a theoretical reason and the reference is very
strong, and very well if it is kept being researched and
the developed infrastructures are more complete. In
addition, the number of more samples will also make
the characteristics of the sample more diverse and
varied, as well as deeper study involving other
variables that do not exist in this study.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education