direct learning model does not give a significant
effect on the results of the skill backward roll leg
straight on the learning of gymnastics floor exercise
Class X at SMAN 11 Bandung.
Table 2: Hypothesis test result using two-typical
equivalence test (μ): one-part test level of student self-
Group and
Control Group
From Table 2 above it is known that the students'
self-esteem from the experimental group and the
control group is obtained -0.49 ˂ from t table 1.678
then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. This means
that, the direct learning model does not give a
significant effect on the level of student confidence in
learning gymnastics floor exercise class X at SMAN
11 Bandung.
Based on the results of research during the field of
students experimental group look conducive in the
learning process, so not so much feedback (feedback)
to the teacher. In the use of direct learning model in
this study, felt the influence of other variables that
cause insignificance to student self-confidence. These
variables come from academic focus, and teacher
control. Academic focus is defined as the priority of
the selection of tasks that must be done students,
during the learning, academic activities should be
Transfer as long a material explanation causes the
ability to receive information and interpretation of the
student will the task of movement become forgotten
and even when looking at the teacher's demonstration
of the task of the motion students tend to consider
something difficult. In relation to teacher control, in
this study, the researcher too oversees the student's
condition tightly so that it affects the confidence.
The limitation of the direct learning model is that
the direct learning model relies on the student's ability
to assimilate information through listening, observing
and taking notes (Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun, 2013).
Because teachers are central to this model, the success
of learning strategies depends on the teacher's image,
then if the material is presented in a complex,
detailed, or abstract way, and the direct learning
model may not provide sufficient student
opportunities to process and understand the
information (Metzler, 2007).
In this study when preliminary tests and end-of-
life skill tests were straight-legged, the female sample
wanted in a room test in the absence of a men's
sample. This of course affects their confidence. This
is in contrast to the procedures instructed by the
teacher, requiring all students to be in the same room
at the time of the lesson or test.
High self-esteem actually refers only to some
aspect of the individual's life, where he feels
competent, confident, capable and believes that he
can, because it is supported by actual experience,
actual potential, and achievement of self-esteem.
Data from previous research on the relevance of self-
confidence in sports performance by Hidayat and
Sukadiyanto (jurnal iptek olahraga) that self-
confidence did not affect sports appearance
significantly tcalc (0.778) ≥ 0.05 and standardized
coefficient parameters of -0.022. In other studies
found a significant negative linear relationship
between cognitive anxiety and performance, even
they found no significant difference between
confidence and performance.
Good teachers should not only be skilled in
teaching methods, but can also provide learning
benefits related to positive evaluations and
assessments that enable them to measure student
learning outcomes individually and adjust activities
according to student needs Learning experiences and
assessment tasks are closely related to involving
simple or minor modifications to one another
(Reynolds and Farrell, 1996; Vealey and Hayashi,
Looking at some of the above opinions the authors
conclude that in the study of the implementation of
this direct learning model has no significant effect on
self-confidence in the skills of backward roll leg
straight, this is caused by several factors namely
academic focus, teacher control.
As an input for subsequent research, it is expected
Based on the conclusions of the findings of the study,
that the direct learning model has no effect on the
level of confidence in the skills of backward roll. On
the basis of the above, several recommendations are
made. One, the importance of applying various
learning models that can be used in floor exercise
learning in order to improve students' self-confidence
and skills. Second, learning with regard to
psychological aspects should be a top priority for the
realization of learning and education objectives.
Third, it provides knowledge for teachers of the
importance of using the model of learning in an effort
to increase confidence. And the last is by dividing by
category of each gender.
The Influence of the Direct Learning Model on Self-Confidence Levels on Floor Exercise