Instrument Development for Measuring Responsibility of Student in
Elementary School
A Case in Physical Education
Sri Santoso Sabarini
, Adang Suherman² and Yudy Hendrayana²
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154
Keywords: Responsibility, Physical Education.
Abstract: Any studies stated that model of "Teaching Personal Social Responsibility" (TPSR) by Hellison (1995)
could improve the character of responsibility of the student in physical education. This study wanted to
construct instrument for measuring level of students’ responsibility in primary school. The instrument were
developed by adapting from some existing responsibilities as Tool for Assessing Responsibility Based
Education / TARE (Wright and Craig, 2011) and rubric TPSR by Paul M. Wright (2009). Research
instrument was structured to facilitate teachers and students for measuring student's responsibility when
teaching physical education in the classroom through observation and reflection. Observations carried out
by the observer, while the reflection carried out by the students themselves. The scope of responsibilities of
the measured indicator was about respect, participation and effort, self-direction, and caring and helping
others while them do "game" in physical education. The instrument consisted of 18 items was construct
questions that poured into the enclosed questionnaire. The construction of instrument indicators and each
question was tried-out at 29 students of fourth grade in Nusukan Primary School in Surakarta, Central Java.
The results of the analysis with SPSS showed that reliability of both the instruments had a Cronbach's Alpha
value for the instrument observations of 0.921 and 0.863 amounted reflection instrument. The validity of the
instrument to 18 grains of all above 0.36. As with F table at a significance level of 5%, these figures suggest
that all items are valid instrument. The implication of this research is to produce a measuring instrument
used to measure the level of responsibility of students, especially students in fourth grade .which are more
simple and practical, according to the characteristics of children in Surakarta, Central Java.
Physical education is an integral part of the overall
education which involved utilizing physical activity,
healthy living habituation, and integrating character
that applied in everyday life. To produce holistic
changes in individual quality, both in terms of
physical, mental and emotional through physical
activity and sport. The main purpose of education is
to develop individuals into individuals who are
creative, inventive and capable of adapting to their
environment. Thus the expected goal of physical
education is not just a physical accomplishment
alone, but the physical education has ideal goal is to
develop the overall personality, cover physical,
mental, emotional, intellectual, social, moral and
aesthetic. In addition to the positive effect of
physical education should be able to support the
development of cognitive, affective and
psychomotor ideal for students.
To learn the responsibility attitude to the students
at the school in physical education lessons Hellison
have found Teaching Personal Social Responsibility
(TPSR). This model is an approach that be
developed through his personal experience working
with students who have difficulty in physical
education, then it helps the student to take
responsibility for their welfare and help them to
become more sensitive and responsive to the others
welfare. It turned out have the best contribution that
can be done, especially personal and social problems
that students faced (Hellison, 1995: 4). The TPSR
approach was not intended to replace the physical
education contents, but rather to provide a
framework program for its contents (Hellison, 1995: