Is Staggered Greater Than Parallel Feet Placement?
Kinematic Analysis for the Start of Backstroke-Swim Style
Erma Aniska Fauziah, Aziz Rubiansyah and Agus Rusdiana
Faculty of Sport and Health Eduation, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dr. Setiabudhi Street No. 229, Bandung
Keywords: Backstoke, comparison, propulsion.
Abstract: Most athletes have minimal speed in terms of starting compared with their cyclic movement whereas a good
start contributes to the swimming performance. So, the purpose of this research is to know the more
effective and efficient placement of leg position and efficient for the start of backstroke-swim style. The
samples were eight swimmers (average age, weight, and height: 18.9 years old, 62kg, 174cm) from Aquatic
Student Activity Unit at UPI who became participants of this study, using purposive sampling technique.
The swimmers‘ starting movement was recorded with 60Hz camera, and then applied into movement
analysis software: kinovea. The analyzed reaction components were (1) initial angle, (2) angular velocity,
and (3) reaction time between the placement of parallel and staggered leg positions. The results of t-test
analysis showed that there is no difference in the initial angle, angular velocity, and the reaction time
between the placement of parallel and staggered feet placements on the bottom starting of backstroke-swim
style (p> 0.05).
Swimming performance in short-range competitions
is measured by the amount of time of the following
four components: start, swim, reversal, and finish
(Blanksby, Nicholson and Elliott, 2002; Theut and
Jensen, 2006). The success of the start is said to be
an important element in the swimming competition.
The start consists of several phases: block, flight,
entry, glide, leg kicking and swimming (Arellano et
al., 2000; Vantorre, Chollet and Seifert, 2014). The
study mentions, from the total length of swimming
time in a pool of 25 yards, the start can contribute
25%. On the 50 yard distance, the start can
contribute 10%, and 5% at 100 yard distance (Kilan
i, Al-Tuieb and Kilani, 2013). Previously, the grab
start method was considered the fastest compared to
other start methods. The results of the temporal
analysis of kinetic and speed measurements show
that grab start produces better vertical impulses and
take off speeds than the track start, while the track
start is faster when leaving the start block
(Benjanuvatra et al., 2004). Currently, many world-
class swimmers use the track start method. Track
start that resembles running start is used because it
has advantages compared to grab start. First,
swimmers can enter the water more quickly because
the center of gravity will run almost straight forward
until it reaches its maximum point to fall into the
water. Second, the swimmer's feet can lead to better
forward resistance when the swimmer has twice the
strength. Because the back feet do the first repulsion
to push the foot forward, there is a movement of
momentum, which is then followed by the forceps of
the front foot (Badruzaman, 2011). At the start of
backstroke-swim style with parallel and imparallel
placement of legs (one below and one above), there
was no difference (p> 0.05) of average speed and
horizontal distance, and no difference in leg
movement during start (Theut and Jensen, 2006).
Parallel feet placement, in which the feet are dipped
into the water when hand-off and take-off positions
are at the body mass center position, and the speed
of the horizontal body mass center, are better than
the placement where the feet are not dipped into the
water. As for the placement of parallel feet position
that are not dipped in water shows better results in
the component of contact time with the wall, and the
center speed of the horizontal and vertical body
mass on the phase flight. There is no difference in
water range (horizontal), back angle and start time of
5 m from both placement of the foot (de Jesus et al.,
Fauziah, E., Rubiansyah, A. and Rusdiana, A.
Is Staggered Greater Than Parallel Feet Placement? - Kinematic Analysis for the Start of Backstroke-Swim Style.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 14-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2013). Placement of feet above the water surface is
also better in terms of speed start (p <0.01) in, and
take-off horizontal (p = 0.01) in comparison with the
placement of feet under the water, but have a smaller
horizontal peak power (p = 0:02) (Nguyen et al.,
The mechanical principle of movement at the
start of swimming is associated with the action-
reaction principle (Third Newton ‘Laws). If there is
any change of state from static to motion, or from
motion to static, there must be cause or influence.
The influence or cause is the style. At the bottom
start of the backstroke-swim style, there is a force
called propulsive force (Stager and Tanner, 2005).
The force works when the foot does repulsion
against the block starting wall, causing the body to
have back repulsion. When the force occurs, an
angle formed by the shin, knee joint, and thigh bone
is formed. If the resulting angle is smaller and the
body is more inclined forward, in other words the
horizontal distance from the point of the body
should be minimized, or the weight point near to the
side of the pedestal, it will produce an increased
movement speed to a direction. The principle of
action-reaction also explains that to produce a large
reaction, a strong support is needed. A strong
pedestal will produce good power (Grimshaw and
Burden, 2007; McGinnis, 2013).
Using the basis of movement mechanical
principle, the aim of this study is to compare the
repercussions between the parallel and staggered
feet placements, in which their repulsions consist of
the following components: initial angle, angular
velocity, and reaction time. Therefore, the
hypothesis of this research are as follows: (1) Is
there an initial angular difference between parallel
and staggered foot placements? (2) Is there a
difference in angular velocity between parallel and
staggered feet placements? (3) Is there any
difference in reaction time between parallel and
staggered feet placements?
The samples in this study were eight athletes of
backstroke-swimming style from the Aquatic SAU
at UPI (Average age: 18.9 years old, weight: 62kg,
height: 174cm). Samples were set based on
the characteristics of the swimmer's ability by using
purposive sampling.
The used research method used was experimental
method with one-shot case study design (Fraenkel,
Wallen and Hyun, 2012). The experiment was
conducted three times for each feet position
(staggered and parallel). Both of the feet position
were placed on the surface of the water (Emerson)
with consideration to avoid water resistance and
slippage. All three experiments were recorded using
a digital video camera placed at a distance of 5
meters (Vantorre et al., 2010; Vantorre, Chollet and
Seifer t, 2014; de Jesus et al., 2015) and operated at
a frequency of 60Hz (underwater camera nikon
coolpix aw110) . Next, the video image is processed
by kinovea software to see the swimmer’s
movements during the start of repulsion. Measurable
components using this software are distance, angle,
coordinate point, and speed (Kinovea, 2015).
Figure 1: Parallel (a) and staggered (b) feet placements.
Table 1 shows descriptive data from the results of
parallel and staggered foot placement repulsions for
three trials. The average angle formed early in the
first experiment is smaller than experiments 2 and 3
both for positioning of parallel (44.87 º ± 5.92) or
staggered (45.88 º ± 9.57) feet, so is with angular
velocity which shows better numbers in the first
experiment (parallel = 286.36º / s ± 26.83; staggered
= 281.43º / s ± 64.60). This can happen because in
the first experiment the sample had not experienced
fatigue. There is a causal relationship between
muscle fatigue and high intensity exercise. High
intensity exercise with anaerobic metabolism can
lead to decreased contractile function (Westerblad,
Allen and Lännergren, 2002). In this case the athlete
was in maximum capacity to produce power or
power output (Vøllestad, 1997). The average angle
of initial angle and angular velocity (table 1a) of the
two feet’s in each experiment indicates that there is
conformity with the presumption of the mechanical
movement described previously, that if the formed
initial angle is small, it will result in a velocity
a b
Is Staggered Greater Than Parallel Feet Placement? - Kinematic Analysis for the Start of Backstroke-Swim Style
change in a large direction and vice versa
(Grimshaw and Burden, 2007; McGinnis, 2013). As
for the reaction time of each experiment, they only
show difference of 0.01 seconds to 0.02 seconds, in
which the parallel feet placement was 0 .02 seconds
faster than the staggered. However, it does not
indicate that parallel feet placement is better than
staggered because the difference is only slightly (see
at table 1b). The staggered feet placement allows
swimmers to reach water further (because foot in
lower position pushed earlier and is then followed
by the other foot) so it takes a little longer for the
swimmer to do entry phase. It can also be caused by
internal factors of the athletes themselves, for
example the athletes‘ habits in using the feet parallel
position when starting the backstroke-swim style.
Reaction time in the start of swimming is the
reaction time generated when the start sign is
sounded, where a foot repulses the repulsion board
and the head streams the water until the beginning of
the glide/stroke movement is performed. There are
several factors that influence reaction time that are
associated with human performance, including: (1)
the number of stimulus-response alternatives, (2) the
stimulus-response match, (3) the stereotyped
population, and (4) the number of exercises
(Schmidt and Lee, 2014 ). In some cases, stimulus-
response compability and the number of exercises
are the main factors affecting reaction time. With so
much practice, the stimulus-response process gets
closer to the automation reaction. So, the more often
the muscle is trained, the better the reaction will be
generated when faced with a stimulus or stimulation
of movement.
Table 1: Results of starting repulsion on backstroke-swim
style (initial angle, angular speed, reaction time) on each
trial (mean ± sd).
Parallel 1
Parallel 2
Parallel 3
Staggered 1
Staggered 2
Staggered 3
Table 2: Differences in the average of repulsion results
between parallel and staggered feet placements
Time (s)
From the results of the difference test analysis
(table 1b) between parallel and staggered feet
placements for the initial angle component (p =
0.777), angular velocity (p = 0.498), and reaction
time (p = 0.155), each had p> 0.05. This means that
there is no significant difference in starting angle,
angular velocity, and reaction time between parallel
and staggered feet placements. It is different to what
happens at the start of track start method that is
considered more effective and efficient, because it
allows swimmers to reach the water further at a
horizontal distance, and faster because of the
pedestal area is in a unstable state so that will cause
the forward movement more quickly. However, at
the start of the mechanical back force, the movement
is strongly influenced by the projection point of the
center of gravity. The center of gravity is one of the
important factors determining movement because
the center of gravity can affect one's stability and
balance. At the bottom start, the center of gravity is
just under water and beyond the pedestal field.
Therefore, the swimmer must have a grip as well as
strong hands and muscles to support the body in
order not to fall into the water or slip before take-off
In this study, the parallel and staggered feet
placements have (initial angle, angular velocity, and
time reaction) relatively similar repulsion results.
This means that no feet position has been found to
be more effective and efficient for swimmers when
starting the backstroke style. This study needs to be
updated by looking at other factors that may affect
the swimmer's start results, such as athlete's
experiences, the condition or duration of training,
muscle flexibility, platform conditions, fatigue, and
athlete's nutrition. In addition, the use of more
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
samples is strongly recommended to be able to
generalize the results of the study.
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Is Staggered Greater Than Parallel Feet Placement? - Kinematic Analysis for the Start of Backstroke-Swim Style