The Comparison of Player Movement in Global Positioning System
(GPS) Based Basketball Game
Arief Abdul Malik, Moch. Arif Romadlon and Hilda Indriani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia.
Keywords: motion intensity, players’ position, polar.
Abstract: This research is about intensity motion about basketball players in every position. Intensity motion covers
distance travelled, calories used, and average speed of players to be taken during the competition. The aim of
this research is to compare intensity motion of basketball player based on its position. Method used in this
research is comparative method. Samples used in this research were 16 players of extracurricular basketball
team, selected by using the total sampling technique. A parametric statistical analysis of One-Way Anova on
calories and average speed groups. Then, the Kruskall-Wallis non-parametrical statistic on group of distance
travel. Results analysis show that the sig value on distance is 0.33 p > 0.05, on full calories is0.77, p > 0.05,
and on speed 0.71, p > 0.05. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference of distance travelled,
calories used, and average speed travelled by every player based on its position. No existence difference is
probably because of some in the field and training provided.
The basketball is a game team and one of the
characteristic is dyniamic (Hoffman and Maresh,
2000). There are five positions of players in
basketball, which are: point guard (PG), shooting
guar (SG), small forward (SF), power forward (PF),
and center (C) (National Basketball Association,
2003). During the match, players always running,
stopping, and do movements, depending on the
situation in the game. So it is important to objectively
understand the intensity of players‘ movements
during the game in ordert o enhance the perfromance
of players (Oba and Okuda, 2009).
Research about intensity motion has been done
by various branch of sports. On a handball game,
there is a significant difference on volume and
intensity between motion player with its position as a
back player (backcourt player), wings player (wings),
pivot players (pivots), and guard wicket
(goalkeeppers) (Šibila, Vuleta and Pori, 2004). Beach
soccer is a sport that has high intensity because only
on the first half start, the players‘ physiological
profile shows intensity that reaches more than 90% of
heart rate (Castellano and Casamichana, 2010).
On basketball, analysis about inetensity motion is
done to know the performance of players and the
activity profile in various positions of different
players. The performance analysis of movements on
male and female basketball players on 4 categories
show that players spent 34.1 % of time to run and
jump, 56.8% to walk and 9% to stand (Narazaki,
Berg, Stergiou and Chen, 2009). The use of calories
for female basketball players for Female Regional
Sport Week (PORDA) West Java, is known that
position 4 (Power Forward) and position 5 (Center),
mainly move in the field compared to other positions,
because those positions released more calories than
other positions. However, previous researches hasn’t
yet leads in detail on analysis of intensity motion on
basketball players in the field (Arisandi, 2015). Then,
with the use of vision computer technique, it is known
that intensity movement of player and speed on all
position of basketball players spend more than 60 %
of the total time movement with low intensity and
speed less from 1.4 m / s (Erčulj, Vučković, Perš,
Perše and Kristan, 2008).
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation
satellite system that uses 27 satellites that orbit the
earth (Larsson, 2003). The GPS system can be used
Malik, A., Romadlon, M. and Indriani, H.
The Comparison of Player Movement in Global Positioning System (GPS) Based Basketball Game.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 18-21
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
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