Wrestling Arm Throw Technique
Waist Flexibility, Arm Strength, and Self-Confidence
Rio Akbar Bahari, Aji Rasa Kurniawan, Nendi Rohaendi, Handaka Wiguna Jatnika and Bambang
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Arm Throw Techniques, Self-Confidence, Arm Strength, and Waist Flexibility.
Abstract: This study is aimed at knowing the correlation between waist flexibility, arm strength, and confidence toward
the speed of arm throw technique in wrestling. Correlational approach in survey was used as the method of
the study. The sample was all wrestler athletes of PELATDA of West Java consisted of 30 people. The
independent variables were waist flexibility, arm strength, and confidence; while the dependent variable was
the speed of arm throw technique. The data analysis techniques used ANOVA analysis. The findings showed
that, first, there was significant correlation between waist flexibility and the speed of arm throw technique in
wrestling. Second, there was significant correlation between arm strength and the speed of arm throw
technique. Third, there was significant correlation between confidence and the speed of arm throw technique.
Fourth, there was significant correlation between waist flexibility, arm strength, confidence, all together, and
the speed of arm throw technique. According to the study, it can be concluded that waist flexibility, arm
strength, and confidence have significant correlation with the speed of arm slamming in wrestling. Thus,
wrestler athletes should have such trainings to increase their waist flexibility, arm strength, and have such
high confidence to help increase the speed of arm slamming.
Which became the dominant aspect in performing the
technique during the wrestling match that is the speed
of 100% and the next strength, power and muscle
endurance are second priority of 97% in doing
technics during the match (Saeed, 2014). In addition
to having good strength, athletes must have good
body coordination is also especially for Freestyle
athletes and is required also for Greco Roman in
executing techniques so that the technique produces
point (Hartmann, 2014). Greco Roman athlete
excellence is on the speed, quickness, flexibility and
strength of the shoulder better than the Freestyle
athlete, But in terms of agility, abdominal muscle
strength and leg muscle strength Freestyle athletes far
superior than Greco Roman (Mirzaei, 2013).
In wrestling matches 84% - 86% are dominated by
a standing position, which is a great advantage if
athletes have a good ability to perform techniques at
standing position such as slamming arms (Dokmanac,
2016). In wrestling matches there is no significant
difference between the risk of injury to Freestyle and
Greco Roman, but if the strength of the athlete is not
good then it will not be possible to perform the
technique correctly and generate points (Mirzaei,
2011; Yard, 2008). It should be given practice in
performing the technique on standing position, as the
most powerful technique to generate point is sling
arm (Starostra, 2014). The strength of arm muscles,
shoulder muscles, waist flexibility and hand grip
strength have a positive relationship with success in
performing wrestling techniques (Khanbabazadeh,
2016; Taskiran, 2014).
Wrestling sports have very high philosophical
values, because in sports wrestling not only exercises
physically in terms of pitting strength, but it is also
taught about spiritual, intellectual and moral values
(Kameas, 2016). In line with the previous opinion that
the sport of wrestling requires mental strength that
must be in line with the ability of technique, the key
to success in doing all the techniques is to have the
stability of confidence obtained from the exercise
(Vealey, 2009). Many of the psychological factors
Bahari, R., Kurniawan, A., Rohaendi, N., Jatnika, H. and Erawan, B.
Wrestling Arm Throw Technique - Waist Flexibility, Arm Strength, and Self-Confidence.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 22-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that influence the success of doing the technique well
in elite athletes such as anxiety control, mental
toughness, self-confidence, cognitive and emotional
control, and attention, all aspects must be owned by
elite athletes in support of performance in the match
(Dyke, 2017; Barbas, 2016: Slack, 2015).
In female athletes the tendency of high anxiety
and lack of greater confidence that is 72% compared
to male athletes of 28% then it required good mental
training (Woodman, 2003). In accordance with the
research on self-efficacy on performance shows a
very significant result so that performance can run
better when all negative psychological aspects are
discarded and ignored (Treasure, 1996). Of course, to
have good psychological aspects need to do mental
training well in advance of the match, some mental
training, among others: imagery, goal setting, self-
talk, and relaxation (Alder, 2016: Vealey, 2009). The
high and low anxiety training provided by the trainers
in each training session has a significant effect on
better performance during the wrestling match
(Alder, 2009).
Based on some research results above,
psychological factors are crucial in the success of
doing techniques, especially on the arm throw
technique. Further in this study discusses the
relationship of arm muscle strength, flexibility of the
waist, and confidence in doing arm throw technique.
Participants is all wrestling athletes of PELATDA of
West Java were used as the sample applying total
sampling technique. The sample consisted of 30
people; 10 freestyle athletes, 10 greco roman athletes,
and 10 freestyle woman athletes. The procedures in
this study was held in February, 2015 in which the
sample routinely did training since March 2012 until
PON of West Java will be held in September 2016.
The density of training was 10 times a week having
120 minutes/ session as the duration. Based on that
fact, the researcher used correlational approach in
survey as the method of the study. The instrument
which was used in measuring the variable of arm
slamming was direct skill test through video
observation. This was done to measure the speed of
the arm slamming which was done 3 times and was in
its best moment. Furthermore, the variable of waist
flexibility was measured by using standing flexibility
test, while in measuring the arm strength, continue
push up test was used until the sample could not do
the push up anymore. Confidence, on the other hand,
was measured by close-ended questionnaire.
Measurement of the success component of arm throw
technique to 30 wrestler in PELATDA (West Java) is
limited to 3 aspects that are very instrumental in the
success of this technique, namely: arm strength and
waist flexibility, and self-confidence. The results of
the initial and final measurements of these
components are described in the following graph:
Figure 1 : Correlation between arm strength, waist
flexibility and self-confidence in doing arm throw
Based on the graph above can be seen that the
results of this research without give treatment of arm
muscle strength, waist flexibility and self-confidence
in the success of doing arm throw technique to
wrestler in PELATDA (West Java) showed
significant results.
The findings showed that, first, there was
significant correlation between waist flexibility and
the speed of arm slamming; the coefficient correlation
was 0.616 and the determination index was 38%.
Second, there was significant correlation between
arm strength and the speed of arm slamming; the
coefficient correlation was 0.880 and the
determination index was 77.5%. Third, there was
significant correlation between confidence and the
speed of arm slamming; the coefficient correlation
was 0.321 and the determination index was 10.3%.
Fourth, there was significant correlation between
waist flexibility, arm strength, confidence, all
together, and the speed of arm slamming; the
coefficient correlation was 0.805 and the
determination index was 64.8%. According to the
study, it can be concluded that waist flexibility, arm
strength, and confidence have significant correlation
with the speed of arm slamming in wrestling. Thus,
wrestler athletes should have such trainings to
increase their waist flexibility, arm strength, and have
Wrestling Arm Throw Technique - Waist Flexibility, Arm Strength, and Self-Confidence
such high confidence to help increase arm throw
Based on the results about the relationship
between waist flexibility and arm throw speed that
there is a significant relationship, where the
correlation coefficient of -0.616 with the coefficient
of determination R
of 0.380. This means that the
flexibility of the waist affects 38% of the arm throw
speed technique. This is because the speed of the arm
throw is a technique that is quite difficult to master,
so many wrestlers who have weaknesses while doing
arm throw technique, but for those who master the
technique of arm throw then this technique can be a
mainstay technique that kills the opponent. By having
a good waist flexibility then the sleeve speed of the
arm will increase. In line with a study that Greco
Roman athlete excellence is on the speed, quickness,
flexibility and strength of the shoulder better than the
Freestyle athlete, But in terms of agility, abdominal
muscle strength and leg muscle strength Freestyle
athletes far superior than Greco Roman (Mirzaei,
2013). In the style of greco romance is often located
in a standing position, and very often occurs arm
throw technique so that required a good flexibility in
line with the above opinion
Based on the result about the relationship between
arm muscle strength with arm throw technique that
there is significant relation, where result of
correlation coefficient equal to 0,880 with coefficient
determination R
equal to 0,775. This means the arm
muscle strength gives 77.5% effect on the speed of
the arm throw technique. By having a good arm
muscle strength then the speed of arm throw will
increase. This is because at the time of arm throw
required a strong pull of the arm so that the muscle
strength of the arm very determine the speed in
slamming the opponent. In line with a study that
revealed that arm muscle strength and hand grip
strength greatly affect performance in performing
wrestling techniques (Khanbabazadeh, 2016)
Based on the result the relationship between self-
confidence and arm throw technique that there is
significant relation, where result of correlation
coefficient equal to 0,321 with coefficient
determination R2 equal to 0,102. This means
confidence gives a 10.2% effect on the speed of the
arm throw. By having a good confidence then the
speed of arm throw will increase. This is because the
sleeve is a technique that is difficult enough to master,
so many wrestlers who have weaknesses in arm throw
techniques, but for those who master the technique
dings then this technique can be a mainstay technique
that kills the opponent. Believe yourself here like
hesitate when doing arm throw techniques or when
practicing wrestlers do not believe themselves to
learn the technique of a complete kick, so it becomes
a weakness when competing, this needs to underline
how an athlete has the confidence so as to master the
technique with a good kick . By doing repetitive
exercise the athlete is expected to be able to do a kick
with perfect motion automation. In line with the
previous opinion that the sport of wrestling requires
mental strength that must be in line with the ability of
technique, the key to success in doing all the
techniques is to have the stability of confidence
obtained from the exercise (Vealey, 2009).
The results of data analysis of the relationship
between waist flexibility, arm muscle strength and
self-confidence with arm throw technique has a
correlation coefficient of 0.805 and F count 35.77
states the degree of correlation between waist
flexibility, arm muscle strength and self-confidence
with arm throw is very high. Based on the results of
hypothesis testing on the relationship between the
four variables, it has been proven that there is a
significant relationship, where the correlation
coefficient of 0.805 with the coefficient of
determination R2 of 0.648. This means the flexibility
of the waist, arm muscle strength and self-confidence
have an effect of 64.8% on the arm throw technique.
By having the ability of flexibility of the waist, arm
muscle strength and a good confidence then an athlete
will be able to do arm throw technique quickly,
precisely and perfectly.
Waist flexibility and the speed of arm throw
technique have significant correlation (really strong),
in other words the better the muscle flexibility, tendon
and limatchnt in hip joint, the higher the speed of the
arm throw technique. There was also significant
correlation (really strong) between arm strength and
the speed of arm throw technique, which meant that
the higher the arm strength, the higher the speed of
arm throw technique. There was also significant
correlation (low) between confidence and the speed
of arm throw technique, in other words, the higher the
confidence level, the higher the speed of arm throw
technique. It can be concluded that there was
significant correlation between waist flexibility, arm
strength, and confidence toward the speed of arm
throw technique, which meant that the higher the
waist flexibility, arm strength, and confidence; the
higher the speed of arm throw technique.
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Wrestling Arm Throw Technique - Waist Flexibility, Arm Strength, and Self-Confidence
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education