as it is by studying a phenomenon as it is by regularly
reviewing it, using objectivity and done carefully; (2)
Absence of any given or controlled treatment; (3)
Absence of hypothesis test.
For a best viewing experience the used font must
be Times New Roman, on a Macintosh use the font
named times, except on special occasions, such as
program code (Section 2.3.7).
In the study entitled Athlete Student Learning
Styles on Achievement of Academic Achievement
and Graduation, the research location on the title was
held at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI),
Faculty of Sport and Health Education (FPOK) at the
athlete students of the Education Department of
Coaching precisely in the 4th floor Auditorium room.
The reason for choosing the location is because the
studying places all the research samples are on
Campus FPOK precisely in the Ministry of Education
coaching, so that the location close to college student
athletes can simplify the research process to be more
effective and efficient.
2.1 Population and Sample
2.1.1 Population
To obtain data in this study required data sources that
are generally called population and sample research.
According to Arikunto (2010, pp. 173) "the
population is the whole subject of the research." The
population referred to in this study is an athlete
student of the Ministry of Education at the Faculty of
Sport and Health Education (FPOK) at the University
of Education Indonesia (UPI) totalling 162 athletes,
consisting of 31 martial art sports of athlete students,
87 sports of athlete students, 36 measured sports of
athlete students, and 8 precision sports of athlete
students. This population was chosen because the
students of the Ministry of Education have many
athlete students with achievements at provincial,
national and international levels from various sports.
Besides student athletes have some concerns
regarding the low GPA (IP) and a grade point average
(GPA), which resulted in student athlete graduation
rate exceeds the normal time (4 years / 8 semesters)
as shown in appendix 4. Low Grade (IP) in the
previous semester resulted in at least SKS that can be
a student contract for athletes in the next semester in
SIAK so as to cause some courses can not be
contracted on time, even to repeat some courses so
that student graduation is delayed or exceeds normal
time (4 years / 8 semesters).
2.1.2 Sample
According to Lutan, Berliana, and Surnandi (2014,
pp. 80) "the sample is the group used in the study
where the data / information is obtained, while the
population is the larger group in which the results are
Samples to be used in this study amounted to 50
students athletes. The selection of samples using the
Simple Random Sampling method, according to
Sunaryadi (2014, pp. 5.7) explains that "simple
random samples are one method in which every
member of the population has the same opportunity
to choose." Based on that opinion, it means that every
athlete student has the same and independent
possibilities to choose from.
The sample selection will be randomly
randomized with a 30% percentage of the total of
each force in each sport category. For more details
can be seen in Table 3.2 as follows.
3.1 Test F-test
F test is used to determine whether the independent
variables simultaneously have a significant effect on
the dependent variable. The degree of trust used is
0.05. If the value of F calculation results greater than
the value of F according to the table then the
alternative hypothesis, which states that all
independent variables simultaneously have a
significant effect on the dependent variable. The
output is as follows:
Table 1: Test F test ANOVA.
a. Dependent Variable: IPK1
b. Predictors: (Constant), Learning Styles
Comparison between Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style of Student Atheletes in Achieving Grade Point Average