The Comparison between Inquiry and Problem Solving Method in
Performing Overhand Service Technique on Volleyball Game
Arief Adhitia Hamzah, Mukhlisin Mukhlisin and Tendri Satria
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Inquiry, Problem Solving, Overhand Service.
Abstract: The service technique is one of the basic techniques of volleyball that must be mastered well. It can help
players to face a match in volleyball court. Lack of student result in practicing overhand service is caused by
the teachers who deliver conventional lesson. The research method used in this research is experimental
method. The population in this study is students of XI Accountancy Department that consists of 4 class, those
are Accountancy 1, Accountancy 2, Accountancy3, and Accountancy 4 at SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur. The Sample
of this study is 23 male students of class XI at SMK Negeri I Cianjur, obtained from 10% of the population
which divided into two groups; those are 11 students for the group of inquiry method and 12 students for the
group problem solving method. The practice result of problem solving method has more significant effect
than inquiry method in improving quality of overhand service result in volleyball game at SMKN 1 Cianjur.
The development of human resources is closely
related to the implementation of the educational
process, especially in formal schools (Bush, 2009). In
the process of teaching and learning can run
effectively when all the components that influence in
the process support each other in order to achieve
goals. These components include students, teachers,
curriculum, methods, facilities and infrastructure and
the environment. To achieve those goals, we need to
improve physical education and sports at school,
develop sports-achievement, and make some efforts
to socialize sports and to make societies do sports and
create a climate that encourages the societies to get
achievement responsibly in managing and developing
sports. As a game that has popularized, volleyball
games have rules and basic techniques that should be
mastered for both beginners and professionals, one of
them is the service technique. The service technique
is one of the basic techniques of volleyball that must
be mastered well. It can help players to face a game
in volleyball court (Werner, 1989).
We need a plan to make a learning strategy to
make the learning process runs optimally. Inquiry is
a process of answering questions and solving
problems based on logical testing of facts and
observations. According to Arthur L. Costa (1985) as
quoted by Rustaman (2003: 3) is a pattern of
sequential learning activities that are applied from
time to time and directed to achieve a desired student
learning results. Furthermore, the inquiry methods
use a process to teach content and to help students
think analytically. The application of inquiry
methods will produce students/learners whom are
able to solve problems and develop tentative
hypotheses that they will answer with the data of their
research results in a study also disclosed this method
is critically looking for something by using certain
steps towards a success of the problems faced
Baruadi, Iron Suleman and Lamusu, Ahmad and
Lamusu, Zulkifli (2015, page 3).
The purpose of the inquiry method mentioned and
disclosed by Mallinson {1991: 17}, that is : “if the
main goal science program is to get children to
understand remember, and apply science concepts,
there’s probably no more powerful tool that having
students “write science”. Research indicates that
writing about science in process not only science
vocabulary, but also performance in reading and
thinking in the discipline”
Various explanations about problem solving is
expressed, Yudiana (2015, p.10) describes that
"problem solving is a technique to help students to
Hamzah, A., Mukhlisin, M. and Satria, T.
The Comparison between Inquiry and Problem Solving Method in Performing Overhand Service Technique on Volleyball Game.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 38-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
understand and master the learning materials of
problem-solving strategy". It can be concluded that
problem solving is a model of learning that focuses
on teaching and problem solving skills followed by
strengthening skills. In this case the problem is
defined as an issue that is not routine and has not
known how to solve it. Precisely, problem solving is
searching or finding solutions.
The population in this study is students of XI
Accountancy Department that consists of 4 class,
those are Accountancy 1, Accountancy 2,
Accountancy 3, and Accountancy 4 at SMK Negeri 1
Cianjur with classifications as follow:
Accountancy 1 consists of 5 males and 34 females,
Accountancy 2 consists of 6 males and 32 females,
Accountancy 3 consists of 4 males and 34 females,
Accountancy 4 consists of 8 males and 31 females,
with a total of 23 males and 131 females, and the total
students are 154 students. The Sample of this study
is 23 male students of class XI at SMK Negeri I
Cianjur, obtained from 10% of the population which
divided into two groups; those are 11 students for the
group of inquiry method and 12 students for the group
problem solving method.
The research method used in this research is
experimental method. The previous study also used
the experimental method, Henry E. Peelle III (2006).
This study used two groups, pre-test and post-test
designs, Sugiono {2011: 75} describes as follow:
Table 1: Two groups pre-test and post-test.
Group 1
Y 1
Group 2
Group 1: Experimental group using inquiry
learning method
Y1 : Pre-test {before getting a treatment}
X1 : Giving treatment of inquiry learning
Y2 : The post-test value of group of inquiry
learning method {after getting a treatment}
Group 2 : Experimental group using problem
solving learning method
Y1 : Pre-test {before getting a treatment}
X2 : Giving treatment of problem solving model
Y2 : The post-test value of group of problem
solving learning method
This study was conducted 16 times. It is noted by
seeing the result of improvement of student learning,
if during the 18 meetings they have experienced an
improvement and ready for post-test.
The instrument of this study is using Games
Performances Assessment Instrument (GPAI). By
using GPAI, the performance skill of the participants
can be measured in this study as described by
previous study by Yunyun Yudiana about Volleyball
skill using GPAI instruments adopted from Mitchael
W. Metzler (1990: 362).
After the data was obtained then the data was
processed using the help of SPSS application to
facilitate the processing of data and take the
conclusions from the data collection.
The result of the study during 18 meetings by giving
treatment of overhand service found that there is a
difference in service results at SMKN 1 Cianjur.
Basically, the service in volleyball sport shows a
significant improvement result, it is because there is
a change in data collection at post-test, but in the
sample of problem solving method, there is no change
in data collection of sample number 5 and number 12
at pre-test, service value of sample 5 is 7 and sample
12 is 9, and they get the same value at post-test. Mean
and standard deviation of the effect of practice effect
of problem solving method and inquiry of overhand
Table 2: Test result of overhand service with inquiry
method practice.
Overhand Service with Inquiry
Method Practice
Overhand Service with Problem
Solving Practice
Table 2 shows that the average pre-test result of
inquiry practice method is about 6.2 and standard
deviation value is about 1.47, and for the average
post-test result is about 8.5 and standard deviation
value is about 1.04. Whereas the average pre-test
result of problem solving practice method is about 6.3
and standard deviation value is about 1.86, and for the
average post-test result is about 7.7 and standard
deviation value is about 1.61.
The Comparison between Inquiry and Problem Solving Method in Performing Overhand Service Technique on Volleyball Game
Table 3: Test result of inquiry and problem solving method.
L table
Inquiry Pre-test
Problem solving
Problem solving
Based on the results of data processing in table 3,
pre-test value by using Inquiry method is about (Lo)
= 0.192 (Ltable) = 0.249 and post-test value is about
(Lo) = 0.229 (Ltable) = 0.249, whereas pre-test value
by using problem solving method is about (Lo) =
0.222 (Ltable) = 0.242 and post-test value is about
(L0) = 0.222 (Ltabel) = 0.242 at the real level 0.5
stated that students who perform overhand service
distribute normal because L¬o < LTable.
Table 4: Homogeneous test.
F Count
Based on data processing on homogeneous test
from inquiry method obtained data Fcount = 1.99,
Ftable = 2.97 and from problem solving method
obtained data Fcount = 1.33 Ftable = 2.82, thus two
variants homogeneous due to Fcount < Ftable.
In the table below, there is the summarization of
the results of the T-test calculation of the Effect of
Problem Solving and Inquiry method practice in
Overhand service.
Table 5: The summarization of t-test calculation result.
Result of
Inquiry pre-
test and post-
Solving pre-
test and post-
Testing the significance of the research results
proved if the use of inquiry and problem solving
methods equally provide a significant improvement.
Based on the data of "The Comparison between
Inquiry and Problem Solving Method in Performing
Overhand Service Technique on Volleyball Game
Students of Class XI at SMK Negeri 1 Cianjur", it can
be concluded that:
There is a significant effect of the problem solving
method practice of the overhand service result. This
data result is supported by Mamonto; Rahkat and
Mkes; Aisah R Pomatahu; and Ms, Sarjan Mile
(2015) that states "there is significant improvement
using problem solving in improving lay-up skills".
There is also several studies (Siatan, Ardianto T. and
Mkes, Aisah R. Pomatahu and Ruslan, 2015) state
that if the problem solving learning model is applied,
the students' ability in heading the ball in football
game will increase. Moreover, Damanik, Endro
Switly (2013) claim that teaching by using problem
solving style can increase the result of smash learning
of students in a volleyball game.
There is a significant effect of the inquiry method
practice of the overhand service result. The result is
supported by Suryaningsih (2016) implementation of
guided inquiry learning method based on game can
improve the creativity of early childhood.
Practice of problem solving method has more
significant effect compared to practice of inquiry
method on overhand service of students at SMKN 1
Cianjur. Neverheless in the previous study Rysia
Reynolds, David Saxon and Graham Benmore (2006)
present further evidence that EBL/PBL activities
have a significant role to play in the development of
independent learning, team working skills and the
acquisition of deeper knowledge. Also, there is a
presumption in previous research on this research, IL
and PBL tasks are challenging for students in many
ways, and different researchers aiming to help
learners overcome these conceptual and practical
hurdles have used several scaffolding strategies (e.g.,
Chinn, 2006; Guzdial, 1994; Jackson et al., 1996;
Linn, Bell, and Davis, 2004; Reiser et al., 2001).
Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the
problem solving method practice has more significant
effect compared to the inquiry method practice on
overhand service of students at SMKN 1 Cianjur.
The writer believes that the process of collecting data
needs more time, and also for the gender grouping
that should be determined, because in this study the
differences of gender has many influence to the test
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The Comparison between Inquiry and Problem Solving Method in Performing Overhand Service Technique on Volleyball Game