with Social study background to gain better score that
those with Science study background using lecturing
method. In accordance with an article by (Nur
Faralina, Shahrul Kadri and Nurul Syafiqah, 2015)
which discusses corelations between pre-class task
and academic backgrouynd, the statistical result
indicates unsignificant corelation between pre-class
task and academic background in selected sample.
Nur Asrab suggests that this is because of
instructional approach which is not bias to students
with both academic backgrounds. The phrase “not
bias” means that instructional approach can be
accepted by both academic backgrounds and it
improves the learning process.
Based on the data analysis obtained, it is thoroughly
proven that Mind mapping approach creates a
significant difference in the performance result and
problem solving skills. Mind mapping learning
approach is better than lecturing method. This
signifies that Mind Mapping learning approach has
succeeded in leaving a positive effect which is proven
better than lecturing method. Referring to the
observation, students seem to focus better on the
lesson in the class while the mind mapping approach
is being conducted. There is an interaction between
learning approach and academic background which is
proven with Anava calculation. This becomes a
reference to the result that the students with academic
background of Social study who attended the class
conducted with Mind Mapping approach managed to
equate the result of the students with academic
background of Science study. That is to say that
students with academic background of Social study
succeeded in exceeding the performace result of
students with both academic backgrounds of Social
and Science study in the class conducted with
lecturing method.
Further study conducted shows the difference
between subgroups. It supports the conclusion of this
research that Mind mapping learning approach is
better than lecturing method, for students with both
academic backgrounds. Thus researcher would like to
share some feedbacks related to the result of this
research as follows : further researches, it is advisable
to take learning approach which is based on scientific
method as comparative variables so that the
difference will not be overly significant between the
two learning methods. In addition, it is necessary to
study the motivation of students to learn after the
treatment of the learning approach. Researcher
suggests that stakeholder pays a careful attention and
consider different factors within the students as there
is a difference of academic background which may
result in differences of result. In the use of Mind
Mapping apporach, it is advisable to provide retention
as a maintenance of ability.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education