Learning Approaches and Academic Background towards Problem
Solving and Learning Achievements
Rizaldo Septiano Robaeni, Amung Ma’mun and Berliana Berliana
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Mind map, Basic Physiology, factorial design, study program, learning approach, academic background,
problem solving, study achievement.
Abstract: This article discusses the mind map of learning approaches and academic background in accordance with the
ability of problem solving and learning achievement in the lesson of Basic Physiology. The design of this
research is simplified 2x2 factorial design. The population of this research is students of 2010 of IKOR from
2 different classes. The data obtained later are analyzed using ANOVA method. There have been various
researches regarding the issue of learning using Mind Map, which prove that mind map succeeds in improving
students’ achievements. Overall, the achievement of result and ability of problem solving with this approach
proves better than lectured learning. Interaction occurs amonglearning approach, academic background and
problem solving. Students whose academic background includes Science class at Senior High School, score
better with mind map learning approach than lectured learning.
Result of performance in the subject study of
Physiology has not met the standard of competency.
This indication is based on direct observation where
students do not fulfill the standard of competency in
the mid-term exam. Students’ achievement in the
form of score printed on a paper is the physical result
of education, with which the curriculum builders
formulate the standard for the better education. As in
this scientific method which focuses on changing the
way of thinking of students into the scientific ones, so
that it can analyze the cause and result scientifically.
Achievement result which is formulated by
curriculum was also initiated by (Bloom et al.. 1956)
a teacher who built curriculum and had to find the
purpose of education which goes towards the
cognitive area. The Cgnitive are in that statement
signifies the activities such as knowledge,
understanding, application, analysis, interpreatation,
integration and assessment.
Academic background refers to a student’s
interest in his study at senior high school which
means the student is directed to his field of study of
his interest. As stated in (the Ministry of Education
and Culture, Development of Human Source of
Education and Culture, 2013) which states that
students’ field of study is a unity and is integrated in
educational effort. According to the country’s
constitution number 20 year 2003 regarding National
Educational System chapter 1 article 19 (the People’s
representative council of Indonesia, 2012), it is stated:
“Curriculum is devised plan and management
regarding the purpose, content, additional subjects
and used method as a guideline in conducting the
proccess of learning for certain educational purpose”
The changes in curriculum which are carried out
are based on the consent that development is highly
influenced by global circumstances, advancement of
science, knowledge and technology as well as art and
culture. In 2013 the Ministry of Education and
Culture initiated the development of curriculum and
succeeded in creating the 2013 curriculum. The 2013
curriculum has a concept that students are able to
develop their skills, talent and interest more
extensively with the principle of individual
difference. As written in the guideline of the 2013
curriculum, it is stated that the structure of the 2013
curriculum provides (1) Obligatory subjects of study
for all students in one educational instritution in one
term of study, and (2) Optional subjects of study for
students in accordance with their interest.
Robaeni, R., Ma’mun, A. and Berliana, B.
Learning Approaches and Academic Background towards Problem Solving and Learning Achievements.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 47-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In his book, Popper reveals that formal science is
essential information from hypothesis, theory, and
law of how things work (Popper, 2002). In the speech
Popper explains that discovering and describing how
something works is the essence of science. His saying
of “describing how something works” is in
accordance with the concept of this mind map, as
written in the book (Buzan, 2006) which states that
the bigger the stimulation to both sides of your brain
at the same time, the more effective it helps you to
remember. Buzan emphasizes that the use of both
sides of the brain helps you remember more
effectively. It is generally accepted that the skill of
analysis relies on the left part of the brain and to
depict or imagine things people rely on the right part.
Researchers agree that using mind mapping enable
students to balance the usage of both and effect in the
their achievements.
As Blooms stated that problem solving or ability
to solve issues become one of the aim of cognitive
area, which is one of the aim of scientific method.
That being said, as an educator and conductor of
learning proses, a teacher must take students’ ability
in problem soving into account. It is because the aim
of learning is to help form students’ ability in solving
problems they come across in their real life. That is
the reason that researchers have been trying to figure
out how big this method puts an effect in children in
their problem solving. In his book (Buzan 2006a) he
emphasizes that understanding our own way of
thinking can help us in the usage of phrases or
pictures in the mind map format. That way will affect
how we remember, revise, recall, organize, think
creatively and solve problems in the learning process.
(Markowitz and Jensen, 2002) defines mind map as a
technique of verbal visualization into images which
can help people record, strengthen and remember
information that has been learnt. Obviously the
inventor of the learning method of mind map assumed
that this model can help solve problems.
Mind mapping is one the methods that can be
chosen in learning science with characteristics and it
can be explained systematically and rationally. This
Mind Map has been implemented in various subjects
of study which consequently improve students’
achievement. As an example, a reseach carried out by
(Holland, Holland and Davies, 2004) titled “An
Investigation into the Concept of Mind Mapping and
the Use of Mind Mapping Software to support and
improve students’ academic performance”. Briand
concludes that almost all of the students agree to
perform the mind map method as it helps students a
lot in learning school subjects. It is unfortunate that a
subject study that is considered the fundamental
lesson of physical education still adapts the traditional
method or lectured based learning.
The usage of the Mind mapping method has been
attracting researchers to observe its relation with
learning motivation and ability, as well as various
subjects. For instance, a research carried out by (Nora
Tri Setyaningrum, 2012) “Application of the Mind
Map Method in Improving Reading Skill and
Comprehension to 3rd Grade Students with Hearing
Disability at School for Disabled Students As-Syifa
East Lombok”. In this research a significant result is
apparent. The result concludes that Mind mapping
concept and work books have a beneficial role in
helping students to learn the technique and situation
where they are in.
There are also a large number of journals
regarding medical science which support the Mind
Map learning method, one of which is an article in
BMC Medical Education (2010) by (D’Antoni et al.,
2010). Antoni states that in demonstrating the usage
of mind mapping to students of pharmacy this method
enabled him to give the perfect repitition efficiently
in a short period of time.
It is expected that teachers change their mind set
that learning process does not only revolve around
transfering the knowledge from them to their students
but also make their students comprehend the content
of the lesson they learn. This Mind mapping method
aims at helping students understand and comprehend
the content of the lesson. Researcher in this study
takes students of Physiology class as a subject, for the
reason that Physiology science is a lesson which can
be pictured and arranged systematically. So far the
lecturers have been applying the lectering method so
that students find difficulty in understanding and
remembering this lesson. Researcher assumes that
this Mind mapping method helps teachers deliver the
lesson more easily and enables teachers to provide
students with better understanding regarding the
2.1 Population and Sample
2.1.1 Population
The population of this research is the students of even
smester year 2016 at IKOR taking basic physiology
science. There two classes and each classes consists
of 49 students and 51 students respectively. The
faculty of Physical Education is the only faculty of
UPI which includes the class of basic physiology
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
science, obviously the class is vital in physicial
2.1.2 Sample
The selection of sample takes the totalling sampling
technique. It is determined by taking the students
from both class A and B from physical education
science year 2016. Class A consists of 51 students (9
of whom took social class at their previous formal
education and the remaining 42 took science). Class
B consists of 49 students (13 of whom took social
class and the remaining 36 took science). Referring to
the method of factorial design 2x2, the selection of
groups is determined by random assignment using
drawing technique. As a result Class A is taken as the
control class with lecturing method and Class B is
taken as the experimented class with Mind mapping
2.2 Instrument of Research
In this study, the researcher takes 2 instruments. In
order to assess the performance of study and problem
solving skills of the students. The insturment used for
assessment of performance is subsumative test whose
each unit of the test is directly distributed by the basic
physiology science lecturer. To determined the
problem solving skills, a PSI (Problem Solving
Inventory) questionnaire is distributed among
students, PSI was developed by (Heppner and
Petersen, 1982), whose article discusses dimensions
of the process of problem solving and explains the
development of Problem Solving Inventory based on
factors of result analysis. Later it was proven by a
research conducted by (Tian, Heppner and Hou,
2014) titled “Problem-Solving Appraisal and Human
Adjustment: A Review of 20 Years of Research
Using the Problem Solving Inventory” which
concludes that PSI is useful not only to assess the
level of problem solving skills but also the general
psychological issues.
2.3 Procedure of Research
The following are the procedures of this research :
Researcher determines two second grade classes
of IKOR as the sample of this research using the
totalling sampling technique.
Researcher determines the tasks for each
respective class.
Researcher conducts the class learning for each
classes in accordance with the curriculum. The
experimented class is given the Mind mapping
learning method with the learning steps as seen
in table 3.4 and the coontrol class is given the
lectured learning method.
Researcher conducts a post test in both classes
to assess their achievement in learning the
subject, by looking at their improvement in
problem solving and performance. Prior to this
post test, students state their educational
Researcher analyzes the data to see study the
result and accept the hypothesis which is
proposed in the research using ANAVA and
immediate Scheffe test.
Performance result and Problem Solving skills after
the Mind mapping method is conducted in the class
are proven better than lecturing method. There are
significant differences between Mind Map approach
and lecturing method which can be seen in the
average score. The average score of the class adopting
Mind Mapping approach is in accordance with the
result of the research by (Juhariah, 2015) “The
average score of pre-test of the experimented class is
45,0 and the post test is 73,0, this indicates a
significant improvement of students’ performance.”
Her research was conducted in 3 meetings or the
ending of one basic competency. The high score after
Mind map approach is used is the combination of
performance and problem solving results.
This result is supported by the result of a research
by (Perihan and Kobacas, 2012) which states that
learning strategy will put an effect in problem solving
skills of students. It can be concluded that each
learning process given to students will affect their
problem solving skills. As it is generally accepted that
problem solving is how one can be confident in
solving his problems. There are significant influences
of ordinal interactions between Mind mapping
approach and Lecturing method in students with
different academic background (Social and Science
study) towards the result of performance and problem
solving. There are also significant interactions
between learning approach and academic backround
in the result of performance and problem solving.
This finding is due to the Mind mapping method
which helps students with background of Social study
earn high score than those with background of
Science and Social study in the control class.
Another factor which causes the interations
between learning approach factor and academic
backround factor is that Social study class whish has
been predicted to gain higher score in lecturing
method class is proven wrong, furthermore the Mind
mapping method has succeeded in helping students
Learning Approaches and Academic Background towards Problem Solving and Learning Achievements
with Social study background to gain better score that
those with Science study background using lecturing
method. In accordance with an article by (Nur
Faralina, Shahrul Kadri and Nurul Syafiqah, 2015)
which discusses corelations between pre-class task
and academic backgrouynd, the statistical result
indicates unsignificant corelation between pre-class
task and academic background in selected sample.
Nur Asrab suggests that this is because of
instructional approach which is not bias to students
with both academic backgrounds. The phrase “not
bias” means that instructional approach can be
accepted by both academic backgrounds and it
improves the learning process.
Based on the data analysis obtained, it is thoroughly
proven that Mind mapping approach creates a
significant difference in the performance result and
problem solving skills. Mind mapping learning
approach is better than lecturing method. This
signifies that Mind Mapping learning approach has
succeeded in leaving a positive effect which is proven
better than lecturing method. Referring to the
observation, students seem to focus better on the
lesson in the class while the mind mapping approach
is being conducted. There is an interaction between
learning approach and academic background which is
proven with Anava calculation. This becomes a
reference to the result that the students with academic
background of Social study who attended the class
conducted with Mind Mapping approach managed to
equate the result of the students with academic
background of Science study. That is to say that
students with academic background of Social study
succeeded in exceeding the performace result of
students with both academic backgrounds of Social
and Science study in the class conducted with
lecturing method.
Further study conducted shows the difference
between subgroups. It supports the conclusion of this
research that Mind mapping learning approach is
better than lecturing method, for students with both
academic backgrounds. Thus researcher would like to
share some feedbacks related to the result of this
research as follows : further researches, it is advisable
to take learning approach which is based on scientific
method as comparative variables so that the
difference will not be overly significant between the
two learning methods. In addition, it is necessary to
study the motivation of students to learn after the
treatment of the learning approach. Researcher
suggests that stakeholder pays a careful attention and
consider different factors within the students as there
is a difference of academic background which may
result in differences of result. In the use of Mind
Mapping apporach, it is advisable to provide retention
as a maintenance of ability.
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Learning Approaches and Academic Background towards Problem Solving and Learning Achievements