significant different level of students’ discipline and
self efficacy between the students who joining
outdoor education program through camping and
hiking from treatment games A group from students
who join camping and hiking from treatment games
B group.
This research also discusses about the difference
of influence of outdoor education treatment using
games A and games B through camping and hiking
toward the students of SMP YPI Bandung (YPI
Bandung Junior High School) grade VII. The result
of data analysis shows the difference of influence
between the given result of outdoor education
treatment using games A through camping and
hiking from outdoor education treatment using
games B through camping and hiking, the difference
is, however, insignificant. Therefore, the result
shows that outdoor education through hiking and
camping using games A or structured game and
outdoor education through hiking and camping using
games B or unstructured game similar amount of
influence, however games A with structured games
gives higher result than games B with unstructured
games, therefore both get improvement in discipline
and self efficacy with only a slight difference
(Hubball and West, 2013), (Potter, Socha, and
Connell, 2011), (Gregg, 2009).
In this research, modified games A model using
structured games has easy to difficult characteristic.
While modified games B model using unstructured
games has unstructured difficulty level. Modified
games A model gives more significant influence
toward discipline and self efficacy than modified
games B model with unstructured games. It shows
that to improve discipline and self efficacy through
outdoor education, modified games A model is more
recommended to use that is by structural
arrangement of games starting from easy
characteristic to difficult characteristic. (Hubball and
West, 2013), (Potter et al., 2011), Taniguchi (2004).
From the findings, it can be seen that this
research gives adequate support to the previous
researches, especially those that relate to the
influence of outdoor education through camping and
hiking toward the improvement of students’
discipline and self efficacy. It is quite clear since the
selected sample are adolescents, as we know that
adolescents are tend to be unstable and get
influenced easily by experienced situation and
condition, as stated by Larson (in Santrock, 2007,
pg. 20) “adolescence as a transition period from
childhood to adulthood, involving biological,
cognitive, and socio-emotional changes.” Therefore
adolescence is a transition period, changing period,
such as emotional sensitivity change, body form,
role, interests, and value. It is the phase to discover
self-identity and is still able to get outside and
extrinsic influenced so that their discipline and self
efficacy can still be emerged or improved trough
camping and hiking since, unlike adults with a lot of
pressures in their minds, they have characteristic of
not having heavy thoughts. (Rahman, 2006).
The research above shows that Outdoor education
through camping and hiking program with structured
and unstructured modified games gives
improvement in discipline and self efficacy. While
structured modified games gives better improvement
than unstructured modified games, owing the fact
that the characteristic of junior high school students
that still requires guidance in performing something,
playing games with the easy to difficult
characteristic. This outdoor education gives also
benefit to the students. Consequently, instead of
stopping children to play outside, the teachers and
other stakeholders involved in education must
provide safe and comfortable environment where
they are able to enjoy and develop themselves
through games. More facilities required for the
children to play in school and at home will be very
useful to help them develop their physics and
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