Outdoor Education toward Discipline and Self Efficacy
Arie Abdul Aziz Ramdani, Nurlan Kusmaedi and Surdiniaty Ugelta
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Outdoor Education, Discipline, Self Efficacy.
Abstract: The pupose of this research was to improve discipline and self efficacy through camping and hiking outdoor
education program learning model with structured and unstructured modified games. This research used
experimental method with pretest and posttest two treatment design. Purposive sampling tecnique was used
to select the sample. It was concluded that the outdoor education learning with camping and hiking activities
both with structured or unstructured modified games significantly influenced discipline and self efficacy
while outdoor education program gave the most significant improvement.
Adolescence is an important phase in the trasition
phase of someone’s life. During adolescence,
adolescents are expected to experience a lot of
changes on their development process. They
experience cognitive, affective and pshychomotor
development process.(Duijvenvoorde, Jansen, and
Huizenga, n.d.)
Some adolescents find it difficult to experience
these changes, therefore they must have a great faith
in being able to pass through these existing changes.
Baron and Byrne (2000) stated that self efficacy is
one’s judgement toward his/her abilities or
competence to perform tasks, to reach one goal, and
to result something. Adolescents who have high self
efficacy are those who believe they are able to
perform their developmental tasks and tend to pass
through their adolescent developmet well. On the
other hand, adolescents with low self efficacy tend
to experience confusion and troubles. However in
fact, a lot of adolescent phenomenons demostrate the
symptoms of low efficacy. (Dinther, Dochy, Segers,
and Braeken, 2014)
Low self efficacy will be the determinant of
someone’s failure. The continuous failure can cause
lack of interaction with the surrounding. Inferiority
and introversion are shown by people whose low
self esteem. Students who study school subject, for
an instance, it will be difficult for those who have
low self efficacy to develop themselves. It can cause
them failure at doing school activities. From the fact
that the researcher found on the field, the students’
self efficacy in SMP YPI (YPI Junior High School)
can still be considered low. Therefore, it requires
improvement by applying outdoor education model.
Outdoor education is an educational curriculum tool
where teaching and learning activities are performed
outside classroom, with the goal of emerging various
aspects of the students both physical or
psychological. This new type of learning is able to
challenge students’ courageous. (Dinther et al.,
Meanwhile character building is not only owned
by religion study, or civic. All school subects have
the same tasks and contribution in building students’
characters. Therefore, character bulding rightly
requires a place and attention from various
componets such as the government, educational
units, and community. The degradation of students’
characters impacts both daily activities or teaching
and learning process so that the students have lack of
discipline toward the regulations made by schools.
The development of character building can be
performed everywhere, one of which outdoor
education. Outdoor education is educational cross
study with the goal of educating students to gain
knowledge and understanding through natural
approach and setting. The implementation of
Outdoor Education or Extra-Classroom
Education/Extra-Classroom activities in various
aducational units is still minmum, or it is more likely
to be none. Outdoor education activities are
performed only for additional activities to spend
spare time after examintion. Whereas, in the
Competence Standard and Basic Competencies in
every educationl unit, Outdoor Education is clearly
Ramdani, A., Kusmaedi, N. and Ugelta, S.
Outdoor Education toward Discipline and Self Efficacy.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 52-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mentioned in the curriculum of Physical Education
subject. The existing problem is that the Physical
Education teachers’ poor skill in performing
Outdoor Education Learning. (Santoro, Pietsch, and
Borg, 2012).
Physical education teachers subconciously
prepare their learning expreriences consisting of
physical activities. Whereas the students are the
active performers of those teaching tasks. The
change of behavior will take place only if the
students actively study. Thus, active participation
from all students is an important principle in
physical education subject. The students’ active
roles in learning process relate to their self-
motivation to study in reaching the purpose of study.
After the observation was made during the learning
process in SMP YPI (YPI Junior High School),
apparently the students do not optimally participate
in the physical education study resulting some
students are not disciplined. It can be seen from
some students’ behavior, illustrated by some
students come late to certain classes, it is not
everyday but some students skip classes, also some
students submit their assignments late or not submit
them at all, some students get in and out during
certain classes although the teacher is teaching in the
class, some students make too much noise in class
during the study. (Abu-tineh and Sadiq, 2017).
Weak national chracter can be a great source to
trigger improper incidents to take place. Therefore
actions or activities are urgently required to
reemerge the national character of the students of
SMP YPI (YPI Junior High School), one of which is
activity to improve discipline and self efficacy
through outdoor education. Nowadays, there are a
lot of popular physical or sport activities among
people, as an example activities outside classroom or
open air activities called outdoor education. Outdoor
education activity is rapidly performed by all kinds
of societies in Indonesia, such as business people,
office workers, civil servants, and schools since it
gives mentally or phisically pleasure. Moreover, it
has purpose to improve the ability of cooperation
between people to finish a work and the most
important is to build the character of SMP YPI (YPI
Junior High School) students. Many kinds and types
of activities and trainings are offered these days, two
of the most popular activities are camping and
hiking, the trainings designed only by doing outdoor
activities, playing and thinking or observing things
in the activity which then can applied in daily
activities (Sumarjo, 2009:2). Therefore discipline
and self efficacy coaching through camping and
hiking for SMP YPI (YPI Junior High School)
students is necessary to develop with continous
systematic and characteristic coaching model. Based
on the explanation above therefore the researcher is
interested in conducted a research about “The
Influence of Outdoor Education toward Discipline
and Self Efficacy.”
The method used for this research was experimental
method. The research design used was the pretest-
posttest two treatment design where the pretest was
in the form of the students’ discipline and self
efficacy value questionare given before giving the
treatment, posttest was then done in the form of the
students’ discipline and self efficacy value
questionare given after giving the treatment. The
instrument used for measuring the influence of
giving treatment, in this case camping and hiking,
was questionare. Instrument to illustrate students’
discipline in this school was adjusted with the
characteristics owned by the students whose
discipline based on Hurlock concept (1978: 82-92)
regarding to students’ discipline in school toward
regulations, punishments, achievements and order.
Meanwhile the measuring instrument used to
measure self efficacy was a scale by Ralf Schwarzer,
et al (1996) and Vicki (2014) since the theoretical
framework used in their research was social
cognitive theory by Albert Bandura (1997), those
are level, strength and generality.
This research used two groups of sample as the
media to gain the data of the research. One group
was named Games A and another was named Games
B. The following description is the result of
discipline and self efficacy test of game A and game
B groups. The result of discipline test of games A
group was discovered that mean or the average value
of pre test of the students’ discipline of experimental
group was 175.15, post test was 186.40 and n gain
was 14.25. The result of self efficacy games A
group was discovered that mean or or the average
value of pre test of the students’ self efficacy of
experimental group was 83.95, post test was 93.50
and n gain was 9.55. The result of discipline test of
games B group was discovered that mean or the
average value of pre test of the students’ discipline
of games B was 172.55, post test was 185.70 and n
gain was 13.15. The result of self efficacy games B
group was discovered that mean or or the average
value of pre test of the students’ self efficacy of
Outdoor Education toward Discipline and Self Efficacy
games B was 84.25, post test was 91.80 and n gain
was 8.35.
After conducting research about the influence of
outdoor education whrough camping and hiking
toward students’ discipline and self efficacy, it is
expected that it can improve students’ discipline and
self efficacy better. In this discussion, the researcher
will answer the applied hypothesys:
Is there any influences of Outdoor Education
learning toward the discipline and self efficacy
of structured modified games A group in
physical education subject?
Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded
that the treatment of outdoor education through
camping and hiking toward model A games gives a
significant influence toward discipline and self
efficacy. It is in line with the result of the research
conducted by Tay (2006) that camping program with
3 days of adventure has significant influence in
increasing students’ perception toward the
evectiveness aspects of life such as self efficacy,
self-confidence, stress management, time efficiency,
and the entire evectiveness. In addition to the impact
of outdoor education, Taniguchi (2004: pg. 23) in
his research stated that:
Outdoor education is the pedagogy that utilizes
challenging activities in an outdoor
environment (usually meaning an environment
not enclosed by manmade structures) for the
personal, social, and educational development
of the student.
Outdoor education can also be taken as a new
learning model especially in physical education
subject to improve students’ character values.
(Thomas and Thomas, 2015).
Outdoor education programs need to be
restructured to meet the needs of these domains such
as improving problem-solving ability, psychomotor
ability and sensitivity to the self which will develop
confidence and positive self-concept (Harun and
Salamuddin, 2013). By studying or performing
outdoor activities, students can explore themselves
physically using their five senses to interact with the
nature as well as using their senses therefore it forms
their personalities better and emerges students’
character values especially their discipline. Trough
outdoor games, students are able to explore what
they would like to perform thus it emerges students’
self efficacy. (Brookes, 2007).
Through outbond learning and performing
various different activities, students seem
enthusiastic about participating in learning activities.
It is shown by students’ being active in performing
learning activities. The existence of those activities
gives different learning to the students compared to
the usual learning activity such as classroom
learning activity.
What is the influence of Outdoor Education
learning toward discipline and self efficacy of
unstructured modified games B group in physical
education subject?
Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded
that the outdoor education treatment through
camping and hiking toward model B games
influences discipline and self efficacy. The
following statement from the result of research
conducted by Liepina and Krauksta (2014) with the
title of Students' attitude to and motivation for
outdoor life supports the result of this research:
"The results of the first inquiries showed that
students have very small previous outdoor life
experience. The study course Tourism helped
students develop a positive attitude and at least
short-time motivation for the development of further
outdoor experience". In this outdoor research,
students more actively develop their potencies
without anyone’s force.
Outdoor program can meet academic objectives
for a course, as well as provide both social and
personal benefits for students (Gregg, 2009). It is
important for the teacher to structure the program in
line with specific course objectives and to plan
outdoor activities that are age appropriate”. He then
also stated that “high school and college students
able to handle rural settings and more stringent
physical demands.” By the time it is applied to
junior high school students, the influence is proven
to be significant toward positive character.
Is the improvement of students’ discipline and
self efficacy using structured game A on
experiment class higher than the students
discipline and self efficacy using unstructured
game B?
Seeing from the difference of students’ discipline
and self efficacy gain score between treatment
games A group and treatment games B group at the
beginning and the end of test, N-gain value of
treatment games A is higher than the N-gain value of
treatment games B. The result shows that a
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
significant different level of students’ discipline and
self efficacy between the students who joining
outdoor education program through camping and
hiking from treatment games A group from students
who join camping and hiking from treatment games
B group.
This research also discusses about the difference
of influence of outdoor education treatment using
games A and games B through camping and hiking
toward the students of SMP YPI Bandung (YPI
Bandung Junior High School) grade VII. The result
of data analysis shows the difference of influence
between the given result of outdoor education
treatment using games A through camping and
hiking from outdoor education treatment using
games B through camping and hiking, the difference
is, however, insignificant. Therefore, the result
shows that outdoor education through hiking and
camping using games A or structured game and
outdoor education through hiking and camping using
games B or unstructured game similar amount of
influence, however games A with structured games
gives higher result than games B with unstructured
games, therefore both get improvement in discipline
and self efficacy with only a slight difference
(Hubball and West, 2013), (Potter, Socha, and
Connell, 2011), (Gregg, 2009).
In this research, modified games A model using
structured games has easy to difficult characteristic.
While modified games B model using unstructured
games has unstructured difficulty level. Modified
games A model gives more significant influence
toward discipline and self efficacy than modified
games B model with unstructured games. It shows
that to improve discipline and self efficacy through
outdoor education, modified games A model is more
recommended to use that is by structural
arrangement of games starting from easy
characteristic to difficult characteristic. (Hubball and
West, 2013), (Potter et al., 2011), Taniguchi (2004).
From the findings, it can be seen that this
research gives adequate support to the previous
researches, especially those that relate to the
influence of outdoor education through camping and
hiking toward the improvement of students’
discipline and self efficacy. It is quite clear since the
selected sample are adolescents, as we know that
adolescents are tend to be unstable and get
influenced easily by experienced situation and
condition, as stated by Larson (in Santrock, 2007,
pg. 20) “adolescence as a transition period from
childhood to adulthood, involving biological,
cognitive, and socio-emotional changes.” Therefore
adolescence is a transition period, changing period,
such as emotional sensitivity change, body form,
role, interests, and value. It is the phase to discover
self-identity and is still able to get outside and
extrinsic influenced so that their discipline and self
efficacy can still be emerged or improved trough
camping and hiking since, unlike adults with a lot of
pressures in their minds, they have characteristic of
not having heavy thoughts. (Rahman, 2006).
The research above shows that Outdoor education
through camping and hiking program with structured
and unstructured modified games gives
improvement in discipline and self efficacy. While
structured modified games gives better improvement
than unstructured modified games, owing the fact
that the characteristic of junior high school students
that still requires guidance in performing something,
playing games with the easy to difficult
characteristic. This outdoor education gives also
benefit to the students. Consequently, instead of
stopping children to play outside, the teachers and
other stakeholders involved in education must
provide safe and comfortable environment where
they are able to enjoy and develop themselves
through games. More facilities required for the
children to play in school and at home will be very
useful to help them develop their physics and
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education