Comparison of Effect of Roundhouse Kick Practice using Handbox
and Sandsack to the Kick Speed of Pencak Silat Athletes
Ginan Nugroho, Tony Hartono, Galih Reka Fitriana and Cep Ubad Abdullah
School of graduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Keywords: Handbox, Sandsack, Roundhouse Kick.
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to determine the comparison of effect of roundhouse kick practice using
handbox and sandsack method to the speed of pencak silat athletes’ kick. The population in this research
was 8 pencak silat athletes and the research method used experimental method. The recent research used
total sampling technique. The result of data processing using SPSS 23 and data processing of t paired test
obtained the results as follows: Experiment 1, it was obtained the significance or value probability value of
0.000 smaller than α= 0.05, meaning that it was beyond the acceptance of the hypothesis (H0). Thus,
roundhouse kick practice using Handbox can increase the kick speed of pencak silat athletes. Experiment 2,
it was obtained the significance value or probability value of 0.000 smaller than α= 0.05, meaning that it
was beyond the acceptance of the hypothesis (H0). Thus, roundhouse kick practice using sandsack can
increase the kick speed of pencak silat athletes. From the comparison of the two experiments above, it was
obtained the significance value or probability value of 0.004 smaller than α= 0.05, meaning that it was
beyond the acceptance of the hypothesis (H0). This meant that there was a significant difference between
practices using handbox and sandsack. Based on the above result, it can be concluded that roundhouse kick
practice method using handbox and sandsack had a significant effect on the kick speed of PPLP pencak silat
The government’s attention to the Sports
Development and Achievement is high, so that the
development needs to be conducted in every layer of
society, as contained in Law of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 3 of 2005 (Undang-Undang Republik
Indonesia, No 3, 2005) on sporting system article 21,
paragraph 3 explaining that “The Development of
sports is conducted through the stages of
introduction of sports, monitoring, guiding, and
talent development and improvement of
achievements” (A. R. Jensen, et al. 2016). The
Indonesian independence is inseparable from the
role of the fighters in defending the independence,
one of which is through martial arts, namely Pencak
Silat. “Pencak silat is the result of Indonesian culture
to defend and maintain its existence and integrity to
the environment and the natural surroundings to
achieve harmony in life in order to increase faith and
piety to God Almighty (Wilson, L., 2009). Pencak
silat has the meaning of Pencak and Silat, Pencak
means a basic motions of martial arts tied to rules
and used in learning, practices and performances.
While Silat means a perfect martial movement,
which originates in pure sacred spirituality.”
Pencak silat has several basic techniques that
affect the success rate of athletes, the basic
techniques of pencak silat consist of kuda-kuda (a
neutral stance), punching, defense, dodging and
kicking that are mostly found in martial arts sports
(Anam A K, Hidayah T 2014). From the various types
of kicks in pencak silat, the researcher only
examines the roundhouse kick. A roundhouse kick is
a semicircular inside kick aimed at all parts of the
body using the back of the sole of foot” (Bal B S and
Singh, D 2014). The roundhouse kick is a very
dominant kick type performed by all athletes
because this kick is very easy to do and the level of
risk or impact of the kick is high for the athletes and
opponents because it is a composition of various
supporting factors of physical conditions such as leg
muscle strength and motion coordination (Cooper. W
E, 1982). Therefore, to get a quick and accurate kick
to the target, it takes a practices that affect to the
Nugroho, G., Hartono, T., Fitriana, G. and Abdullah, C.
Comparison of Effect of Roundhouse Kick Practice using Handbox and Sandsack to the Kick Speed of Pencak Silat Athletes.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 57-60
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
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