Training Method Eksperiment and Motor Ability towards Playing
Futsal Ability
Arif Fajar Prasetyo, Amung Ma’mun and Dian Budiana
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Training Method, Motor Ability, dan Playing Futsal Ability.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to compare random practice and blocked practice in high- and low ability
motor group to the ability of futsal playing. The samples of this study were twenty futsal players with
three months training experience. The 2x2 factorial design was applied in the experiment method. SPSS
version 16 was used to analyse the data with hypothesis testing through two way anova. The results of
data analysis and calculation revealed that the method of random practice is better than the practice of
blocked practice towards the ability in playing futsal and there is interaction in training method with motor
ability. Hence, random practice training method is more appropriate to be applied to high motor ability
while the blocked practice method is more appropriate to be applied to low motor ability.
The futsal game is a sport that is performed by two
different teams in order to win the game by inserting
the ball into the opposing goal as much as possible.
The process is to apply the strategies and tactics that
have been developed through the stages of the
training process (Sarmento, Bradley and Travassos,
2015). The development of futsal games in Indonesia
over the years has spawned a new energy in the world
of sports games, why? because this is marked by
some of the futsal competitions that spread in
Indonesia ranging from amateur to professional level
(Sharp, 2011), so the players have a platform to show
their best performance and achieve their aims in futsal
sports (Choi, Johnson and Kim, 2014). In conjunction
with the holding of tiered competition, the coaching
process already had a good framework for the
development of the process of achieving the aims that
was planned for the futsal sport, the more
competitively managed, the better the process and the
results to be achieved in the future (Wood and
Danylchuk, 2015). In addition, the organizers must
also support in the establishment of the base through
a process of good competition so that there will be no
obstacles at the time of the event take place (Verdot
and Schut, 2012).
In addition to the growing competition factor in
Indonesia, there is another side that should be known
by the futsal coaches. It is related to the
characteristics of futsal game which is very fast and
dynamic so that the players are required to make the
right decision, so that they will not disadvantageous
their own team (Marasso et al., 2014). Since the size
of futsal court is smaller than the size of football
field, the characteristics of the futsal games are fast
and dynamic (Naser and Ali, 2016). The players
must have good technical basic skills, so futsal
games will run properly (Corrêa et al., 2016). It is
because the basic movement component is a
foundation in sports (Maxwell, Capio and Masters,
If a futsal player has good basic movement skills,
the coach will easily uses the various applied training
methods (Wulf and Lewthwaite, 2009; Santos et al.,
2016). Because of that, a coach will be able to design
the training objectives according to the needs of the
team (Wang et al., 2015). However, in the basic
techniques of futsal training, there are several
applied training methods, such as random practice
and blocked practice method. The training method is
a way to perform a series of movement activities that
are performed systematically and support in the
process of achieving certain goals (Schoeb et al.,
2014; Cope, Harvey and Kirk, 2015). This exercise
Prasetyo, A., Ma’mun, A. and Budiana, D.
Training Method Eksperiment and Motor Ability towards Playing Futsal Ability.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 87-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
method can be applied in several sports, and can be
applied to the athletes, so that it has a positive impact
during the given training period (Baker and Young,
2014; Falcous and Booth, 2016).
The method of random practice is a randomized
exercise method with a certain amount and time as
well as a predetermined training objective. For
instance, when doing a passing, dribbling, and
shooting exercise, in the case while performing a
random method, the movement tasks are passing,
then proceed with dribbling and then shooting
consecutively in one time (Wilde, Magnuson and
Shea, 2005). This random practice method has the
advantage that athletes can perform some motion
skills at one time (Li and Wright, 2000). Another
method is blocked practice method, which is an
exercise concept that done by completing a
movement task first and then moving on to the next
movement task (Giuffrida, Shea and Fairbrother,
2002). Blocked practice training method has
advantages, i.e. players that are trained using this
method will be more focused on one movement skill
(Shakir, 2008).
Both of those methods have the influence on the
ability of playing futsal (Han and Shea, 2008). This
influence gives positive impact to the development
of futsal games, the better the basic techniques
mastered, the quality better and more skilled the
futsal players. Therefore, the futsal coach only needs
to develop and apply them to various competitions
that are held in Indonesia (Abeza et al., 2015). In
connection with the above explanation, this study
examined the motor skills, as well as training
methods in futsal sport. Thus, the title of the present
research that related to the issue is the influence of
exercise methods and motor ability towards the
ability of playing futsal.
2.1 Participant
The participants were twenty futsal players with a
three month training experience. They were the
members of futsal extracurricular at SMAK BPK 2
Penabur Bandung with the age range of 16-18 years
old. All of participants had never received random
practice and blocked practice training previously.
2.2 Instrument
2.2.1 Motor Ability (Barrow Motor Ability)
The instruments that used in this research, which
measured the movement ability (motor ability),
referred to Nurhasan and Cholil (2014, pp. 130-135),
which is the motor ability instrument using Barrow
motor ability test. It is because this instrument is in
accordance with the need to measure a person's basic
movement skills and according to Nurhasan and
Cholil (2014, p. 130) "tujuan dari tes ini adalah
membuat klasifikasi, bimbingan dan penentuan
prestasi, serta level nya adalah siswa pria Sekolah
Menengah Atas. Hence, this instrument is
appropriate with the sample of this study.
2.2.2 Game Performance Asessment Test
(GPAI) Futsal
This instrument was used for various forms of play,
as mentioned by Griffin, Mitchell, and Oslin (1997)
in Metzler's book (2000, p. 362) states that: have
devised a valid authentic system for assessing
tactical knowledge in a wide variety of games
typically taught. Then, there are seven components
that were observed to get the portrayal of the players
performance level.
According to Metzler (2000, p. 363), from the
seven playing assessment components, there are
three aspects of performance "the GPAI focuses on
three aspects of performance on each component:
decision-making (appropriate or inappropriate),
execution skills (efficient or inefficient), and support
2.3 Focus of the Research
This research explained about playing futsal. In
futsal games, there are three basic techniques, such
as passing, dribbling and shooting. Therefore, the
focus of the study was only on the three basic
2.4 Procedure
The sample completed a pretest of basic motion
skills using a motor ability test. The result of motor
ability test was used to divide the sample into high
ability motor group and low ability motor group.
Median split method was used to divide high and low
confidence. The results of the questionnaire were
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
sorted by the highest and lowest score then divided
into high and low categories (Mills, et al. 2000).
The specified samples were divided into 4 groups
based on the motor ability test results, namely a) a
group of students with high ability motor were given
the random practice (n = 5), b) a group of students
with low ability motor were given random practice
(n = 5), c) a group of high ability motor students were
given blocked practice training method (n = 5) and
d) a group of low ability motor students were given
blocked practice training method (n = 5).
The samples that participated in this research
were asked not to add the training outside the
predefined research schedule. The treatments in this
research were conducted 3 times a week for 16
meetings. The total duration of the treatment of
exercise method was 85 minutes.
After 16 meetings, the participants completed the
final test (posttest) of futsal playing ability. The data
were analyzed and concluded by using SPSS version
The obtained results of (GPAI) futsal research were
analyzed by 2 ways anova and tukey test with the
help of SPSS version 16. A summary of the
calculation results in table 1 is, as follows:
Tabel 1: Data of research result.
Motor Ability
Training Method (A)
High Motor
Low Motor
Because the value of Sig. is larger than the value
of α (12.39 > 2.71), consequently H0 is rejected and
H1 is accepted. Hence, the hypothesis there is the
effect of different methods of random practice and
blocked practice training on the ability to play futsal
is accepted at the level of significance α = 0.05.
Because the value of Sig. is larger than the value
of α (63.23 > 2.71), so H0 is rejected and H1 is
accepted. Thus, the hypothesis there is interaction
between motor ability with the method of training on
the ability to play futsalis accepted at the level of
significance α = 0.05.
Since the value of q is greater than the value of q
table (11.48 > 4.23), subsequently H0 is rejected and
H1 is accepted. Therefore, the hypothesis of research
that states: there are significant differences between
random practice and blocked practice training
methods in high ability motor group is accepted at
the level of significance α = 0.05
Since the value of q is greater than the value of q
table (4.37 > 4.23), thus H0 is rejected and H1 is
accepted. Consequently, the research hypothesis that
states: there are significant differences between
random practice and blocked practice training
methods in low motor ability group is accepted at
significance level α = 0,05.
The aim of the research findings discussion was to
illustrate the results of the research that has been
done. In this case, it was shown that the exercise
method had an influence on the ability to play futsal
(Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Skouteris and Mccabe, 2013),
consequently, a futsal coach should utilize the
training methods (Skultety, 2011). In addition, a
coach must also knew the basic movement skills of
every athlete, so that the athletes would be able to
perform in a training process that had both high basic
and low basic motion skills (Volman, Visser and
Lensvelt-Mulders, 2007; Maxwell, Capio and
Masters, 2017). Once the coach knew the portrayal
of the basic movement skills of the futsal players, the
next step was to provide a different training method
based on motor ability test results. Why was it
different? Because the results of this study showed
the differences of the influence between the method
of training and the ability to play futsal.
The results of this study indicated that
participants with high basic movement ability were
better to use the random methods. Because the
characteristic pattern of randomized training
methods was almost the same with the ability of
playing futsal, unlike the centralized training method
(Wilde, Magnuson and Shea, 2005). The random
method was more challenging, because at one time
the players must perform three motion skills, such as
passing, dribbling, and shooting. Therefore, it was
true that the players required the high basic
movement skills (Bertollo et al., 2010; Breivik,
2016). In addition, the characteristics of futsal games
also required the players to perform different skills
Training Method Eksperiment and Motor Ability towards Playing Futsal Ability
in the unpredictable situations (De Oliveira Bueno et
al., 2014; Naser and Ali, 2016).
Concurrently, the block method was less
challenging than the random method. The block
method characteristics is relatively easy (Bennett and
Maynard, 2016). Besides that, the of blocking
method only do one movement skill in one time, such
as passing first, then dribbling, then shooting. In this
case, a futsal player can focus more on the learned of
movement skill (Li and Wright, 2000; Giuffrida,
Shea and Fairbrother, 2002; Rad et al., 2012);
Article, 2014). In accordance with the characteristics
of the block method, which only focuses on one skill
and is not challenging, the need of basic movement
skill the current study was relatively low. Thus, the
use of the block method was more appropriate for the
players who had low basic motion skills (Birnbaum
et al., 2017). In this case, the characteristics of futsal
playing differed from the centralized training
methods and the need for futsal playing was higher
and challenging than the concept of centralized
training methods, so it was reasonable if the low-
level basic ability group suitable with the centralized
training methods.
It can be concluded that the method of random
practice was better than the blocked practice method
towards the ability to play futsal. Furthermore, there
were interactions between training methods with
motor ability, so that the random practice method
was more suitable to be applied to the players who
had high motor skill, while the blocked practice
method was more suitable to be applied to the players
who had low motor skill.
Based on the results of data processing and
analysis that had been done, it can be concluded that
the training method was inseparable part which
facilitate the training process, since the use of
appropriate training methods would provide better
training results. On the present study, random
practice method was much better compared to the
blocked practice method with the purpose of
improving the skill of playing futsal when it was
applied to the groups which had high skill of motor
ability. Whereas, it was more suitable to use blocked
practice training methods for the groups which had
low ability motor skills. Therefore, it is important to
figure out the things that related to the potential
development of the athletes earlier, especially the
skill of motor ability.
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Training Method Eksperiment and Motor Ability towards Playing Futsal Ability