of difficulties or problems and help students to
increase the potential within him that includes various
components such as performance, motivation,
empowerment, creativity, productivity (Parvathy and
Praseeda, 2014). The better the adversity quotient the
student has, the higher the creativity or the better the
student is able to give a good response and able to
survive in overcoming a difficulty, the higher the
spirit of creation (Zhi-hsien, 2014).
According to the problems that have been
described above, the purpose of this research is to
develop students' creativity through the application of
problem based learning model in physical education
in review of adversity quotient. Some of the questions
to be answered through this research are:
Is there a difference of creativity between
students given learning of problem-based
learning model and group of students who are
given direct instruction model?
Is there any difference of creativity between
students who are given problem-based learning
model and direct instruction model in groups of
students who have high adversity quotient
Is there any difference of creativity between
students who are given problem-based learning
model and direct instruction model in groups of
students who have low adversity quotient
Is there an interaction of the model of learning
and adversity quotient on student creativity?
Based on the analysis of previous research
showed no one ever to study and try to apply problem
based learning model and adversity quotient in an
effort to develop students' creativity in physical
2.1 Participants
This research will be conducted at SMK 1 Cipanas
Cianjur. The population used was 10th grade student
at SMK 1 Cipanas, Cianjur Regency in the academic
year of 2016-2017 consisting of 10th grade of 8
classes with details: X agri business processing of
agricultural products 1 and 2, X online business and
marketing 1 and 2, X computer network engineering
1 and 2, X light vehicle engineering 1 and 2, the total
totals are 375 students. Sampling using cluster
random sampling technique. The sample in this study
were 60 students, consisting of 30 students who have
high AQ and 30 students who have low AQ.
2.2 Procedures
The research method used is experimental method
with 2x2 factorial designs. The study was conducted
for 5 weeks, while the learning was done 14 times as
a whole, With details for the treatment of 12 meetings
and 2 times that is one to perform the pretest and one
to perform the posttest, with frequency 3 times a
week, the treatment was given to the experimental
group using problem based learning model, while in
the control group using direct instruction model.
The instrument used is a questionnaire to measure
the level of adversity quotient theory proposed by
Stolz (2000) and the theoretical creativity put forward
by Guilford (1950). This instrument is not known
with certainty to have the validity and reliability of
how much, therefore the authors will re-examine this
instrument to find validity and reliability upon high
school students of class X computer network
engineering and X light vehicle engineering in SMK
1 Cipanas Cianjur. Data analysis using SPSS version
The main purpose of this research is to find out
whether learning model and lean model based
learning model can be used to facilitate the
development of students' creativity in physical
education. Overall the results of this study show that
there is a difference between PBL and DI model, and
PBL model is more suitable applied to high AQ
students, whereas DI model is more suitable applied
to low AQ students. Further data show there is
interaction of learning model and AQ to creativity.
In relation to the results of previous research
conducted by Temel (2014) showed that the design of
pre-test-post-test control group, PBL has no
significant effect. PBL and DI do not have a different
effect on the disposition of critical thinking of
teachers and have different effects on perceptions in
problem-solving abilities. Based on the results of
research Temel above is different from the results of
research that the authors do, where the results show
that the PBL model is better than DI to improve
student creativity (Chen, 2013).
The implication is that when a teacher wants to
increase the creativity possessed by students, then one
Development Creativity Students through Problem Based Learning Model in Physical Education in Reviewed of Adversity Quotient