focus of the study under study, thereby reducing the
concentration for a variable with limited time of
research. Women Self Defense of Kopo Ryu
(WSDK), formerly known as Women Self Defense of
Kushin Ryu, is a special martial training organization
for women founded by Sofyan Hambally in 2006.
WSDK development in addition to addressing the
problems experienced by women through Practical
martial arts techniques using limbs as weapons such
as hands, elbows, feet, knees, head and hips and using
simple media such as credit cards / ATMs, ballpoint /
pencils, lipsticks, umbrellas, combs, keys and bags,
WSDK training also teaches a woman to change the
mind set in order to have high self-efficacy. Based on
this, the researcher wants to see that whether WSDK
training can affect the self-efficacy of a woman. This
is in line with research conducted by Kimberly A.
Ball entitled "The Effects of a Self-Defense Course
on College Women's Self-Efficacy, Hope, And Fear"
which resulted in "the women in self-defense and
karate courses increased their self-defense, self-
efficacy and reduced their fear (Halbert, 2007). This
reinforces the results of research conducted by
Liebling that martial training for women can improve
Self-efficacy, a component of social cognitive
theory, is defined as an individual’s judgment
regarding his/her abilities to perform certain
behaviors (Warziski, Sereika, Styn, Music, and
Burke, 2008). Therefore one needs to know one's own
ability to perform certain behaviors. This is in line
with the statement of Rooted in Social Cognitive
Theory, self-efficacy corresponding to a person's
confidence in their ability to perform a health
behavior (Dominick, Dunsiger, Pekmezi, and
Marcus, 2013). Self-efficacy greatly affects a person's
behavior, as Rottman puts it: "According to social
cognitive theory perceived self-efficacy strongly
influenced behavior and is positively associated with
adjustment (Rottmann, Dalton, Christensen,
Frederiksen, and Johansen, 2010). Another important
part of the impact of martial arts is self-control. Keep
in mind that self-control is a part that must be
mastered by someone to be able to adjust to an event
in a particular environment. Henschel points out that
"Self-control is defined as the ability of an individual
to control his own thoughts, impulses, urges, and
wishes (Henschel, de Bruin, and Möhler, 2014). This
self-control process explains how the self (self)
controls the behavior in living life according to the
individual's ability to control behavior. If the
individual is able to control his behavior well then it
can lead a good life. Baumeister and Tierney reveal
that "Self-control is the ability of people to control
their own behavior in relative autonomy from
external pressures, from their innate or learn
automatisms, and physiological impulses" (Necka,
2015). Based on this, that between self-control and
self efficacy are related to each other, it is expressed
by Hankonen "As a consequence, high self-efficacy
self-controlor harbor stronger self-efficacy, expect
healthy behaviors to have more positive and less
negative outcomes, and more readily be aware of and
potential health risks "(Hankonen, Kinnunen, Absetz,
and Jallinoja, 2014). "Individuals with low self-
control get a kick out of doing something dangerous,
like new exciting things, even breaking rules, and
prefer exciting and unpredictable friends" (Rebecca
D. Forkner 2005, p. 4). Based on these statements
then someone who has high self-control may have a
strong self efficacy.
Based on the above exposure then through the
WSDK training expected self efficacy and self-
control women participants training can be increased
significantly so that when a woman faced with a
condition that threatens herself, the woman has
confidence in his ability and have a way to read the
situation themselves and the environment. Specific
objectives of this research are; 1). To know the effect
of training Self Self Defense Of Kopo Ryu on self
efficacy; 2) .to know the effect of training Self Self
Defense Of Kopo Ryu on self control; 3). To know
the difference in effect between training Self Self
Defense Of Kopo Ryu with conventional training on
self efficacy; 4). to know the difference in influence
between training Self Self Defense Of Kopo Ryu with
conventional training on self control.
In this study, researchers used experimental methods
to determine the effect of the treatment to be
administered. The treatment provided is the Women
Self Defense of Kopo ryu training program.
2.1 Research Design
In this research, the research design used is The
Randomize Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.
This design involves two groups studied for
experimental groups and control groups. Both groups
are measured or observed twice, ie at the time of
pretest and posttest. The experimental group was
given treatment of Women Self Defense of Kopo ryu
training program, while the control group did the
conventional training (non-program) training.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education