Effectiveness of Communication Interpersonal Relations with
Achievement Motivation and Mental Toughness
Lutfi Afdani, Amung Ma'mun, Yusup Hidayat and Ira Purnamasari
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication Effectiveness, Achievement Motivation, and Mental Toughness.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is (1) to assess the effectiveness of interpersonal communication related to the
achievement motivation of athletes; (2) to assess the effectiveness of interpersonal communication related
mental toughness athletes, (3) to assess the effectiveness of interpersonal communication related to
achievement motivation and mental toughness athlete athletes. Samples of this study were as many as 44
people of West Java PPLP team athletes, of the total population of 44 athletes, method used in this study was
a survey method. Survey methods were used to obtain data from a particular place is natural (not artificial),
but researchers do treatment in the collection of data, such as circulating questionnaires, tests, structured
interviews and so on. Results of this study was obtained coefficients a (0.35) and the coefficients b (0.51) is
significant, which means that the effectiveness of interpersonal communication discount affecting relations
achievement motivation and achievement motivation relationships affect mental toughness athlete means of
communication will provide a higher impact if through achievement motivation. This shows that the model
of mediation (intervening variables). The value of the coefficient c '(direct effect = 0.32) were statistically
significant, meaning that there is the effectiveness of interpersonal communication that affects the mental
toughness when controlled athlete achievement motivation.
When used in the world of sports coaching unifying
communication is the bridge between the coach and
the athlete or athletes with athletes. Because the
exercise and the game will not run without the
communication components such as language, voice,
body movement, the facial expressions, symbols and
words. Communication basically has many forms
including intrapersonal and interpersonal
communication. One form of interpersonal
communication is included in personal
communication. Interpersonal communication is the
"communication between two people takes place face
to face" communication dyadic" (Trenholm and Jesen
This communication includes the most effective
communication, because the information providers
can interact with the interlocutors. This
communication is certainly very suitable if used in
situations of exercise and play as well as at the time
of evaluation afterwards. Because interpersonal
communication such as personal fulfillment or
satisfaction of the media, to be cognitive (e.g.
learning), affective (e.g., satisfaction), or behavior
(e.g., Achieving one's goals through other people's
actions / influence) (Rebecca B. Rubin and Alan M.
Rubin 2009).
Exercising or playing is the thing to do with
seriousness. Communication has an important role
during the process, because of the good
communication a coach can understand what is
needed by the athletes, athletes can understand what
is needed and expected by fellow athletes as well.
Therefore, to achieve the goal of an exercise and
competition, athletes must have the interpersonal
communication skills and also build a good
relationship. Because indirect interpersonal
communication conducted between the coach and
athletes or athletes with athletes can strengthen
motivation and increase athletes’ mental toughness
themselves. Mental toughness so that it is well
maintained motivation to exercise and compete to be
optimized, it is important to know the factors that may
affect motivation and compete exercise itself.
It is related to the theory of motivation term Need
for achievement first popularized by Mc Clelland as
n-ach as an abbreviation of need for achievement. Mc
Afdani, L., Ma’mun, A., Hidayat, Y. and Purnamasari, I.
Effectiveness of Communication Interpersonal Relations with Achievement Motivation and Mental Toughness.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 100-105
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Clelland assumes n-ach as a mental virus. Virus is
complete mental minds that relate to how to do things
better, faster, more efficiently than with what has
been done before (Weiner, 1985). The sense of
achievement motivation is defined as an attempt to
succeed or to succeed in the competition with a
measure of excellence may be the achievements of
others and someone’s own achievements (Mc
Clelland 1987).
Or motivation of achievement as an
encouragement that there is someone in connection
with the achievement, that is controlled, manipulated
and set the social environment as well as physically,
to overcome all obstacles and maintain the high
quality work, competing with efforts to exceed the
work of the past, as well as surpass the results
additional work (Lindgren 1986). Because of
achievement motivation as an encouragement to
excellence than the standard itself as well as others
(Rabideau 2005). Based on this opinion, it can be the
formula that achievement motivation is the impulse
that arises from within the individual in relation to the
expectation that the action taken is a tool to achieve
good results, compete and surpass others,
In line with the above opinion, achievement
motivation is the desire to get things done to achieve
a standard of success and to make an effort in order
to achieve success. So the achievement is the way a
person's motivation to strive well to his achievements
(Gagné, 2005). Because of achievement motivation
can be regarded as a predictor of important
psychological success or failure in the future (Sabina
Kołodziej 2010).
So the person who is high is a person who has a
high motivation and ultimately led to high
achievement anyway. Since the motivation pushes the
mental toughness to be a better athlete because of
mental toughness is a set of values, attitudes,
behaviors and emotions that make the athlete is able
to survive and through a variety of obstacles, hardship
or distress experienced (mental toughness). One of
the factors that affect mental toughness is self-
efficacy. Self-efficacy is the ability of self-confidence
that can be obtained (Diseth, 2011), modified,
upgraded or downgraded, one of them with verbal
persuasion from others. Verbal persuasion of coach is
an effective technique to increase the confidence of
athletes in its capacity (Morris 2004). Interpersonal
communication includes a persuasion.
Interpersonal communication plays for each
change and develop through interaction in
communicating, the parties involved in the
communication can be mutually inspire, passion and
drive to change the thoughts, feelings and attitudes
according to the topics discussed together. Various
studies on mental toughness mentality of using the
term to describe a set of psychological attributes
superior athlete (Jones et al, 2007; Gucciardi, et al.,
This happens because the mental toughness is the
construct of psychological integral to performance
excellence an athlete. Performance excellence
achieved by athletes in a variety of special level elite
category, is the result of the development process
toughness long mental athletes involves a variety of
factors, one of them is the coach (Hanton, and
Connaughton, 2002) because the coach-athlete
relationship in the process, training a positive
contribution to the successful development of
psychological and physical potential of athletes
(Jowett and Cockerill Lyle in 2002). The term mental
toughness is a term used by athletes, coaches and the
media to describe the psychological characteristics
superior athlete who consistently displayed during
training or competition.
In the literature research, mental toughness often
associated with top-level performance. Because the
development of the Mental Toughness (MT) is an
important consideration when trying to improve and
maintain a high level of performance or maintain the
achievements in the world of sports, mental
toughness is very important in achieving that goal. .
Mental toughness is important to study because it can
influence the performance of athletes because the
higher the athlete's mental toughness will affect the
athlete's performance level (Golby and Sheard 2003).
Likewise, the higher the level the match lived
impact on increasing the athlete's mental toughness.
After seeing the above explanation when seen in the
world of coaching the sport that mental toughness and
achievement motivation of athletes is closely
associated with interpersonal communication because
that affects 2 it is how effective interpersonal
communication is used, especially in the martial arts,
because in the implementation of training and
matches in martial arts because it is filled with
pressure, martial arts sport is a sport which is actually
included in a sport that has a high prestige that make
claims victory in every competition is mandatory. So
not only from the pressure of the audience or the
opponent, but the pressure will be fears within
themselves was fairly large enough in facing the
game. Therefore the role of coaches and fellow
athletes here in interpersonal communication is
important to convey the spirit, motivation or support
in pushing force to keep the athlete's own mental
Effectiveness of Communication Interpersonal Relations with Achievement Motivation and Mental Toughness
2.1 Participants, Instruments, Data
Techniques samples used in this study is sampling
saturated with the number of 44 athletes on the team
PPLP West Java with the method used is a method of
surveying which consists of three variables, namely
the independent variable, the dependent variable and
variable intervening or mediating. The independent
variable in this study is the interpersonal
communication, variable intervening is the drive to
achieve, and the dependent variable is mental
toughness. The instrument used in this study using
mental toughness scale, the scale of interpersonal
communication effectiveness and scale of
achievement motivation that have been tested for
reliability and validity. To determine whether the
presence or absence of a relationship that affects
directly between the independent variables on the
intervening variables and intervening variables on the
dependent variable, and the indirect influence of the
independent variables on the dependent variable
through the intervening variables, test path analysis
(path analysis) using SPSS 20.0 with strategy step
causal and product of coefficient. Strategy Step
causal to determine relationships directly affect the
value of the F-test and t-test. To determine the
significance of the indirect effect, strategy used
product of the coefficient to see the value of z.
3.1 Effectiveness Analysis of
Relationship between Motivations
Interpersonal Communication with
Table 1: Contributions effectiveness interpersonal
communication affect achievement motivation.
R Square
Error of
a. Predictors: (Constant), Interpersonal
KD value obtained was 12.6%, which can be
interpreted to mean that interpersonal communication
has contributed as much as 12.6% against 87.4%
achievement motivation and more influenced by
other factors beyond the interpersonal
communication. While the value of R indicates the
correlation value obtained was 0.355, meaning that
the relationship between interpersonal
communication and achievement motivation included
in the low category.
Table 2: FTest results on achievement motivation
interpersonal communication.
26 290
a. Dependent Variable: Achievement Motivation
3.2 Analysis of Relationship between
Interpersonal Communication
Effectiveness with Motivation
Value can be interpreted that the relationship
effectiveness of interpersonal communication on
mental toughness through achievement motivation of
athletes in the strong category. R Square or the
coefficient of determination (KD) is 47.7%, which
can be interpreted to mean that the effectiveness of
communication interpersonal have contributed 47.7%
to the mental toughness through achievement
motivation of athletes and 52.3% by other factors.
Table 3: Test results F interpersonal communication,
achievement motivation on mental toughness.
Sum of
81 352
a.Dependent Variable: Mental Toughness
b.Predictors: (Constant), Achievement Motivation, Interpersonal
Based on Table 5 known value of F-test (18.682),
with df (N1) = 1 and (N2) (44-1-1) = = 42 F-table
values obtained are 4.07. Thus the F-count value
(18.682)> F-table (4.07), which means that H0 is
rejected, it can be concluded that there is a
relationship of interpersonal communication
effectiveness and achievement motivation and mental
toughness athletes simultaneously.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Table 4: Results path analysis interpersonal communication
effectiveness, motivation achievement against mental
-8 794
Based on table 5 partially known relationship of
interpersonal communication effectiveness by
looking at the value t count (2618)> t table (2,012)
and sig.
Results of this study was obtained coefficients a
(0.35) and the coefficients b (0.51) is significant,
which means that the effectiveness of interpersonal
communication discount affecting relations
achievement motivation and achievement motivation
relationships affect mental toughness athlete means
of communication will provide a higher impact if
through achievement motivation. This shows that the
model of mediation (intervening variables). The value
of the coefficient c '(direct effect = 0.32) were
statistically significant, meaning that there is the
effectiveness of interpersonal communication that
affects the mental toughness when controlled athlete
achievement motivation. This suggests that mediation
happens is partial mediation (partial mediation).
Based on the results of direct and indirect
relationships, the value of the coefficient c 'and ab is
positive (having the same sign), it can be said that the
mediation model in this study is consistent and
positive effect. In addition to strategy, step causal the
to further determine the significance of the indirect
influence the effectiveness of interpersonal
communication on mental toughness.
4.1 The Relationship between the
Effectiveness of Interpersonal
Communication and Achievement
Results showed that there is a relationship between
the effectiveness of interpersonal communication and
achievement motivation of athletes. With the results
obtained that the effectiveness of interpersonal
communication have contributed 12.6% to the
achievement motivation of athletes and 87.4% are
influenced by other factors beyond the interpersonal
communication. While the R value obtained was
0.355, this shows that the relationship between the
effectiveness of interpersonal communication in the
low category, meaning that when the effectiveness of
interpersonal communication that is worth being
done, then the value of any motivation
underachievement in the medium category. That is
because there are other factors which contribute to the
attainment of motivation to perform well.
Thus it can be interpreted that the motivation of
achievement an athlete can change if the stimulus in
the form of interpersonal communication between
coaches with athletes and athletes with athletes
associated formation of character and mental athletes
to be ready to compete. Because the level of
achievement motive caused influence on whether or
achievements. Achievement motivation every athlete
is different, however, when there is a stimulus that is
positive from the coach, it would assumptions are
positive even change behaviors that indicate an
increase in achievement motivation for achievement
motivation can be regarded as a predictor of
important psychological success or failure in the
future (Sabina Kołodziej 2010).
4.2 The Relationship between
Interpersonal Communication
Effectiveness with Mental
Based on the results obtained by the correlation
between the effectiveness of interpersonal
communication with the mental toughness is R =
0.316, meaning that there is a relationship between
the effectiveness of interpersonal communication that
affects mental toughness. This correlation value is
interpreted in the low category. Therefore, there is a
direct relationship between interpersonal
communications on mental toughness with low value
category. You could say the need for mediation that
interconnects both as said influential factor in mental
The mediation is the encouragement of
achievement motivation is transmitted through a
communication, mediation was necessary because as
a benchmark or as a companion of the objectives that
have been planned, in this research achievement
motivation serve as a mediating variable to measure
how strong the relationship between interpersonal
communication with mental toughness, because
obviously described above if the athlete has a good
Effectiveness of Communication Interpersonal Relations with Achievement Motivation and Mental Toughness
mental toughness they would have doubled
achievement motivation.
The relationship between the effectiveness of
interpersonal communication and achievement
motivation and mental toughness results showed that
there is a relationship between the effectiveness
indirectly interpersonal communications on mental
toughness, through the mediation of achievement
motivation athletes. As for the correlation is 0.512,
meaning indirect relationship between interpersonal
communication on motivation excel in the strong
Based on the results of path analysis (path
analysis) using strategy causal step obtained
coefficient c '(direct effect = 0.316) were statistically
significant, while the coefficients a and b significant,
meaning that there is a model of mediation between
these variables. This suggests that mediation happens
is partial mediation (partial mediation).In addition the
results of direct and indirect relationships, the value
of the coefficient c 'and ab is positive (having the
same sign), it can be said that the mediation model in
this study is consistent and positive effect. The results
of the study with strategy the product of the
coefficient obtained value of z (1.65) <z absolute
(1.96) so that there is no significant indirect influence
on the effectiveness of interpersonal communication
on mental toughness athletes. In other words, the
effectiveness of interpersonal communication affects
the mental toughness of athletes, but athletes need
their achievement motivation. This research shows
that when the athlete achievement motivation as a
mediator partially regressed to the effectiveness of
interpersonal communication on mental toughness
athlete, was able to answer their indirect influence
consistently and positively.
When an athlete has a mental toughness athletes
obtained from the exercise, the tendency of attitudes
and behaviors will change as good or in bad what is
learned. But not forever these trends prevail, because
there are other factors beyond the athlete's level of
mental toughness that may be the cause. There are
times when a person who has a certain mental
toughness, and good interpersonal communication is
established, it does not mean they do not know what
to do, but rather to form a belief about what they do
as a choice or their expectations.
The effectiveness of interpersonal communication
does not just affect the mental toughness of athletes
in a positive way, it could be the opposite, because
individuals tend to give value on his ability alone.
Here can happen no direct influence on the
effectiveness of interpersonal communication on
mental toughness athletes. Therefore, achievement
motivation acts as a mediator between the two, when
the effectiveness of interpersonal communication are
good, will support the athlete's level of achievement
motivation, then the mental toughness will be higher.
Because the things that must be considered in
mental toughness suggested four issues of mental
toughness needs to be realized by the coach and the
athlete are: 1) To improve mental toughness, one
must increase awareness of themselves, 2) Improve
mental toughness, one must combine psychological
skills along with physical and tactical skills, 3) To
improve mental toughness, one should remain
positive, 4) increase mental acuity. (MS Omar-
Fauzee, Wipoj Chansem, Raweewat Rattanakoses
Mohamad Nizam Nazaruddin, Vincent Parnabas,
Mohd Hafiz Rosli, 2013) why the four problem might
be addressed because it allows you to solve problems
that are generally better than the opponent a lot like
(the demands of competition, training, and lifestyle)
that sport where the players, and in particular, more
consistent and better than his opponent, focus,
confidence, and control when under pressure.
(Hanton, 2002).
Based on the analysis and findings in this study be
concluded as follows:
Interpersonal communication significantly
affects achievement motivation athletes. But the
results of these relationships are included in the
low category.
There is a relationship between the effectiveness
of interpersonal communication with athlete’s
mental toughness. This relationship is included
in the low category, meaning that the
effectiveness of interpersonal communication
significantly affect the athlete's mental
There is a relationship between interpersonal
communication effectiveness with mental
toughness and achievement motivation of
athletes. The relationship between mental
toughness and achievement motivation of
athletes are included in the medium category.
Athlete achievement motivation acts as an
intervening variable. Mediation happening is a
partial mediation (partial mediation) and a
mediation model in this study is consistent and
positive. In other words, the effectiveness of
interpersonal communication affects the mental
toughness of athletes, but athletes need their
achievement motivation in advance, which
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
means that communication will provide a higher
impact of achievement motivation. This shows
the model of mediation (intervening variables).
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