Project-Based Learning in Physical Education
Can Improve Creativity Students and Which One Better Than Conventional
Shela Ginanjar and Beltasar Tarigan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Project Based Learning, Conventional Approach, Physical Education, Creativity.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyzed the influence of scientific approach in physical education towards
of creativity of Senior high school students in the mountainous area. The methods of the experiment were
used Pre-test and Post-test designs. The population was the students of Senior High School 1 Lembang, with
2 groups, 40 students taken as samples through simple random sampling technique. The instruments used
were creativity test. The data was processed by independent t-test with the level of trust 0,05. The conclusion
is a scientific approach in physical education increased the creativity better than a conventional approach of
senior high school students who living in the mountainous areas.
Physical education is a process of organic adaptation
and learning, neuromuscular, intellectual, social,
cultural, emotional, and aesthetic that result from the
selection process of various physical activities
(Abduljabar, B. 2008). The purpose of physical
education is to lay the foundation of a strong character
through the internalization of values in physical
education and foster critical thinking skills through
physical education tasks (Ministry of National
Education, 2004). The behavior of learners in
physical education does not happen by itself, but due
to active participation in every physical education
learning activities that have been planned and
managed carefully by the P.E teacher itself.
The development of physical education in Indonesia
occurred several times, the latest curriculum change
in 2013 is declared that the use of curriculum 2013 by
using scientific approach in various subjects
throughout the school in Indonesia. The preferred
learning model in the implementation of Curriculum
2013 is Inquiry Based Learning model, Discovery
Learning model, Project Based Learning model and
Problem Based Learning model (Regulation of
Minister of Education And Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 65 Year 2013). The 2013
curriculum basically demands an active role of
students and is expected to equip students with
critical thinking skills and solve problems, so that
students become more independent. So also with
physical education, all activities and teaching and
learning process must also use the scientific learning
model. More on the project based learning model, it
is clear that the learning model uses the project as a
learning process to achieve attitude competence,
knowledge of skills. The emphasis of learning lies in
activities, analyzing, making up to present learning
products based on real experience (Ministry of
Education and Culture, 2014). The purpose of the use
of learning model of project-based learning model
(Project Based Learning) is basically so that each
student is able to explore the learning materials
independently and know how to apply in the learning.
In the context of physical education learning, this
means that students must be able to find their own
improvements of movement expected by teachers,
students are also expected to organize the materials
obtained into a learning guide for physical education
The expert believes that the learning cycle in the
Project Based Learning approach consists of (1)
interactive lectures, (2) workshops, (3) guiding the
project team and (4) assessment of learning
(Wedlund, T. 2007). It is important for teachers to be
able to shift focus between the macro and micro levels
when developing lessons or exercises in project-
based learning (Wedlund, T. 2007). The results of
research on the use of scientific learning model (one
Ginanjar, S. and Tarigan, B.
Project-Based Learning in Physical Education - Can Improve Creativity Students and Which One Better Than Conventional Approach?.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 128-132
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of them using project-based learning model) in
elementary school obtained the result that physical
education influences the increase of concentration,
creativity, physical fitness and students' spatial
intelligence, but it is also influenced by the
geographical condition and teacher's ability to apply
the 2013 curriculum (Tarigan, B, et al 2015). Other
results also confirm that the use of a scientific
approach in physical education can enhance the
creativity and physical fitness of the junior high
students in the coastal areas (Tarigan B, Hendrayana
Y and Wijaya K E. 2017). Meanwhile other experts
found that there was no difference in learning
achievement, thinking and the process of scientific
skills in grade 5 students who studied with project-
based learning model or Instruction-based learning
model, were not different (Panasan, M and
Nuangchalerm, P. 2010). This means that the teacher
can carry out the activities of the project based
learning model or Project Based Learning because it
is suggested also in the 2013 curriculum.
Regarding critical thinking, this is very important
for students, because they live in a dynamic world,
and surely they will face various problems in their
lives. This process creates creativity and self-reliance
in students. In particular, creativity is a skill that
reflects fluency, flexibility and originality in thinking,
as well as the ability to elaborate (developing,
enriching, detailing) an idea (Munandar, U. 1999). It
is also known that Creativity is not only a subject of
intellectual interest, but also a phenomenon of great
practical importance (Simonton, D Keith, 2012). So
in learning physical education should use learning
model that can increase critical ability, creativity,
intelligence, and in accordance with the level of
needs, growth and development of students. This
becomes the virtue of physical education as part of
the overall educational process. The central issue in
the theory of multiple intelligences is that there are
constraints for education to produce qualified
graduates, there are still many schools that have
traditional mindsets in running their learning process,
namely the school only emphasizes the ability of
logic (math) and language (Agustin, M. 2011) .
Physical education learning using project-based
learning model attempts to direct students to students
looking for theories, materials or learning materials
and strives to accomplish project tasks that have been
established by the teacher. This makes the students
active and the learning process becomes more
student-centered, especially when students are
actively involved (William R Penuel and Means, B.
1999), this makes students' motivation increases
especially in the completion of homework where in
the learning plus invited speakers and with a field
visit (Bartscher, Kathy, eta all 1995). Thus, physical
education learning carried out in schools should be
able to prioritize the mastery of the concept of motion
skills and related to the development of creativity
when executed appropriately can make students
become more creative and improve his knowledge.
The method used in this study is an experiment,
namely a study that conducted experiments/ giving
treatment to a group of students to obtain data as a
result of the treatment given that is creativity,
concentration, physical fitness and intelligence. The
data was obtained through a creativity test and then
compared it with the control group. When looking at
the variables to be studied then the research design
used is Randomized Control-Group Pretest-Posttest
Design, because in this design there are two groups of
control groups and experimental groups. The
experimental group received treatment of physical
education by using Project Based Learning and
control group with conventional approach. The main
objective of this research is to express the influence
of physical education and sport with the model of
learning based on the learning of Project Based
Learning creativity, student concentration and test
which approach method is the most effective in
improving to the component that made the variable.
Instrument used to collect data in this research is
about the level of creativity of students that is by the
dissemination test questionnaire creativity and
verifies data.
2.1 Population and Sample
The study population is high school students in
mountainous area (SMAN 1 Lembang), as many as 2
classes consisting of 80 students. In each class of 40
students, one group is treated with a project based
learning model (Project Based Learning) and another
class with a conventional approach.
2.2 Analysis
Data analysis is following the steps:
The normality test used was Kolmogorov-
Smirnov at p-value> 0.05. Homogeneity test
used is Levene test at p-value> 0,05.
Analysis of hypothesis 1 to 2 using Paired
sample t test and 3 using Independent t test at p-
value> 0,05.
Project-Based Learning in Physical Education - Can Improve Creativity Students and Which One Better Than Conventional Approach?
Figure 1: Differences in results of project based learning
and conventional learning model on student creativity in the
Based on the data presented in Fig. 1. It appears that
in the experimental group with the learning model of
Project Based Learning, the result of pretest creativity
14695 with an average of 367.38, while the result of
posttest 15293 with an average of 382.33. The control
groups with the conventional approach, the result of
pretest creativity 14218 with an average of 355.45,
while the posttest 14096 with an average of 352.40.
Table 1: Paired test results of creativity.
Group T Sig. (2-tailed)
Project Based Learning -12.291 .000
Conventional -0.961 .342
Based on the results of processing and data
analysis in table 1, shows that physical education
conducted in mountainous areas with the model of
learning Based on the influence of the learning
process of creativity and physical fitness of students.
The learning of physical education using the learning
model of Project Based Learning can develop
students' learning through their own discovery
activity by finding their own information, so that the
results obtained will be durable in memory and will
not be easily forgotten by the students. Through this
way students can also learn to analyze and try to solve
their own problems, so that will increase creativity.
Creative people are generally quite healthy (Runco,
M. A. 2004), both physically and mentally (Runco
MA, Charles R. 1997), and even easy to self-
actualize. Some doctors use self-actualization to be an
indicator of mental health (Maslow A H. 1971,
Rogers C. 1970). In addition, creative people are
intrinsically motivated to complete a task (Fasco,
Daniel 2001). Tarigan et al affirmed that physical
education conducted by scientific approach at
primary school level influences student creativity and
physical fitness of students (Tarigan, B, et al 2015),
in junior high school level also influence to increase
creativity and physical fitness of junior high school
students who live in coastal areas (Tarigan B,
Hendrayana Y and Wijaya K E. 2017).
Physical education conducted in mountainous
areas with conventional approaches has an effect on
increasing students 'creativity, but has no effect on
improving students' physical fitness. The learning of
physical education with the conventional approach
seems less able to stimulate students' critical thinking.
The old (Conventional) curriculum is still static, rigid
by teachers applying it (Beyer, L. E. and Apple, M.
W. (eds), 1998); Cook-Sather, A. 2009b); Grumet, M.
R. (1990). Others argue that learning using a
conventional approach yields less creativity when
compared to a situational-global approach (SG) or a
tactical approach model (Morales, J. C., Greco, P. J.
and Andrade, R. L. 2009); Tarigan B, Habibudin T
and Ikbal Gentar Alam IG. 2016), as well as its spatial
intelligence (Tarigan B, Habibudin T and Ikbal
Gentar Alam IG 2016). Many teachers forget about
the importance of training in physical education
learning and this is actually the main obstacle in
physical education, which is physical fitness.
Therefore, physical education and sports conducted in
schools should also pay attention to the positive
impact on students, it is recommended to use the
formula FITT which means: F = Frequency of
exercise 3-5 times / week; I = Light and moderate
intensity with exercise heart zone (Target Heart
Range): 50% - 70% X (220-Age); Time = duration of
exercise activity is 30-60 minutes; Type = The type
of exercise that is done is aerobic (Tarigan, Beltasar,
Table 2: Independent sample t test results of
Paired Sample t Test T Sig. (2-tailed)
Further research results show that physical
education conducted in mountainous areas with the
model of learning Based Project Learning influence
on student creativity better compared to conventional
approach. Creativity is an ability possessed by every
individual in creating something new in solving the
problem (Utami Munandar 2004). This is supported
by the results of research which states that the use of
scientific learning model better influence on
creativity, concentration, physical fitness and student
intelligence compared with conventional approach
"(Tarigan, B, et al., 2015). Other experts emphasize
that the learning model of Project Based Learning has
proved effective in motivating students to acquire
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
domain knowledge and problem-solving skills (S.H.
Pee and Helene Leong 2005). This means that
through a mind-set that continues to be honed and
developed, the goal toward a lifelong healthy lifestyle
can be realized and the physical education program
must cultivate awareness, influence attitudes, and
identify alternatives so that individuals can achieve
optimal physical and mental health (Misner, JE
Physical education in mountainous areas conducted
with the learning model of Project Based Learning
has an effect on the increase of student creativity,
while the conventional approach has no effect.
Physical education in the mountains conducted with
the model of learning Based Project influence better
on student creativity compared to conventional
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