Barred Pipe Modification
Does It Affect the Learning Results?
Boby Agustan
, Nurlan Kusmaedi
and Adang Suherman
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Kuningan,
Jl. Murtasiah Supomo No. 28B, Kuningan, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Keywords: Modification, Barred Pipe, Learning Outcome.
Abstract: This research aims to find out about the effect of basketball learning modification on ‘layup shot’ learning
result. The method used in this research is the experimental method, with the research design of ‘Randomize
Pre-test – Post-test Control Group Design’. The population in this research consists of 11th graders from
SMAN 1 Sindangwangi, consisting of 103 students from four different classes. The sample in this research
was acquired using ‘cluster random sampling’ method. The sample acquired consisted of 50 students from
two different classes, each class consisted of 25 students. One class becomes an experimental group, and the
other one becomes the control group. The instrument in this research is ‘layup shot’ test. This research was
conducted for four weeks; three meetings were done each every week. The data analysis technique is SPSS
18 through ‘Paired Samples t-Test’ and ‘Independent t-Test’. The outputs from this research are: 1) There’s
a significant increase of score between the pre-test and post-test score on the students’ layup shot learning
result that used the barred pipe modification learning; 2) There was no significant increase in score between
the pre-test score and post-test score on the layup shot learning result of the students that used the
conventional learning.
Physical education is a part of the education programs
which offer contribution through experiences from
the movement towards the students’ holistic
development and growth. The complex learning
experience about the students’ motoric capabilities
(Arianto, 2013). The objective of physical education
learning formulated by the teachers in the process of
teaching and learning should refer to the curriculum
and physical education becomes really important and
useful. (Kurkova, Scheetz and Stelzer, 2010).
Everytime they teach, teachers are expected to be able
to formulate the objective of the learning activity,
specifically in the form of physical activity which can
be observed; to describe the assigned job clearly, in
which the level of success can be measured and
evaluated as well.
The physical activity of the students must be
supported by the factors in accordance with their
development. For instance, the physical activity is
centered on the factors of pleasure, accomplishment,
and the ability to move (Hohepa, Schofield and Kolt,
2006). Moreover, this physical education should not
make the students have too much trouble in which can
cause them to be stressed out (Blankenship, 2007).
On the characteristics and the meaning of physical
education, physical education should be able to make
the students feel comfortable and confident to
participate in the learning process (Reeves and Stein,
1999). The participation can be exercised if the
physical education equipment should be met. The
participation in this activity has to have contents,
especially in physical education (Isabel Piñar et al.,
One way for the teaching process with the
students’ participation can be done, but the equipment
does not support the process itself, is to create a
modification to cover the deficiencies in terms of
facilities and infrastructure. With the lack of
supportive of facilities and infrastructure, for the
basketball learning process can be done, the teachers
have very active roles in the learning process in
accordance with the curriculum that has been made.
Agustan, B., Kusmaedi, N. and Suherman, A.
Barred Pipe Modification - Does It Affect the Learning Results?.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 133-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Moreover, as the students are heterogeneous, the
modification should be in accordance with the
students’ level of capabilities. What’s important in
this modification is that for the essence to maintain,
because the essence of this modification is to analyze
and develop the teaching materials by designing the
potential learning activities, so that this can help the
students to learn. It is meant to lead, direct, and get
students to learn. Therefore, students can work on
their scientific abilities and skills (Arianto, 2013).
The abilities of the students will be formed if they
exercise the move often through the experience
assigned by the teachers. This is as stated on the
meaning of the physical education itself, which is a
part of the educational program which offers
contribution through the experience of movement
towards the holistic development and the students’
growth. A complex learning experience about the
students’ motor. (Arianto, 2013).
The modification has a basic purpose, to simplify
some games assigned without losing the existing
fundamental concept (Arias, Argudo and Alonso,
2011). This purpose is related to the result that is
expected in lay up shot. After the modification is
considered to be needed, it has to be analyzed, like
what and how to make that modification to fit the
concept of physical education learning and it has to
be analyzed first (Arias, Argudo and Alonso, 2011).
Moreover, the key of modification involves a process
to find out about the change in the games, without
leaving out the characteristics of the games (Arianto,
The modification of the equipment is also
important for the students (Chase et al., 1994). This
can usually affect the interest and motivations of the
students in following all the teaching materials
without any obstacles related to learning equipment.
The modification also refers to the process of
presenting the better things than the original forms.
The modification is one of the means to be done by
the teachers so that the learning process can reflect
the quality of the process itself. (Arianto, 2013).
Related to the learning result, we chose the
psychomotor learning result type: the shooting result.
The shooting method chosen is the layup shot,
because lay up shot can have more influence than any
other type of shots. (Arias, 2012).
2.1 Participant
We used the cluster random sampling technique, and
we got samples from the class of XI IPS 1 and XI IPS
2, XI IPS 2 as the experimental group and XI IPS 1 as
the control group. The samples chosen from the
experimental group will be the representative of the
eleventh-grade students in SMAN 1 Sindangwangi.
2.2 Procedure
By using the Randomize Pre-test – Post-test Control
Group experimental method, we wanted to see how
far the treatment from two types of treatment, the
modified basketball games learning, in this case, the
layup shot learning, on the experimental group to the
layup shot learning result on the eleventh graders.
2.3 Instruments
Layup shot test (Rismayadi, 2001, pg. 53) stated that
the measuring instrument for the layup shot test with
layup shot test that has the validity level of 0.79 and
reliability 0.90 as the test instruments.
These are the description of the data coming out as
the result of the layup shot learning, as shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Description of the lay up shot result data.
Groups Test Treatment N Average
Barred Pipe
25 1.64
25 2.96 1.09
25 1.68
25 1.76 1.17
According to the Table, the score of the layup shot
learning result on the barred pipe modification pre-
test group has the average of 1.64, whereas the post-
test has the average of 2.96. The conventional
learning group shows the score of 1.68 for the pre-test
and 1.76 for the post-test. It means that, according to
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
the average score comparison between the pre-test
and post-test scores on the two treatments, there is an
increase of score on the barred pipe modification
group, whereas, on the conventional learning group,
the score increases, but not significantly. It is obvious
that on the barred pipe modification, the score
increases more, compared to the conventional
The barred pipe modification has been proven to
be able to give such good influence on the result of
the layup shot learning in the basketball games
learning in SMAN 1 Sindangwangi, stated that there
is a significant increase of the score between the pre-
test and post-test scores.
The modification here refers to a creation,
adjustment, and shows some new, unique and
interesting equipment/infrastructures on the physical
education teaching and learning process (Arias,
Argudo and Alonso, 2011). The implementation of
this modification is really needed by every physical
education teacher as one of the alternatives or
solutions in overcoming the problems that happen in
the physical education teaching and learning process,
especially on the sports games, the modification is a
neat, focused, and integrated to the other educational
The barred pipe modification makes it easy for the
students to learn the layup shot. This is in accordance
with the meaning of the modification, that it should
be able to make the students feel comfortable and
confident in participating in the learning process
(Reeves and Stein, 1999). It has to be remembered
that physical education should attract the students to
learn and make them more creative so that they can
discover new things so that if there is no qualified
equipment, the teachers should do something that can
encourage the students to learn with the modification
Participation can also be achieved by
modification (Eime et al., 2015). The limits on the
learning facilities can inhibit the students’ physical
activities. This is not in accordance with the meaning
of the physical education learning. Participation can
also be helpful for the students in socializing with
their friends, as the movement assigned usually has to
be done together (Isabel Piñar et al., 2009).
There are two conclusions: 1) There is a significant
increase in the score between the pre-test and post-
test scores on the layup shot learning result of the
eleventh-grade students, using the barred pipe
modification method; 2) There is no significant
increase between the pre-test and post-test scores on
the layup shot result of the eleventh-grade students
that used the conventional learning method.
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Barred Pipe Modification - Does It Affect the Learning Results?