the average score comparison between the pre-test
and post-test scores on the two treatments, there is an
increase of score on the barred pipe modification
group, whereas, on the conventional learning group,
the score increases, but not significantly. It is obvious
that on the barred pipe modification, the score
increases more, compared to the conventional
The barred pipe modification has been proven to
be able to give such good influence on the result of
the layup shot learning in the basketball games
learning in SMAN 1 Sindangwangi, stated that there
is a significant increase of the score between the pre-
test and post-test scores.
The modification here refers to a creation,
adjustment, and shows some new, unique and
interesting equipment/infrastructures on the physical
education teaching and learning process (Arias,
Argudo and Alonso, 2011). The implementation of
this modification is really needed by every physical
education teacher as one of the alternatives or
solutions in overcoming the problems that happen in
the physical education teaching and learning process,
especially on the sports games, the modification is a
neat, focused, and integrated to the other educational
The barred pipe modification makes it easy for the
students to learn the layup shot. This is in accordance
with the meaning of the modification, that it should
be able to make the students feel comfortable and
confident in participating in the learning process
(Reeves and Stein, 1999). It has to be remembered
that physical education should attract the students to
learn and make them more creative so that they can
discover new things so that if there is no qualified
equipment, the teachers should do something that can
encourage the students to learn with the modification
Participation can also be achieved by
modification (Eime et al., 2015). The limits on the
learning facilities can inhibit the students’ physical
activities. This is not in accordance with the meaning
of the physical education learning. Participation can
also be helpful for the students in socializing with
their friends, as the movement assigned usually has to
be done together (Isabel Piñar et al., 2009).
There are two conclusions: 1) There is a significant
increase in the score between the pre-test and post-
test scores on the layup shot learning result of the
eleventh-grade students, using the barred pipe
modification method; 2) There is no significant
increase between the pre-test and post-test scores on
the layup shot result of the eleventh-grade students
that used the conventional learning method.
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