Inquiry Learning Models toward the Learning Result of Long Jump
in Elementary School
Ali Priyono
and Nurlan Kusmaedi
Physical Education and Recreation Program, University of Majalengka,, Majalengka, Indonesia
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung
Keywords: Inquiry Learning Models, Long Jump, Physical Education, Elementary School.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is influence of inquiry learning models toward the
learning result of long jump skill in the group using inquiry learning models and direct teaching models. The
method used was experimental method. The design used in this study was randomize pretest-posttest control
group design. The sampling technique used in this research was random sampling. 30 male and 30 female of
elementary school students were selected. The instrument used was the mastery test motor skills long jump.
The data collection techniques used were observation and photo documentation. While the data processing
used statistical analysis, test of normality and homogeneity of the data, paired sample T-test and independent
sample T-test were applied in analyzing the data. Results revealed the knowledge and understanding of
students in practicing the long jump motion as a result of the inquiry learning models program. These findings
are discussed with regard to the implications for physical education teachers. The teacher needs to review
their approaches in preparing PE teachers for their work in schools.
PE teachers' dependency on the standard facility and
learning approaches on the basic technique
presentation and the application of a learning model
is still lack in accordance with the goal of successful
learning, which the space for students to conduct
physical activity, their freedom to explore ideas, and
their opportunities to engage was directly reduced.
Student-centered learning process (a scientific
approach) will involve students to be more active in
learning. Inquiry practitioners who give teachers the
opportunity to engage with professional learning are
both contextual and practicing relevantly. While
professional learning, such as through inquiry, is
relevant to learning outcomes to lessons (teachers and
students), teachers make time to engage with
professional learning which consequently can lead to
improvements in teaching standards in physical
education majors (Victoria,, 2013). According to
Capel and Whitehead (2013), the key role of PE is to
foster the development of cognitive and physical
competencies to provide individuals with the
confidence and motivation to continue the physical
activities outside of school and to sustain or gain a
healthy lifestyle. Graham (Suherman, 2009, p.
11) stated, "In the components of the development of
motor skills and movement concepts, students are
given many opportunities to do meaningful learning
activities in accordance with the level of development
that allows students to develop the concept. People
who have competence in motor skill will likely have
higher self-efficacy and shape positive outcome
expectations for participation in physical activity
engagement Lounsbery and Coker (2008). Through
physical education, it is expected that students can
gain a variety of experiences to express personal, fun,
creative, innovative, skilful, enhancing, and nurturing
physical fitness and understanding of human
movement and developing cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor aspects. Cognitive complexity is the
ability to absorb and integrate information into
schemas so that it may be transformed into skills.
Individuals using cognitively complex perspectives
ask questions, admit uncertainty, examine their own
beliefs, listen carefully, suspend judgments, look for
evidence, tolerate ambiguity, and adjust hypotheses
when new information becomes available (Granello,
2010; Elder and Paul, 1994). Therefore it is necessary
Priyono, A. and Kusmaedi, N.
Inquiry Learning Models toward the Learning Result of Long Jump in Elementary School.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 157-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to know the belief that the model of learning affects
the results of student learning in physical education.
Bruce and Marsha (2006) quoted by Suherman (2009,
p1.1) outlined that "the learning model is learning as
an organizing environment that can lead students to
interact and learn how to learn." Metzler (2000, p.
314) explains that:
"The inquiry model is strongly based in the
cognitive domain, even for physical education
instruction. Students are prompted to be by the
teacher, solve the problem cognitively, and then
fashion a movement answer. "
In inquiry-based learning, scientific processes and
critical thinking skills are more efficiently used rather
than memorizing concepts in physical education.
When students participate in lessons by actually
performing, living and responding to questions, they
can relate the lessons to what is happening in nature.
They replace their knowledge with evidence that has
been explored during the investigation
(Uzunosmanoglu,, 2012).
Siedentop and Tannnehill (in Metzler, 2000: p.372)
said that inquiry is, "called as teaching through
questions." Teaching through questions by Siedentop
(1991: 231) refers to an instructional format tasks.
"Metzler (2000: 372) says the inquiry is," If you do
not have a problem. . (Think, Then Move).
Inquiry is also called guided discovery as Moston
and Ashworth (2008: p.221) says that "guided
discovery styles are logical and sequential design of
questions that lead a person to discover a
predetermined response." Chew-Leng Poon, Doris
Tan, and Aik -Ling Tan (2009: p. 18) explains that, ".
. . more student-centered activities where students
interact more intensively with materials and with
other students during investigations". While Padraig
and McLoughlin (2009) as in "Ophea (2016: p. 6)
says," Inquiry-based learning is a process where
students are involved in their learning, formulating
questions; investigate inquiry-based learning
approach that combines physical-embodied learning
with cognitive-knowledge learning. It is a student-
centered active-learning approach focused on
questioning, critical thinking and problem solving
(Padraig and McLoughlin, 2009), and a method to
stimulate the students to think, act and use all of their
competencies - both cognitive and physical.
Figure 1: Direct profile of inquiry model.
(Joyce, B and Weil, M, 1980)
The direct profile for the inquiry learning model
used in physical education is shown in Figure 1. Note
that while such teaching is often called indirect
learning, it then turns into direct learning in terms of
the categories in the profile. As you can see, the
teacher seeks to retain control of almost any
instruction, but gives control to students a key
category: the pattern of engagement. Once the teacher
frames the problem and students begin to think and
move, it is the student's desire to determine how they
will engage when exploring the possible answers.
While this is only one characteristic of the entire
profile, it provides this model for working as a design,
providing students with different types of knowledge
development needs.
The method used in this research is true experiment
method which allows researchers to control all the
outside variables that influence the course of the
experiment. The design used in this research is
Randomize Pretest-Postest Control Group Design.
This design can be described as follows:
Figure 2: Randomize pretest-postest control group design
Source: Frankel and Wallen, 1993.
O1 = the pretest value of the experimental group
(before being treated).
O2 = Posttest value of the experimental group (after
being treated).
X1 = Treatment of Inquiry Learning Model
O3 = the pretest value of the control group
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
O4 = the posttest value of the control group
X2 = Conventional Learning Model
3.1 Participants
Participants in this study were students in the fifth
grade Primary School with the total number 120
students (N = 120). Local schools volunteered to
participate in the study. Sixty students participated in
the study (30 male and 30 female). Their ages ranged
from 9-12 years old. Students were given the
instruction in completing the study.
3.2 Population
The population in this study was the students of grade
A and B at SDN 2 Kedungdawa, Cirebon with the
total number of 72 students.
3.3 Sample
The writer took a random sampling from both classes.
The writer assigned a sample of 60 students, 30 male
students and 30 female students. From 60 students
determined in the experimental class and control
class, they were divided to experimental class with 30
students and control class with 30 students.
3.4 Procedure
This study was conducted for one month (12
meetings), which was held twice a week. In this
study, there were two different groups, one
experimental group (treated), and one control group
(untreated). Within a period of 12 meetings, the
experimental group will be treated using an inquiry
model during the designated amount of study time.
3.4.1 Content Selection
The teacher determines all the contents in the inquiry
model by deciding what to teach (exploration,
solving, etc.) in each unit and lesson.
3.4.2 Managerial Control
Teachers determine specific managerial plans and
classroom procedures such as how to start lessons,
choose equipment, and create groups. The teacher
allows the student to make their own decisions.
3.4.3 Assignment Presentation
The task presentation is used to frame the problem
that the student will be asked to solve in the learning
task. The teacher will have a progress on the progress
plan for each class, and use the task presentation by
providing students with enough information to clarify
the task and its parameters.
3.4.4 Engagement Pattern
Students are given control in problem solving.
because of higher theoretical tasks, students can
explore the possibility of solving problems, working
with other students, trying new things, changing
equipment, or changing body position when trying to
enter the phase "through thinking" about problems at
the time.
3.4.5 Instruction Interaction
Is when students are busy looking for complex
solution problems or have some steps. The nature of
this interrogative interaction is not didactic. Teachers
use questions, not direct statements.
3.4.6 Steps
The teacher determines the overall steps in the unit
and each lesson. The teacher decides when new tasks
(problems) will begin and how much time will be
allocated to each (A). Students determine their pace
in the time allocated for each task by deciding how
long they should think about the solution, how many
times practicing possible solutions, and by
determining when they are done with the task-that is,
when the student has the problem solved (B).
3.4.7 Task Development
The teacher determines the list and sequence of
learning tasks for the unit and each lesson. This
development should lead students to increasingly
complex problems to solve, develop cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective abilities.
3.5 Instrument
Measured components in the skill test of the long
jump motion include the approach phase, repulsion
phase, floating phase, and landing phase.
Table 1: Instruments basic motion skills in long jump
(Kastrena, 2014).
Approach Technique
Repulsion Technique
Floating Technique
Landing Technique
Inquiry Learning Models toward the Learning Result of Long Jump in Elementary School
The data obtained in this study is the value of student
skill in learning long jump using inquiry model and
Direct Instruction learning model. Based on the data
in Table 4.1, the skill score of long jump motion in
the experimental group was in the average pretest
score of 17.1. Furthermore, after posttest obtained the
average score of 18.9. While the scores of basic long
jump motion in the control group obtained a pretest
average score of 17.03. Furthermore, after posttest
obtained the average score of 17.20. It can be
concluded that there is an increasing score difference
in experiment and control group. In the experimental
group the score increased higher than the control
Based on the data in Table 1 the value of
significance on the increase of pretest-posttest score
on long jump motion skills is 0.000 so Ho is rejected.
Hence, it can be concluded that there is a significant
influence of inquiry learning model on the skills of
long jump motion.
Based on the data in Table 2 the value of
significance on the increase of pretest-posttest score
of long jump motion skills is 0.448 so Ho is accepted.
Hence, it can be concluded that there is no significant
effect of conventional learning model on basic long
jump motion skills. Hypothesis testing is conducted
with t-test analysis through SPSS using Independent
Samples Test.
Table 2: Basic motion skill result.
Paired Sample Test
Independent Sample Test
Sig. 2
Based on the data in Table 1 the value of
significance on the long jump learning through
inquiry model and direct instruction model obtained
the sig p-value of 0.000. Based on the average results
obtained by both learning models, the result of
learning basic motion skill of long jump by using
inquiry model is 18,7 and the basic motion skill of
long jump by using Direct Instruction learning model
equal to 17,2. Hence, it was obtained the significance
difference of 0.000. It can be concluded that the
results of learning basic motion skills long jump by
using inquiry-learning model is more increased than
the direct instruction model of learning and it can be
concluded there is also a difference of results between
the two models to the results of long jump motion
5.1 Inquiry and Interaction
Motion skills in each student is very different, it is
influenced by various factors including physical
condition, playing environment and experience of
motion. Singer in the study (a Schmidt and Wrisberg
2000, pp. 51) suggested, "Learning is reflected or
inferred by relatively permanent change in
performance or behavioural potential resulting from
practice or past experience in the situation."
In the context of motion learning, given the
various experiences of motion and cognitive
understanding, students will receive information then
students will process the information and stored in
(long term memory) and ultimately produce a skilled
movement. As Gibson (1966, 1979) points out (in
Schmidt and Wrisberg 2000, p.56) that "contends that
individuals pick up information directly through their
sensory systems. “Individuals take information
directly through their sensory systems so that as
learning experiences increase, individuals become
more adept at understanding and acting on the
information. The statement (Schmidt and Wrisberg
2000, p.176) supports this notion, that "Buschner
(1994, p. 43) stated:
"Combining the movement concepts with each
motor skill produces a wide variety of learning
experiences. The trick in teaching at the same level as
the teachers, as the most teachers know, is to transfer
the earlier learning to new concepts.
Combining the concept of motion with each
motion skill produces a variety of learning
experiences. Inquiry learning provides a learning
experience through the process of investigation or
observation conducted by students. The existence of
a link between cognitive and psychomotor is derived
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
from the domain model of learning that improves the
cognitive aspect.
Contrastive to the use of the direct instructional
model, the lack of student movement experience
because of problem solving that occurs in the learning
process will make the students become less skilled.
(Arianto, 2013, p. 66) said that "the use of
conventional learning model, or teacher-centered
learning, needs to be reduce. The motor skills are
clearly influenced by one's motor development,
(Østergaard, 2016, p. 12) asserts that "The function of
motor development is the mastery of skills depicted
in the ability to complete certain motion tasks.
“Therefore, the quality of motion is seen from how
far the child is able to display the motion assignment
provided with a certain level of success. Therefore it
can be seen from the results of this study shows that
there are differences in results between the two
models in learning long jump.
Learning models have strength and weakness, so it
can be applied in accordance with the needs of
learning. As in this study, researchers have problems
related to students 'motion skills. The writer tries to
apply learning models that would be suitable to
improve students' movement skills. In this study, the
learning model used is in the experimental group
using inquiry model while in the control group using
direct instruction model (Direct Instruction). Based
on the results of research obtained there are
differences in results from both models, but the
difference in scores obtained did not increase
significantly between pretest and posttest score. If we
look from the characteristic of the learning model, the
results obtained are expected to have a significant
increase between the pretest and posttest score. This
can be caused by psychological factors of student
interest in learning.
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Inquiry Learning Models toward the Learning Result of Long Jump in Elementary School