Impact of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Models on
Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Aspects
Rajip Mustafillah Rusdiyanto
, Raden Boyke Mulyana
and Mulyana Mulyana
Department of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Majalengka, Indonesia
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Models, Outcomes.
Abstract: TPSR model is aimed at reducing students' negative behavior and improving students' personality and social
skills. School physical activities are focusing not only on attitude development, but also on cognitive and
psychomotor aspects which should be interrelated. Nevertheless, the researchers have doubts with regard to
the impacts of TPSR model on cognitive and psychomotor aspects. The research method used was quasi
experimental using nonequivalent group design. The participants involved on this research were 50 students
of Junior High School 2 Jatiwangi taking part in self-development program on pencak silat for ages 12-
13. These students were then divided into two groups which consisted of 25 students for each group. While
the experimental group which had been treated by conventional method was composed of 13 males and 12
females, the control one consisted of 9 males and 16 females were differently treated by using TPSR model.
The TPSR treatment was given three times per week for six weeks and the duration of each meeting was 45
minutes. The instrument used was basic skill test of pencak silat. The data analysis applied was Independent
T-test with 0,05 significance level. The result showed that; 1) There was cognitive aspect difference between
the students treated with TPSR and conventional model, 2) There was affective aspect difference between the
students with TPSR and conventional model, 3) There was psychomotor aspect difference between the
students with TPSR and conventional model.
Physical education aims at exploring the students
potentials in accordance with their ability which are
able to lead the students to prevent diseases by
habituating physical activities and to have healthy
life; besides, the good quality of physical education
can totally help the teachers in terms of educating the
students (Le Masurier and Corbin, 2006). The
objectives of physical education not only includes
body movement aspect, but also covers the cognitive
and affective aspects which should be developed by
the students in order to have strong religious value,
self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, and the social skills in coping with the
society (Destani et al., 2014).
The impact of physical education learning would
not be achieved instantly; in other words, it should be
carried out continuously with the hope that the
students can adapt to the teacher’s planned
environment in reaching the learning outcomes
(Suherman, 2009:9). Physical activities performed at
school can provide benefits on students’ social
personality in the future (Aggerholm et al., 2017).
Therefore, the learning process should be maximized
in order that the learning objectives can be achieved
TPSR model leads the students to be successful
individual on their social environment, to be
responsible people for themselves and other people,
and to be self-controlled people in the society
(Escartí, Gutiérrez, Pascual and Marín, 2010). TPSR
model has positively contributed on children and
teenager developments in terms of improving
responsibilities, social skills, and classroom
environment (Caballero-Blanco, Delgado-Noguera
and Escartí-Carbonell, 2013). There have been 26
similar researches on TPSR model and they come up
with the same conclusion that TPSR has significantly
contributed to the students with the risk of behaving
negatively and dropping out of school (Escartí,
Rusdiyanto, R., Mulyana, R. and Mulyana, M.
Impact of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Models on Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Aspects.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 162-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Gutiérrez, Pascual and Llopis, 2010). TPSR model
utilizes physical activities to teach life skills and to
promote responsible behavior (Wright and Burton,
TPSR in physical education or sport has been
believed in increasing students’ affective aspect
during the character building (Barrie and Doyle,
2015). Physical education, however, should also
equally contain both cognitive and psychomotor
aspects. This issue raises the questions for the
researchers, Does TPRS model only have impacts on
affective aspect? How are the impacts on cognitive
and psychomotor aspect?
Self-development program of pencak silat is
selected in applying TPSR model because it is
effective, practical, and tactical (Mulyana, 2013).
When the learning techniques are trained through
responsibility as explained on TPSR, the students will
perform everything they have learned so that their
technique movement will develop gradually
(Wentzel, 1991). This result shows that pencak silat
has impacts in students’ motor development.
This research is intended to answer the questions
as followed; 1) Are there any differences in cognitive
aspects between the students treated with TPSR
model and conventional model in self-development
of pencak silat? 2) Are there any differences in
affective aspects between the students treated with
TPSR model and conventional model in self-
development of pencak silat? 3) Are there any
differences in psychomotor abilities between the
students treated with TPSR model and conventional
model in self-development of pencak silat?
The research method used was experimental method
by using quasi experimental design. TPSR as
independent variable would influence the result
which would then be compared with conventional
method. The results of these treatments are expected
to result differently. Hence, they would give clear
discussion about this study.
Before the treatments were given, the pre-test was
conducted to figure out the initial score of students’
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. After
that, each group was differently treated by using
TPSR model and conventional model.
2.1 Participants
50 students were selected as research sample which
was based on their characteristics when participating
on self-development of pencak silat. Random
assignment sample was used to divide the sample into
two groups. The experimental group consisted of 13
males and 12 females and control group consisted of
9 males and 16 females. The sample of this research
was 12-13 years old in average. This research was
located in Junior High School 2 Jatiwangi Indonesia.
2.2 Procedures
The self-development program of pencak silat was
implemented three times a week for 16 meetings. The
study was carried out for 5 until 6 weeks started from
May 17, 2014 to June 28, 2014.
TPSR model procedures covered counseling time,
awareness talk, the lesson, group meeting, and
reflection time (Escartí, Gutiérrez, Pascual and
Llopis, 2010). There were several elements of TPSR
model such as respect the rights and feeling of others,
effort, self-direction, helping others, and transfer
(outside the gym) (Escartí, Amparo; Pascual,
Carmina; Gutiérrez Sanmartín, Melchor; Marín,
Diana; Martínez, María; Tarín, 2012),(Fernandez-rio,
2.3 Instrument
The instruments used in this study were; 1) objective
test to assess cognitive aspect referring to Bloom
Theory which included the competency standards and
basic competency, 2) attitude questionnaire to assess
affective aspects which covered irresponsibility, self-
control, involvement, self-responsibility, dan carring
(Fernandez-rio, 2014), 3) assessment rubrics for
pencak silat motion skills which covered basic
motions of pencak silat.
The first hypothesis test was to figure out the
differences in cognitive aspects between the students
who were given TPSR model and those who were
treated with conventional method in self-
development program of pencak silat.
The results of pre-test and post-test on TPSR
model showed that the average scores were 25.52 for
pre-test and 28.28 for post-test. In conventional
method, the average scores were 22.00 for pre-test
and 24.12 for post-test. In terms of rise of average
scores between pre-test and post-test, the rise of
average score for TPSR model was 2.76, bigger than
conventional method which was only 2.12.
Impact of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Models on Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Aspects
The hypothesis test showed that there were
significant differences from the results of pre-test and
post-test. Both TPSR and conventional model gave
cognitive impacts due to pencak silat learning
required cognitive skills especially in solving the
problem as one of the elements in pencak silat and in
learning tactics which could influence the students’
cognitive aspects.
Pencak silat needs the students to perform many
motion skills. There are several motion skills that
should be learned and require thinking skills. This
shows that there is cognitive skill relationship in
learning pencak silat. When facing the problems in
learning pencak silat, they will only be solved by
following the cognitive processes. In pencak silat, the
students will be familiar with the pattern movements
which they should understand and learn so they can
perform some effective, efficient, and productive silat
The second hypothesis test was to figure out the
differences of affective abilities between the students
who were given TPSR model and conventional model
in self-development program of pencak silat. The
result of pre-test and post-test on TPSR model
showed that the average scores were 108.76 for pre-
test and 112.16 for post test. Meanwhile, the average
scores on conventional model were 104.00 for pre-
test and 106.08 for post-test. TPSR model had greater
rise of average score than that of Conventional mode.
The rise of average scores obtained were 3.4 for
TPSR model and 2.08 for conventional model. The
result showed that there was higher increase of
average that cognitive aspect as mentioned before.
However, conventional model did not show
significant increase of averages. On the contrary,
TPSR gave significant influences as seen from the
increase score of averages. This concludes that there
are differences in affective abilities after pre-test and
post-test but TPSR works better in improving
students’ affective aspects than conventional model.
Before the treatment was given, the students’
attitudes of responsibility were in low category in
terms of being responsible to themselves or other
students. The data collection was conducted after the
experimental group was given TPSR model treatment
which was incorporated in pencak silat material for
several meetings. The result showed that there was
significant changing of students’ attitude of
responsibility. This attitude transformation could
occur only if the program given was in accordance
with the purposes of learning. The researchers were
supposed to get the students used to follow the teacher
instructions from preparing facilities to leading the
warming up. Through TPSR model, the students were
accustomed to demonstrate the material as a means of
arising sense of helping each other.
The results of data processing showed the positive
changing in terms of attitude of responsibility after
the treatments by using TPSR model in learning
pencak silat were given. This indicated the
compability between the existed theories and the
results of research. Furthermore, these results
provided clear explanation and strong evidence that
the existed theories derived from empirical data
assessment proven through field verification. Thus, it
can be concluded that the results of the research were
similar as explained in the theories and the research
data can be scientifically proven.
The third hypothesis test was to discover whether
there were differences in psychomotor abilities
amongs the students who were treated with TPSR
model compared to the conventional one in self-
development program of pencak silat.
While the average scores of TPSR model were
21.32 for pre-test and 25.28 for post-test, the average
scores of conventional method were 19.96 for pre-test
and 21.46 for post-test. The rise of average scores for
TPSR model was 1.96 compared with the
conventional which only obtained 1.5. The results in
the rise of average scores on TPSR model showed
higher increase compared with the results of cognitive
aspects. Conventional model increase was not high
enough; however, it still gave influences on
psychomotor aspects. It can be concluded that there
were differences in psychomotor aspects but the
TPSR worked better in improving students’
psychomotor than the conventional model.
Learning to move is a change from the learner
who cannot perform anything to become someone
who has good movement skills caused by continuous
stimulations given. The results of psychomotor
learning are actually continuation of cognitive
(understanding) and affective learning (shown in
behavior). Therefore, affective development should
be put into the first place followed by cognitive and
psychomotor aspects when training pencak silat in
physical education learning through TPSR model.
Based on data analysis and processing, the three
research questions showed that there are differences
on the treatments of TPSR model to conventional
model. There are improvement results in cognitive
aspect which is lower than psychomotor and affective
aspect. The most prominent changes occur in
affective aspect which shows considerable change.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Therefore, the researchers have come up with the
conclusions that; 1). there are differences of cognitive
ability between students who were treated by TPSR
and conventional model in self-development program
of pencak silat, 2) there are differences of affective
abilities between students who were given TPSR and
conventional model in pencak silat self-development
program, 3) there are differences of psychomotor
ability between students who got TPSR and
conventional model in self-improvement program of
pencak silat.
The findings of this research are TPSR model
gives more effect to the affective aspect rather than
psychomotor and cognitive aspect. Psychomotor
aspect obtains more impacts in terms of the changes
that occur among psychomotor, cognitive, and
affective aspects. Thus, this study finds out that TPSR
model is very influential on affective aspects,
psychomotor and cognitive although affective aspects
have the biggest impact.
Given the result of this study, the researchers
strongly suggest to continue and to develop this study
in order to get transparent and validated model. The
further research can be undertaken through other
approaches and activities at the level of Early
Childhood Education (PAUD).
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Impact of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Models on Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Aspects