3.2 Discussion
Based on the research that has been done, the results
obtained that states that there is a significant
difference in influence between students who do the
game with who did not play the game. This can be
interpreted that the game star, acid river, and blind
square effect on students' critical thinking skills. In
the game star, acid river, and blind square students are
faced with a problem that is a simulation of real life.
This means that in the activities of the game is not
only his play activities are obtained, but the values of
learning and education were participated, in addition
to changes in self-students with increased confidence,
increased thinking skills, more mature, more
responsive to others, and greater sociability skills.
The opinion confirms that the research that has been
done by the researcher has a high influence for the
critical thinking ability of children in which the
critical thinking ability included in the cognitive
abilities of children, so that the cognitive abilities of
children will be trained if the child is given a game
solve a problem.
This is in accordance with the results of other
studies conducted by Janneke Verhaegh (2004).
Describes research on Camelot design, which deals
with outdoor games for small groups in children aged
13-15 years. The game is designed with the aim of
improving the cognitive and psychomotor aspects of
the child. Furthermore (C. K. John Wang and Woon-
Chia Liu and Abdul Kahli 2006). Affirming that
outdoor adventure programs generate positive
changes to participants by exposing them to
adventure activities designed to encourage discovery
and character building. Previous research has focused
on the impact of rehabilitative adventure therapy
programs and adventure education programs for men
or environmental students, but little is known about
the girls' motivation to participate in adventure
education programs. A total of 149 female students
aged 13-16 years from a group took part in the study.
In addition, in this study found a study that states that
female students are more serious in the game
compared with male students. Particularly in
performing motion assignments and games provided.
This is due to the fact that women experience faster
maturity of personality or faster mature than men. In
the development of children's literature, it has been
mentioned that children's cognitive abilities are an
important factor in child development.
From the results of the research above are all
relevant and support the research that the author has
done so that the opinion or research can be a strong
support for the results of research that the authors do.
Can the authors conclude the results of this study that
the game star, acid river, and blind square in outbound
activities can affect students' critical thinking skills
and affect the three areas of learning process
development, namely: psychomotor areas, cognitive
areas, and affective areas.
Based on the results of processing and analysis of data
that have been described, can be formulated
conclusions from the results of research undertaken.
The conclusions obtained are as follows: There is a
difference of critical thinking ability, among junior
high school students who perform star game, acid
river, and blind square with those who do not play the
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Effect of Star, Acid River, and Blind Square Games in Outbound Activity to Ability Critical Thinking