Implementation of Vobas Game Modification to Student’s Self-
Esteem in Senior High School
Mesa Rahmi Stephani
, Kamnuron Kamnuron
, Friskawati Friskawati
, Ilmawati Ilmawati
and Gano
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40132 Jawa barat, Indonesia.
SMAN 1 Jatinangor, Jalan (HC) Ir. Soekarno Km.22 Sumedang Jawa Barat, Indonesia 45363
STKIP Pasundan Cimahi, Jalan Permana No. 32B Citeureup, Cimahi Utara, Kota Cimahi Jawa Barat, Indonesia
SMAN 1 Batujaya, Jalan Raya Kuta Ampel, Kabupaten Karawang 41354, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Keywords: Self-Esteem, Game Modification.
Abstract: Modification of VOBAS game can be one alternative in the effort of introducing big ball game, including
Volleyball, Basketball, and Football. This study aims to determine the implementation of VOBAS game
modification to self-esteem high school students. The experimental method was conducted over four weeks,
with a total of 12 meetings three times a week. The research design used is one group pretest-posttest design.
Self-esteem was measured using SERS (Self-Esteem Rating Scale) with paired t-test data analysis method.
The results of this study indicate that there is no increase in self-esteem in the implementation of VOBAS
game modification. It is important to do further research by applying VOBAS with student-centered learning
content, as well as self-esteem enhancement programs involving counselors in the research process, so that
self-esteem improvement efforts can be optimal.
A person's success can be influenced by the
individual's personal quality factor. This personal
quality can be gained through a variety of individual
experiences over the life span, from children to
adults. Individuals are not only influenced by parents,
relatives, or relatives, as well as individuals can shape
themselves based on the experience gained. Self-
esteem is one of the important aspects in individual
psychological development. Global self-esteem is
generally regarded as an important index of well-
being and mental health (e.g. Noordstar, 2015). High
global self-esteem has been linked to satisfaction and
happiness in later life, while low global self-esteem is
associated with depression and anxiety (see for
review Noordstar, 2015). Global self-esteem is
influenced by a number of more domain specific self-
perceptions (e.g. Noordstar, 2015) that are more
predictive for specific behavior (Noordstar, 2015).
It is unsurprising then that there is a noticeable
spike in self-consciousness during adolescence as
young people begin to grapple with sense of identity
(Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M. et al, 2015). This uncertainty
in identity and seeking of approval makes adolescents
particularly vulnerable to low self-esteem (Fuller-
Tyszkiewicz, M. et al, 2015), which in turn is
associated with a variety of adverse health outcomes
(Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M. et al, 2015). Findings
suggested that the age group 15-18 years old is
actually most vulnerable to experience emotional
difficulties, a result which might have important
implications especially in terms of interventions
designed to promote psychological well-being among
adolescents (Fanaja, et al, 2015). Low self-esteem is
highly significant in predicting the probability of
becoming unemployed for women but not for men.
However, low self-esteem has an effect on the chance
of becoming unemployed regardless of gender for
people in higher skills occupations. (Huysse-
Gaytandjieva, et al, 2015). The majority of
psychological researches, that reveal structural
components of self-esteem construct as well as
determinants of adolescence high self-esteem, usually
distinguish the significance of family, interpersonal
relationships with peers, academic achievements,
Stephani, M., Kamnuron, K., Friskawati, F., Ilmawati, I. and Sumarno, G.
Implementation of Vobas Game Modification to Student’s Self-Esteem in Senior High School.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 171-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning environment and social skills.
(Meskauskiene, 2015).
Self-esteem is considered to be one of the most
essential personality constructs, which does not lose
its relevance through the period of human existence.
According to the psychologists, self-esteems remains
as an important criteria of person’s significance
through various age groups, as well as while the
goals of human life, achievements and needs are
changing. Scholars, who study the construct of self-
esteem, notice the tendency of self-esteem decrease
during the period of adolescence, if comparing to
other age groups. The majority of psychological
researches, that reveal structural components of self-
esteem construct as well as determinants of
adolescence high self-esteem, usually distinguish the
significance of family, interpersonal relationships
with peers, academic achievements, learning
environment and social skills. (Meskauskiene, 2015).
Maslow's theory (in Yusuf LN and Nurihsan,
2008, p.159) on the need for appreciation that
includes two categories, namely (a) self-esteem
including self-confidence, competence, adequacy,
competence and freedom; (b) self-esteem from others
including recognition, attention, prestige, respect and
status. It can be concluded that self-esteem is a child's
attitude in understanding the characteristics of
himself and poured into his emotional or behavior.
The educational process has an important role in
shaping the personality of learners. Physical
education also fills the experience of learners in
forming a strong personality. The ultimate aim of
physical education instructional is personality
development as a whole, such as physical, mental,
emotional, social, as well as spiritual aspects through
guided, selected, and systematic-methodic physical
activity participation based on health and social
norms (Hendrayana, 2010). Through physical
activity, it is expected to increase learners self-
esteem However, there are four primary problems
faced by physical educators, such as instructional
facility, equipment, time allocation, and students
engaging in instructional activities (Hendrayana,
2010). The lack of facilities and services in schools
requires physical education teachers to be more
creative. The process of learning physical education
continues to grow so that needed an innovation and
modification to support the success of the learning
process. For that learning can be modified by
reducing the actual game structure, so that learning
can be received relatively easy by learners. Reduction
of the structure of this game can be done on several
factors, among others: field size, number of players,
the number of equipment used, game rules, game
objectives, and the form of tools used.
School is a context that can have considerable
influence on the mental health and quality of life of
children and adolescents. One overarching aim of the
school system is to ‘‘promote pupils’ self-esteem and
emotional well-being and help them to form and
maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships,
based on respect for themselves and for others, at
home, school, work and in the community’
(Standage, 2007)
The VOBAS game (Volleyball, Basketball, and
Football) is a new type of game developed in
Indonesia, and aims to provide a variety of learning
sports games to learners. Vobas games (Volleyball,
Basketball, and Football) are essentially the result of
a combination of volleyball, basketball and soccer.
The VOBAS game is a game that combines the three
basic movements in the great bulb of the ball,
volleyball, basketball and soccer in a game form
(Lutan, 2013). Since VOBAS is a sport of the result
of merging, Vobas can be played in a modified field,
which consists of volleyball, basketball and soccer
fields. The goals and objectives in VOBAS game
consist of the goal and the ring used by each team.
Each team consists of 4 to 6 learners. The number of
learners or team members in this game is tailored to
the type or area of the playing field available. The ball
used in VOBAS game is volleyball, plastic ball,
rubber ball or toy ball that are easy to find and buy in
stores or stalls (Lutan, 2013).
People with high self-esteem are more emotionally
stable, less prone to experiencing depression and
display higher academic achievements (Schmidt, et
al, 2015). In addition to the physical component, there
is a second important factor that seems to determine
the level of self-esteem, especially in early
adolescence: perceived social acceptance (Schmidt,
et al, 2015). Believing that one is liked by others has
a positive impact on self-esteem. On the other hand,
an absence of support from parents or peers can lead
to pathologically low levels of self-esteem. Thus,
perceived social acceptance is, in addition to physical
self-concept, another important predictor of global
self-esteem in early adolescence (Granleese and
Joseph, 1994).
The experimental method was conducted by the
design of one group pretest-posttest design.
Experiments were conducted about 12 meetings that
were divided into three meetings each week. The
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
population of this study consists of 350 ten level
students who are divided into ten study groups or
classes. Samples were taken through cluster random
sampling technique. Instruments used to measure Self
Esteem using Self-esteem Rating Scale (SERS)
developed by R. Nugent and Thomas (1993). The
validity and reliability of this SERS has been tested.
This test of intrinsic validity has been studied by
Nugent in a study entitled "A Validity Study of Two
Forms of the Self-Esteem Rating Scale". This SERS
rating scale is used in clinical judgments on self-
esteem. Nugent and Thomas (In Fischer and
Corcoran, 2000, p.690) 'The SERS has excellent
internal consistency, with an alpha of 0.97. The
standard error of measurement was 5.67.
Analysis of self-esteem data using parametric paired
sample t-test. The data are distributed normal and
shown in Table 1. The p value of pretest (0.843) and
posttest (0.733) is greater than 0.05. Thus, both data
are Normal.
Table 1: Normality test.
Table 2 shows the data homogeneity test using
Levene's Test. Based on the average value of self-
esteem p data of 0.829 which is greater than 0.05, then
it can be concluded that the data were homogeneous.
So the assumption test can be continued using
parametric statistics.
Table 2: Homogenity test.
Based on Mean
Based on Median
Based on Median
and with adjusted
Based on
trimmed mean
Assumption test using paired sample t-Test. Table
3 shows the significance level of 0.273. The value of
significance is greater than 0.05. Hence, the
hypothesis is accepted.
Table 3: Paired sample t-test.
Paired Differences
Sig. (2-tailed)
Std. Error
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Self-esteem (self-esteem) is built since childhood
in the family environment. Parents have an important
role in the formation of their child's self-esteem. Self-
esteem is built by parents through a long process. The
development of self-esteem becomes one of the most
important parental responsibilities, before it is
influenced by the external environment, such as the
playing environment and the school environment,
parents have a role to maintain and improve children's
self-esteem (Friskawati, 2014). So the role of parents
in building children’s self-esteem needs to be
reviewed as well.
This study tested the modification of VOBAS
game on the self-esteem aspect with the length of the
study adjusting to the provisions of the skill training
program for three times a week. Self-esteem
improvement programs is certainly considered too
long, as some studies show that self-esteem can be
improved within five weeks. Murk (2006, pp. 189)
explains that The week period seems to be optimal in
terms of making a compromise between having
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Most Extreme
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
Implementation of Vobas Game Modification to Student’s Self-Esteem in Senior High School
enough time to work on self-esteem, in a way that
allows for some change to occur and for maximizing
attendance in an outpatient or educational setting.
On one hand, we know that changing in self-esteem
takes consistent time and effort. On the other hand,
the simple fact is that most adults have busy lives and
going beyond a limited number of sessions is likely to
create problems with attendance, which would
impede the group processes and diminish results.
Self-esteem that occurs in adolescence is always
fluctuating. When he feels unable to do something
then his self-esteem will decrease, and vice versa.
The results of this study indicate that the program
of increasing self-esteem which is done in school will
improve the learning performance of learners. For
many students, feelings of inferiority can come and
go. But for some students the feeling persisted and
appeared to be a serious problem. According to Harter
(In Santrock, 2007, pp. 203), 'Persistent and excessive
self-esteem may be caused by poor performance,
depression, eating disorders, and crime'. The
seriousness of this problem will depend not only on
the nature of students' inferiority but also on other
conditions. When this feeling of inferiority is
accompanied by difficulties in the school transition
(such as a transition to high school) or a family
problem (divorce), the student's problem may
Santrock (2007, p.360) points out that the child's
self-esteem can be improved in four ways:
(1) Identifying the causes of low self-esteem and
areas of competence that are important to self,
(2) Emotional support and social consent, (3)
achievement, and (4) facing problems.
Increased self-esteem through solving problems
can be done at the time of learning, one of them
through physical education learning. Mruk
(2006, p.102) explains to increase self-esteem
through skills in solving problems, that "Several
positive thing can happen for self-esteem once
this skill has been acquired. Knowing how to
better solve problems increases the individual's
chances of being successful and the type of
success of a source of self-esteem ".
When working in groups, one can cooperate in the
form of communication among members in the group
to be able to find solutions to solve problems
encountered. Mruk (2006, p.23) points out that, “A
group situation usually present a greater variety of
safe challenger opportunities to try out new pro self-
esteem behaviours, such as communicating more
effectively or being more assertive”. A group always
brings about social factors that influential on self-
esteem such as offering opportunities for positive
feedback, acceptance and a good model for members
in the group.
The content of VOBAS learning process that
implements direct teaching method is viewed as one
of the less stimulating factors of self-esteem
improvement. So that the need for VOBAS learning
program in which apply indirect teaching method.
Implementation of VOBAS has no impact on self-
esteem. It is indicated that the treatment is too long
and the learning content which is relatively similar
does not give an impact on increasing self-esteem.
The provision of VOBAS program through student
centered learning method is expected to give any
impacts to student self-esteem.
Special thanks are extended to Andri Kamnuron,
M.Pd for the assistance during this research as well as
to Gita Febria Friskawati, M.Pd, Hilda Ilmawati,
M.Pd, and Rachmat Subagia, S.T for making this
paper possible to finish.
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