and agility of hand eye coordination (Baklien,
Ytterhus and Bongaardt, 2016). Playing in the wild as
ups and downs can also improve the quality of knee
and cardiovascular joints (Vrieling et al., 2008;
Gatterer et al., 2014). The activities undertaken in
these two extracurricular activities involve physical
activity that requires good physical fitness. Thus,
through both extracurricular, it is expected the
physical condition and endurance of the students can
increase and they are able to follow the learning
activities well. Thus, they have a high degree of
physical fitness and will support the activities of
learning activities and improve performance and able
to perform other physical activities. Playing in the
natural environment is also said to affect the physical
development of children (Acar, 2014). So playing in
the natural environment can be a place for students to
experiment, solve problems, think creatively,
cooperate with others, and at the same time develop
their physical abilities and gain deeper knowledge
about themselves and the world (Bento and Dias,
2017, Heggie and Heggie, 2009; Bjørgen, 2016).
Based on the above exposure, the authors are
interested to analyze and compare physical fitness
between students who follow extracurricular Scout
with students who follow extracurricular Nature
Lovers at SMKN 1 Cimahi. Thus, it can be seen
which extracurricular activities can contribute best in
improving students' physical fitness.
2.1 Design
The research method used in this research is
quantitative method with descriptive approach.
2.2 Participants
The sample of the study were 20 students who
actively follow scout extracurricular and 20 students
who actively follow the nature lovers extracurricular
in SMKN 1 Cimahi by using Random Sampling
2.3 Instrument
The data were obtained by using the instrument of
five Physical Fitness Tests adopted from Nurhasan
(2013), ie: 60m quick run, body lift (pull-up) for 30
seconds for female and 60 seconds for male, sit up for
60 seconds, vertical jump, and runs along 1000 m for
female and 1200 meters for male. All the results of
the test then compared with the norms in accordance
with the assessment of the Physical Fitness Test
(Nurhasan, 2013). Then, the average results of this
fitness test were analyzed and compared to measure
which extracurricular activity contributed
significantly to improve students' physical fitness.
After the measurement of five Physical Fitness Tests
on the physical condition of the students, the average
result of the test is described below:
Figure 1: Comparison result of physical fitness.
Based on the comparison results found that in
extracurricular nature lover found about 3 students in
good category, 15 students in moderate category, 2
students bad category, 0 students in very bad
category. While in the extracurricular nature lovers, it
was found that 1 student in good category, 14 students
are moderate, 4 students bad and one student in very
bad category. So it can be seen that the results of
student tests that follow the nature lovers
extracurricular give a higher influence on the physical
fitness of students compared with the scout
While on the calculation of difference of average
result from two extracurricular, got the result of scout
average counting that is 14,55 where this result is
lower than the average count of student joining nature
lovers extracurricular, that is 16,1. Then it can be seen
that the extracurricular activities of nature lovers can
contribute more to the physical fitness of students
compared with scout extracurricular activities in
SMK N 1 Cimahi.
Thus, the findings in this study are in line with
findings that have been suggested by previous studies
in which playing activities in nature can improve
physical fitness (Gatterer et al., 2014; Neumayr et al.,
2014). Therefore, extracurricular activities of nature
lovers can be a means of recreational activities of
students who are able to improve students' physical
An Analysis of Scout and Nature Lover Extracurricular on Students’ Physical Fitness