E-Learning Program for Futsal Referee
Eric Muhammad Ginanjar, Tite Juliantine and Komarudin Komarudin
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Keywords: E-Learning Learning, Futsal Referee Performance.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of E-Learning and Non E-Learning Programs to improve performance
of futsal referee in leading the game. Method: A total of 20 samples used in this study were selected through
total sampling technique. Instrument in this research is format of performance assessment of FIFA futsal
referee issued by FIFA assessor. Data processing techniques using SPSS version 20 with hypothesis testing
using paired sample t test. Result: There is significant influence of e-learning and non e-learning programs on
futsal referee performance. Discussion / Conclusion: This finding suggests choosing a program in learning to
obtain maximum futsal referee performance when leading a match.
In general E-Learning is a tool that can be utilized in
the process of learning or training. E-Learning refers
to learning delivered via electronic technology. It is
undeniable that technological progress can be utilized
as a learning tool and create a conducive environment
in learning (Jabbier, Khadayakesh, 2014), (Safavi,
2008). We are as educators in the field of education
should be smart in utilizing situations like this, the
creativity of a teacher in facing technological
progress is required to create a more effective and
conducive learning atmosphere (Cantoni et al., 2004),
(Khan, 2012). E-Learning itself has a loss, the loss of
E-Learning is not everyone can use it, the expensive
means of support in this learning program, needs its
high responsibility for students to run this program.
How the results of research on this E-Learning
program gives influence to the futsal referee in
improving the performance of the referee (Jabbier;
Khadayakesh, 2014) and also that in the world's top
leagues are already implementing this program for
coaching referees in order to improve the
performance of referees while leading. The results of
further research that the e-learning program that
contains knowledge about the understanding of the
rules of the game is certainly influential on the
decision making performance of futsal referees when
leading the game (Schweizer, Plessner, Kahlert, and
Brand, 2011) (MacMahon, C., Helsen, WF, Starkes,
JL and Weston, M , 2007). Any action and decision
taken by a referee is of course based on the rules of
the game and every decision taken by a referee is
assessed by the referee appraiser (Put, Wagemans,
Jaspers, Helsen, 2013). From the results of these
studies show that e-learning program gives influence
to the performance improvement of the futsal referee
in leading a match.
The purpose of this research is to know the
influence of e-learning program in regards to
controlling the rules of the game on the performance
of futsal referee. This research is done only to the
futsal referee who already has a level 2 license.
Researchers take a sample level 2 because at this level
has a lot of match intensity with a high level of
difficulty. The difference of this study with previous
research is in the research sample. In the previous
study the sample was a faculty of sports students with
a futsal referee level of beginner category, whereas in
this study the sample used a futsal referee who has a
level 2 license. In addition, the difference was found
in the research program, in the previous research the
case study was conducted through CD media without
instructor guide, while in this research treatment is
done with face to face and guided by instructor.
Ginanjar, E., Juliantine, T. and Komarudin, K.
E-Learning Program for Futsal Referee.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 179-182
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
2.1 Design dan Participants
This research uses futsal referees of Kota Bandung
who have certificate of level 2 referee with amount of
20 people with the provision of 10 people for e-
learning groups and 10 people for non-e-learning
groups. All referees in this study had never before
received both e-learning and non e-learning program.
2.2 Instrument
2.2.1 Form Assessment Referee Futsal FIFA
from the Assessor Referee
With indicators are; 1) Signal and position is an
important thing shown by a referee when leading the
field, 2) Decisions in every event that took place
during the game, 3) Understanding the rules of what
has been decided when making a decision (FIFA,
2.3 Procedure
2.3.1 Data Collection
The process of collecting data in this study was
through pre-test and post-test. The data were taken in
the form of referee performance score in leading a
real match. The assessment of the referee's
performance in leading a match is made by a certified
referee who is certified by PSSI and FIFA.
Assessment is done using the referee's appraisal
format during the match.
2.3.2 E-learning Class
This classroom is performed indoor which is
facilitated by learning media such as computers and
projectors. This class contains 10 futsal referees who
have not previously experienced e-learning program
in order to improve the understanding of futsal game
rules. This class is 120 minutes per meeting and
conducted during 12 meetings with the provisions of
4 meetings each week. Here's the structure in the e-
learning class: 10 minutes for the introduction, 100
minutes for focusing on the subject of the video about
the decision of the futsal referee, position, and signal.
While the final 10 minutes are focused on the cover
in which the focus is on feedback.
2.3.3 Non E-learning Class
This class contains 10 futsal referees and performed
directly on the field in the actual game with 12 times
the number of meetings with duration of 120 minutes.
The structure in this class focuses on observing the
various referees, signal, and position positions while
leading a real match.
2.4 Data Analysis
The average value data analysis is calculated based on
the performance of the referee in leading a match.
There are pre-test, post-test, and different values of
each study group. Data analysis for futsal referee
performance using paired t test sample contained in
SPSS 20 with alpha level set at 0.5.
The results data presented in Table 1. showed
significant results in both samples of the study. In the
e-learning group with the value of t = 21, p = 0.05,
while in the non-e-learning group with the value t =
15.057, p = 0.05. From result of analysis of paired
sample test with level 95% there are difference of
result which signifikan to performance of futsal
referee with value of t = 5.757, p = 0.
Table 1: Demography of participants.
(Mean ±
Non E-
(Mean ± SD)
Pre-test of
6.05 ± 0.7;
n = 10
6.05 ± 0,6; n
= 10
Post-test of
7.8 ± 0.5; n
= 10
7.05 ± 0.7; n
= 10
Gain of Referee
2.0 5 ± 0.4; n =
1.1 5 ± 0.2; n =
The results of this study indicate that there is
influence e-learning learning program on the
performance of futsal referee. With the E-Learning
program referee can improve the accuracy in taking
or deciding an event (Pizzera, Raab, 2012, 2014). In
the match the referee must make decisions with
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
precise and accurate course so that the decision that
the referee takes can be accepted by both teams that
compete. Any decision that the referee takes must be
held accountable in accordance with the rules
contained in the rules of the game. What a difficult
task of becoming a referee and leading a match.
With the delayed movement of course the referee
will have the option before making a decision and this
is done repeatedly until they really understand. The
teacher's responsibility is to help the student to learn,
and the best way for the success of the learner is to
repeat it. As well as in this study the learning is done
This media is quite effective because it uses
multimedia projector that has a large transmit range
and combines all elements of media such as text,
video, animation, images, graphics, sound, electronic
systems into a single presentation in support of
teaching and learning process (Rebello et all. 2014).
In this case, it would be very supportive for all
referees to learn more about the harmful movements
of futsal players.
In this research process, the test is done 3 times,
first pretest then midtest and the last is posttest.
Midtest is conducted to know the extent of the
influence of e-learning program to improve
performance futsal referees. And after the researchers
did the midtest it turns out there is an increase on the
performance and it happens in all the sample research.
However, although there has been an increase in
research, it continues to know what changes will
occur after the treatment is repeated.
As a referee we must have good cognitive ability
to get good performance too. This research is
intended for referees to think more thoroughly about
performance because it involves a lot of things, that
the referees should be superior to regulatory mastery,
as well as physical conditions. Therefore, this
research is conducted to support the performance of
referees who must be superior.
Improvements to referee performance do not only
occur during pretest to midtest, from midtest to
posttest the referee performance increase occurs to all
experimental samples. This is the impact of continued
treatment after the researchers asked the entire sample
that they felt more confident and understood the
decisions they made in the lead after learning and
replaying the events in the match video. In this study
formed the impact of a learning process of the type of
knowledge expected (Anderson et al., 2001).
The e-learning learning program makes it easy for
referees to understand a game rule. In the e-learning
program all explanations of a decision are shown in a
video of the game and can be arranged in the display,
repeated several times or slowed. It is very easy to
make a decision. Discussion with all referees is done
in this program about the decision to be taken and it
is contagious when leading a match referee can take
the right decision in difficult situations (Schweizer,
Plessner, Kahlert, and Brand, 2011).
The job of a referee is to lead the match as well as
possible without anyone feeling disadvantaged by all
the decisions he makes in a game. Of course it is not
an easy thing to do. It takes concentration and focus
on a game that will determine the performance in
leading a match. The form of training or learning is
facilitated by a game-based e-learning video learning
program (Schweizer, Plessner, Kahlert, and Brand,
2011). The application of clips containing the case in
a match actually proves to be very effective in
improving the performance of the referee. This
greatly helps the referee in taking a decision because
it can set the mode of viewing the clip (spitz, Put,
Wagemans, Helsen, 2014)
It is proven from a long time ago to the current e-
learning program that is applied for futsal referees in
terms of understanding in the application of game
rules through the form of video matches provide the
impact and experience of itself to improve the
performance of futsal referee. And this program can
be used as an alternative in developing and training
futsal referees in terms of understanding the rules of
the game.
From the statement, it is expected that the impact
of the learning process is occurred. In this study the
impact of e-learning program occurs to improve the
performance of the referee in leading a match seen
from the results of research conducted.
Based on the results of this study, the conclusion is
how important it is to utilize a technological
advancement and the development of the times for
better and effective learning outcomes. In this case it
is important for a referee to choose a way or program
in understanding the rules of the game to improve
performance in leading a match. Based on the results
of research and conclusions that have been presented,
the authors propose some recommendations in the
hope that they can be beneficial to all interested
E-Learning Program for Futsal Referee
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education