Roundhouse Kick Cinematic Analysis
The Comparison between Skill and Unskill in Pencak Silat
Maliki Akbar, Luqman Hardiansyah, Bima Septiandi and Agus Rusdiana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Cinematic analysis, Roundhouse Kick, Skill and Unskilled, Pencak Silat.
Abstract: This research was aimed at analyzing the roundhouse kick differences between skill and unskilled in pencak
silat. There are three factors analyzed in this research: angular velocity, foot linear speed and impulse. The
sample was 14 people consisting seven PPLD athletes from Bengkulu and Seven unskilled of non-athletes.
The method was comparative due to the fact that this research was intended to discover the difference between
knee angular velocity, foot linear speed and impulse between skill and unskilled in roundhouse kick of pencak
silat. The result was obtained from kinove video analysis software. It was revealed that there are significant
differences between foot linear speed and impulse from skill and unskilled on the athletes’ roundhouse kick
Yet, there is no difference in knee angular velocity between skill and unskilled toward their roundhouse kick.
Pencak silat is one of the self-defending sports that
requires skill and basic technique mastery. The basic
techniques are kicking, punching and parrying On the
basis of basic technical skill analysis, kicking is the
most dominant component of the match in the martial
arts game, since kicking has several advantages,
including they give two point for a match (Afiana,
2013; Nugraha, 2014; Nusufi, 2015). A good kick is
a quick, hard shot with good motion coordination that
make the opponent cannot defend or capture. Lots of
types of kicks in the martial arts include: front kick,
side kick, roundhouse kick, and back kick. Data have
shown that attacking using legs is dominated by
roundhouse kick (Nusufi, 2015). It is because the
roundhouse kick is a relatively easy-to-learn and
easy-to-train kick compared to other types of kicks,
so many fighters use a roundhouse-kick in a game.
The roundhouse kick is a circular patterned kick
inside, aimed at all parts of the body, using the sole of
the foot or the toes (Lubis, 2004).
Nowadays to master a roundhouse kick is usually
done in a conventional way that the trainer gives
instructions to the athlete to try to drill a roundhouse
kick, after which the trainer evaluates the movements
of the athlete based on what they observe (Subekti
and Kristiyanto, no date). It thus has the disadvantage
that athletes are often confused with the location of
motion errors that cause the process of developing the
techniques inhibited.
The problems in the evaluation of the roundhouse
kick technique can be overcome by Cinematic
analysis. The Cinematic analysis in question is the
process of motion analysis performed by taking video
and then analyzed using software such as dart fish,
kinovea, etc. (Hölbling, 2017).. has been a lot of
research through a video analyzing basic techniques
in martial arts (Pozo et al., 2011).. The benefit of
using video analysis is that the athlete can easily
know the error motion, so it can simplify the process
of improving the techniques.
This study focused on linear analysis of velocity,
angular velocity and momentum on sickle kicks.
Linear velocity is the rate of change of position per
one unit of time. Linear velocity in the roundhouse
kick is the shift of foot dorsal position from stance
position to impact on sand bag. Angular velocity is
the rate of change of angular displacement. Angular
velocity on the roundhouse kick is the rate of knee
angle displacement from the stance to the impact
(Ball, 2011). Impulse is the process of working force
in a short period of time meaning that impulse in
science is the result of force and time (I = F.∆t).
(Srensen, 1996; Medrano and Smith, 2003).
The importance of this research is to know the
criteria of mechanical motion by paying attention to
angular velocity, linear velocity, and impulse. n
Indonesia, the use of biomechanical analysis to
Akbar, M., Hardiansyah, L., Septiandi, B. and Rusdiana, A.
Roundhouse Kick Cinematic Analysis - The Comparison between Skill and Unskill in Pencak Silat.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 203-206
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
analyze the techniques undertaken by athletes is still
lacking, there is still little research related to
Cinematic analysis in the roundhouse technique.
Therefore, the researcher is interested in analyzing
this issue in order to provide some beneficial input for
the coach in providing the appropriate coaching
practice for the athlete.
This study belongs to comparative research that
investigate the differences of knee angular velocity,
foot linear velocity and impulse between skill and
unskilled toward the roundhouse kick in Pencak silat.
Therefore, This study (Fraenkel et al., 2012). Was
described as follows:
Figure 1: Research Design.
Figure 1 portrays the research design used in this
study. Variable X1 skill knee angular velocity, foot
linear speed and Impulse, Variable X2 unskilled knee
angular velocity, foot and impulse linear velocity,
variable Y roundhouse kick.
2.1 Participants
The participants of the study were 15-to-17-year-old
local student training center (PPLPD) Bengkulu with
48-55 kg weight and 96-98 cm legs. The sample was
selected using purposive sampling in which 7 athletes
are those who have participated in national events (5
males and 2 female) and the other seven athletes are
those who have participated in an event (5 males and
2 female).
2.2 Instrument
The Cinematic analysis on the roundhouse kick
requires a camera and kinovea software. The camera
was used to record the motion to be analyzed
biomechanically. The specification for the camera is;
Mega Pixels: 20.1 million de pixels, Optical Zoom:
26x, Wide Angle Lens: 22,3 mm, LCD screen: 3.0/7.5
cm, Burst: 0.8 picture/second. There were two
cameras used in this research.
Figure 2: Analytical Video Capture Position.
Figure 2 describes the position of video capturing.
The camera is placed on the right and top, as it suits
the need for this research to record motion during a
roundhouse kick, from start sandsack to see results
from Linear speed of the foot using a camera placed
on the right side and to see angular velocity knee
using the camera from above.
2.3 Research Procedure
In this research, The following steps were carried out:
1) performing body scales to determine the athlete's
body length, 2) measuring the length of the athlete's
leg 3) measuring the distance between the stance and
sandsack 4) the athlete performs the sickle-kick
movement of pencak silat , 5) video recording of
roundhouse kick movements in analysis using
kinovea software, 6) data generated from kinovea
software reprocessed using biomechanical formulas,
7) processing data of calculation of biomechanics
formula, 8) concluding the result of data analysis.
2.4 Data Analysis
The data analysis used comparative approach by
using independent sample t-test.
The data were analyzed using kinovea video analysis.
After the initial data was obtained, the data was then
analyzed using biomechanical equation.
Skill sample has foot linear velocity as much as
11,39 m/s, knee angular velocity 904,32 rad/s, and
impulse 631,27 N.s. Unskilled sample has foot linear
velocity as much as 6,56 m/s, knee angular velocity
985,16 rad/s, and impulse 311,75 N.s.
To test the hypothesis, Independent t test was
carried out to compare the result of both groups.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Linear velocity with t value as much as 2.367 with
0.035 < 0.05 implies that Ho was rejected. It leads to
the conclusion that there is significant difference
between foot linear velocity between skill and
unskilled on the roundhouse kick. And for the knee
angular velocity, the observed value is -0.724 with
0.483 > 0.05 means that ho was accepted. it means
that there is no significant difference between knee
angular velocity from skill and unskilled. And for the
Impulse, the observed value is 2.809 with 0.016 >
0.05 means that ho was rejected. it means that there is
no significant difference between knee angular
velocity from skill and unskilled.
The total score from each group shows the
differences. Skill group has the average 11.39 m/s
foot linear velocity which is bigger than the unskilled
(Nusufi, 2015). According to Imam Hidayat (2003)
“velocity has quantity” In view of analysis and video
results, samples that have linear rear leg speed, then
the impact on sandsack will be greater. Like the speed
of the car with 90 km/h of speed and the speed of 20
km/hour will have different impact when hitting a
Skill has knee angular velocity of 904.32 rad/s
which is lower than unskilled with 985.16 rad/s knee
angular velocity. At the time it was analyzed the
average skill had a smaller knee angular value
compared to unskilled, but in the sandsack kick result
was greater than the unskilled beyond the factor of
having large leg muscle power, because when the
impact skill at the time of the follow-up movement
gave more impetus against sandsack (Srensen, 1996;
Medrano and Smith, 2003; Bonnefoy, 2008; Faria,
2013; Coventry, 2015).
Then, for an average skill having an impulse of
631.27 N.s greater than unskilled has an average
impulse of 311.75 N.s. At the time of analysis, it
turns out that skill has a greater force than unskilled,
because the impulse is related to the force given to
other objects and time. The larger the force is given
and the less time that works on the force the greater
the impulse is.
The key of the effective roundhouse kick was that all
part of body spin, it will result in more impacts. Then
at the time of the kick, the angular velocity produced
is small because it performs the force at the time of
the kick, not the kick it is swung. From other factors
such as having a great power, such is needed to
support the progress of training. When someone starts
the exercise from the beginning, this is the factor we
should teach first. So there will be no mistakes when
practicing a roundhouse kick.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education