Linear velocity with t value as much as 2.367 with
0.035 < 0.05 implies that Ho was rejected. It leads to
the conclusion that there is significant difference
between foot linear velocity between skill and
unskilled on the roundhouse kick. And for the knee
angular velocity, the observed value is -0.724 with
0.483 > 0.05 means that ho was accepted. it means
that there is no significant difference between knee
angular velocity from skill and unskilled. And for the
Impulse, the observed value is 2.809 with 0.016 >
0.05 means that ho was rejected. it means that there is
no significant difference between knee angular
velocity from skill and unskilled.
The total score from each group shows the
differences. Skill group has the average 11.39 m/s
foot linear velocity which is bigger than the unskilled
(Nusufi, 2015). According to Imam Hidayat (2003)
“velocity has quantity” In view of analysis and video
results, samples that have linear rear leg speed, then
the impact on sandsack will be greater. Like the speed
of the car with 90 km/h of speed and the speed of 20
km/hour will have different impact when hitting a
Skill has knee angular velocity of 904.32 rad/s
which is lower than unskilled with 985.16 rad/s knee
angular velocity. At the time it was analyzed the
average skill had a smaller knee angular value
compared to unskilled, but in the sandsack kick result
was greater than the unskilled beyond the factor of
having large leg muscle power, because when the
impact skill at the time of the follow-up movement
gave more impetus against sandsack (Srensen, 1996;
Medrano and Smith, 2003; Bonnefoy, 2008; Faria,
2013; Coventry, 2015).
Then, for an average skill having an impulse of
631.27 N.s greater than unskilled has an average
impulse of 311.75 N.s. At the time of analysis, it
turns out that skill has a greater force than unskilled,
because the impulse is related to the force given to
other objects and time. The larger the force is given
and the less time that works on the force the greater
the impulse is.
The key of the effective roundhouse kick was that all
part of body spin, it will result in more impacts. Then
at the time of the kick, the angular velocity produced
is small because it performs the force at the time of
the kick, not the kick it is swung. From other factors
such as having a great power, such is needed to
support the progress of training. When someone starts
the exercise from the beginning, this is the factor we
should teach first. So there will be no mistakes when
practicing a roundhouse kick.
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