Human Resources Empowement VS. Sport Achievement
Heri Yusuf Muslihin
and Sri Mulyati
Sport Education Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229,
Bandung, Indonesia
Galuh University Jl. RE Martadinata 150, Ciamis, Indonesia
Keywords: Human Resources, Empowerment, Sport Achievement.
Abstract: Sports achievement can be achieved through a sustainable process and takes a long time. Sporting
achievements will also not be separated from the role of Human Resources (HR) involved in coaching. This
study aims to investigate the impacts of human resources empowering towards athletes' achievement. The
study employs a cross-sectional designs promoting survey to collect data. The samples, which are 108 HR of
sport, are selected purposively. The instrument used in this study is questionnaire distributed to all the
samples, interview and documentation review of the study. In the meantime, statistical computation is
analyzed using SPSS version 17. The results show that the human resources who participate in empowering
at training are unable to improve sports performance. Sports achievements can be achieved with more
intensive HR engagement, a clear career path of HR and comprehensive enforcement of rules within
Athlete achievement can be achieved through
continuous training. To achieve the achievement, it
takes long process and long-time (Duda and Nicholls,
1992). Sports achievements are influenced by various
factors, among others, team fans club, political
policies and sport marketing strategies (Rattanapian
and Tingsabhat, 2017), family empowerment,
(Ismayilova et al., 2014), Anxiety (Abrahamsen et al.,
2008). The role of human resources in achieving sport
is also important not only from the athletes.
Role of human resources (HR) is very important
because the achievement of the athlete depends on the
involvement of all HR. HR empowerment has
individual and organizational advantages. Strategic
guidance from the level of the work unit, Strategic
implementation at the level of the work unit,
increased work unit efficiency, increased customer
focus, increased emphasis on problem solving and
prevention, and increased respect and trust among
work units (Kriemadis and Papaioannou, 2006).
Improve cross-functional coordination (Ransom,
1994). Increased employeed commitment to their
organization, improve service quality (fulford and
Enz, 1995) Increased customer satisfaction within the
service industry due to the impact of an empowering
servis enviroment on customer perceptions (Brymer,
1991), and the need for the employees who can more
readily adapt to customer needs (Hartline and Ferrell,
Employee benefits from empowerment include:
improved motivation (Keppelman and Prybutok,
1995), increased personal strengths (Dodd and
Gutierrez, 1990), added accountability (Shearer and
Fagin, 1994), increased personal power and sense of
self-efficacy (Dodd and Gutierrez, 1990), increased
abilities to achieve full personal potential (Crawford,
1995), increased job satisfaction, reduced turnover
and creates a culture that support high service quality
(Brymer, 1991; Sparrowe, 1994; Fulford and Enz,
1995; Bowen and Lawler, 1992).
Based on organizational profits and also
individually can generate profits for increased sports
achievement. This study discusses the empowerment
in the sports sector that has not been touched in detail,
especially the use of all HR in the development of
athletes in the sport.
Hypothesis in this research is empowerment able
to improve athlete performance. The purpose of this
study is to analyze the empowerment of HR related
achievement of athletes.
Muslihin, H. and Mulyati, S.
Human Resources Empowement VS. Sport Achievement.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 212-215
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This study employed survey research, because the
study wanted to know the description of the
empowerment associated with the success of sports
achievement. The design used in this research is
"cross sectional survey design". The population in
this study was the HR involved in coaching athletes
in each sport. District / city in West Java. The
population that the authors took in this research were
all the HR sportsmanship’s in the environment 1) the
sports department, 2) KONI, and 3) pengcab / sports
club in 10 districts / cities located in West Java. In this
research, the writers selected purposive sampling
technique. The sample taken in this study had the
following characteristics: 1) Available in all districts
/ cities where the research was conducted, 2) Have
followed the training process, 3) Have followed the
development process, 4) Active in the athlete
coaching process. The sample used is 108 people.
In this study using interviews, tracking documents
and questionnaires in data collection. The first pattern
of data collection was interviews conducted with
stakeholders in sports organizations who were the
subject of research. The policy stakeholders that were
interviewed were elements of the board of the
Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) or the official
in charge of sports. In addition, the writers also
interviewed the human resources of sports which
became the sample of the study. It was intended to
know the extent to which the organization empowers
human resources in the process of athlete coaching.
Library study was conducted using data of sports
branch. The data aforementioned was the
participation in the championships, organizational
empowered data resources, human resource data, and
championship data.
Questionnaires were distributed to the HRs
involved in the sports organization either through
KOI or the sports organization's parent.
Questionnaire distributed to HR involved in coaching
by distributing and after about three weeks, the
questionnaire was collected by the writers, to process
the results. In this study the instrument was a
questionnaire based on the variables empowering
human resources sports and sports achievements.
Data processing using SPSS version 17.
The results show that the role of coaches and referees
in carrying out coaching is often disrupted by the
administrators who have the authority to decide to
empower people. Often individual empowerment is
more likely to be given to people with policy-makers.
Among others are siblings, close friends or people
who are considered to be trusted to keep the secret of
leadership. Empowerment strengthens employees
and provides them with job enrichment, that is, a
sense of possession, the ability to participate within
an organization’s borders and control over their
business (Nelson and Quick, 2012). This means that
the participation of the coaches and referees is given
in full so that in building the athletes they will be free
to act.
Furthermore, in empowering trainers and referees,
they are provided with the flexibility to do things
from planning to evacuation. Empowered people
make budgets, schedules, amounts of work, control
things, solve quality problems and carry out activities
once regarded as duties of managers (Robbins, S.P
and Coulter, M 2010). Empowering employees can be
done by giving four elements to employees that can
make them act freer to accomplish in their work:
information, knowledge, power and respect (Draf,
2010). This means that the flexibility of giving
responsibility for the trainers and referees will
encourage them to try to print athletes to achieve
optimal performance.
Limited empowerment should not be allowed in
the effort to support the careers of trainers and
referees so as to have the potential to improve the
performance of athletes optimally. The careers of a
coach and the referee will depend on how much of a
role they are given. Career is a pattern of experience
related to work (eg: job positions, job obligations,
decisions and subjective interpretation of events
related to work) and activities throughout the life span
of a person. This will help coaches and referees to
increasingly have a big role and responsibility in
coaching athletes.
This is not in accordance with the assumptions
through the proposed research. Empowerment is a
major factor for sport business activity (Kriemadis
and Papaioannou, 2006), in less wealthy football
clubs there was a strong and positive relationship
between average of revenues and communication
system skills” and the “total of all managerial
functions (Papaioannou, et al., 2009). Some pillars
could be regarded as possible drivers of an effective
system because they were prioritised in the most
successful sample nations: financial resources (pillar
1), athletic and post-career support (pillar 5), training
facilities (pillar 6) and coach development (partly
pillar 7) (De Bosscher, 2009).
Human Resources Empowement VS. Sport Achievement
In this study, it was concluded that the
implementation of empowerment is a profitable thing
that allows the organization to achieve goals,
especially in achieving both organizationally and
individually. However, in the implementation of the
empowerment is very complex and requires a process
that is long enough, from the planning stage to the
evaluation phase. This is what allows no
improvement in achievements that are affected by
The results of this study explain that
empowerment does not affect the achievement of
athletes. This is due to the factories in the model of
nine pillars of sports policy. The factories of
influencing international success are expressed by de
Bosscher (2006), not just coach development which
is the key to achievement, but there are still eight
more factors that contribute to help improve athlete's
The writers consider that the training and
development carried out on the human resources of
sport is very important to be done in an effort to add
insight and skill. With the increased knowledge and
skills of the sportsmanship HR can pour its potential
in fostering athletes to achieve optimal performance.
After going through the training and development
process then of course the science must be transferred
to improve the real work of the coaches and referees.
Transfer of knowledge obtained by trainers,
referees and other sportsmanship of the course must
be a careful consideration of the organizers of the
organization. It is intended to improve the
regeneration of sportsmanship personnel who have
attended training and development. Coaches are often
found who were employeed little or no regard for
their qualifications as educators. They have often had
winning teams, have had access to important political
figures, and in many cases are excellent teachers of
their given sport.
In the context it is clear that there is often close
proximity to boards or proximity to political defeats,
people who have the potential to improve the
performance of athletes. Even if there is no
confidence in the participation of new sports HR
training and development then it should be the role of
the board to find a solution to increase its
participation in the process of coaching athletes in the
Empowerment of trainers and referees in coaching
athletes is not able to help improve achievement. This
is because the empowerment done by the organization
is often not running optimally so that empowerment
does not directly affect the achievement of athletes.
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