Implementation of Spiritual Mental Values of Pencak Silat Students
in Community Life
Adi Zainal, Yudy Hendrayana
and Mulyana Mulyana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia.
Keywords: Spiritual Mental Values, Disciples of Pencak Silat, Community Life.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of the implementation of spiritual mental values of
pupils of pencak silat in societal life using a quantitative descriptive method that describes the actual facts
about the implementation of spiritual mental values. The data collected from the questionnaire distribution
process is given to the students of Pencak Silat College in Pelalawan District, Riau Province, which
amounts to 70 people from 7 pencak silat schools. The data obtained is then analyzed using IBM SPSS
version 20 through the descriptive test stage by looking at the percentage. The results showed that the
mental values are implemented with good enough category by the majority of students of pencak silat
college in social life by generating 60% percentage.
Pencak silat is the result of Indonesian human
culture to defend, maintain its existence
(independence), and integrity (manunggal) to the
environment / natural surroundings to achieve
harmony of life in order to increase faith and piety to
God Almighty (PB IPSI and BAKIN in Mulyana,
2014). Pencak silat has been around since prehistoric
times. Because at that time humans must face the
harsh realm in order to maintain its survival by
fighting wild animals and hunting which ultimately
develops martial movements. In pencak silat, there
are noble values which, when studied properly, will
have great benefits, not only for individuals who
study them but also for the community. In other
words, Pencak Silat education has individual and
social benefits. Pencak Silat education can
contribute in the development of the Indonesian
people as a whole in the framework of the
development of the entire Indonesian people, and is
character and nation building (Mulyana, 2014). In
real life, pencak silat is used as a tool for self-
defense, maintaining physical fitness, embodying
aesthetic sense and channeling human spiritual
aspirations. In the dimension of individual pencak
silat serves to foster human beings to be exemplary
citizens who obey the norms of society
(Notosoejitno, 1997), on the social dimension of
pencak silat serves as a cohesive force that can
embrace individuals in the bonds of social
relationships of martial arts organizations, in order
to maintain the unity and unity of society by creating
a sense of solidarity and togetherness among its
members (Maryono, 1998).
The noble values serve as guidelines for the lives
of the pesilat in everyday life. These noble values
are one of the ethical values (Mental Spiritual).
Ethical value is the value of noble character or
morality value of pencak silat based on pepakem
(discipline / rule) ethics in it is implicitly contained
religious values, socio-cultural values and moral
values held by the community (Notosoejitno, 1997).
The word mental is often used instead of the word
personality in psychiatry and psychotherapy which
means that the mental is all the elements of the soul
including the mind, emotions, attitudes and feelings
which in its whole and its roundness will determine
the mode of behavior, a thing that suppresses
feelings, disappoints or exhilarating, fun and so on
(Zakiah, 1982). Kartini Kartono in Novian (2013)
suggests that the mental comes from the Latin word
men’s, mentis which means soul, spirit. He also said
that people who have a healthy mentality are those
who have typical characteristics, among others: have
the ability to act efficiently, have a clear purpose of
life, have a healthy self-concept, has a coordination
between all the potential with his efforts, has self-
Zainal, A., Hendrayana, Y. and Mulyana, M.
Implementation of Spiritual Mental Values of Pencak Silat Students in Community Life.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 216-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
regulation and personality integration and has a calm
mind. So speaking of mental problems, will certainly
be exposed to mental health. The World Health
Organization defines the mental in theory about
mental health "a state of well-being in which the
individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope
with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community (Organization
and others, 2004). In this definition it can be
understood that a healthy mind is defined as a
perceived prosperous state of the individual, in
which he realizes his ability, can overcome the
pressures in his life, be able to work well and
productively, and be able to contribute to society.
Other mental theories explain that a prosperous
mental state as an indicator of mental health includes
two aspects, namely the first aspect of individual
freedom from psychological distress which is
characterized by high levels of anxiety, depression
and loss of control; second, the presence of
psychological well-being characterized by a general
feeling of positive, emotional state and life
satisfaction (Veit and Ware 1983).
While the spiritual in SQ is derived from the
Latin cowentia (sophia) in Greek which means
"wisdom" (Zohar dan Marshall, 2001). According to
W.H. Thomas through the theory of The Four
Wishes that the source of religious psychology are
six kinds of basic desires that exist in the human
psyche is: a). The desire for salvation, b). The desire
to get an award, c). Desire to be addressed, and d).
The desire for new knowledge or experience. Like
mental with mental health, in spiritual is also known
as spiritual intelligence which becomes the
measuring tool in determining the spiritual good
(Novian, 2013). The theory of spiritual intelligence
Zohar and Marshal (2001) mentions several
elements that can be characterized as a component
of spiritual intelligence, namely: the ability to be
flexible, a high level of consciousness, the ability to
deal with and exploit suffering, the ability to deal
with and overcome pain, the quality of life inspired
by vision and values, the reluctance to experience
unnecessary losses, the tendency to see the
interconnectedness of things, the apparent tendency
to ask "why" or "what if" in order to seek a
fundamental and independent answer. So based on
the above mental and spiritual theories, both of
which affect each other and are an inseparable unity.
Faulkner explains Religious and spiritual beliefs
and their influence on mental health are also
explored in asummary of user-led research from the
Mental Health Foundation (Faulkner in Annie,
2001). Faulkner found just over 50% of 400
service users questioned about their coping
strategies stated that religious and spiritual beliefs
were important to them. The helpful aspects of
belief included a meaning and purpose to life, peace
and comfort, and a sense of God’s presence.”
(Annie, 2001). In this theory Faulkner says that
belief and spiritual influence on mental health.
Faulkner found that over 50% of the 400 service
users said religious and spiritual beliefs are
important and useful in that they include the
meaning and purpose of life, the peace, the
commitment, and the sense of God's presence.
So it can be said that the spiritual mentality is a
unity that affect each other to get happiness and
tranquillity both in life itself and in the community.
This author's opinion refers to Ginanjar (2007) says
that it is only by holding on to God that it can create
a sense of calm and security. Calmness will clear the
mind. A clear mind will be able to generate
important initiatives, as well as provide mental
readiness to deal with ever-changing changes.
Theory of Miller “An important aspect of spirituality
for mental health and well-being seems, thus, to be
an inner sense of connectedness to something
greater than oneself, a relation and dialogue with a
loving and guiding power, presence, nature, creator,
spirit or other similar ideas (Miller, 2015).” This
theory explains that an important aspect of
spirituality for mental health and well-being is to
gain a sense of inner firmness toward something
greater than oneself, relationships and dialogue with
power and mastery, presence, nature, creators, spirits
or other similar ideas. In line with the reference, De
Saouza say “Spirituality complements integrates and
balances the rational and emotional aspects of the
human person.” (Westerlund, 2016). Spirituality
complements, integrates and balances the rational
and emotional aspects of the human person.
Furthermore, the theory of Robbins (2011) say
Identify seven dimensions of wellness: physical,
intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual,
environmental, and occupational. Additionally,
‘‘there is a strong interconnection amongst these
dimensions.” (Lynch, 2013). He identifies seven
interdependent dimensions: physical, intellectual,
emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, and
Several previous studies have proved that the
activities of martial arts in which there is spiritual
mental value shapes, nurtures, and develops attitudes
and characters of most individuals to be individuals
who have a future view of life and tough in the face
of life. Not a few individuals before learning pencak
Implementation of Spiritual Mental Values of Pencak Silat Students in Community Life
silat have a background attitude and bad character
such as depression, uncontrolled emotions, anxiety
in doing something, despair, less satisfied with the
results obtained, not easy to mingle, not aware of
God, do not have the nature patient and steadfast and
lack of purpose in life. The research, among others,
Mulyana (2012) research on "Character Building
Through Pencak Silat Development.The result is a
very open opportunity to develop character
education through physical education and sports,
especially through martial arts. Subsequent research
conducted by Kurniawan (2017) on "Personality
Education and Spiritual Mental Development
through Martial Arts Pencak Silat." Produce that
personality education and spiritual mental coaching
through martial arts pencak silat has a good result,
because in addition to concentrating on coaching
The body of Pencak Silat can also be used as
psychological coaching, religious and social
However, referring to the current conditions of
some of the students of Pencak Silat College are still
involved in issues that are far from spiritual mental
values, especially college students aged between 15-
18 Years. This problem is evidenced by the
observations that the author did in the field by
directly involved in the world of martial arts as
coaches and referees jury in Pelalawan District, Riau
Province. The author finds some problems related to
the spiritual mentality of pesilat such as anxiety
toward others, emotional uncontrolled, tendency
cannot adapt well, negative attitude, lack of love,
cannot be grateful, impatient and sincere, quickly
despair, not the existence of business and always
leave the worship. Conditions like this will affect the
life of college students in community life. Referring
to this problem, the theory put forward by Kessler et
al The onset of many lifetime mental disorders
occurs in adolescence and studies indicate that by
the mid-teens about half of these have already
started.” (Linn, 2016). This theory says that mental
disorders in life began to occur in the mid-
So this problem is the writer's reflection to be
able to see more picture about the implementation of
spiritual mental values of students of martial arts
college in public life. This study aims to see the
extent of spiritual mental values implemented by
students of pencak silat colleges in community life,
so it becomes a joint evaluation to improve
themselves to be better in terms of spiritual mental.
2.1 Participants
The sample is determined based on Purposive
Sampling with consideration based on the following
characteristics: a). Duration of pupil martial arts
college students 1 Year up, b). School age 15-18
years. According to Arikunto (2010), purposive
sampling technique is a technique of taking samples
not based on random, regional or strata, but based on
the consideration that focuses on a particular
purpose. After referring to the considerations of the
above characteristics, the population is 70 people.
Since the population is below 100, the population is
taken as a whole.
2.2 Procedures
The research method used is descriptive method
with quantitative analysis through percentage.
Nawawi (2003) describes quantitative descriptive
research i.e. research methods that focus on actual
problems or phenomena at the time of the research,
then illustrates facts about the problem investigated
as it is accompanied by a rational interpretation and
accurate. This research took place from the 24th of
August to September 11, 2017 located in Pelalawan
District, Riau Province.
2.3 Instrument
The instrument used is the mental value apparatus
that is adapted and developed from the research of
Aziz (2015) on The Mental Health Inventory (MHI-
38) and Idrus (2003) on Spiritual Intelligence. Both
instruments are modified in accordance with the
purpose of research conducted by researchers. After
being modified, it was tested to college students who
follow the "Bandung Open" Pencak Silat
Championship in Bandung. The result is 50 items
from 74 items that are valid and reliable.
Data collection techniques in this study using a
questionnaire technique. The questionnaire
technique is the collection of data that is done by
giving a set of questions or written statement to the
respondent to answer it. Data collection is done at
data source that is student of Pencak Silat School of
Pelalawan Regency of Riau Province. The
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
questionnaire instrument as a reference for the
implementation of research on the spiritual mental
values of students of Pencak Silat College in the life
of the people.
The data in this research is descriptive
quantitative data. For quantitative data used
descriptive statistical analysis with percentage. The
instrument measurement scale in this study used
likert scale, with a range of scores between 1 to 4, so
that the average (ideal) = 2.5 and ideal SD 0.5. From
the average and ideal SD can be determined criteria
assessment evaluation in this study, and presented in
the following table:
Table 1: Criteria for Interpreting Research
Assessment Norms
Score Range
3,26 4,00
- M
2,51 3,25
pretty good
- M
1,76 2,50
Les Good
- M
1,00 1,75
Not Good
Source: Suharsimi Arikunto (2009).
The implementation of this study was measured
by an instrument of 50 valid items on a test of the
research instrument (test of validity and reliability).
The final scoring in this study is the number of
scores divided by the number of statements, so that
all aspects / indicators have the same range, ie 1 to 4.
The final score is the average score on four aspects
(context, input, process, and product) this is done to
facilitate in interpreting the results of research.
Based on data analysis with the help of computer
software obtained the average implementation of
spiritual mental values of pupils of martial arts in
community life of 3.12; median 3.14; mode 3.86 and
standard deviation of 0.35. The average score is at
2.51 - 3.25 class interval is good enough.
Thus it can be said that the implementation of
spiritual mental values of students of martial arts
college in social life is in the category quite well.
Implementation of spiritual mental values of
students of martial arts college in social life,
categorization can be seen in the following table:
Table 2: Frequency Distribution.
Score Range
Pretty Good
Less Good
Not Good
Based on the frequency distribution mentioned
above can be made pie charts frequency distribution
as follows:
Figure 1: Pie charts Implementation of Spiritual Mental
Values of Pencak Silat Students in Community Life.
Thus, according to the table and pie charts
presented above, it is known that from 70 students of
martial arts college as a sample of research, 36% of
martial arts college students say implementing
spiritual mental values in social life are in good
category; 60% of students of martial arts college
stated quite well; and 4% of students expressed less
good, and no students of martial arts college that
states not good. The majority of martial arts college
students that is 60% stated quite well, thus seen from
the average or from the majority, it can be stated that
the implementation of spiritual mental values of
students of martial arts college in community life is
in the category quite well.
Based on the analysis of research conducted, it can
be concluded that the mental value of the category is
good enough in the implementation of college
students in community life.
This research is conducted as closely as possible
in accordance with the research procedure, but there
are still some limitations and weaknesses. These
limitations and weaknesses are presented as material
for further research. Based on the above conclusions
can be submitted some suggestions, as follows:
This research can also use qualitative research
This study is limited to describe one variable
by limiting the age of 15-18 Years and limited
the duration of study 1 Year and above;
Instruments used can be developed again in
accordance with the development of research
on mental spiritual.
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