Smartphone as an Instructional Media in Teaching Soccer
Irwan Gatra, Amung Ma’mun and Nuryadi Nuryadi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Instructional Media, Smartphone, Soccer Skills.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of using smartphone-based instructional media in
teaching soccer in the physical education classroom. Method: The participants involved in this study were 40
students, consisting of 20 male students and 20 female students. The soccer skills were measured using GPAI.
The obtained data were analysed using a two-way ANOVA. Results: The smartphone-based instructional
media significantly improved students’ soccer skills. The influence of smartphone-based instructional media
on both male and female students’ soccer skills was significantly different from that of books.
Discussion/Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that the smartphone-based instructional media
influenced students’ soccer skills. The influence was mostly seen with the female students.
Smartphones are being massively worldwide
adopted. The adoption in education is seen that there
is a diversity of implementations with various
outcomes. Specifically, unlimited learning is the key
to a broad pedagogical approach in mobile learning
design. (Koh et al., 2013). To help learning process
such as finding the source of literacy in the library,
and to learn, smartphone is considered very useful for
their academic work. They use smartphones to access
course material, search library catalogues, discuss
tasks with peers, make notes' (Chiu and Lo, 2015).
The media of library catalogue usage is replaced
by Google Book. (Grosch 2013). On the smartphone
use to learn is revealed that smartphones are used
extensively by all students. Kim et al. (2013) said that
students have a broad definition of how they use their
smartphones to learn (Kim et al., 2013) Juraman and
Stefanus (2014). Most interestingly, heavy users of
smartphones are not typically the ones that are the
most intensive user applications that most students
agree that the most useful of smartphone is for
learning (Kim et al., 2013). M-learning can be one of
the promising pedagogical technologies to be used in
higher level of education (Al-emran et al., 2015).
The use of smartphones for the assessment
process of learning is also considered that they will
have more benefits, (Huang and Chiu, 2015). The
declining in stationary computing is going on
(ownership of desktop computers and stationary
internet connections), accompanied by increased
mobile computing (ownership of mobile internet
connections, smartphones, tablet computers,
notebooks and netbooks). Online availability all over
the place will be the scenario of the future (Grosch
There is a continuous shift from printed media to
electronic text that first begins with scientific journals
and then moves to all relevant areas (textbooks,
classroom materials) (Grosch 2013). Previous
research, indicating that mobile device ownership is
high and continues to increase among students.
However, the potential of mobile learning is not yet
fully realized. our results show that students and
instructors need technical, logistical, and pedagogical
support to integrate mobile devices and applications
(Chen et al., 2015).
At the senior high school level on Physical
Education subjects, soccer is one of the compulsory
subjects that belong to the big ball game. From the
experience of the author as a teacher and information
from fellow teachers of physical education in school,
it seems that students still have low ability about
soccer material that is the basic skills that impact on
their playing skills. Another factor of grave concern
for teachers is the motor development of gender
differences in physical education learning, often a
barrier to the learning process associated with
students' assumptions for soccer learning materials,
stereotypically that soccer is only for male students.
Gatra, I., Ma’mun, A. and Nuryadi, N.
Smartphone as an Instructional Media in Teaching Soccer.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 230-233
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Furthermore, learning that has been done is still
using the book media as a means of delivering
learning materials so that the material presented is
less interesting, so the understanding of the content of
the material and the learning objectives is not
achieved. While among students, many of them use
smartphones, but only as a means of communication
and as a social media. For that, researchers want to
use the smartphone as media on learning soccer game,
whether or not it improves the learning outcomes of
soccer games on high school students?
2.1 Design and Participants
This is a 2 x 2 factorial design research, conducted
with 40 participants from two study groups (one study
group consists of 10 students and 10 female students
in the study group with smartphone media, one group
studying consist of 10 students and 10 female
students studying with book media. this has been
approved by headmaster of the study site.
2.2 Measurement
To measure the skills of playing soccer using The
Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI)
(Oslin et al., 1998) that has been judged as a valid and
reliable instrument for measuring the skills of playing
soccer (Oslin et al., 1998). Measurements are
conducted before and after treatment.
2.3 Treatment
The experimental group treatment is learning by
smartphone media, while in the control class is given
learning media book. This treatment was
administered three times per week in the experimental
and control groups. the learning was conducted by
scientific approach as many as 12 times meeting. In
the experimental class, there will be shared material
and video by using WhatsApp application in a chat
group. learning materials can be in format of pdf,
power point, doc Ms-Word, images and video. Video
is sent to the chat group at the beginning of each new
material in MP4 340p format.
2.4 Physical Education Learning
A teacher who has been certified and experienced for
12 years as a teacher is hired in this research. Each
lesson lasts 90 minutes, with a preliminary 15
minutes, 60 minutes’ core and 15 minutes cover. The
60-minute lesson focus was a basic skill of playing
soccer (accepting and controlling the ball, passing,
driving, and kicking to the goal and playing soccer).
With the scientific approach done with 5 stages as
2.4.1 Observing
Read and observe the material (control class of the
book) and videos from smartphones (experiment
class) that teachers have shared with the chat group of
each student smartphone.
2.4.2 Asking
Alternately ask each other about learning materials.
2.4.3 Exploration
Students perform skills that become material in
accordance with the pattern of activities that have
been made by teachers.
2.4.4 Associating
Compare the observations (control class) of soccer
videos (from the smartphone in the experimental
class) with the basic gestures performed.
2.4.5 Communicate
Students perform the game according to the material
learned at the meeting.
2.5 Data analysis
The average score of each participant's soccer skills
is calculated using two-way ANOVA (learning media
and gender). If the main effect is significant there is
an interaction, then proceed with the Tuqey Test.
Two-way ANOVA results indicate that there was an
interaction. The value of F table at α = 0.05 is
obtained by 4.11. Value Fh = 7.53> 4.11 (Ft), or
There is a difference in the influence between the
learning media smartphone and media learning books
on the skills of playing soccer. The Q value of the
table at α = 0.05 is obtained at 3.15. Qh = 1.25 <3.15
(Qt), or there is no difference in the influence between
the learning media of the smartphone and the learning
media of the book on the skills of playing soccer in
Smartphone as an Instructional Media in Teaching Soccer
terms of male students. The Q value of the table at α
= 0.05 is obtained at 3.15. Qh = 18.59> 3.15 (Qt), or
there is a difference of influence between the learning
media of the smartphone and the learning media of
the book on the skills of playing soccer in terms of
female students. The value of F table at α = 0.05 is
obtained by 4.11. Value Fh = 9.91> 2.87 (Ft), or there
is an interaction between learning media and gender
to soccer playing skills: Description of soccer skills
play data can see in table 1.
Table 1: Description of Soccer Skills Play Data.
Learning Media
N = 10
M = 2.65
ΣX = 26.53
N = 10
M = 2.38
ΣX = 23.76
N = 20
M = 2.51
ΣX = 50.3
Smartphones are an exciting technology for
classroom use and sourcing for services, and
smartphones to motivate students to learn, as well as
smartphones as a tool for collaborative learning,
(Odom, 2016).
In male students there is no difference of influence
between learning media of smartphone and media of
learning book to skill of playing soccer. Male group
tends to spend less time to use a smartphone. Male
group can only spend 43 minutes per day, while
women spend 140 minutes a day (Nielsen On Device
Meter 2014 in Gifany and Kurnia, 2017). Further
research results show that female groups are more
dependent on smartphones than men (Chóliz, 2012).
The frequency and duration of smartphone usage is
lower than female (Son, 2014). male students have
smartphone addiction on low category (Bernard,
2016). There are some obstacles in using a
smartphone as a medium of learning such as a small
screen (El-Hussein and Cronje, 2010). Hashemi et al.
(2011) also stated that the software limits the type and
amount of information displayed, and this triggers the
redesign of old text presentations (El-Hussein and
Cronje, 2010). Another obstacle is cost, which
Wilson and Bolliger (2013) point out that although
mobile device costs have declined in recent years,
data service plans may still be too expensive for some
students. There are other limitations in the use of
mobile devices in teaching, including short battery
life (Hashemi et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2009; Wilson
and Bollinger, 2013), discrepancies for graphics
(Hashemi et al., 2011), dependence weight on
bandwidth (Hashemi et al., 2011), possible
transaction error (Wang et al., 2009), limited input
capabilities (Wang et al., 2009), etc. In addition, the
user's psychological perspective is also a factor, as
some people prefer using mobile devices for casual
activities such as texting friends and accessing social
networking services rather than using them for
academic work (Park, 2011; Wang et al., 2009)
Furthermore, between learning media and gender
on soccer playing skills also proved significant, as
both treatments showed different improvements in
learning outcomes. In the group of male students, the
book approach showed better results, while the
female student group who used smartphones as a
learning media showed higher results than the book
media learning. There is a picture of the interaction
between instructional media (learning media of
smartphones and books) with gender (male and
The main limitations of this study include small
sample sizes and some male students doing soccer
exercises beyond treatment activities for this study.
This study provides evidence that there is a difference
in the effect of learning on smartphone media and
instructional media at high school level that
determines effective ways to maximize the use of
smartphone learning media in female students. The
focus of further research is on the barriers of learning
media smartphone to male students.
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Smartphone as an Instructional Media in Teaching Soccer