Analysis of Differences in Social Skills of Students Attending Student
Team Sport Activities Unit
Dadan Hidayat, Didin Budiman, Muhammad Dzikry Al Ghazaly and Rida Ridwan
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Social Skills, Team Work, Student Activity Unit.
Abstract: This research is motivated by the writers‘ observation of student activity unit at university that has positive
or negative impacts. In relation to social skills, and from the analysis of such situations, this sport team of
student activity unit is assumed to have an important role. Therefore, this research is aimed on knowing the
Differences of Social Skills of Students Participating in Sport Team of Student Activity Unit at Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia. This research used a descriptive method. The populations in this study were students
who participated in sport team of student activity units (SAU) of Futsal, Basketball and Handball at UPI
Bandung, as many as 60 people. The sampling technique used saturated sampling technique for 20 students
who participated in futsal SAU, 20 students who participated in basketball SAU and 20 students who
participated in handball SAU. Instrument in this research was closed questionnaire which was analyzed by
using one way anova technique, or often called F test, with help of SPSS 22 program. Based on the data
processing and data analysis, the obtained value of F
social skill (1.781) was smaller than the value of
(3.15), hence Ho was accepted. So, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between
social skills of students who participates in sport team of SAU at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Humans, as social beings, interact with each other in
various ways. Interaction is done to meet each
other's needs and to live comfortably (Bales, 1950).
In order for the interaction to run properly, there
must be social skills. Social skills have important
role in one's life. Such skills are needed to establish
the connection at home, on campus or in the
neighborhood, to intertwin quality friendships.
Students with high social skills have a good social
environment, like many people, because they can
control themselves, able to convey ideas well, to
discuss smoothly, to work together, to be a good
listener, and to respect others, to be active in
organization (Cartledge and Milburn, 1980; Johnson
and Johnson, 1987). Meanwhile, students who have
low social skills have few friends, have hard time to
control themselves, behave aggressively when the
desire is not obeyed, are easily anxious or are afraid
when faced with a new situation.
Students who have good social skills are able to
communicate well with their surroundings, both at
home and on campus (L'Abate and Milan, 1985).
Communication is important to convey ideas or
opinions to others (Izzati, 2016). In college world,
where the level of business grows bigger, students
also usually spend time to participate in
extracurricular activities or so-called Student
Activity Unit (SAU), which refers to a student
organization where students are gathered with
similar interests, passion, creativity, and orientation
of extracurricular activities within the campus.
As for the discussion in this research, futsal,
handball and basketball, the three branches become
the issue that leads to the growth of good social
interpersonal relation among students (Haris, 1986;
Sucipto, 2010). In the learning of futsal, handball
and basketball games by students in SAUs, UPI
must provide elements of social behaviours such as
cooperation, responsibility, acceptance,
communication, non-judgment, empathy, sincerity
and seriousness, fair and impartial attitude,
participation, self-awareness and discipline
(Husdarata, 2014). By then, it is expected there will
be a change or an indication that show that the
results from the futsal, handball or basketball games
bring good social skills in result.
This research is taken to figure the interaction
among students that has impact to the social skills
Hidayat, D., Budiman, D., Ghazaly, M. and Ridwan, R.
Analysis of Differences in Social Skills of Students Attending Student Team Sport Activities Unit.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 238-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
possessed by students from joining SAUs of
basketball, handball and futsal. The writers wanted
to know and analyze the differences of social skills
of students who participated in sport teams of SAUs
at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).
2.1 Participants
The samples were determined based on saturated
sampling technique. The number of samples in this
study were 20 students who participated in futsal
SAU, 20 students who participated in handball SAU
and 20 students who participated in basketball SAU
at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
2.2 Sites
The places of research were adjusted to places where
the SAUs‘ activities took place. Each of the studied
sport teams had a different meeting and training
place, but all of them were centered in Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung.
2.3 Procedures
The used research method was descriptive ex-
postfacto method, a systematic empirical
investigation, in which the researcher does not have
direct control over the independent variables
because the manifestation of the phenomenon has
occurred or because the phenomenon is difficult to
be manipulated (Abduljabar and Darajat, 2012).
This study took place from 1 August to 26 August
2.4 Instrument
The used instrument was questionnaire of social
skills (social skills) about the implementation of
values in interacting. Researchers then conducted
trials to find the validity and reliability. Processing
was done by using statistic f-test (one way anova).
2.5 Data analysis
All collected data were analyzed by descriptive ex-
postfacto method using statistic f-test (one way
3.1 Results of social skills score of
students who participated in futsal
Figure 1: Social skills score of students who participated
in futsal SAU.
Figure 1 shows that the average score of 3.9 with
standard deviation of futsal SAU at 0.195. If it is made in
percentage, the average score is 78%.
3.2 Results of social skills score of
students who participated in
basketball SAU
Figure 2: Social skills score for students who participated
in basketball SAU.
Figure 2 shows that the average score of 3.78
with standard deviation of basketball SAU at 0.283.
If it is made in percentage, the average score is 76%.
Analysis of Differences in Social Skills of Students Attending Student Team Sport Activities Unit
3.3 Results of social skills score of
students who participated in
handball SAU
Figure 3: Social skills score for students who participated
in handball SAU.
Figure 3 shows that the average score of 3.77
with standard deviation of handball SAU at 0.205. If
it is made in percentage, the average score is 75%.
Based on the score on the distribution table at the
level of significance α = 0.05 with dk = 59, the value
of F in the distribution table is 3.15, while the value
of F arithmetic is 1.781. Then, Fcount <Ftable i.e.
(1.781 <3.15) or as seen that in the F-test column.
sig. is 0.178, or a probability value above 0.05
(0.178> 0.05). Thus, it can be interpreted that there
is no significant difference between social skills of
students who participate in futsal, basketball and
handball SAUs at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Table 1: Students’ Skills Score.
Sum of
This result can be interpreted that, in this case,
sport teams have the same effect to develop student
social skill. This matter is a result of fact that
students that participate in sport teams have higher
and similar soul. From the trainings that SAUs
apply, these sports teams also apply some formation
of same social characters at the time of practice, and
often re-done outside the exercise schedule. This
habit makes the three SAUs‘ sport teams have the
same high social skills, because one's social skills
are basically characters or personality traits that can
be observed when someone interacts with others.
The activities of SAU sport teams, namely futsal,
basketball and handball SAUs, are very good to be
joined by students, because they can give relatively
good contributions to the character’s formation, also
have impact to social behavior of students that join
them. This is in accordance with Kohlberg and
Selman (1972) who says that, "Schools play a
central role in shaping characters by instilling
discipline and empathy that allows genuine
involvement in the value of civilization and morals."
Because of the activities from these three SAUs,
students can socialize and interact with other friends.
The more active a student participates in the
activities of sport teams of SAUs, the higher is his or
her level of skills and science. Unconsciously, the
social behavior will be formed by itself.
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L'Abate, L., Milan, M. A., 1985. Handbook of social skills
training and research (Vol. 53). Wiley-Interscience.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education