Development of Bleep Test Team Software
Muhammad Zaki Waluya, Fajar Agni Fauzan and Rosadi Turjamil
Sport Education Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung,
Keywords: Bleep Test, VO2max.
Abstract: Bleep test team software development research was motivated by the implementation of bleep test which is
only guided by the audio CD recording without automatic recording, then the development of domestic
software that is easier, practical, effective, and efficient in running its process was needed. With the
domestic bleep test software, it will be easier for testees to monitor the running of test, easily and
practically. The purpose of this research is to produce bleep test team software product or in other language
that is, 20m multi stage fitness. Bleep test is one of the tests to measure the prediction of maximum aerobic
abruption or VO2max. The main function of this software is to guide the way bleep test that facilitates the
testee in monitoring the tester with automatic record value. The research method used is adapted from
research method of Research and development Sugiyono that is with stages: (1) Potential and Problem (2)
Information Collection (3) Product Design (4) Design Validation (5) Design Repairing (6) The trials
product. The result of validation test and trials performed, starting from simulated bleep test software and
field experiments, show that it generally worked well, and software programs are aligned in accordance with
the bleep test rules created by experts.
In modern times today, it is undeniable that science
and technology (science and technology) have many
roles and help in improving the quality of human
life, especially in learning and achievement in
sports. The development of science and technology
is very necessary. Every innovation is created to
provide positive benefits for human life (Kurniawan,
2004). Providing many conveniences, as well as a
new way of doing human activities. Technology,
especially in data collection and analysis techniques
by computerization, will help the athletes and their
coaching staff to achieve faster and more precise
targets (Fox, 2003). For example, by adopting data
analysis techniques that have been frequently used
by office companies, to improve performance and
measure employee satisfaction, into the world of
sports with the intended target by athletes and
coaches that can be achieved.
In general, sports require a good physical
condition for an athlete to excel in each sporting
branch of each. One of the most important physical
elements of exercise is the endurance of
cardioresviration (Armstrong, 2006). Basically, there
are two kinds of cardiorespiratory resistance, aerobic
and anaerobic. During exercise in general, anaerobic
resistance is required to perform explosive
movements that require an explosion of energy
(Rodrigues, 2006). However, for the game in
general, movement patterns, as well as recovery
time, aerobic resistance is needed. Measurements of
cardiorespiratory resistance to aerobic capacity can
be performed by measuring maximal oxygen
consumption (VO2max). VO2max is the maximum
amount of oxygen that can be consumed during
intense physical activity until eventually fatigue
occurs (Astorin, 2000). Measurement of VO2max
values can be used to analyze the effects of a
physical exercise program.
One of the VO2max measurement tests is bleep
test, according to Iztok (2012) The multi-stage 20-m
shuttle run test (MSRT) is one of the most popular
field tests of the maximum speed for an indirect
estimation of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max).
From the above statement, it can be concluded that a
multi-stage 20-m shuttle run test or also called bleep
test is one of the popular field tests used to find the
estimated value of VO2max. The VO2max value
data is used as an evaluation for athletes, both in
Waluya, M., Fauzan, F. and Turjamil, R.
Development of Bleep Test Team Software.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 257-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
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