The Large Class Teaching Strategies in Aquatic Activities
Eka Nugraha, Carsiwan Carsiwan, Cep Ubad Abdulah and Burhan Hambali
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Large Class Teaching, Peer Assist Learning, Cooperative Learning, Gliding, Basic Swimming Movements.
Abstract: The challenge of learning in large classes demands appropriate classroom strategy setting, the main problem
of this research is to find out the increase in gliding skill, as well as its correlation with freestyle swimming
basic movements. The method used was quasi experiment, with casual comparative research wherein all
student of class of 2014 enrolling aquatic activity. The sampling technique was purposive sampling by
which 108 students were selected. They were divided into three homogenous groups based on their
respective gliding test result deemed as the most dominant movement patterns in their aquatic activities.
Class A and C used peer assist learning (PAL), Class B applied mixed conventional learning strategies (CL=
Cooperative Learning and DI= Direct Instruction) for 8 meetings. Based on the calculation and data
analysis, there is a significant increase of skill with ρ = 0,031 (0.031 < 0.05). Each group has an increase
and positive correlation between gliding on freestyle swimming style of 0.64 of 0.00). The conclusion of
the research on the application of PAL and CL in large-scale aquatic learning activities has improved
students' gliding ability, and there is a positive correlation between sliding towards freestyle movement.
The requirement of PJOK curriculum requires the
master teacher to master the skills related to aquatic
activities, this activity becomes the compulsory
subject for the prospective teacher student in the
sports education department, but the selection of
candidates in the two study programs (PJKR and
PGSD Penjas) does not require those basic
swimming skills. The impact of the recruitment
system without requiring basic swimming skills plus
an overly large class (on average for every 40
students), the failure rate of students who do not
have basic swimming skills in the first semester is
quite high above 50% on average.
The NASPE developed standards of teacher ratio
and pupils are at least 1:35 for safety and effective
learning, if higher than those standards are called
large classes, which will have consequences, among
others: decreasing active learning time related to
classroom management issues; reduced time, tool
and space ratio; decreasing the ability of teachers to
provide individual learning time; which will increase
only the risk of injury and admonish students who
"deviated" more and more.
Large classroom learning requires a specific
strategy in its implementation, given the subsequent
problems and impacts, addressing large class
challenges such as those recommended by NASPE
for large classes, including: learning is made in
small groups, cooperative learning, peer teaching,
work, the application of different curricula,
individual learning, class projects, peer assessment /
assessment (Santin et al., 2015).
The large learning strategy developed in the
PJKR study program through the first semester of
UTS uses a selection of various learning strategies
based on the consideration of the ratio of lecturers
and students is limited, group B students are students
with average test results glide at the beginning of the
course, but not too afraid with the water
environment, as evidenced by the gliding test over
2.50 m but less than 4.0 m, Group A students have
mastered more than 2 styles, the average test result
slid more than 4.0 meters, while the C group's ability
to glide at less than 2.40m is the group who cannot
yet swim with various background reasons.
Based on the consideration of the ratio of
students and lecturers, in group B will be applied
conventional learning with various learning
strategies are more likely to cooperative learning
(CL), CL is not just cooperation alone but according
Schmidt et al. (2015) more as a positive structure of
interdependence in pursuit of special goals or results
Nugraha, E., Carsiwan, C., Abdulah, C. and Hambali, B.
The Large Class Teaching Strategies in Aquatic Activities.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 266-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Topping, 2005). A class that has the ability to swim
more than 2 styles, lecture materials up to 8
meetings / midtes goal is mastery of 25-meter
freestyle pool, group A who has mastered the
swimming skills, will help group C to peer teacher
of his group C which is not yet can swim.
A learning approach known as peer teaching
model is more familiar with PAL in physical
education, a potential learning to eliminate some
obstacles to the students' learning process as well as
fun, helping teachers to directly observe and study
difficulties among individual students in Metzler and
Croft (2005) and Jenkinson et al. (2018), as well as
learning strategies that practice peer learning has
become a model of learning that is often used widely
from various disciplines and various levels of
education, including nursing, medicine, law,
accounting, economics , English, micro-biology and
chemistry (Duah et al., 2014). Research in clinical
physiotherapy (Sevenhuysen et al., 2013). These
PAL researches indicate that PAL is an important
means of providing opportunities to help new
students tackle and pass the first year at university
(Jenkinson et al., 2018), as well as providing an
important role model for student success.
The results of PAL-related research in the world
of Physical Education and Sport, there are some
noteworthy research findings linked to school of
snatch and sports as well as physical activity
(D'Arripe-Longueville et al., 2002; Ayvazo and
Ward 2009); PAL associated with learning in
elementary school (Crouch et al., 1997; Jenkinson et
al., 2018; Ward et al., 1998; Johnson and Ward
2001; Nurmi and Kokkonen, 2015).
The implementation of Cooperative Learning
(CL) in the learning of PE has also been widely
practiced, according to Dyson et al., 2010. CL has
been understood as an innovative method of
learning, which develops cooperation between
students and groups, by organizing classes in small
groups (Lafont et al., 2017). The purpose of this
research is to reveal the learning strategy in an effort
to improve the skill mastery skill of students of
FPOK UPI Bandung, where the ability to glide is
also suspected as dominant motion pattern which
contributes to the mastery of basic free style motion.
2.1 Participants
Of 140 FPOK UPI Bandung students registered and
enrolled in aquatic activities course 1, They were
selected by purposive sampling technique as many
as 108 students, women = 34.6% and Men 65.4%,
their average age = 18.09 years; average height =
167.76 cm; and mean body weight = 57.86 kg, all
students who participated in this study were healthy
and physically normal.
2.2 Instrument
2.2.1 The Gliding Skill Test without Leg and
Arm Movement
The instrument used to classify basic swim motion
skills, through glide tests as dominant motion
patterns in aquatic activity,), gliding abilities in
terms of distance traveled by the student from the
starting position attached to the pool side wall until
another movement changes the slide position. this
glide test has been carried out over 4 years as a
preliminary study, this slide is suspected as
"building block" dominant base pattern in aquatic /
swimming activities (Nugraha and Firmansyah,
2013a; Nugraha and Firmansyah, 2013b).
2.2.2 The Swimming Basic Technique Tests
Instrument used to assess the basic freestyle skill is
the free style swim skill check form, in which the
range of each freestyle technique is 1 - 4, (consisting
of body position, arm movement, leg movement, and
coordination of motion intact), as well as the
distance that student can take.
All college students contracting aquatic activities
courses are summoned for explanation related to
early lecture activities and lecture models that will
be followed, the determination of the lecture model
that is lived depends on the initial test results of the
ability to glide. The procedure for gliding test is
described as follows:
Students are lined up 5 in accordance with
the order of the attendance list, in the
sequence starting the first line of conduct, the
second line of preparation, and the third line
of noting and reporting the results of the first
row member, the alternate sequential position
for each class;
The ready position of the testee standing
position on the edge of the pool cuts the track
lane, one foot attached to the pool wall as a
pedestal, both arms put together and
straightened maintained;
The "yes" position of the leg is placed on the
wall, straight body position, straight leg, and
The Large Class Teaching Strategies in Aquatic Activities
straight arm clamping both ears, held parallel
to the surface of the water;
The gliding position is held steadily, until the
change position means the slide has been
completed. mileage recorded in a centimeter.
The freestyle basic skill test is done at the end of
the semester on the 8th week, the test using the
freestyle skill assessment (Nugraha and Firmansyah,
Based on the calculation and analysis, the next data
is processed using SPSS Software version 22.00
IBM for improvement of glide ability in each group
as in figure 1. Techniques, it can save inventory
costs of $11,253.85.
Figure 1: The Gliding Skill Improvement Chart.
In Figure 1, it is seen that all learning groups
have been improving, although the improvement is
not very noticeable, but basically every learning
team in this skill mastery skill has improved better,
as for to see the difference of its increase can be seen
from the result of descriptive analysis, at table 1.
Table 1. The Result of Descriptive Analysis.
Std. Error
Group A
Group B
Group A
From the follow up test of ANOVA, the
improvement of the respective groups is more
obvious as in Table 2.
Table 2: Anova Analysis Result.
Sum of
From the analysis, it was revealed that F was
137,24 and it was significant in p_value 0,00 (0,00 <
0,05). The result confirmed that there are significant
improvement differences between groups (Group A,
B and C). The difference was presented in table 3.
Table 3: The comparison of Gliding Test Result.
(I) Group
Std. Error
95% Confidence
Group A
Group B
Based on the results of post-anova test analysis,
showed that group A showed a higher increase than
group B, with a mean difference of 0.41 and
significant at 0.00 (0,00 < 0,05). The comparison of
group an increase was higher than group C with the
mean difference of 0.46 and significant at 0.00 (0,00
< 0,05). While the comparison of increase between
group B and group C did not show significant
difference, with the mean difference of 0.05 and not
significant at 0.12 (0,12 > 0,05).
The conclusion of the research has come to the
understanding that the learning strategy through
PAL and CL and DI can improve the ability of
student glide as well as to improve the mastery of
their basic swimming skill, according to previous
research result related to the skill mastery in Grade 3
Class (Johnson and Ward, 2001).
The impact of learning strategies in homogenous
classes decreased the failure rate of students in
semester 1, whereas the failure rate of 3 years before
the implementation of this strategy, close to almost
53% so that students who follow the aquatic activity
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
2 can be reduced almost half, but it needs to do
further research related to the subjective impression
of the students to different classes (class A, Class B,
and class C)
The results of correlation analysis obtained
through Pearson correlation between the ability to
slide with the results of basic freestyle skills was
shown in table 4.
Table 4: The Result of Correlation Analysis.
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed
From table 4. Pearson Correlation coefficients
are used to determine correlation among research
variables, in this study the skill of gliding and the
result of freestyle skill showed a positive correlation
( .01 = .648).
Similar to the preliminary research that has been
going on for almost 4 (four) years that the ability to
glide is directly proportional to the mastery of free-
floating elementary movement skills, the ability to
glide / float is suspected as "Building Block"
dominant base pattern on aquatic activity (Nugraha
and Firmansyah, 2013a).
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The Large Class Teaching Strategies in Aquatic Activities