The Effect of the Outdoor Education Program Camping and Hiking
toward The Social Skills and Creativity of the Students
Ravie Adam Frasetya, Nurlan Kusmaedi and Surdiniaty Ugelta
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Outdoor Education, Hiking, Camping, Social Skills and Creativity.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the effect of outdoor education Program of hiking and camping
experiment on social skill and creativity of student. The method used in this research is the experimental
method with the pretest and post-test two treatment design. The sample in this study is 40 students of 7th
grades Junior High School YPI Bandung, each of which 20 women and men. The use of the sample in this
study was divided into two group, the experimental group games A and experimental group games B. Based
on the results of the study, the experimental group games A showed improvement in social skills skills after
being given treatment outdoor education with an average difference of 13.9, For the creativity of the
experimental group A games showed an improvement in their creativity after being treatment with an
average difference of 9.55. For experimental group game B showed improvement of social skill ability after
being given treatment outdoor education with average difference of 15,10, while for Kreativitas
experimental group of game B showed improvement of their creativity ability after being given treatment
with average difference of 12,70 . Although both groups of experimental samples showed changes, it was
seen that the experimental group of games B was better than the experimental group of games A. The
conclusion of this research is that outdoor education gives significant influence to social skill and creativity
of 7th grades junior high school student of YPI Bandung.
Along with the development of the era and
technology it is fitting for education to get
continuous attention to improve the quality so as not
to be left behind in this era of globalization. The
learning process that aims to develop the full
potential of the individual, nowadays the
introduction of outdoor education. Outdoor
education is outdoor learning, Teaching and learning
through natural, community and human resources
outside the classroom that involves people living
together, talking, and sharing the environment for
the physical, recreational, educational, social, and
educational development of learners. (Higgins and
Loynes, 1997; Harun and Salamuddin, 2013;
Dignan, 2002; Neill, 2001). Outdoor education tries
to revive the concepts of various disciplines on
science, thereby also creating experience, ecology
and social in the world of children and young people
so that outdoor education to provide an effective
development experience for students in school.
(Harun and Salamuddin, 2013; Neill, 1997). Outdoor
education program in this research is hiking and
camping. Hiking is a relaxing activity that makes
people aware of nature that is to interact with the
natural environment, perhaps to connect with
themselves and social (Kastenholz and Rodrigues,
2007; Ferreira, 1998). Camping is an outdoor
recreation activity who away from home or
environment, perhaps using a tent that involves
temporary change in the new social and physical
environment. The benefits of camping are also
capable of making changes, physical skills, health,
enjoyment, social experience, and personal calm.
(Kelk, 1994; Hassell et al., 2015; Grubb and Grubb,
2013). Character forming through outdoor education
program hiking and camping to be achieved is social
skills and creativity. These social skills support to
interact with others, so as to develop themselves
because it has a social relationship capable to help
positive relationships with others in order to work
together, reduce psychological distress so as to
achieve the development of work skills and
productivity. (Maryani, 2009; Comb and Slaby,
1977; Costa, 1991). Meanwhile, creativity is useful
Frasetya, R., Kusmaedi, N. and Ugelta, S.
The Effect of the Outdoor Education Program Camping and Hiking toward The Social Skills and Creativity of the Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 272-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dor confront, answer, and solve any problems that
arise. Creativity is a state of mind in which all our
intelligences work together. A creative person can
approach variedly and have a variety of possible
solutions to a problem. Someone who has creative
potential can show the results of deeds, performance
or work, both in the form of goods and ideas in a
meaningful and quality. (Saebø et al., 2007;
Reisman, 2013; Chen et al., 2011; Brockling, 2006).
This ever-changing world needs more creative
people, because the problem will be more complex
and many people need creativity to solve personal
and social problems and problems in education as
well (Akande, 1997).
In accordance with the purpose of this research is to
reveal the influence of outdoor education program
camping and hiking on social skills and creativity,
then the research method used in this research is the
experimental method using the pretest post-test two
treatment design. Population in this research is
junior high school student of 7th SMP YPI Bandung.
for the sample in this study are 40 students divided
into two groups namely group A as the group
Experiment games A, and group B as the group
Experimental games B with each group of 20
students. The instrument used to get data from this
research is in the form of a questionary Social skills
with 42 questions developed by researchers from
social skills dimensions Caldarella and Merrell
(1997) and questionary Creativity with 40 items of
questions adopted from Afriyuandi (2014).
Table 1: Statistical Computation of Social Skill and
Sample Test
Social skill
Games a
Games b
Games a
Games b
3.1 Social Skills
3.1.1 The Effect of Outdoor Education on
Social Skills on Experimental Games A
To analyze the average difference and before and
after treatment in one group then paired samples test,
following test result paired samples test on social
skill in game experiment group A.
Based on table 1, it is shown that if the positive t
count means the average before the test is higher
than after the test and if the negative t count means
the average before the test is lower than after the test
of. Based on the results of paired samples test note
that t table -11.185 it shows that the value of posttest
is greater than the value of pretest. This means that
there is an average difference in before and after
treatment on social skills in the experimental group
Games A.
3.1.2 The Effect of Outdoor Education on
Social Skills on Experimental Games A
To analyze the average difference and before and
after treatment in one group then paired samples test,
following test result paired samples test on social
skill in game experiment group A.
If the positive t count means the average before
the test is higher than after the test and if the
negative t count means the average before the test is
lower than after the test of. Based on the results of
paired samples test note that t table -11.674 it shows
that the value of posttest is greater than the value of
pretest. This means that there is an average
difference in before and after treatment on social
skills in the experimental group Games B.
3.1.3 The Effect of Outdoor Education on
Social Skills on the Learners of
Experimental Group Games A is
Higher than the Experimental Group
Games B
Next see at the differences in social skills in the
experimental group games A and group experiments
games B then tested independent samples test. Based
on the result of independent calculation of samples
test above, we get t value for social skill value is -
0.458 and ttable for 95% significance level and
degrees of freedom (df) = 38 obtained ttable = 2,024.
The value -t count <-t table (-0.458 <-2.024) and P
value (0,000 <0,05) then Ho is rejected, it means
that there is a difference between the mean value of
Social Skill in Game A and Game Experiments
Group B.
A negative t value means that the average value
of the experimental group of games A is lower than
The Effect of the Outdoor Education Program Camping and Hiking toward The Social Skills and Creativity of the Students
the average value of the experimental group of
games B, with a mean difference of -1,050. This
means that the social skill value of the Game B
experimental group is greater than 1.050 compared
to the social skills of the Game A experimental
3.1.4 The Effect of Outdoor Education on
Creativity on Experimental Games A
To analyze the average difference and before and
after treatment in one group then paired samples test,
following test result paired samples test on creativity
in game experiment group A.
If the positive t count means the average before
the test is higher than after the test and if the
negative t count means the average before the test is
lower than after the test of. Based on the results of
paired samples test note that t table -7,353 it shows
that the value of posttest is greater than the value of
pretest. This means that there is an average
difference in before and after treatment on creativity
in the experimental group Games A.
3.1.5 The Effect of Outdoor Education on
Creativity on Experimental Games A
To analyze the average difference and before and
after treatment in one group then paired samples test,
following test result paired samples test on creativity
in game experiment group A.
If the positive t count means the average before
the test is higher than after the test and if the
negative t count means the average before the test is
lower than after the test of. Based on the results of
paired samples test note that t table -7,087 it shows
that the value of posttest is greater than the value of
pretest. This means that there is an average
difference in before and after treatment on creativity
in the experimental group Games B.
3.2 Creativity
3.2.1 The Effect of Outdoor Education on
Creativity on the Learners of
Experimental Group Games A is
Higher than the Experimental Group
Games B
Next see at the differences in social skills in the
experimental group games A and group experiments
games B then tested independent samples test. Based
on the result of independent calculation of samples
test above, we get t value for social skill value is -
0.1216 and ttable for 95% significance level and
degrees of freedom (df) = 38 obtained ttable = 2,024.
The value -t count <-t table (-0,1216 < -2,024) and P
value (0,000 <0,05) then Ho is rejected, it means
that there is a difference between the mean value of
creativity in Game A and Game Experiments Group
A negative t value means that the average value
of the experimental group of games A is lower than
the average value of the experimental group of
games B, with a mean difference of -2,850. This
means that the social skill value of the Game B
experimental group is greater than 2,850 compared
to the creativity of the Game A experimental group.
The results of this study show that the outdoor
education programs have a positive impact on
aspects of social skills and creativity of students.
The results of the calculation of data analysis has
been done is:
There is an average difference before and after
the outdoor treatment on the social skills of
the experimental Games group A. Supported
by statement Sawyers (1994) in Fatai et al.
(2014) "outdoor play helps children develop
knowledge , Social skills, and motor skills.
Therefore, educators and teachers of young
children should work to ensure outdoor
environments conducive to children's play are
available "which means that through outdoor
games help children develop knowledge,
social skills, and motor skills. Therefore
educators should strive to ensure an outside
environment to be conducive to the play area.
The above statements support the discovery of
this research that outdoor education has a
significant effect on social skills;
There is an average difference before and after
the outdoor treatment on the social skills of
the experimental Games group B Supported
by Neill's statement (2001), "Outdoor
education is considered as a cultural
phenomenon, with personal and social
development as the major purpose. Other
goals typically relate to physical, recreational,
educational, therapeutic, and environmental
outcomes "which means that outdoor
education is considered a cultural
phenomenon, with the development of
personality and social development as the
primary goal of outdoor education. Other aims
usually relate to physical, recreational,
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
educational, therapeutic, and environmental
outcomes The above statement supports the
findings of this study that outdoor education
has a significant effect on social skills;
The score social skills of the experimental
Games group B is 1.050 greater than the social
skills of the experimental Games group A.
Supported by statements from Fatai et al.
(2014) "through unstructured play, children
enhance their cooperative and Social skills,
build knowledge through imitation, and gain
new insights through trial and error "meaning
that through unstructured play, children can
improve cooperation and social skills, build
knowledge through imitation, and gain new
insights through trial and error. The above
statement supports the findings of this study
that outdoor experimental group games B
games are better than the experimental games
A group;
There is an average difference before and after
the outdoor treatment on creativity of the
experimental Games group A. Supported by
Brown statement (2010), which is: "Learning
outdoors can be enjoyable, creative,
challenging and adventurous and helpful
children and young people "Brown explained
that learning about things outside the
classroom or the outdoors can provide
comfort, creativity, challenge, and adventure.
It is what will help children or young people
to learn from experience and grow into a
society that is confident and responsible in
giving value and appreciation to the
environment where he lives. The above
statement supports the findings of this
research that outdoor education has a
significant effect on creativity;
There is an average difference before and after
treatment on the creativity of the experimental
group Games B. Supported by Brown's
statement (2010), namely: "Learning outdoors
can be enjoyable, creative, challenging and
adventurous and helps children learn and learn
by "Brown explained that learning about
things outside the classroom or the outdoors
can provide comfort, creativity, challenge, and
adventure. It is what will help children or
young people to learn from experience and
grow into a society that is confident and
responsible in giving value and appreciation to
the environment where he lives. The above
statement supports the findings of this
research that outdoor education has a
significant effect on creativity.
The creativity value of the experiment Game
group B is 2.850 larger than the creativity of
the experiment Game group A. Supported by
statements from Fatai et al. (2014) "... to build
knowledge through imitation, and gain new
insights through trial and error" which means
building knowledge through imitation, and
gaining insight New through trial and error.
The point is that by building knowledge
through imitations and new insights, learners
will gain a new understanding so that he will
develop it after trial and error so that it will
make learners think hard to finish the game.
The above statement supports the findings of
this study that outdoor experimental games
group B are better than the experimental
games group A.
From the results of data analysis and discussion of
the findings presented in the previous chapter, the
following conclusions are obtained:
There is an effect of outdoor education games
A on social skills;
There is an effect of outdoor education games
B on social skills;
Outdoor education model games B gives a
more significant effect than outdoor education
model games A on social skills;
There is the effect of outdoor education games
A on creativity;
There is an effect of outdoor education games
B on creativity;
Outdoor education model games B gives a
more significant effect than outdoor education
model games A on creativity.
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