Physical Education Students’ Physical Self-Concept
Jajat Jajat
, Kuston Sultoni
, Cep Ubad Abdullah
and Adang Suherman
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Galuh Ciamis, Jl. R. E. Martadinatha No. 150, Ciamis, Indonesia
Keywords: Physical Education, Physical Self-Concept, Physical Fitness, Physical Activities, Sports Extracurricular.
Abstract: According to some studies, physical self-concept has an important role in developing one’s physical fitness.
Students of physical education program, as prospective educators, are expected to have a good physical self-
concept, because they will serve as motivators for their students in increasing physical activity. The study of
physical self-concept in the prospective physical education teachers in Indonesia is still relatively rare.
Therefore, this study aims to examine the physical self-concept of physical education students in terms of
their involvement in sports extracurricular activities. The method used was causal comparative. The sample
is a student of physical education program from PJKR program of Galuh Ciamis University as many as 103
people, in which 69 people are involved in extracurricular sport and 34 people are not involved. The
instrument was personal self-description questionnaire (PSDQ). The results showed that there was a
significant difference between physical self-concept of physical education program students involved in
extracurricular sports with those who are not involved (p = 0.006).The students of physical education
programs that engage extracurricular sports have higher average physical self-concept than those who are
not involved in extracurricular activities. These results indicate that, the involvement of prospective teacher
candidates in extracurricular sports has an important role in improving the physical self-concept.
In the last few decades, research on the effects of
physical activity on promoting health and preventing
non-infectious diseases is becoming a trend in some
countries including Indonesia. Involvement in
physical activity is believed to prevent many adverse
risks to health conditions (Lee, 2012), preventing
impaired cognitive function (Laurin, 2015) and
positively correlated with psychological conditions
(Parfitt et al., 2009).
Despite its many benefits, but the involvement in
physical activity in Indonesia is still relatively low
(Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan,
2013). The understanding of the importance of
fitness-related health also turns out not to be
positively correlated with physically active lifestyle
behaviors (Sultoni et al., 2016). The low
involvement in physical activity is caused by various
obstacles. In general, the barriers faced by teenagers
(students) in Indonesia are relatively similar, the
only difference lies in the factor of "social influence
and lack of willpower" (Jajat et al., 2016).
When talking about the importance of
developing an active lifestyle and increasing
participation rates in physical activity among
adolescents, there are many psychological factors
involved and should be considered. One of the
psychological factors associated with active lifestyle
behavior and physical activity is the physical self-
concept. Physical self-concept components are
believed to have a positive relationship with physical
activity and sport-related behavior (Dishman, 2006)
Physical self-concept is considered an important
sub-domain of the overall self-concept component
consisting of general self-evaluation and weight
evaluation, athletic ability perception, to body
assessment (Shriver, 2012). Physical self-concept
has an important role in adolescence, which at that
age there are many changes in their bodies (Dolenc,
2015). Maintaining physical self-concept during
adolescence can have a positive impact on their
mental health and well-being (Maïano et al., 2004).
Physical self-concept also plays an important role in
improving self-concept globally, especially in
individuals who have a low self-concept (Knapen,
Jajat, J., Sultoni, K., Abdullah, C. and Suherman, A.
Physical Education Students’ Physical Self-Concept.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 282-285
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2005). In particular, the important role of physical
self-concept, especially in the areas of physical
activity and sport, which are predictors of motor
learning and involvement in sports, or are the result
of physical exercise (Marsh et al., 2006).
The formation of self-concept is influenced by
various factors; the data of one's physical structure,
psychological views, also interact closely with the
social context (Cash et al., 2004). Physical self-
concept is also influenced by genetic fitness levels
(Dunton, 2006) and gender (Klomsten et al., 2004;
Hagger et al., 2005; Dolenc, 2015).
A number of studies have suggested that
exercising regularly is likely to have better physical
self-concept and psychological health (Martín-Albo,
2012). Teenagers who are actively involved in
various physical and sports activities have better
physical self-concept averages. Individuals who do
physical activity and exercise regularly can improve
their physical fitness, and there is a close
relationship between physical fitness and BMI with
physical self-concept (Aktop, 2010; Carraro et al.,
2010; Amesberger, 2011; Balsalobre et al., 2014).
In order to better develop the physical self-
concept of youth, physical education teachers must
provide an interesting learning program through a
positive climate relevant to individual needs. This
condition can not be done by the teachers of physical
education if they have never experienced the same
thing. Involvement in physical and sports activities
to improve the physical self-concept must be
initiated as a prospective student teacher. Some
studies suggest that students who take courses in
physical education and sports have a better physical
self-concept than other courses (Arazi and Hosseini,
2013; Medina, 2016). This is certainly because
students of physical education programs and sports
spend more time involved in physical activity
compared to other students. In Indonesia, research
on the physical perception of teenagers is relatively
small, especially with regard to physical self-concept
especially related to involvement in sports
extracurricular. Therefore, the purpose of this study
was to examine physical self-concept of physical
education students, among those involved in
extracurricular sports with those not involved.
2.1 Participant
The study was carried out to Physical Education
Program students FKIP Universitas Galuh Ciamis.
As many as 103 students (69 students are actively
participating in sports UKM and the other 34 are
not) voluntarily voluntarily fill out the instrument of
involvement in the student activity unit and the
PSDQ presented through an internet based
questionnaire (google form).
2.2 Procedure
The participants were asked to fill out an internet-
based questionnaire on a voluntary basis. Based on
the results of the questionnaire, it is known that a
number of 69 students are active in sport
extracurricular and 34 people are not active. The
researchers then compared the mean value of the
results of the PSDQ questionnaires between the two
2.3 Instrument
To find out the involvement in sports extracurricular
or not, an open questionnaire is used through
identity filling in google form. Extracurricular types,
duration of involvement and intensity of activities
carried out are also revealed in this section.
Physical self-concept was assessed using the
Indonesian version of Physical Self-Description
Questionnaire (PSDQ). The original PSDQ
Questioner (Marsh et al., 1994) is an instrument
used to measure self-concept, ie nine specific
components (Appearance, Body Fat, Physical
Activity, Strength, Coordination, Flexibility,
Endurance, Sports Competence, Health) and two the
general component (Global Physical Self and Self-
Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics and the
difference in the average of physical self-concept
between students involved in sports extracurricular
and those who are not involved. The mean score and
standard deviation of physical self-concept students
who were active in sports extracurricular programs
(M = 257.20; SD = 35.45) were greater than those of
non-active extracurricular sports (M = 236.76; SD =
Table 1: The Students score.
Physical Self-Concept Score
Sports Extracurricular
Non Extracurricular
Physical Education Students’ Physical Self-Concept
The t-test results show in table 2 that there is a
difference of physical self-concept between the
active students with the inactive extracurricular with
t = 2.831, p = .006.
Table 2: The difference test result of t test.
Physical Self-
Based on the means, there is a difference
between students who are active in extracurricular
sports with those inactive in the extracurricular
sports. This means that involvement in sports
extracurricular activities has a significant effect on
the physical self-concept.
Based on these results, it is clear that
involvement in sports extracurricular activities has
an important role in improving the physical self-
concept. Several other studies have shown that
physical self-concept sports students are better than
non-sports (Arazi and Hosseini, 2013; Medina,
2016). Participation in all types of extracurricular
activities is closely related to social and higher
academic self-concept, compared to those that are
not participating
Other studies are also aligned and show that
teenagers' involvement in extracurricular activities
has a positive relationship with variables such as
academic aspirations and positive attitudes toward
schools (Darling, 2005). This means that
involvement in extracurricular activities will have a
positive impact on the physical self-concept of
prospective Physical education teachers as an effort
to promote an active lifestyle.
The result showed that there is a significant physical
self-concept difference between physical education
students between those participating in
extracurricular and those who did not participate.
The involvement in extracurricular sports
activities can help increase confidence in physical
self-concept. Students will feel confident when
confronted in activities that are physical, so it is
expected to become their skill when later became a
physical education teacher. However, this study still
has some weaknesses. As for instance, for how long
the involvement of students in sports extracurricular
activities is one factor that has not been the attention
of the research. Therefore, more research is needed
to pay more attention to various other factors.
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