The Effects of Senam Perkasa Indonesia on the Elderly’s Lung
Inspiratory Capacity
Widy Dewi Nuryanti , Hena Hena and Angelia Angelia
School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Gymnastics, Senam Perkasa, Lung, Elderly.
Abstract: This article is about to discuss whether there is any effect of Senam Perkasa Indonesia on the elderly’s lung
inspiratory capacity. The author considers that there are very few people who examine this kind of
gymnastic, especially when it is associated with the inspiratory capacity of elderly’s lungs. This quasi
experimental research was conducted with purposive sampling technique of the elderly group in Melong
Asih Mandiri RW 31 Melong Village, South Cimahi Sub district and meet the inclusion criteria of 18
people in each group. The instrument used was a Spiro-ball tool, the tool that is used to measure the
inspiratory capacity of a person's lungs. The results obtained were analyzed by Statistic Paired Sample T-
Test and continued using Independent Simple T-Test. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that the
value of the test result of the two groups (3,376), (p) = 0.002 <0.05 then H0 is rejected, which means that
there is a difference in the number of elderly lung inspiratory capacity between the experimental group and
the control group. In other words, the exercise of Senam Perkasa Indonesia has an effect on the inspiratory
capacity of elderly’s lung.
Senam Perkasa Indonesia is one form of gymnastics,
the implementation of this sport is a combination of
gymnastics and breathing exercise (Perry, 1983). By
doing this gymnastics, one can feel the optimal
health which gradually restores the position and
flexibility of the nerves and blood flow, opening the
system of intelligence, sweat system, body heating
system and one of them expedites the cardiovascular
system. Besides that, by doing these gymnastics
classified as aerobic physical activity on a regular
basis can improve physical fitness. [1]
In the previous research conducted by Dewi and
Tri in Saladin and Miller (1998) regular exercise of
Healthy Heart Gymnastics and Ergonomics
Gymnastics can effectively lower blood pressure of
the elderly who suffers hypertension.
These gymnastics can be done by anyone
without age restrictions, however, these gymnastics
is mostly followed by the elderly. Elderly is a further
stage of a life process where everyone will
experience the aging process (Cote, 1995). During
the aging process there will be anatomical and
physical changes in the organs of the body and most
of the changes that occur in the elderly are changes
in the negative direction or a decrease (Livingstone
and Hubel, 1988). Decreases in old age are such as
physical decrease marked by gray hair, flabby skin,
slow motion, less muscle strength, changes in body
fat percentage, flexibility, agility, and endurance and
the onset of illnesses that cause elderly fitness to
decrease (Saladin and Miller, 1998). In addition,
there is also a decrease in cardiorespiratory
adaptation during performing an activity and at rest
or recovery (Howley and Franks, 1986).
The capacity of a person's lungs is different, age
is one factor of decreased lung capacity in the
elderly, “Elderly will experience a decline. Elderly
experience decreased aerobic capacity at an average
of 1% per year after reaching 30 years old. The
decrease occurs due to several factors, namely
decreased cardiac output and changing breathing
function. However, if fitness can be maintained
according to their age, this decline is only 0.4% per
year (Astrand and Ryhming, 1954). Previously, there
were no studies discussing the effect of Mighty
Gymnastic on the lung inspiratory capacity of an
individual, especially the elderly.
So, when viewed from the aspect of the
implementation techniques, the movement and
breathing techniques on the mighty gymnastics can
Nuryanti, W., Hena, H. and Angelia, A.
The Effects of Senam Perkasa Indonesia on the Elderly’s Lung Inspiratory Capacity.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 299-302
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
affect the capacity of lung inspiratory of people who
do gymnastics (Goswami and Gupta, 1998). So that
person will have a good fitness and will not easily
get tired in doing activities because he can inhale a
lot more oxygen. The test to find out the lung
capacity is by performing inspiratory capacity tests
using the Spiro-ball tool.
2.1 Participants
Participants in this study are elderly who joined in
the elderly group in Melong Asih Mandiri Rw 31,
South Cimahi, Melong village, South Cimahi sub
district, Cimahi city who followed Senam Sehat
Indonesia with a population of 84 people.
Characteristics of research participants are the
elderly group in the age range of at least 60 years
(elderly). The number of participants is as many as
36 people, consisting of 18 people in the
experimental group that is a group that was given the
treatment of Senam Perkasa Indonesia and 18 people
in the control group that is not given the treatment of
Senam Perkasa Indonesia but still doing the Senam
Sehat Indonesia as in everyday life. The selection of
participants is done by purposive sampling that is
the sampling technique with the consideration that
has been determined.
2.2 Procedures
This quasi experimental study used pre-test post-test
non-equivalent control group design (Campbell and
Stanley, 2015), where all the research sample at first
did Senam Sehat Indonesia in the elderly group of
Melong Asih Mandiri Rw 31, which was then
divided into two groups, one group who was given
treatment in the form of Senam Perkasa Indonesia
and the other group that was not given that treatment
but still do Senam Sehat Indonesia as their usual
daily activity and this group served as a control
group or comparison.
2.3 Instruments
To obtain data from this research, the instrument that
was used is the lung inspiratory capacity test that is
by using Spiro-ball tool.
Based on the results of the calculations, the
following results are obtained:
3.1 Statistic parametric paired sample
T-Test Analysis
Table 1: The average equality table in each sample group.
Pair 1
pre-test on
0.049 < 0.05
Ho rejected
There is
Pair 2
pre-test on
0.084 > 0.05
Ho accepted
From the table above, it can be seen that the
results of the comparison to -1 on the experimental
group (SPI) = -2.119, p = 0.049 <0.05 then Ho is
rejected. This shows that there is an average
difference in spirometer test results before doing
Senam Perkasa Indonesia and after doing it.
However, it can be seen that the test results before
and after the practice of Senam Perkasa Indonesia,
were increased slightly. This means that the result of
doing Senam Perkasa Indonesia for 16 times meeting
is only to maintain the elderly fitness, one of which
is to maintain the respiratory function so that it will
not less functioning. While in the control group
(SSI) = 1.833, p = 0.084> 0.05 then Ho accepted, it
means that there is no difference in the average
results of spirometer tests before and after doing
Senam Sehat Indonesia.
3.2 Parametric Independent Sample T-
Test Analysis
Table 2: Table of average comparison of the two sample
Sig. (2-tailed)
(Equal variances
not assumed)
0.002 < 0.05
Ho rejected
There is
The value of t with equal variance not assumed =
3.376, with significance value (p) = 0.002 <0.05,
then Ho is rejected. So there is a difference in the
amount of lung inspiratory capacity among elderly
people between the experimental group and the
control group. In other words, the exercise of Senam
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Perkasa Indonesia gives a significant effect on lung
inspiratory capacity of the elderly people.
When comparing the difference between the
results of the posttest-pretest in both groups, it can
be seen that the result was “there was a difference”,
it means that the treatment in the form of practicing
Senam Perkasa Indonesia in the experimental group
had an effect on the inspiratory capacity of the
elderly’s lungs. The difference in the intensity of
each gymnastics practice can be one of the factors
that affect the results of lung inspiratory capacity of
the elderly, when the experimental group was doing
the exercise of Senam Perkasa Indonesia, they were
asked to control their respiration by holding their
breath several times in a predetermined time which
meant, controlling the number of incoming O2, it is
a way to increase the intensity of the exercise. In
contrast to the control group who did Senam Sehat
Indonesia which used more movements of reflection
or massages, although this gymnastics also contains
elements of breathing arrangements but no holding
breath like Senam Perkasa Indonesia, so it can be
said that the intensity is low.
The result shows that the exercise of Senam
Perkasa Indonesia has effects on the lung inspiratory
capacity of the elderly. As discussed earlier, all the
Senam Perkasa Indonesia movements always begin
with taking a deep breath so that the gymnasts can
survive without breathing in a few counts. This
makes the elderly are trained little by little to always
try to inhale O2 optimally. Senam Perkasa Indonesia
can be categorized into breathing exercise like that
of the inner power sports, in which the function of
the respiratory system that is used as the entrance
gate of O2 must be controlled, so that air circulation
(exchange of air) in lungs become obstructed. As
Giriwijoyo and Zafar (2012) puts it "... The stronger
the respiratory control is, the lower the O2 content
in the blood will be, the greater the gap between the
demand and the supply is, the heavier the Or-TD
becomes." So this exercise is meant to train the body
cells to keep functioning normally in the O2
deficiency which in turn would be normal in the
adequacy of O2.
Based on the facts in the field, seeing from the
posttest-pretest results, after doing Gymnastics, not
all the elderly had increased lung inspiratory
capacity, the were some elderly people who suffered
the decline in the amount of lung capacity, it was
because they were undisciplined when doing the
exercise, either in terms of quality of movement or
in terms of attendance.
As for another thing that researchers found out,
apart from the problems that have been formulated,
is as follows: The enthusiasm of the elderly toward
something new. Some elderly people can feel
positive effects on their health. There was an elderly
man who often suffered from a blood vessel
problem. The blood circulation in the sole of his feet
was not flowing well, causing a tingling sensation
that inhibited his activities, but after he followed the
practice of Senam Perkasa Indonesia, the tingling
sensation that he often felt began to decrease. Then,
there was another elderly man who felt dizzy when
the head position was aligned with the body when
lying, after he followed Senam Perkasa Indonesia,
especially the 10th movement, which is lying
helplessly movement, until in the end little by little
he was able to sleep without a pillow and does not
feel dizzy anymore. And the last, there was an
elderly who had a knee complaint. When he made a
bow movement to prostration, sometimes he felt
pain or a little difficulty when getting up again, but
after following the exercises of Senam Perkasa
Indonesia in which there are many movements that
use knee pedestal, little by little his complaints of his
knees are reduced.
It is benefited for the elderly to exercise to maintain
their fitness. One of the way is by doing Senam
Perkasa Indonesia in which there are many
movements that control the respiratory system and
also very useful for the health of the elderly. Based
on the results of this research, it can be concluded
that doing Senam Perkasa Indonesia can maintain
lung capacity of the elderly. In addition, these
gymnastics is also very useful in addressing to some
health complaints of the elderly. It is recommended
that the elderly do every movement of the
gymnastics optimally, one of which is in terms of
correct body positioning so that they can get many
positive benefits especially for the health of the
elderly itself. For the gymnastics instructors, they
are expected to create a more creative gymnastics
training program so that the elderly participants will
not feel bored and they can be more motivated in
doing sports so that the productivity of elderly life
will increase.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education