Physical Self-Concept through Fitness Education Program on
University Student
Kuston Sultoni
, Adang Suherman
and Jajat Jajat
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Galuh Ciamis, Jl. R.E. Marthadinata No. 150, Ciamis, Indonesia
Keywords: Physical Education, Fitness Education, Self-Concept, Physical Activity, Active Lifestyle.
Abstract: Awareness of individual body condition and lifestyle continues to decline with age, especially during the
transition from school to college. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an assessment of efforts to improve
physical self-concept and active lifestyle in the students through comprehensive learning method of physical
education course. The purpose of this research is to apply the program of Physical fitness education to the
students. The method used in this research is experimental method with randomized post-test only control
group design. The research instrument for measuring self-concept is The Physical Self-Description
Questionnaire (PSDQ). The results showed that there was no effect of fitness education program on student
self-concept. However, when tested for interaction (with gender and extracurricular involvement type as a
moderator variable) the given program has an effect on the Physical self-concept.
Decreasing in doing physical activity mainly occurs
at the age of students who in fact no learning
physical education (penjas), except on the sports
program. This is in line with the research of Young
et al. (2015) studying the physical activity of college
level students, the majority of respondents did not
participate in regular physical activity. This
condition would be very worrying, considering that
at that age should be a productive age with a variety
of activities and demands quite a lot of tasks.
Research Shaw et al. (2010) states that Indonesia
has entered the top 10 world rankings related to the
prevalence of diabetes, and is predicted to be the
world's 5th rank by 2030. This condition occurs in
the age range between 20 - 29 years. In 2010 the
prevalence of diabetes in the State of Indonesia
reached 7 million people, and predicted in 2030 will
increase to 12 million people affected by diabetes.
This condition is certainly very worrying, given that
the age range should be a productive age. Therefore,
it is necessary to handle the low awareness to do
physical activity through keeping active lifestyle
(Jajat et al., 2017; Sultoni et al., 2017).
Recognizing the importance of efforts to increase
physical activity and fitness among students, some
universities in Indonesia apply the curriculum in the
presence of public education (MKU) courses of
physical education (penjas). But of course to achieve
fitness, the implementation of the course is not
enough. This is because the implementation of only
once a week is unlikely to improve fitness. There
needs to be another more relevant pattern of raising
awareness of the importance of regular physical
One effort to awaken it is through awareness of
the view of the physical quality possessed by every
individual who is in terminology known as physical
self-concept. When the individual sees the need to
improve his physical qualities, then the individual
will seek to do so (Hagger et al., 2005). Self-concept
can also predict motivational tendencies as people
see behaviour in the field of competence to maintain
or enhance self-perception. There has been an
increasing interest in the importance of self-concept
physically at a young age, especially as a
recommendation guide to the participation of
physical activity at a young age.
Physical self-concept has a key role in
developing a level of physical fitness that allows or
cannot allow the realization of certain types of
activities within a certain timeframe and which can
increase the positive influence that will occur on
one's health (Amesberger, 2011).
Sultoni, K., Suherman, A. and Jajat, J.
Physical Self-Concept through Fitness Education Program on University Student.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 311-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
Individuals who have positive physical self-
concept will be more physically active, and those
involved in physical activity will have a high
physical self-concept (Arazi and Hosseini, 2013).
Thus, the involvement in physical activity and
physical self-concept are closely related to each
Based on these problems, it is necessary to
review the effort of improving physical self-concept
on the students through comprehensive learning
method of pseudo subject. In this case the author
tries to apply learning method of Physical fitness
education to raise student awareness about body
concept. This method is designed one of them with
the aim to raise awareness about the understanding
of the physical conditions that exist in each
individual. It is expected that with the designed
method it can stimulate students to apply active life
2.1 Procedure
The study is planned for eight months, starting from
March to October 2017 at the University of
Education Indonesia (UPI). Treatment program is
made during 16 meetings in accordance with the
number of General Course meetings. Physical
Education conducted in UPI. The first 8 meetings
presented the theory of fitness through group
assignments and were presented in the classroom,
the second 8 meeting of the theories obtained
applied through practice in accordance with the
theory they got before with the supervision of the
Randomized post-test only control group design
was chosen as a suitable research design to solve the
problem in this study, as it will try a new learning
method (Fraenkel et al., 2011). Each sample group
in this design was taken randomly. One group was
given experiment or treatment, and the other group
as control. The experimental group was given
treatment with a fitness education program that was
integrated into the learning of physical education
(penjas). The control group used is the students who
follow the learning physical education (penjas) with
the usual methods implemented by the lecturers in
2.2 Instrumentation
Instrument adapted through three stages, namely the
first stage of translation (translate) from English to
Indonesian. The second stage The translate result is
then converted back into English to ensure that its
meaning is unchanged. The next instrument is
validated both in content validity (by linguists and
instrument experts) and construct validity through
testing of respondents.
2.3 Data Analysis
Analysis of the data obtained was done using
descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The
processing is by using the software Statistical
Product for Social Science (SPSS) Series. 22.
Descriptive statistical analysis to obtain a
description of the research data, while the use of
inferential statistics aims to answer the formulation
of research hypotheses.
In the data description stage, the authors perform
the descriptive statistical processing which will be
described on the description of data such as mean,
standard deviation, variance, minimum score and
maximum score. Data is presented in two forms,
namely tables and diagrams to further clarify the
description of the data.
Hypothesis testing is done by two-track Anova
test (Manova) which aims to test the difference of
influence and interaction between independent
variable with moderator variable.
3.1 Descriptive Statistics
This study aims to assess whether the fitness
education learning program that the author designed
to impact the Physical Self Concept. The PSDQ
instrument was administered to the treatments and
control groups after the treatments were performed.
The results of data processing are listed in table 1.
The mean PSDQ score in the treatment group is
3.23, while the mean PSDQ score in the control
group was 3.12. It is seen that the mean PSDQ score
in the treatment group is greater than the mean score
of the PSDQ control group.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Table 1: Average PSDQ and IPAQ treatment groups and
control groups.
Treatment Group
Sports Club
Non-Sports Club
Control Group
Sports Club
Non-Sports Club
3.2 PSDQ Testing
Tabel 2: Result of Tests of Between-Subjects Effects.
Dependent Variable: PSDQ
Test result of between subject effect in table 2
shows that there is no difference of mean of PSDQ
in treatment group and control group. This shows
that the physical fitness education program has no
significant effect on the research subject p> 0.05.
When comparing the two groups by adding
moderator variables such as gender and
extracurricular there is interaction between program
and gender, p <0.05 and program and
extracurricular, p <0.05.
The results explain that in addition to being
influenced by the program, the student's physical
self-concept is also influenced by other variables of
gender and participation in extracurricular activities.
Therefore, in making Fitness education program,
then other variables that are expected to affect the
physical self-concept should also be considered.
Based on the results of statistical analysis
obtained can be seen that the program given to the
two groups did not affect the physical self-concept
of students. However, this program is successfully
increased physical self-concept in female students,
and who followed extracurricular sports. This is in
accordance with previous studies of women's self-
concept will be more easily increased than men.
3.3 Discussion
The results showed that there was no effect of the
fitness education program on the physical self-
concept of the students. Both the experimental group
and the control group had the same average score.
When viewed from the interaction that gender
contributes to the physical self-concept. This means
that the Health education program will have more
positive effect on female students, while the male
students have no significant effect. In male students,
between treatment groups and control groups had the
same average physical self-concept score.
In contrast to previous studies which suggested
that a physical activity promotion intervention
program did not have a significant effect on the
overall self-concept of adolescent girls (Schneider et
al., 2008). This is possible because of several factors
that influence such as differences in culture,
program methods provided, and other factors. In
male students, the ineffectiveness of the program is
possible because their physical abilities have been
good enough to influence their positive beliefs and
views on their physical abilities (Amesberger, 2011).
Other studies have suggested that age and gender are
also key moderators associated with physical
activity and physical self-concept (Babic, 2014).
In addition to gender variables, the variable
involvement in extracurricular also occurs. Students
involved in extracurricular activities have better
physical self-concept than those not involved. This
means that the fitness education program will give a
significant influence on physical self-concept in
students who follow extracurricular activities, while
the students who are not involved on extracurricular;
this program does not give effect. This is in line with
previous studies suggesting that adolescents engaged
in sport and non-sport sport have better self-concept
than those who are involved in only one activity
(Blomfield and Barber, 2009). Other studies have
suggested that individuals who participate in sports
activities have a higher physical self-concept than
those not involved in sports activities (Dolenc,
This study examines the effect of fitness education
program on student self-concept. The results showed
that there was no effect of fitness education program
on student self-concept.
There is an interaction between the program and
the gender to students' physical self-concept. This
Mean Square
Group* Extracurriculer
Physical Self-Concept through Fitness Education Program on University Student
means that, besides being influenced by the
program, the student's physical self-concept is also
influenced by other variables of gender.
There is an interaction between the program and
the student's physical self-concept. This means that,
in addition to being influenced by the program, the
student's physical self-concept is also influenced by
other variables of participation and extracurricular
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education