A physical education teacher must have a
strategy as to what should be applied so that learning
activities are right on target. In addition to strategy
they must also think about what learning models
should be applied when learning is to be carried out
according to Burden and Byrd (2003) in Subroto et
al., (2011) that states: 'Learning model is a
conceptual framework which describes a systematic
procedure in organizing learning experiences to
achieve learning goals'. One of them is cooperative
learning model Teams Game Tournament (TGT).
The TGT type has much in common with the STAD
Type. According to Subroto (2011) revealed that
"TGT Type is a learning model that emphasizes the
learning process in groups and cooperates with each
other", meaning friends in the group will help each
other and prepare to play in the game by studying
the sheet activities and explaining problems with
each other, but when students are playing in the
game their friends should not help, but ensuring
individual responsibility has occurred.
To improve the playing skills of students in
which there are affective, cognitive, and
psychomotor domains, researchers will "Apply
Teams Games Tournament (TGT) of Cooperative
Learning Model In an effort to improve students'
playing skills in Futsal game learning activities" and
strive to achieve the general goals of Physical
education which is loaded with teaching tasks
assigned to students, stimulating students to working
together in learning and being accountable to one's
friends, able to make themselves learn as well as to
contribute ideas for the success of the group itself, to
do activities together means to divide the activities
in small tasks among a group of people. Forms and
patterns of cooperation can be found in all groups of
Referring to the description of the background
and problems faced by students in SDN
Gegerkalong 1 KPAD, there is a problem in the
classroom that is less good playing skills, especially
in real game situation in learning Futsal game
activity in which there are affective, cognitive, and
psychomotor areas. So the authors are interested to
follow up by conducting research "Application of
Type Teams Game Tournament (TGT) Learning
Model in Efforts to Improve Student Play Skills in
Game Ball (Futsal) Learning Activity Class V
The method used in this research is Classroom
Action Research which is a practical research that is
intended to improve learning in the classroom. This
study is one of the efforts of teachers or practitioners
in the form of various activities undertaken to
improve and/or improve the quality of learning in
the classroom.
2.1 Research Subject
Research subjects in this classroom action research
is a class V student of SDN Gegerkalong I KPAD,
amounting to 31 students with 20 male students and
10 female students. The students in this school come
from different family backgrounds, their parents
come from different professions, and some are
traders, teachers, employees, government officials,
and others.
2.2 Instrument
Instruments or tools used to collect data in this study
is the Game Performance Assessment Instrument
(GPAI) which is used to measure or assess the
playing ability of students. The play skills in
question have 3 constructs, namely (1) Decision
taken, (2) Implementing skills, (3) Giving support.
The following is the results of the analysis of the
action through two cycles conducted in the
implementation of classroom action research in the
Application of Teams Learning Model Type
Tournament (TGT) To Improve Playing Skills in
Futsal Games.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education