Survey on Student Motivation and Participation in Futsal
Darmanto Mufti Wiyono and Asep Sumpena
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Motivation, Participation, Extracurricular, Futsal.
Abstract: Motivation and participation are dynamic motivating factors. There is a limited teachers' knowledge of
motivation and participation of students to participate in futsal extracurricular activities. This study aims to
determine how the motivation and participation of students in futsal extracurricular. The research method
used is descriptive survey method. It was done by using research instrument in the form of motivation
questionnaire and participation. Analytical technique used is to perform the percentage of data by
recapitulation of answer questionnaire results filled by respondents based on the choice of answers so that it
can be seen some of each number of choices in the data. The results showed that the score of male students
who participated in futsal extracurricular activities had an average score of participation motivation included
in good category, the score of female students who participated in futsal extracurricular activities had an
average value of motivation and participation values included in both categories, overall student scores who
participated in futsal extracurricular activities have the average score of motivation and participation score
included in good category, when viewed from result of percentage hence the value of motivation and
participation of female student is higher than male student because female is more flexible with thinking
compared male, so female can catch many unlimited thoughts or catching new lessons than the male. In
addition, the female is more attentive and focused, so the female more easily passes with good score than
Extracurricular activities can contribute to the
achievement of goals related to the fostering aspects
of physical, intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, moral
and even spiritual (Lutan, 1996).
A team consists of five players, four players on
the field and goalkeeper, with an unlimited number
of substitutions, so the intensity and rhythm of the
game is very high and does not decrease as the game
progresses (Alvarez et al., 2002). In general,
physical activity benefits psychosocial health,
functional ability and general quality of life (Powell
and Pratt, 1996) and has been shown to reduce the
risk of coronary heart disease (Batty and Lee, 2004)
and some types of cancer (Batty and Thune, 2000).
Here, physical activity refers to the body movements
produced by skeletal muscles that generate energy
usage (Sallis and Owen, 1999). There is much
widespread influence on the behavior of physical
activity including intra-personal, social,
environmental, and determinant factors varies along
the way (Sallis and Owen, 1999).
Psychologically, futsal can be used as a means to
channel and obtain the desires in the heart.
Physiologically such as improving health, fitness,
and improving the quality of components of physical
condition. While socially, futsal can be used as a
medium of socialization through interaction and
communication with other people or the
environment (Narti, 2008).
The goal of individuals doing sports is those
who exercise to achieve goals of a particular
achievement (Sajato. 1988).
Human needs are divided into five levels:
physiological needs, security needs, dependency and
love needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization
Motivation is the process that moves a person to
do something. Motivation is the process of
actualizing the source of propulsion and the trigger
of individual behavior that meets the need to achieve
certain goals (Setyobroto, 1989). The study resulted
in the indication of six main categories of motives
that fostered a person's interest in participating in
Wiyono, D. and Sumpena, A.
Survey on Student Motivation and Participation in Futsal Extracurricular.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 323-329
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sports programs, namely to develop skills and
abilities, to connect and make friends, to achieve
success and gain recognition, to exercise and to be
healthy and fresh, to channel energy and to
experience challenging and exciting experiences.
The dominant motivation to influence the society in
doing futsal is motivation to fulfill the need of
dependency and love with percentage 62%
(zulkarnaen, 2011).
Research shows that an increase in the level of
physical activity of youth produces short-term and
long-term health benefits, including weight control
and obesity management (Strong et al., 2005).
Unfortunately, studies that examine the physical
education curriculum to promote the participation of
extracurricular activities are lacking and warrant
further attention (Shen et al., 2007).
An alternative approach is needed that is
sensitive to contextual, social, economic and cultural
factors that influence participation in physical
activity (Holm et al., 2001). Qualitative methods
offer insight into individual experiences and
perceptions of the motives and impediments of
participation in sports and physical activity
(Thomas, et al., 2005) and are recognized as
increasingly important in developing evidence base
for public health (Dixon and Fitzpatrick, 2001)
which is known about the reasons why people do it
and not participate in physical activity and the
relationship between different levels of participation
and stages in their lives. A number of studies have
been conducted (Coakley and White, 1992;
Robertson, 2003; Arthur and Finch, 1999) found that
a significant shift in life has implications for
participation in physical activity.
The participation rate of students in following
extracurricular sports activities from categorized
planning factors is good, implementation factors are
categorized well, and the evaluation factor with
sufficient category (Putra, 2016). Therefore, the
exposure above the level of student participation is
more dominant in following sports extracurricular
activities is participation in the implementation
factor. Motivation is one factor that helps to
determine the level of participation of a person to an
activity. In this case the motivation gives strength to
a person to achieve the expected goal through an
2.1 Subject
Senior High School (SMA) students who are
members of extracurricular activities consisting of
50 students, (40 male students and 10 female
students). After receiving a detailed explanation of
the objectives, potential benefits, and risks
associated with participating in this study, each
student gave his/her written approval.
2.2 Protocol
In the implementation, the researcher performs the
steps taken for data collection is to prepare the test
instrument, carry out the testing and measurement
according to the test procedure by a number of tester
personnel, before the questionnaire is disseminated
to the actual sample member before the writer
conducts the questionnaire test. This questionnaire
test is intended to determine the level of readability
and understanding of respondents to the questions
that exist in the questionnaire, because each good
measuring tool has certain characteristics. The data
collected is the type of quantitative data. Schedule of
data retrieval is only one stage, namely the stage of
direct data collection to the sample by testing the
questionnaire in advance.
The method that the writer use in this research is
descriptive survey analysis method which is more
emphasized on the understanding and analysis of the
problem under study by describing the object studied
factually and accurately as it is in accordance with
what happened in the field, survey method used to
get from certain place which is natural (not
artificial), but the researchers do the treatment in
data collection, for example by distributing
questionnaires, tests, structured interviews and so on
where the treatment is not as in the experiment
(Fraenkel and Wellen, 1993). Instrument used by the
researcher is a questionnaire about motivation and
student participation in extracurricular activities
futsal (Rusdiana, 2011).
Questionnaires in this study consist of
components or variables, types, indicators and
questions. These question items are a description of
motivation and participation. The questionnaire used
in this study is a closed questionnaire.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Steps in data processing and data analysis are as
follows; Selection of data. After the questionnaire
collected from the samples as the source of data,
then selected to check the validity of the
questionnaire filling, Giving the value of each
questionnaire question, Performing the percentage of
data in this study is to recapitulate the answer
questionnaire that filled by respondents based on the
answer choice category so that it can be seen some
each number of options on the data.
The first thing that writers do is to make
tabulation of each item that followed by grouping
each item with variable of research that is
motivation variable and participation of futsal
extracurricular. After that, give a score for each
item. After all the data were collected from all
respondents, then the researchers should classify the
data according to the category. In this case the data
of motivation and participation are taken from the
male students who follow the futsal extracurricular
Researchers have grouped the data obtained,
then separated the data in each category. For futsal
extracurricular activities, the writer has taken the
data of male students who follow futsal
extracurricular activity.
From figure 1 shows that male students who
follow futsal extracurricular activities have an
average of 74.4% motivation score and have an
average participation rate of 71%, included in the
"Good" category.
Figure 1: Motivation Of Male Students Based On Sub
In the sub-variables of "Physiological"
motivation got percentage of 73.2% where the value
goes into the category of "Good". For the sub-
variable "Sense of Security" the value obtained is
78.5% where the value is entered into the "Good"
category. For the sub variable "Dependence and
Love" the value obtained is 70.9% where the value
is entered into the "Good" category. For sub variable
"Self-esteem" the value obtained is 69.6% where the
value is entered into the category of "Good". For the
sub variable "Self Actualization" the value obtained
is 80.1%. This is the highest sub-variable value
obtained by boys who follow extracurricular
activities of futsal and which enter into the "Good"
Figure 2: Motivation Of Male Students Based On
Figure 3: Participation Of Male Students Based on Sub
Variables and Indicators.
The value of motivation with the highest
indicator of students who follow futsal
extracurricular activities in figure 2 is a fun indicator
of 86.2%, if you look at the category table then the
motivation and participation are included in the
category of "Very Good". The value of participation
with the highest indicator of the male student in
figure 3 who followed the futsal extracurricular
activities is a responsible indicator of 80.5%, if you
Survey on Student Motivation and Participation in Futsal Extracurricular
see the category table then the motivation and
participation are included in the category of "Good".
Figure 4: Motivation of Female Students Based on Sub
In figure 4, female Students who followed futsal
extracurricular activities had an average motivation
score of 79.2% and had an average participation rate
of 80.7% included in the "Good" category.
In the sub-variables of "Physiological" motivation
gets 77% percentage where the value goes into
"Good" category. For the sub-variable "Sense of
Security" the value obtained is 81.6% where the
value goes into the category of "Very Good". For the
sub variable "Dependence and Love" the value
obtained is 78.3% where the value goes into the
"Good" category. For the sub variable "Self Esteem"
the value obtained is 78% where the value is entered
into the "Good" category. For the sub variable "Self
Actualization" the value obtained is 81.3% where
the value belongs to the category of "Very Good".
Figure 5: Motivation of Female Students Based on
Figure 6: Participation of Female Students Based on Sub
Variable and Indicator.
The value of motivation with the highest
indicator of female students who follow
extracurricular futsal activity in figure 5 is an
indicator of interdependence and achievement of
90%, included in the category of "Very Good". The
participation value with the highest indicator of
female students following the futsal extracurricular
activities in figure 6 is a direct and responsible
engagement indicator of 88% included in the "Very
Good" category.
Figure 7: Motivation of Male and Female Students Based
on Sub Variable.
Figure 8: Motivation of All Students Based on Sub
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
In figure 7, the total students who participated
in futsal extracurricular activity had an average of
75.4% motivation score. They have an average
participation rate of 73.1%, then the motivation and
participation are included in the "Good" category.
In figure 8, the sub-variables of "Physiological"
motivation they get 74% percentage where the value
goes into the category of "Good". For the sub-
variable "Sense of Security" the value obtained is
79.1% where the value is entered into the "Good"
category. For the sub variable "Dependence and
Love" the value obtained is 72.4% where the value
is entered into the category of "Good". For sub
variable "Self Esteem" the value obtained is 71.2%
and belong to "Good" category. For the sub variable
"Self Actualization" the value obtained is 80.3%.
This is the highest sub-variable value obtained by all
students who follow extracurricular activities of
futsal and which enter into the "Good" category.
Figure 9: Motivation of Male and Female Students Based
on Indicator.
Figure 10: Motivation of All Students Based on Indicator.
In figure 9 and figure 10, the sub-variables of
"Physiological" motivation of male students get the
percentage of 73.2% and female students get 77%
percentage, overall gets 74% percentage. In the sub-
variable "Sense of Secure" the male students get the
percentage of 78.5% and the female students get the
percentage of 81,6%, as a whole gets 79,1%
percentage. In the sub variable "Dependence and
Love" the male students get the percentage of 70.9%
and the female students get the percentage of 78.3%,
overall gets the percentage of 72.4%. In the sub
variable "Self-Esteem" male students got percentage
of 69.6% and female students got 78% percentage,
overall got percentage of 71.2%. In the variable
"Self-Actualization" the boys get 80.1% and the
female students get the percentage of 81.3%, overall
get the percentage of 80.3%.
Figure 11: Participation of Male and Female Students
Based on Sub Variable and Indicator.
Figure 12: Participation of All Students Based on Sub
Variable and Indicator.
In figure 11 and figure 12, the score of
motivation with the highest indicator of whole
students who followed the extracurricular activities
of futsal was a fun indicator of 86.8% of the "Very
Good" category. The indicator is responsible for
82% of the "Very Good" category.
In the sub-variables of participation
"Attendance" of male students got percentage of
68.2% and female students got a percentage of 73%
Survey on Student Motivation and Participation in Futsal Extracurricular
while in the graph 12 overall got a percentage of
69.2%. In the "Directly Involved" participation
variable the male students get 79% percentage and
the female students get 88% percentage while in
graph 12 overall get 80,8% percentage. In the sub-
variables of "On Purpose" participation the male
students get the percentage of 64.5% and the female
students get 82% percentage while in graph 12
overall get 68% percentage. In the sub variable of
participation "Giving Response" male students got
percentage of 67,7% and female students got 73%
percentage while in graph 12 overall got percentage
68,8%. In the sub-variables of participation "Giving
Information" male students get percentage of 74.2%
and female students get 87% percentage while in
graph 12 overall got percentage 76,8%. In the
"Responsible" student participation variables 80.5%
percentage and female students get 88% percentage
while in graph 12 overall gets 82% percentage. In
the sub-variables of participation "Feel the Benefits"
of male students gets percentage of 68% and female
students get 78% percentage while in graph 12
overall gets 70% percentage.
Based on the results of processing and analysis of
research data conducted, it can be concluded as
follows the score of male students who follow futsal
extracurricular activities has an average of 74.4%
motivation and has an average participation rate of
71%, if you see the category table then the
motivation and participation is included in the
category of "Good", the score of female students
who follow futsal extracurricular activities has an
average of 79.2% motivation and has an average
participation rate of 80.7%, if you see the category
table then the motivation and participation are
included in the category of "Good "Overall, the
score of students who participated in extracurricular
futsal activities had an average of 75.4% motivation
score and had an average participation rate of
73.1%. If you look at the category table then the
motivation and participation are included in the
"Good "category, when viewed of the percentage of
the value of motivation and participation of female
students is higher than male students.
Based on the results of research, it has proven
that the motivation and participation of students who
follow futsal extracurricular activities has a
percentage in the category of "Good". It would be
nice for further research to conduct research in a
wider scope or with a different extracurricular, so
that further research can support the research that
has been done.
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Survey on Student Motivation and Participation in Futsal Extracurricular